path: root/src/interp/br-con.boot
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/br-con.boot')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/br-con.boot b/src/interp/br-con.boot
index fbfbc6bf..ce241655 100644
--- a/src/interp/br-con.boot
+++ b/src/interp/br-con.boot
@@ -93,65 +93,6 @@ conPageConEntry entry ==
-- Constructor Page
--- in br-saturn.boot now
---% kPage(line,:options) == --any cat, dom, package, default package
---% --constructors Cname\#\E\sig \args \abb \comments (C is C, D, P, X)
---% ------------------> BRANCH OUT FOR SATURN
---% true => kPageSaturn(line,options)
---% parts := dbXParts(line,7,1)
---% [kind,name,nargs,xflag,sig,args,abbrev,comments] := parts
---% form := IFCAR options
---% isFile := null kind
---% kind := kind or '"package"
---% parts.first := kind
---% conform := mkConform(kind,name,args)
---% conname := opOf conform
---% capitalKind := capitalize kind
---% signature := ncParseFromString sig
---% sourceFileName := dbSourceFile makeSymbol name
---% constrings :=
---% KDR form => dbConformGenUnder form
---% [strconc(name,args)]
---% emString := ['"{\sf ",:constrings,'"}"]
---% heading := [capitalKind,'" ",:emString]
---% if not isExposedConstructor conname then heading := ['"Unexposed ",:heading]
---% if name=abbrev then abbrev := asyAbbreviation(conname,nargs)
---% page := htInitPage(heading,nil)
---% htpSetProperty(page,'isFile,true)
---% htpSetProperty(page,'parts,parts)
---% htpSetProperty(page,'heading,heading)
---% htpSetProperty(page,'kind,kind)
---% if asharpConstructorName? conname then
---% htpSetProperty(page,'isAsharpConstructor,true)
---% htpSetProperty(page,'conform,conform)
---% htpSetProperty(page,'signature,signature)
---% kdPageInfo(name,abbrev,nargs,conform,signature,isFile)
---% htSayStandard '"\newline"
---% htBeginMenu(3)
---% htSayStandard '"\item "
---% htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Description}",
---% [['text,'"\tab{19}",'"General description"]],'kiPage,nil]]]
---% satBreak()
---% htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Operations}",
---% [['text,'"\tab{19}All exported operations"]],'koPage,'"operation"]]]
---% if not asharpConstructorName? conname then
---% satBreak()
---% htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Attributes}",
---% [['text,'"\tab{19}All exported attributes"]],'koPage,'"attribute"]]]
---% if kind ~= 'category and (pathname := dbHasExamplePage conname) then
---% satBreak()
---% htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Examples}",
---% [['text,'"\tab{19}Examples illustrating use"]],'kxPage,pathname]]]
---% satBreak()
---% htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Exports}",
---% [['text,'"\tab{19}Explicit categories and operations"]],'kePage,nil]]]
---% satBreak()
---% htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Cross Reference}",
---% [['text,'"\tab{19}Hierarchy and usage information"]],'kcPage,nil]]]
---% htEndMenu(3)
---% if kind ~= 'category and nargs > 0 then addParameterTemplates conform
---% htShowPage()
conform2String u ==
x := form2String u
atom x => STRINGIMAGE x
@@ -450,27 +391,24 @@ kcPage(htPage,junk) ==
htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Descendants}",[['text,'"\tab{12}",
'"All categories which extend this category"]],'kcdPage,nil]]]
- if not asharpConstructorName? conname then
- satBreak()
- message := '"Constructors mentioning this as an argument type"
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Dependents}",
- [['text,'"\tab{12}",message]],'kcdePage,nil]]]
- if not asharpConstructorName? conname and kind ~= '"category" then
- satBreak()
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Lineage}",
- '"\tab{12}Constructor hierarchy used for operation lookup",'ksPage,nil]]]
- if not asharpConstructorName? conname then
- if kind = '"category" then
- satBreak()
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Domains}",[['text,'"\tab{12}",
- '"All domains which are of this category"]],'kcdoPage,nil]]]
- if kind ~= '"category" then
- satBreak()
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Clients}",'"\tab{12}Constructors",'kcuPage,nil]]]
- if tableValue($defaultPackageNamesHT,conname)
- then htSay('" which {\em may use} this default package")
+ satBreak()
+ message := '"Constructors mentioning this as an argument type"
+ htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Dependents}",
+ [['text,'"\tab{12}",message]],'kcdePage,nil]]]
+ satBreak()
+ htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Lineage}",
+ '"\tab{12}Constructor hierarchy used for operation lookup",'ksPage,nil]]]
+ if kind = '"category" then
+ satBreak()
+ htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Domains}",[['text,'"\tab{12}",
+ '"All domains which are of this category"]],'kcdoPage,nil]]]
+ if kind ~= '"category" then
+ satBreak()
+ htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Clients}",'"\tab{12}Constructors",'kcuPage,nil]]]
+ if tableValue($defaultPackageNamesHT,conname)
+ then htSay('" which {\em may use} this default package")
-- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"files",'"",'kcuPage,true]]]
- else htSay('" which {\em use} this ",kind)
+ else htSay('" which {\em use} this ",kind)
if kind ~= '"category" or dbpHasDefaultCategory? xpart then
message :=
@@ -479,11 +417,10 @@ kcPage(htPage,junk) ==
htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Benefactors}",
--to remove "Capsule Information", comment out the next 5 lines
- if not asharpConstructorName? conname and hasNewInfoAlist conname then
- satBreak()
- message := ['"Cross reference for capsule implementation"]
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{CapsuleInfo}",
- [['text,'"\tab{12}",:message]],'kciPage,nil]]]
+ satBreak()
+ message := ['"Cross reference for capsule implementation"]
+ htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{CapsuleInfo}",
+ [['text,'"\tab{12}",:message]],'kciPage,nil]]]
@@ -1144,17 +1081,13 @@ bcUnixTable(u) ==
if firstTime then firstTime := false
else htSaySaturn '"&"
htSay '"{"
- ft :=
- isAsharpFileName? x => '("AS")
- '("SPAD")
+ ft := '("SPAD")
htMakePage [['text, '"\unixcommand{",PATHNAME_-NAME x, '"}{",
textEditor(), '" ", filename, '"} "]]
htSay '"}"
-isAsharpFileName? con == false
-- Special Code for Union, Mapping, and Record