path: root/src/input/fixed.input.pamphlet
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/input/fixed.input.pamphlet')
1 files changed, 1497 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/input/fixed.input.pamphlet b/src/input/fixed.input.pamphlet
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67279b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/input/fixed.input.pamphlet
@@ -0,0 +1,1497 @@
+\title{\$SPAD/src/input fixed.input}
+\author{The Axiom Team}
+--Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1996.
+-- daly/10/06/92
+)clear all
+-- something is wrong with the integration of serices, when the
+-- coeffiennts are not constants. while the series is mathematically
+-- correct, this is not what one expects as the taylor series, which
+-- does not exist.
+-- here integrate is treating log(x) as a constant, which is incorrect.
+-- bmt/10/19/92 integrate problem -- serious, wrong answer
+)clear all
+--correct answer is 2*sin(t)/sqrt(1+cos(t))
+-- bmt/10/20/92 multiple complex in type tower
+)clear all
+n:Complex ?
+-- an invalid type. can't have 2 complex constructors in a tower
+-- grabm/09/28/92 coercion bug
+-- comment: this coercion must carefully check whether there is a symbol
+-- among the kernels which is equal to an indeterminate of the
+-- polynomial ring, and not simply considering every expression
+-- as a constant
+)clear all
+f:=(a-b-c-d)**2::EXPR INT
+f::DMP(['a,'b],EXPR INT)
+degree %
+-- bmt/10/26/92 wrong answer
+-- comment:I believe this problem simplifies to
+-- lfintegrate(sqrt(u**3+u**2),u) which returns the
+-- wrong answer due to some confusion in prootintegrate in INTPAF.
+-- I think the confusion happens with the use of radPoly and rootPoly.
+-- The answer is computed with respect to the result returned by rootPoly
+-- but the kernel which is substituted for "y" corresponds to radPoly.
+)clear all
+-- should be 2*sin(t)/sqrt(1+cos(t))
+-- bmt/09/28/92 bug in ITRIGMNP
+-- gives:
+-- Cannot convert kernel to gaussian function
+)clear all
+-- themos/11/06/92 integration bug
+--I suggest changing line 11 of limitedLogs in INTTR from:
+-- rows := max(degree den, 1 + "max"/[degree(u.contrib) for u in l1])
+-- rows := max(degree den,
+-- 1 + reduce(max,[degree(u.contrib) for u in l1],0)$List(N))
+--Does you agree, thus max/ empty list would return 0.
+)clear all
+-- 2
+-- c x - b x + a
+-- log(--------------)
+-- 2
+-- c x + a
+-- (1) -------------------
+-- x
+-- 2
+-- %J c - %J b + a
+-- log(---------------)
+-- x 2
+-- ++ %J c + a
+-- (2) | -------------------- d%J
+-- ++ %J
+expand f
+-- 2 2
+-- - log(c x + a) + log(c x - b x + a)
+-- (3) -------------------------------------
+-- x
+-- >> Error detected within library code:
+-- No identity element for reduce of empty list using operation
+-- max
+-- bmt/11/17/92 interpreter resolve problem
+-- says cannot find an appropriate *
+)clear all
+-- tpd/09/22/92 this generates extra brackets
+)clear all
+foo n == matrix[[i for i in 1..n] for j in 1..n]
+--- tpd/09/24/92 matrix multiplication appears broken in the product.
+-- fails with
+-- >> System error:
+-- The function |deleteAssoc| is undefined.
+-- You are being returned to the top level of the interpreter.
+-- comment: (barry)
+-- This bug is due to the new autoloading scheme for the compiler, the
+-- function deleteAssoc needs to be moved into the in core system.
+-- As a work around,
+-- if you compile a non existent file, the apropriate files will be loaded,
+-- e.g.:
+-- )co foo
+-- comment: this works in version 2
+msq := Matrix SquareMatrix(2,POLY INT)
+m : msq := zero(2,2)
+m(1,1) := matrix([[1,2],[a,b]])
+m(1,2) := matrix([[a,b],[2,b]])
+m(2,2) := matrix([[1,2],[2,b]])
+-- tpd/09/25/92 new equation.spad from johannes grabmeier
+--Furthermore, we have function to put 0 or 1 on one side
+--and factor the left hand side, after the right hand side
+--is 0 and we have an IntegralDomain.
+eq1 := (-6*x**3+13*x**2+4)=(-x**4+12*x)
+-- 3 2 4
+-- (1) - 6x + 13x + 4= - x + 12x
+-- Type: Equation Polynomial Integer
+-- Time: 1.61 (IN) + 1.47 (OT) = 3.08 sec
+eq2 := x**4+13*x**2-12*x = 6*x**3-4
+-- 4 2 3
+-- (2) x + 13x - 12x= 6x - 4
+-- Type: Equation Polynomial Integer
+-- Time: 0.16 (IN) + 0.11 (OT) = 0.27 sec
+eq := eq1*y**2+eq2
+-- 3 2 2 4 2 4 2 3
+-- (3) (- 6x + 13x + 4)y + x + 13x - 12x= (- x + 12x)y + 6x - 4
+-- Type: Equation Polynomial Integer
+-- Time: 0.26 (IN) + 0.01 (EV) + 0.01 (OT) + 1.54 (GC) = 1.82 sec
+swap %
+-- 4 2 3 3 2 2 4 2
+-- (4) (- x + 12x)y + 6x - 4= (- 6x + 13x + 4)y + x + 13x - 12x
+-- Type: Equation Polynomial Integer
+-- Time: 0.07 (OT) = 0.07 sec
+% + 4
+-- 4 2 3 3 2 2 4 2
+-- (5) (- x + 12x)y + 6x = (- 6x + 13x + 4)y + x + 13x - 12x + 4
+-- Type: Equation Polynomial Integer
+-- Time: 0.69 (IN) + 0.01 (OT) = 0.70 sec
+-- 4 2 3 2 2 4 3 2
+-- (6) (- x + 12x)y = (- 6x + 13x + 4)y + x - 6x + 13x - 12x + 4
+-- Type: Equation Polynomial Integer
+-- Time: 0.19 (IN) + 0.01 (OT) = 0.20 sec
+leftZero %
+-- 4 3 2 2 4 3 2
+-- (7) 0= (x - 6x + 13x - 12x + 4)y + x - 6x + 13x - 12x + 4
+-- Type: Equation Polynomial Integer
+-- Time: 0.01 (IN) + 0.05 (OT) = 0.06 sec
+swap %
+-- 4 3 2 2 4 3 2
+-- (8) (x - 6x + 13x - 12x + 4)y + x - 6x + 13x - 12x + 4= 0
+-- Type: Equation Polynomial Integer
+-- Time: 0.01 (IN) = 0.01 sec
+factor lhs %
+-- 2 2 2
+-- (9) (x - 2) (x - 1) (y + 1)
+-- Type: Factored Polynomial Integer
+-- Time: 0.50 (IN) + 0.09 (EV) + 0.30 (OT) = 0.89 sec
+factorAndSplit eq
+-- 2
+-- (10) [x - 2= 0,x - 1= 0,y + 1= 0]
+-- Type: List Equation Polynomial Integer
+-- Time: 0.09 (EV) + 0.21 (OT) = 0.30 sec
+inv (eq :: EQ FRAC POLY INT)
+-- 1 1
+-- (11) - ------------------------------------= - ----------------------
+-- 3 2 2 4 2 4 2 3
+-- (6x - 13x - 4)y - x - 13x + 12x (x - 12x)y - 6x + 4
+-- Type: Equation Fraction Polynomial Integer
+-- Time: 0.03 (IN) = 0.03 sec
+- %
+-- 1 1
+-- (12) ------------------------------------= ----------------------
+-- 3 2 2 4 2 4 2 3
+-- (6x - 13x - 4)y - x - 13x + 12x (x - 12x)y - 6x + 4
+-- Type: Equation Fraction Polynomial Integer
+-- Time: 0.01 (IN) + 0.01 (OT) = 0.02 sec
+-- bmt/09/29/92 coercion bug
+-- fails with:
+-- failed cannot be coerced to mode
+-- (Record (: coef1 (Integer)) (: coef2 (Integer)))
+-- fixed on 09/29/92
+)clear all
+myNextPrime: (INT,NNI) -> INT
+-- runs forever due to algebra bug in handling leading coefficients
+-- dewar/10/02/92
+-- actually, this was never wrong
+numeric(%e ** %pi)
+ (61)
+-- 23.1406926327 7926900563 5493084578 4861294789 0532254433 2912200665
+-- 6744971913 2534837468 7163222983 2730035
+-- themos/10/07/92
+)clear all
+y:=operator 'y
+solve(deqt,y,t=0,[1]) -- bug
+solve(deqz,y,z=0,[1]) --bug
+-- themos/10/07/92 equation
+)clear all
+y:=operator 'y
+deq:=D(y(x),x)+x**2=(y x)/x-(y x)**2
+-- bmt/10/08/92 laplace
+)clear all
+-- bmt/09/30/92 nonlinear ODE
+-- Any hope of solving the following which appeared in Barry
+-- Simon's computer algebra test suite:
+-- (Apparently it has Bernoulli form)
+y:=operator 'y
+x**2 * D(y x, x) + 2*x*(y x) - (y x)**3 = 0
+-- sit/10/08/92 factor bug
+p:POLY FRAC INT := 3*(x+1)
+-- is wrong (missing factor of 3).
+-- henderson/10/08/92
+)clear all
+--TextFile cliams that the operator readLineIfCan! returns "failed" when
+--the end of the file is reached. In fact, I get a system error, which is
+--not very useful:
+--(16) ->readLineIfCan!(fp)
+-- >> System error:
+-- Unexpected end of #<input stream "/home/mcd/work/work">.
+-- You are being returned to the top level of the interpreter.
+)lis (system "rm /tmp/foo")
+-- bmt/10/08/92 factoring over SAEs
+)clear all
+a | a**2+1
+factor %
+-- miller/10/09/92 local vars in types
+)clear all
+--Fixed (Victor's) bug with using local variables in type expressions
+--assigned to local variables. It now gives a message and correctly uses
+--interpret-only mode.
+--The function changed was getAndEvalConstructorArgument from i-spec1.boot.
+-- themos/10/19/92
+)clear all
+-- Do this in a virgin system
+)set expose add constructor SquareMatrix
+S2:= SquareMatrix(2,FRAC POLY INT);
+V2: S2 := matrix([[v,-v],[-v,v]]);
+I2: S2 := 1;
+l: List(S2) := append(cons(V2+h*I2,_
+ [(V2+2*h*I2) for i in 2 .. (m-1)]),_
+ [V2+h*I2])
+A: SquareMatrix(m, S2) := diagonalMatrix(l)
+-- did you get an error of deleteAssoc not defined ??
+-- load definition of deleteAssoc
+)li (load "/spad/obj/rios/interp/c-util")
+A: SquareMatrix(m, S2) := diagonalMatrix(l)
+--now , can print.
+-- bmt/10/19/92 squareFree bug
+-- has an extra factor of 2.
+-- bmt/10/19/92 division by zero error
+-- bmt/10/19/92 limit problem
+)clear all
+-- the left and right hand limits don't agree
+-- the left and right hand limits don't agree
+-- grabmeier/10/19/92 unable to compute the determinant of an 8x8
+)clear all
+d : (INT, Boolean) -> POLY INT
+d(i,ss) ==
+ ex := i rem 4
+ if ex < 0 then ex := ex+4
+ ss =>
+ ex = 0 => 's
+ ex = 1 => 'sd
+ ex = 2 => 'sdd
+ 'sddd
+ ex = 0 => 1
+ ex = 1 => 'd
+ ex = 2 => 'dd
+ 'ddd
+-- 1,d,dd,ddd,s,sd,sdd,sddd
+mTV4 : D := new(8,8,0)
+for i in 1..8 repeat
+ for j in 1..8 repeat
+ mTV4(i,j) :=
+ i <= 4 =>
+ j <= 4 => d(i+j-2, false)
+ d(-i+j,true)
+ j <= 4 => d(i+j-2,true)
+ d(-i+j,false)
+gdd4 := determinant mTV4
+-- sutor/09/28/92 operator bug?
+)clear all
+L n ==
+ n = 0 => 1
+ n = 1 => x
+ (2*n-1)/n * x * L(n-1) - (n-1)/n * L(n-2)
+dx:=operator("D")::OP(POLY FRAC INT)
+evaluate(dx,p+-> differentiate(p,'x))
+E n == (1-x**2)*dx**2-2*x*dx+n*(n+1)
+L 15
+-- used to fail on this line
+E 15
+-- bmt/10/12/92 EFSTRUC recursion problem
+)clear all
+-- gives a value stack overflow
+integrate(bug,x) -- seems to go into infinite recursion in rischNormalize
+-- james/10/28/92 coerce bug
+)clear all
+-- improper character in Roman numeral: G
+-- grabm/10/28/92 runs forever
+)clear all
+-- this is quick
+factor 1068303355883998767544567663620885466990173600
+-- but this runs forever
+sqrt 1068303355883998767544567663620885466990173600
+-- themos/11/05/92 fortran output bug
+)clear all
+-- REAL T7,T6,T5,T4,T3,T2,T1
+-- T1=x*x
+-- T2=2.*y**5
+-- T3=4.*T1
+-- T4=y**3
+-- T5=2.*T7
+-- T6=x**3
+-- T7=x**4
+-- R46=((T2+(T3+8.*x+8.)*T4+(T5+8.*T6+(-40.*T1))*y)*SIN(x)+(-T2+(-T3+
+-- &16.*x)*T4+(-T5+16.*T6)*y)*COS(x))/(y**8+4.*T1*y**6+6.*T7*y**4+4.*x
+-- &**6*y*y+x**8)
+-- T7 is referenced before it is defined
+-- grabm/11/05/92
+-- comment:
+--I believe the "bug" is that the interpreter is converting gb which is
+--a list of dmp style polynomials to a list of POLY type polynomials.
+--Unfortunately the result of such a conversion is no longer a groebner basis.
+--I don't see any reasonable way to prevent this, and would therefore have to
+--classify this as "user error", when working with grobner bases, the user
+--needs to force all his polynomials to be the appropriate type (thus having
+--the correct ordering).
+-- expressing a symmetric functions in terms of elementary symm. functions
+-- working in POLY INT is o.k.
+-- (1) Fraction Integer
+lpx : List POLY R := [x1+x2+x3, x1*x2+x1*x3+x2*x3,x1*x2*x3]
+-- (2) [x3 + x2 + x1,(x2 + x1)x3 + x1 x2,x1 x2 x3]
+lip := [lpx.1-e3, lpx.2-e2, lpx.3-e1]
+-- (3) [x3 + x2 + x1 - e3,(x2 + x1)x3 + x1 x2 - e2,x1 x2 x3 - e1]
+gbp := groebner lip
+-- (4)
+-- 2 2
+-- [x3 + x2 + x1 - e3, x2 + (x1 - e3)x2 + x1 - e3 x1 + e2,
+-- 3 2
+-- x1 - e3 x1 + e2 x1 - e1]
+-- 2
+-- (5) e3 - 2e2
+-- working in DMP is o.k.
+dmp := DMP([x1,x2,x3,e1,e2,e3],INT)
+-- (6) DistributedMultivariatePolynomial([x1,x2,x3,e1,e2,e3],Integer)
+li : List dmp := [lpx.1-e1, lpx.2-e2, lpx.3-e3]
+-- (7) [x1 + x2 + x3 - e1,x1 x2 + x1 x3 + x2 x3 - e2,x1 x2 x3 - e3]
+gb := groebner li
+-- (8)
+-- 2 2
+-- [x1 + x2 + x3 - e1, x2 + x2 x3 - x2 e1 + x3 - x3 e1 + e2,
+-- 3 2
+-- x3 - x3 e1 + x3 e2 - e3]
+-- 2 2 2
+-- (9) x1 + x2 + x3
+-- 2
+-- (10) e1 - 2e2
+-- but we have some problems (coercion? ordering?) here:
+-- 2 2 2
+-- (11) 2x2 + (2x1 - 2e1)x2 + 2x1 - 2e1 x1 + e1
+-- bmt/11/17/92 Ifintegrate
+--It seems that one cannot simply parametrize reducible curves.
+--Any attempt at parametrization can only follow one branch.
+--For curves of the form y**2=a**2*x**2+b*x+c, these are only reducible
+--if a**2*x**2+b*x+c is a perfect square. Basically I think we need to
+--choose 1 branch in this case. Under some circumstances we could
+--try to proceed down both branches and then unify the result, but for
+--the time being, perhaps we should just perform the substitution
+--y=sqrt(a**2*x**2+b*x+c) whenever that is a perfect square.
+--(then we don't even need to do any back subsitution or change to dx).
+--For another example, perhaps due to the same essential difficulty try
+-- this gets a non-invertible error
+--I have fixed integrate(sqrt(1+cos(x)),x) and
+--fix was to function prootintegrate in INTPAF in intaf.spad
+-- james/02/11/93 integrate
+-- used to give error:
+-- No identity element for reduce of empty list using operation
+-- max
+-- dewar/02/15/93
+)clear all
+--%::Union(Symbol,Polynomial Integer)
+--list %
+--this is a bug in old style union handling, this style of unions
+--will become obsolete, so the suggested fix is to use tagged unions instead:
+%::Union(s:Symbol, p:POLY INT)
+list % -- works
+-- grabm/03/04/93
+-- parser bug? not for system commands
+)clear all
+-- gives error: Sorry, but no option begins with upd;
+)load /spad/mnt/rios/algebra/EQ )upd; a:=1
+-- works
+)load /spad/mnt/rios/algebra/EQ )upd ; a:=1
+-- bronstein/03/08/93
+)clear all
+I:=operator 'I
+J:=operator 'J
+eq := mu * D(I x,x) = - (K + S) * I(x) + S*J(x)
+--> wrong particular solution
+-- dewar/03/16/93
+-- bug writing backslash to files
+--This is not a bug, what is written to the file is the lisp representation
+--of the string "\\test" (since '\' is lisp escape character).
+--The file is read and written using lisp primitives and thus the escape
+--characters need to be doubled. This is consistent, since if you read the
+--item back in from the file, the correct string is reconstituted.
+--If you want to create a text file which simply contains lines of text
+--instead of lines of lisp strings, use:
+--ofile : TextFile := open("test","output") ...
+--then you will get a file of literal strings with no string delimiters and
+--no escape characters.
+)clear all
+ofile: File String := open("/tmp/test","output")
+-- this writes "\\\\test" but should write "\\test"
+close! ofile
+-- themos/04/07/93
+-- this sometimes fails
+-- comment:
+--thanks for tracing down the problem. Basically the lines for monicizing
+--the result need to be done before we try to
+--retract back from the algebraic extension.
+)clear all
+factor pol
+-- williamson/04/21/93
+-- comment:
+--I ran into some problems when factoring polynomials over number fields.
+--Evidently the interpretor doesn't choose the correct function 'factor'.
+--It uses a function from MULTFACT, when it should be using a function from
+)clear all
+up := UP('w,FRAC INT)
+p : up := w**4 + w**3 + w**2 + w + 1
+sae := SAE(FRAC INT,up,p)
+q : UP('x,sae) := x**5 - 1
+factor q -- used to report: x**5-1
+saefact := SAEFACT(up,sae,UP('x,sae))
+-- grabm/04/30/93
+-- comment:
+--This bug has been fixed at yorktown, in radix.spad, change line 163, the
+--third line of intgroup to be:
+-- empty? rest li => intToExpr first(li)
+--and then recompile RADIX
+)clear all
+-- results in 10 and not A
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch (manuel bronstein)
+)clear all
+r:=rule 'x == 1
+-- used to return x, now returns 1
+r x
+-- ADK@scri.fsu.edu (tony kennedy)
+)clear all
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch (manuel bronstein)
+-- >> Error: cannot retract nonconstant polynomial
+)clear all
+-- quitte@knuth.univ-poitiers.fr/8/15/93 (Claude Quitte)
+)clear all
+--)abbreviation package TEST Test
+--Test() : with
+-- leftProductBy : Integer -> (Integer -> Integer)
+-- rightProductBy : Integer -> Mapping(Integer, Integer)
+-- == add
+-- leftProductBy(n) == n * #1
+-- rightProductBy(n : Integer) : Mapping(Integer, Integer) == #1 * n
+--Why is it impossible to specify the target/cible types for the
+--functions leftProductBy and rightProductBy in the body of the package ???
+--The code for leftProductBy is correct but the code for rightProductBy
+--troubles the compiler !!!! It seems to compile a LOCAL function with
+--ANOTHER signature.
+-- initializing NRLIB TEST for Test
+-- compiling into NRLIB TEST
+-- compiling exported leftProductBy : Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+--Time: 0.35 SEC.
+-- compiling local rightProductBy : Integer -> Integer
+--****** comp fails at level 2 with expression: ******
+--error in function rightProductBy
+--****** level 2 ******
+--$x:= #1
+--$m:= $EmptyMode
+--((((|n| # #) (|rightProductBy| # # #) (|n| #) (|rightProductBy| # # #) ...)))
+-- >> Apparent user error:
+-- no mode found for
+-- #1
+-- You are being returned to the top level of the interpreter.
+-- answer (barry):
+--Your problem in TEST about specifying target types which are Mapping's
+--was a bug in the compiler and has been fixed for Axiom release 2.0.
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/10/6/93 (Manuel Bronstein)
+)clear all
+--Here is algfunc.spad with an old bug fixed: eventh-roots of negative floats
+--coerced to EXPR FLOAT (e.g. sqrt(-1::EXPR FLOAT)) used to produced an error
+--message since the sqrt from FLOAT was called.
+--I have now fixed iroot from AF(R,)
+--to call the sqrt from R only if either R is algebraically closed, or the
+--root is odd, or the argument is positive. Here's the new behaviour:
+sqrt(-1::EXPR FLOAT)
+sqrt(2::EXPR FLOAT)
+nthRoot(-2::EXPR FLOAT, 3)
+nthRoot(-2::EXPR FLOAT, 4)
+--As a side-effect, this fixes the problem with numeric
+-- (which was instantiating sqrt(-1)$EXPR(FLOAT)).
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/10/6/93 (Manuel Bronstein)
+)clear all
+--Here is an updated efstruc.spad where ker2trigs now knows about abs.
+real abs(4 + %i * 5) -- does the right thing.
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/10/5/93 (Manuel Bronstein)
+)clear all
+--Here is again an enhanced elemntry.spad. What happens now is that
+exp(q * %i * %pi)
+--gets automatically simplifed whenever q is a rational number whose
+--denominator is one of {1,2,3,4,6}.
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/10/4/93 (Manuel Bronstein)
+-- luczak@nag.com (Richard Luczak)
+)clear all
+sum((-1)**k * (k+m),k=0..n)
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/10/4/93 (Manuel Bronstein)
+)clear all
+--simplifies (abs now checks quotients instead of just retraction to R).
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/10/4/93 (Manuel Bronstein)
+)clear all
+integrate(1/(x**2 + %i*a),x)
+-- bmt@spadserv.watson.ibm.com/9/28/93 (Barry Trager)
+)clear all
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/9/22/93 (Manuel Bronstein)
+)clear all
+--Here is an update to efstruc.spad that handles complex constants much better.
+--Negative square roots and negative logs are now recognized as complex and
+--treated properly by real?, real, imag, and complexForm:
+x := sqrt(-3) + sqrt 2 + sqrt(- exp a) + log(-a**2-1)
+real? x
+real x
+imag x
+--As a result, integrals involving sqrt(-2) etc... are now treated correctly
+--(this was the case only for sqrt(-1) with the older version).
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/9/22/93 (Manuel Bronstein)
+)clear all
+-->> haha := rule x*x == z
+-->> haha(a*a + b*b + c**2) --> 3z
+-->> haha(a*a + b*b + c**2 + d*d) --> z
+-->> the bug is that the last line returns z instead of 4z.
+--Sorry guys, this is not a bug: haha is so general a rule that it matches
+--the integer 4 (as 2 squared), so the rewrite chain for the last example is:
+--a*a + b*b + c**2 + d*d ---> z + z + z + z = 4 * z ---> z * z ---> z
+--Here is a console showing what exactly happens:
+haha := rule x*x == z
+haha 4
+haha 3
+--To see the whole rewrite chain:
+a*a + b*b + c**2 + d*d
+applyRules([haha], %, 1)$APPRULE(INT,INT,EXPR INT)
+applyRules([haha], %, 1)$APPRULE(INT,INT,EXPR INT)
+applyRules([haha], %, 1)$APPRULE(INT,INT,EXPR INT)
+--I think it's actually the proper behavior for the pattern matcher. This
+--example shows that rules can bite, something Mma users are quite aware about!
+-- dewar/9/16/93 (mike dewar)
+--There's an odd discontinuity about the behaviour of the following
+harm(1) == 1
+harm(n) == harm(n-1) + 1/n
+harm : Integer -> Fraction Integer
+harm(1023) -- takes a little while, as expected
+harm(1024) -- takes forever?
+-- williams@inf.ethz.ch/9/1/93 (Clifton Williamson)
+--> we should probably support integrate(%,x) on series types.
+--> x could be either the variable of expansion or a parameter variable.
+--We've discussed this before with regard to the function 'differentiate'.
+--The technical problem is that "generalized" power series may have
+--"coefficients" involving the series variable:
+--In this case, as currently implemented, 'differentiate' returns incorrect
+)set mess test off
+differentiate %
+)set mess test on
+--The solution we discussed (perhaps "resolution" is a better word) was to
+--create a separate series type for generalized series. This would be a
+--carbon copy of UPXS, except that differentiate(series,variable(series)) and
+--integrate(series,variable(series)) would return an error message. The
+--error message could also suggest that the user first apply 'approximate',
+--then compute a derivative or integral. We would also have a coercion from
+--UPXS to this type. The function 'series' would return a UPXS, when the
+--coefficients do not involve the series variable, and a "generalized series",
+--when the coefficients involve the series variable.
+--If this sounds cool to you, I'll go ahead with it when I have time. (I'm
+--trying to meet a 16 September deadline for a MEGA '94 submission. I'm still
+--getting my results together, so time is tight. Let me know if there is a
+--time deadline for the AXIOM code!)
+--> Also we need better tools for taking finite truncations of series objects.
+--> In particular since we now mostly use series(expr,var) to create a series,
+--> UPXS if over a coefficient domain which supports the symbol of expansion,
+--> should be able to truncate a series to an EXPR.
+--I thought I had you on this one! The signature is there (in pscat.spad):
+-- if Coef has coerce: Symbol -> Coef then
+-- if Coef has "**":(Coef,Expon) -> Coef then
+-- approximate: ($,Expon) -> Coef
+-- ++ \spad{approximate(f)} returns a truncated power series with the
+-- ++ series variable viewed as an element of the coefficient domain.
+--It certainly works for Laurent series:
+--But, unfortunately, I never implemented it for Puiseux series:
+series(cos(x**(2/3) + a),x=0)
+approximate(%% 1,7/5)
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/10/6/93 (manuel bronstein)
+)clear all
+)set message type off
+-- Here is algfunc.spad with an old bug fixed: eventh-roots of negative floats
+-- coerced to EXPR FLOAT (e.g. sqrt(-1::EXPR FLOAT)) used to produced an error
+-- message since the sqrt from FLOAT was called.
+-- I have now fixed iroot from AF(R,)
+-- to call the sqrt from R only if either R is algebraically closed, or the
+-- root is odd, or the argument is positive. Here's the new behaviour:
+sqrt(-1::EXPR FLOAT)
+sqrt(2::EXPR FLOAT)
+nthRoot(-2::EXPR FLOAT, 3)
+nthRoot(-2::EXPR FLOAT, 4)
+--As a side-effect, this fixes the problem with numeric
+-- (which was instantiating sqrt(-1)$EXPR(FLOAT)).
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/9/22/93 (manuel bronstein)
+)clear all
+--Here is a (rather major) bug fix to ffactor in FSUPFACT.NRLIB. It causes
+--a large family of integrals to return 0, because ffactor(?**2+expr) returned
+--?**2 when expr involved a parameter. This is fixed now.
+-- jhd@maths.bath.ac.uk/8/15/93 James Davenport
+)clear all
+-- (1)
+-- log(x)
+-- atan(---------)
+-- +------+
+-- | 2
+-- 2 \|a - 1
+-- ((- a + 1<0) -> ---------------)
+-- +------+
+-- | 2
+-- \|a - 1
+-- ,
+-- 2
+-- (- a + 1>0)
+-- ->
+-- +--------+
+-- 2 2 | 2 2
+-- log((log(x) - a + 1)\|- a + 1 + (2a - 2)log(x))
+-- +
+-- 2 2
+-- - log(log(x) + a - 1)
+-- /
+-- +--------+
+-- | 2
+-- 2\|- a + 1
+-- ,
+-- 1
+-- ( Or (a - 1=0) -> - ------)
+-- (a + 1=0) log(x)
+-- Type: ConditionalExpression Integer
+--is still fairly ugly.
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/8/9/93 (manuel bronstein)
+)clear all
+--Here is efstruc.spad with a change to normalize so that
+normalize(2**(1/2) + 2**(1/4)) now returns 2**(1/4) ** 2 + 2**(1/4).
+-- satoshi@yktvmv.vnet.ibm.com/8/7/93 satoshi hamaguchi
+)clear all
+-- In axiom, both
+ integrate(%e**x,x=0..1)
+ integrate(log(x),x=1..2)
+--yield a warning potentialPole .
+--If I use "noPole", they give right answers. Isn't this a bug?
+--... Satoshi
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/8/5/93 (manuel bronstein)
+)clear all
+simplify(2**(1/3)*2**(1/2)) -- will return 2**(5/6).
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/8/4/93 (manuel bronstein)
+)clear all
+integrate(1/sqrt(1+cos(x)), x)
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/8/4/93 (manuel bronstein)
+)clear all
+normalize atan(cos(x)/sin(x)) -- used to be division by 0 error
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/8/4/93 (manuel bronstein)
+)clear all
+a := 2**(1/6)
+[a**n for n in 2..13]
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/8/4/93 (manuel bronstein)
+)clear all
+integrate(eval(int,a=1),u) -- works
+integrate(eval(int,a=sqrt(-1)),u) -- seems to run forever
+integrate(eval(int,a=1)*(-1)**(1/4),u) -- dies after a long time
+ -- with an elt index error.
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/8/4/93 (manuel bronstein)
+)clear all
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/7/26/93 (manuel bronstein)
+)clear all
+rad:=last zerosOf((2+y)**8-3,y)
+k:=first kernels %
+-- nagttt@vax.ox.ac.uk/7/15/93 themos tsikas
+)clear all
+f := (x - y) / (x + y)
+-- nagttt@vax.ox.ac.uk/7/15/93 themos tsikas
+)clear all
+digits 200
+--I claim that these two should give the same result (they do in Reduce):
+--(precision was 200)
+-- bmt@spadserv.watson.ibm.com/9/15/93 (Barry Trager)
+)clear all
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/6/14/93 (manuel bronstein)
+)clear all
+a := x::EXPR INT
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/6/11/93 (manuel bronstein)
+)clear all
+normalize(0**a) -- now returns 0 (was crashing before)
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/6/11/93 (manuel bronstein)
+)clear all
+- new export complexForm(f) which returns the rectangular complex form of f:
+log(a+%i * b)
+complexForm %
+complexForm %
+-- jcf@posso.ibp.fr
+-- normalForm est faux pour les polynomes a coef dans un anneau:
+l:List D:=[2*a-1,b-a]
+g:=groebner l
+-- was 1
+-- au lieu de 1/2 !!
+-- nagttt@vax.ox.ac.uk/6/9/93 themos tsikas
+)clear all
+-- mcd@maths.bath.ac.uk/6/4/92 mike dewar
+)clear all
+imag g
+-- daly
+)clear all
+-- not wrong but the order is obscure...
+-- nagttt@vax.ox.ac.uk/1/11/93 themos tsikas
+)clear all
+ll:=radicalEigenvectors m
+-- ends in error:
+-- Internal system problem in function appInfix : fewer than 2 arguments to
+-- an infix function
+-- but this works
+ll 1
+ll 2
+ll 3
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/11/24/93 Manuel Bronstein
+--)clear all
+--Here's a bug that appears with the )math option only.
+--)tr MATRIX )ops determinant )math
+-- Parameterized constructors traced:
+-- this integrate is commented out since it runs forever (at least many hours)
+--1<enter Matrix.determinant,26 :
+-- Internal system problem in function appInfix :
+-- fewer than 2 arguments to an infix function
+-- copper@yktvmv/12/1/93 Don Coppersmith
+)clear all
+--Attached is the list of integers n such that 2**512-n is prime
+--and n is between 0 and 5000:
+-- 4893,4653,4475,4005,3893,3669,3459,3143,2967,
+-- 2807,2529,1827,1695,975,875,629,569
+--It was gotten from Axiom by issuing the commands
+qrimes : Stream Integer := generate(nextPrime,2**512-5000)
+rrimes := [ 2**512-p for p in qrimes while p < 2**512 ]
+srimes := complete rrimes
+[srimes.i for i in [1..18]]
+[srimes.i for i in [10..18]]
+-- miker@num-alg-grp.co.uk/12/13/93 (Mike Richardson)
+)clear all
+--This is fixed now. You get an Expression Float.
+--> I suspect that this is an example of the same thing - but it looks
+--> worse:
+--> (145) ->X := log(0.7*%i*x)
+--> >> Error detected within library code:
+--> negative root
+--> Mike
+-- sutor@yktpub.watson.ibm.com/12/15/93 (Robert S. Sutor)
+)clear all
+--enter Integer in input box
+--choose domains
+--choose Description
+--click on Convertible(String)
+--page cannot be formatted
+-- bmt@posso.dm.unipi.it12/15/93 (barry trager)
+)clear all
+log2() --> Float
+exp1() --> DoubleFLoat ???
+-- quitte@knuth.univ-poitiers.fr/12/14/93 Claude Quitte
+)clear all
+--There is a bug in the function delete_! for the type List ; this function,
+--has two arguments, a list L and an integer n : delete_!(L, n) returns
+--a list L with the n nth-item deleted, MODIFYING its argument L.
+--But for n = 1, the argument L is not MODIFIED !!! (exactly for n =
+--minIndex(L)). An extract of the package ListAggregate (abbreviation LSAGG,
+--file aggcat.spad).
+--ListAggregate(S:Object): Category == Join(StreamAggregate S,
+-- FiniteLinearAggregate S, ExtensibleLinearAggregate S) with
+-- list: S -> $
+-- ++ list(x) returns the list of one element x.
+-- add
+-- ..........
+-- delete_!(x:$, i:I) ==
+-- i < (m := minIndex x) => error "index out of range"
+-- i = m => rest x ****** <- here is the error
+-- y := rest(x, (i - 1 - m)::N)
+-- setrest_!(y, rest(y, 2))
+-- x
+--A little session :
+L : List(String) := ["There is", "it seems", "a real bug", "here"]
+-- (1) ["There is","it seems","a real bug","here"]
+-- Type: List String
+L1 := delete!(L, 1)
+-- (2) ["it seems","a real bug","here"]
+-- Type: List String
+-- (3) ["There is","it seems","a real bug","here"]
+-- Type: List String
+L2 := delete!(L, 2)
+-- (4) ["There is","a real bug","here"]
+-- Type: List String
+-- (5) ["There is","a real bug","here"]
+--Is there a way to fix this bug quickly ?? (I am ready to modify the source
+--Axiom aggcat.spad).
+--The problem with ! functions lies in the documentation not in the code. We
+--need to explain more clearly that ! functions are ALLOWED to update their
+--arguments, not REQUIRED to do so.
+--Whenever using ! functions you should always
+--use the returned result, not try to use the updated argument. This is how
+--the code is designed.
+--For example if you try to do insert! into an empty list,
+--the argument is not updatable and thus a new list is created. The reason for
+--having ! operations is for efficiency to do less copying, not to guarantee
+--that given arguments will always be updated. So the correct use is to only
+--depend on the results returned by updating functions.
+-- quitte@knuth.univ-poitiers.fr/1/13/94 Claude Quitte
+)clear all
+K := Fraction(Integer)
+PolK := UP('X, K)
+X : PolK := monomial(1, 1)
+n : PositiveInteger := 15
+E := SimpleAlgebraicExtension(K, PolK, X**n + X**(n-3) -1)
+y : E := X::E
+--Internal Error
+--The function minimalPolynomial with signature SimpleAlgebraicExtension(
+--Fraction Integer,UnivariatePolynomial(X,Fraction Integer),X**15+X**12-1)
+---> UnivariatePolynomial(X,Fraction Integer) is missing from domain
+--SimpleAlgebraicExtension(Fraction (Integer))
+--(UnivariatePolynomial X (Fraction (Integer)))((15 1 . 1) (12 1 . 1) (0 -1 . 1))
+-- luczak@nag.com/02/20/94 (Richard Luczak)
+)clear all
+--I'm trying to define the following rule
+tr := rule cos(x)**(n | integer? n and even? n)==(1-sin(x)**2)**(n/2)
+--Axiom returns
+-- Cannot find a definition or library operation named even? with argument
+-- types
+-- Expression Integer
+-- We will attempt to step through and interpret the code.
+-- n
+-- -
+-- n 2 2
+-- (2) cos(x) == (- sin(x) + 1)
+-- Type: RewriteRule(Integer,Integer,Expression Integer)
+--and henceforth the rule does not work as desired. Variations on the same bug
+--occur involving positive?. Of course, I get what I want using integer?(n/2)
+--but ... Is this a bug?
+-- from barry:
+--Should use integer? n and even? integer n instead.
+--I toyed with the idea of implementing:
+-- even? x == integer? x and even? integer x
+-- odd? x == integer? x and odd? integer x
+--in EXPR, but this would mean that (x +-> even? x or odd? x) is not always
+--true anymore and I'm not sure it's a good idea. If you guys don't think it's
+--a problem, it takes 2 minutes to add it to EXPR R when R has RETRACT INT
+--(don't use integer? but retractIfCan@Union(Integer, "failed")).
+-- copper@yktvmv.vnet.ibm.com/02/22/94 don coppersmith
+)clear all
+--Questions that came up using Axiom on Aixproj:
+--How does one find a Pade approximation? I tried pade(2,2,y)
+--pade(y,2,2) Pade(2,2,y) PadeApproximation(2,2,y)
+--(where y is a series in x) to no avail.
+--Complaint: The error message
+-- Could not find library function "pade" with arguments
+-- (integer, integer, series).
+--is misleading. If it can't find any "pade", then say
+-- Could not find library function "pade".
+--If there is such a function, but I've got the arguments wrong,
+--why not say
+-- The library function "pade" takes arguments
+-- (series, integer, integer)
+--or at least make that information available somehow.
+-- from bob sutor:
+-- Try using )what op pade to see what is available. This will give
+--you all operations with "pade" in their names. You can also search for
+--*pade* via the HyperDoc Browse utility. If you don't use Browse, following
+--up with, say, )display op pade, will give you a more information, though
+--it is badly formatted (I will look at that).
+--Aixproj is back-level, so I'm not sure exactly what is up their
+--relative to the current system.
+--I agree we could use better messages regarding unknown functions
+--and I will look at that.
+-- Bob
+-- from bob sutor:
+--The pade operation requires a taylor series as its third object while
+--"series" returns a UnivariatePuiseuxSeries. If you set
+-- y := taylor(1+x)**(1/5)
+--then things work. You can also do
+-- pade(1,1,y :: UTS(EXPR INT, x, 0) )
+--but this is more work if you really have a Taylor series.
+--This is unintuitive and there should be a "pade" for Puiseux series that
+--fails if the series is not appropriate. Barry? I will now look at adding
+--a bit more coercion support to the interpreter to allow Puiseux series
+--to possibly retract to Laurent series and then possibly to Taylor series.
+-- I added the retractions I mentioned before to the development system.
+--When the system is unsuccessful in matching a UnivariatePuiseuxSeries
+--to an operation, it will first try to retract it to a
+--UnivariateLaurentSeries. If that fails still, it will try to retract to
+--a UnivariateTaylorSeries.
+-- Be aware that this sort of thing happens when you are evaluating
+--an expression. If you are defining a function, you should add
+--explicit coercions or create objects of the correct type for
+--efficiency. You function may still work, but it may not run in
+--a compiled form.
+-- barry@num-alg-grp.co.uk/02/24/94 Barry Trager
+)clear all
+sqrt(2)*2.0 -- fails
+sqrt(2)::EXPR INT * 2.0 -- works
+-- tpd: this now fails with sample : () -> Reference Integer is missing
+-- from domain: Integer
+-- Internal Error
+-- bronstei@inf.ethz.ch/02/28/94 Manuel Bronstein
+)clear all
+f := exp(exp(x)*exp(1/exp(x))) / exp exp x
+--)tr LIMITPS )math
+--)tr DFINTTLS )math
+--)tr DFINTTLS_;findLimit
+-- the following exits back to the shell after limit returns "failed":
+computeInt(first tower f, f, 0, %plusInfinity, false)$DFINTTLS(INT, EXPR INT)
+-- jhd@maths.bath.ac.uk/03/02/94 James Davenport
+)clear all
+--I've fixed coercions of List and Vector to DirectProduct.
+--You can now do things like
+[1,2,3] :: DirectProduct(3, Fraction Integer)
+--I also fixed coercions from Vector to List, which seems to have
+--been removed via a library change.
+-- jhd@maths.bath.ac.uk/03/09/94 James Davenport
+)clear all
+-- used to give a lisp error
+x**10+1::Polynomial PrimeField 2
+-- themos@num-alg-grp.co.uk/03/11/94 Themos Tsikas
+)clear all
+-- themos@num-alg-grp.co.uk/03/16/94 Themos Tsikas
+)clear all
+--The problem was that nobody was around to catch the coerceOrCroaker.
+--Just comment out the first line of intCodeGenCoerce1 in i-code.boot
+--(the one with the explicit THROW). Bothe the riemannSphereDraw and JHD's
+--original example will then work. -- bob sutor
+)read conformal
+\bibitem{1} nothing