path: root/src/algebra
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/algebra')
2 files changed, 52 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/src/algebra/sf.spad.pamphlet b/src/algebra/sf.spad.pamphlet
index 1b51d3a0..1585af6a 100644
--- a/src/algebra/sf.spad.pamphlet
+++ b/src/algebra/sf.spad.pamphlet
@@ -279,6 +279,7 @@ DoubleFloat(): Join(FloatingPointSystem, DifferentialRing, OpenMath,
== add
MER ==> Record(MANTISSA:Integer,EXPONENT:Integer)
+ import %hash: % -> SingleInteger from Foreign Builtin
import %fminval: () -> % from Foreign Builtin
import %fmaxval: () -> % from Foreign Builtin
import %fbase: () -> PositiveInteger from Foreign Builtin
@@ -298,6 +299,22 @@ DoubleFloat(): Join(FloatingPointSystem, DifferentialRing, OpenMath,
import %fle: (%,%) -> Boolean from Foreign Builtin
import %fgt: (%,%) -> Boolean from Foreign Builtin
import %fge: (%,%) -> Boolean from Foreign Builtin
+ import %fsin: % -> % from Foreign Builtin
+ import %fcos: % -> % from Foreign Builtin
+ import %ftan: % -> % from Foreign Builtin
+ import %fcot: % -> % from Foreign Builtin
+ import %fsec: % -> % from Foreign Builtin
+ import %fcsc: % -> % from Foreign Builtin
+ import %fatan: % -> % from Foreign Builtin
+ import %facot: % -> % from Foreign Builtin
+ import %fsinh: % -> % from Foreign Builtin
+ import %fcosh: % -> % from Foreign Builtin
+ import %ftanh: % -> % from Foreign Builtin
+ import %fcsch: % -> % from Foreign Builtin
+ import %fcoth: % -> % from Foreign Builtin
+ import %fsech: % -> % from Foreign Builtin
+ import %fasinh: % -> % from Foreign Builtin
+ import %facsch: % -> % from Foreign Builtin
manexp: % -> MER
@@ -381,35 +398,35 @@ DoubleFloat(): Join(FloatingPointSystem, DifferentialRing, OpenMath,
exp x == EXP(x)$Lisp
log x == checkComplex LN(x)$Lisp
log2 x == checkComplex LOG2(x)$Lisp
- sin x == SIN(x)$Lisp
- cos x == COS(x)$Lisp
- tan x == TAN(x)$Lisp
- cot x == COT(x)$Lisp
- sec x == SEC(x)$Lisp
- csc x == CSC(x)$Lisp
+ sin x == %fsin x
+ cos x == %fcos x
+ tan x == %ftan x
+ cot x == %fcot x
+ sec x == %fsec x
+ csc x == %fcsc x
asin x == checkComplex ASIN(x)$Lisp -- can be complex
acos x == checkComplex ACOS(x)$Lisp -- can be complex
- atan x == ATAN(x)$Lisp
+ atan x == %fatan x
acsc x == checkComplex ACSC(x)$Lisp
- acot x == ACOT(x)$Lisp
+ acot x == %facot x
asec x == checkComplex ASEC(x)$Lisp
- sinh x == SINH(x)$Lisp
- cosh x == COSH(x)$Lisp
- tanh x == TANH(x)$Lisp
- csch x == CSCH(x)$Lisp
- coth x == COTH(x)$Lisp
- sech x == SECH(x)$Lisp
- asinh x == ASINH(x)$Lisp
+ sinh x == %fsinh x
+ cosh x == %fcosh x
+ tanh x == %ftanh x
+ csch x == %fcsch x
+ coth x == %fcoth x
+ sech x == %fsech x
+ asinh x == %fasinh x
acosh x == checkComplex ACOSH(x)$Lisp -- can be complex
atanh x == checkComplex ATANH(x)$Lisp -- can be complex
- acsch x == ACSCH(x)$Lisp
+ acsch x == %facsch x
acoth x == checkComplex ACOTH(x)$Lisp
asech x == checkComplex ASECH(x)$Lisp
x:% / y:% == %fdiv(x,y)
negative? x == x < 0
zero? x == x = 0
one? x == x = 1
- hash x == HASHEQ(x)$Lisp
+ hash x == %hash x
recip(x) == (zero? x => "failed"; 1 / x)
differentiate x == 0
diff --git a/src/algebra/strap/DFLOAT.lsp b/src/algebra/strap/DFLOAT.lsp
index 6ce53de0..0736ea62 100644
--- a/src/algebra/strap/DFLOAT.lsp
+++ b/src/algebra/strap/DFLOAT.lsp
@@ -184,32 +184,32 @@
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;sin;2$;41| '|SPADreplace| 'SIN)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;sin;2$;41| '|SPADreplace| '|%fsin|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;cos;2$;42| '|SPADreplace| 'COS)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;cos;2$;42| '|SPADreplace| '|%fcos|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;tan;2$;43| '|SPADreplace| 'TAN)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;tan;2$;43| '|SPADreplace| '|%ftan|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;cot;2$;44| '|SPADreplace| 'COT)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;cot;2$;44| '|SPADreplace| '|%fcot|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;sec;2$;45| '|SPADreplace| 'SEC)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;sec;2$;45| '|SPADreplace| '|%fsec|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;csc;2$;46| '|SPADreplace| 'CSC)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;csc;2$;46| '|SPADreplace| '|%fcsc|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;atan;2$;49| '|SPADreplace| 'ATAN)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;atan;2$;49| '|SPADreplace| '|%fatan|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;acot;2$;51| '|SPADreplace| 'ACOT)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;acot;2$;51| '|SPADreplace| '|%facot|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
@@ -236,37 +236,37 @@
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;sinh;2$;53| '|SPADreplace| 'SINH)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;sinh;2$;53| '|SPADreplace| '|%fsinh|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;cosh;2$;54| '|SPADreplace| 'COSH)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;cosh;2$;54| '|SPADreplace| '|%fcosh|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;tanh;2$;55| '|SPADreplace| 'TANH)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;tanh;2$;55| '|SPADreplace| '|%ftanh|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;csch;2$;56| '|SPADreplace| 'CSCH)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;csch;2$;56| '|SPADreplace| '|%fcsch|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;coth;2$;57| '|SPADreplace| 'COTH)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;coth;2$;57| '|SPADreplace| '|%fcoth|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;sech;2$;58| '|SPADreplace| 'SECH)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;sech;2$;58| '|SPADreplace| '|%fsech|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;asinh;2$;59| '|SPADreplace| 'ASINH)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;asinh;2$;59| '|SPADreplace| '|%fasinh|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;acsch;2$;62| '|SPADreplace| 'ACSCH)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;acsch;2$;62| '|SPADreplace| '|%facsch|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%DoubleFloat|)
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%Short|)
-(PUT '|DFLOAT;hash;$Si;69| '|SPADreplace| 'HASHEQ)
+(PUT '|DFLOAT;hash;$Si;69| '|SPADreplace| '|%hash|)
(DECLAIM (FTYPE (FUNCTION (|%DoubleFloat| |%Shell|) |%Pair|)
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@
(DEFUN |DFLOAT;one?;$B;68| (|x| $) (DECLARE (IGNORE $)) (= |x| 1.0))
-(DEFUN |DFLOAT;hash;$Si;69| (|x| $) (DECLARE (IGNORE $)) (HASHEQ |x|))
+(DEFUN |DFLOAT;hash;$Si;69| (|x| $) (DECLARE (IGNORE $)) (SXHASH |x|))
(DEFUN |DFLOAT;recip;$U;70| (|x| $)
(COND ((ZEROP |x|) (CONS 1 "failed")) (T (CONS 0 (/ 1.0 |x|)))))