path: root/src/algebra/syntax.spad.pamphlet
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/algebra/syntax.spad.pamphlet')
1 files changed, 616 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/algebra/syntax.spad.pamphlet b/src/algebra/syntax.spad.pamphlet
index ad742ab8..bd430752 100644
--- a/src/algebra/syntax.spad.pamphlet
+++ b/src/algebra/syntax.spad.pamphlet
@@ -385,11 +385,119 @@ AbstractSyntaxCategory(): Category ==
)abbrev category SASTCAT SpadSyntaxCategory
++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
++ Date Created: July 5, 2008
-++ Date Last Modified: September 1, 2008
+++ Date Last Modified: September 3, 2008
++ Description: This is the category of Spad syntax objects.
SpadSyntaxCategory(): Category == AbstractSyntaxCategory
- -- for the moment.
+ add
+ renderSyntax: Syntax -> OutputForm
+ renderMapping(x: List Syntax): OutputForm ==
+ src := [renderSyntax t for t in rest x]::List(OutputForm)::OutputForm
+ tar := renderSyntax first x
+ elt('MappingAst::OutputForm,
+ ['source::OutputForm = src, 'target::OutputForm = tar])$OutputForm
+ renderAttribute(x: Syntax): OutputForm ==
+ elt('AttributeAst::OutputForm,
+ ['name::OutputForm = renderSyntax x])$OutputForm
+ renderImport(x: List Syntax): OutputForm ==
+ ts := [renderSyntax t for t in x]::List(OutputForm)::OutputForm
+ elt('ImportAst::OutputForm, ['imports::OutputForm = ts])$OutputForm
+ renderSignature(x: List Syntax): OutputForm ==
+ n := renderSyntax first x
+ s := (last(x) : Signature)::OutputForm
+ elt('SignatureAst::OutputForm,
+ ['name::OutputForm = n, 'signature::OutputForm = s])$OutputForm
+ renderIf(x: List Syntax): OutputForm ==
+ c := renderSyntax first x
+ t := renderSyntax second x
+ e := renderSyntax third x
+ elt('IfAst::OutputForm,
+ ['condition::OutputForm = c, 'thenBranch::OutputForm = t,
+ 'elseBranch::OutputForm = e])$OutputForm
+ renderRepeat(x: List Syntax): OutputForm ==
+ its := [renderSyntax(x.i) for i in 1..(#x-1)]
+ ::List(OutputForm)::OutputForm
+ b := renderSyntax last x
+ elt('RepeatAst::OutputForm,
+ ['iterators::OutputForm = its, 'body::OutputForm = b])$OutputForm
+ renderWhile(x: List Syntax): OutputForm ==
+ elt('WhileAst::OutputForm,
+ ['condition::OutputForm = renderSyntax(x : Syntax)])$OutputForm
+ renderIn(x: List Syntax): OutputForm ==
+ elt('InAst::OutputForm,
+ ['iterationVar::OutputForm = renderSyntax first x,
+ 'sequence::OutputForm = renderSyntax last x])$OutputForm
+ renderCollect(x: List Syntax): OutputForm ==
+ its := [renderSyntax(x.i) for i in 1..(#x-1)]
+ ::List(OutputForm)::OutputForm
+ elt('CollectAst::OutputForm,
+ ['iterators::OutputForm = its,
+ 'body::OutputForm = renderSyntax last x])$OutputForm
+ renderConstruct(x: List Syntax): OutputForm ==
+ es := [renderSyntax t for t in x]::List(OutputForm)::OutputForm
+ elt('ConstructAst::OutputForm,
+ ['elements::OutputForm = es])$OutputForm
+ renderControl(tag: Symbol, x: List Syntax): OutputForm ==
+ elt(tag::OutputForm,
+ ['expression::OutputForm = renderSyntax value x])$OutputForm
+ renderRestrictedExpr(tag: Symbol, x: List Syntax): OutputForm ==
+ elt(tag::OutputForm,
+ ['expression::OutputForm = renderSyntax first x,
+ 'target::OutputForm = renderSyntax second x])$OutputForm
+ renderSegment(x: List Syntax): OutputForm ==
+ es := [renderSyntax t for t in x]::List(OutputForm)::OutputForm
+ elt('SegmentAst::OutputForm, ['bounds::OutputForm = es])$OutputForm
+ renderSequence(x: List Syntax): OutputForm ==
+ elts := [renderSyntax t for t in x]
+ elt('SequenceAst::OutputForm,
+ ['body::OutputForm = elts::OutputForm,
+ 'last::OutputForm = last elts])$OutputForm
+ renderLet(x: List Syntax): OutputForm ==
+ elt('LetAst::OutputForm,
+ ['lhs::OutputForm = renderSyntax first x,
+ 'rhs::OutputForm = renderSyntax second x])$OutputForm
+ renderSyntax x ==
+ compound? x =>
+ op := getOperator x
+ args := getOperands x
+ op = 'Mapping => renderMapping args
+ op = 'ATTRIBUTE or op = '%Attribute => renderAttribute value args
+ op = 'IMPORT or op = '%Import => renderImport args
+ op = 'SIGNATURE or op = '%Signature => renderSignature args
+ op = 'IF => renderIf args
+ op = 'REPEAT => renderRepeat args
+ op = 'WHILE => renderWhile args
+ op = 'IN => renderIn args
+ op = 'COLLECT => renderCollect args
+ op = 'construct => renderConstruct args
+ op = '_exit => renderControl('ExitAst,args)
+ op = '_return => renderControl('ReturnAst,args)
+ op = '_:_: => renderRestrictedExpr('CoerceAst,args)
+ op = '_pretend => renderRestrictedExpr('PretendAst,args)
+ op = '_@ => renderRestrictedExpr('RestrictAst,args)
+ op = 'SEGMENT => renderSegment args
+ op = 'SEQ => renderSequence args
+ op = '%LET => renderLet args
+ x::OutputForm
+ x::OutputForm
+ coerce(x: %): OutputForm ==
+ renderSyntax(x::Syntax)
\subsection{The Literal domain}
@@ -436,24 +544,500 @@ import List Symbol
)abbrev domain HEADAST HeadAst
++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
-++ Date Last Modified: July 2008
+++ Date Last Modified: September 3, 2008
++ Description: This domain represents the header of a definition.
HeadAst(): Public == Private where
Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
- headAst: List Symbol -> %
- ++ headAst [f,x1,..,xn] constructs a function definition header.
- name: % -> Symbol
+ headAst: (Identifier,List Identifier) -> %
+ ++ headAst(f,[x1,..,xn]) constructs a function definition header.
+ name: % -> Identifier
++ name(h) returns the name of the operation defined defined.
- parameters: % -> List Symbol
+ parameters: % -> List Identifier
++ parameters(h) gives the parameters specified in the
++ definition header `h'.
Private == add
- Rep == List Symbol
- headAst h == per h
+ Rep == List Identifier
+ headAst(op,args) == per cons(op,args)
name h == first rep h
parameters h == rest rep h
+\subsection{The TypeAst domain}
+<<domain TYPEAST TypeAst>>=
+import AbstractSyntaxCategory
+import Syntax
+)abbrev domain TYPEAST TypeAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 28, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents a type AST.
+TypeAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ coerce: Syntax -> %
+ ++ s::TypeAst injects `s' into the TypeAst domain.
+ Private == add
+ Rep == Syntax
+ coerce(x: Syntax): % == per x
+\subsection{The ImportAst domain}
+<<domain IMPTAST ImportAst>>=
+import List
+import TypeAst
+)abbrev domain IMPTAST ImportAst
+)abbrev domain TYPEAST TypeAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 28, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents an `import' of types.
+ImportAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ coerce: List TypeAst -> %
+ ++ ts::ImportAst constructs an ImportAst for the list if types `ts'.
+ imports: % -> List TypeAst
+ ++ imports(x) returns the list of imported types.
+ Private == add
+ import Pair
+ Rep == Pair(Symbol, List TypeAst)
+ coerce(ts: List TypeAst): % == per pair('import,ts)
+ imports x == second rep x
+\subsection{The MappingAst domain}
+<<domain MAPPAST MappingAst>>=
+)abbrev domain MAPPAST MappingAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 28, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents a mapping type AST. A mapping AST
+++ is a syntactic description of a function type, e.g. its result
+++ type and the list of its argument types.
+MappingAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == Join(SpadSyntaxCategory, CoercibleTo TypeAst) with
+ coerce: Signature -> %
+ ++ sig::MappingAst builds a MappingAst from the Signature `sig'.
+ mappingAst: (List TypeAst, TypeAst) -> %
+ ++ mappingAst(s,t) builds the mapping AST s -> t
+ source: % -> List TypeAst
+ ++ source(s) returns the parameter type AST list of `s'.
+ target: % -> TypeAst
+ ++ target(s) returns the result type AST for `s'.
+ Private == add
+ import Pair
+ Rep == Pair(Symbol,Signature)
+ coerce(sig: Signature): % == per pair('Mapping,sig)
+ mappingAst(s,t) ==
+ per pair('Mapping,cons(t,s) : Signature)
+ source x == source(second rep x)$Signature : List(TypeAst)
+ target x == target(second rep x)$Signature : TypeAst
+ coerce(x: %): TypeAst == x : TypeAst
+\subsection{The SignatureAst domain}
+<<domain SIGAST SignatureAst>>=
+)abbrev domain SIGAST SignatureAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 28, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents a signature AST. A signature AST
+++ is a description of an exported operation, e.g. its name, result
+++ type, and the list of its argument types.
+SignatureAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ signatureAst: (Identifier, Signature) -> %
+ ++ signatureAst(n,s,t) builds the signature AST n: s -> t
+ name: % -> Symbol
+ ++ name(s) returns the name of the signature `s'.
+ signature: % -> Signature
+ ++ signature(s) returns AST of the declared signature for `s'.
+ Private == add
+ import List
+ Rep == Pair(Symbol, Pair(Symbol,List Signature))
+ signatureAst(n,sig) ==
+ per pair('SIGNATURE,pair(n,[sig]))
+ name x == first second rep x
+ signature x == value second second rep x
+\subsection{The AttributeAst domain}
+<<domain ATTRAST AttributeAst>>=
+)abbrev domain ATTRAST AttributeAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents the syntax of an attribute in
+++ a category expression.
+AttributeAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ name: % -> Syntax
+ ++ name(a) returns the name of the attribute `a'. Note, this
+ ++ name may be domain name, not just an identifier.
+ Private == add
+ Rep == Pair(Symbol,Syntax)
+ name x == second rep x
+\subsection{The JoinAst domain}
+<<domain JOINAST JoinAst>>=
+)abbrev domain JOINAST JoinAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents the join of categories ASTs.
+JoinAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == Join(SpadSyntaxCategory, CoercibleTo TypeAst) with
+ coerce: List TypeAst -> %
+ ++ ts::JoinAst construct the AST for a join of the types `ts'.
+ categories: % -> List TypeAst
+ ++ catehories(x) returns the types in the join `x'.
+ Private == add
+ Rep == Pair(Symbol, List TypeAst)
+ categories x == second rep x
+ coerce(cats: List TypeAst): % == per pair('Join,cats)
+ coerce(x: %): TypeAst == x : TypeAst
+\subsection{The IfAst domain}
+<<domain IFAST IfAst>>=
+)abbrev domain IFAST IfAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents AST for conditional expressions.
+IfAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ condition: % -> Syntax
+ ++ condition(e) returns the condition of the if-expression `e'.
+ thenBranch: % -> Syntax
+ ++ thenBranch(e) returns the `then-branch' of `e'.
+ elseBranch: % -> Syntax
+ ++ thenBranch(e) returns the `else-branch' of `e'.
+ Private == add
+ Rep == List Syntax
+ condition x == second rep x
+ thenBranch x == third rep x
+ elseBranch x == last rep x
+\subsection{The RepeatAst domain}
+<<domain RPTAST RepeatAst>>=
+)abbrev domain RPTAST RepeatAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents the `repeat' iterator syntax.
+RepeatAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ iterators: % -> List Syntax
+ ++ iterators(e) returns the list of iterators controlling the loop `e'.
+ body: % -> Syntax
+ ++ body(e) returns the body of the loop `e'.
+ Private == add
+ Rep == List Syntax
+ iterators x ==
+ s := rep x
+ s.(2..(#s - 1))
+ body x == last rep x
+\subsection{The WhileAst domain}
+<<domain WHILEAST WhileAst>>=
+)abbrev domain WHILEAST WhileAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents the `while' iterator syntax.
+WhileAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ condition: % -> Syntax
+ ++ condition(i) returns the condition of the while iterator `i'.
+ Private == add
+ Rep == Pair(Symbol,Syntax)
+ condition x == second rep x
+\subsection{The InAst domain}
+<<domain INAST InAst>>=
+)abbrev domain INAST InAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents the `in' iterator syntax.
+InAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ iterationVar: % -> Symbol
+ ++ iterationVar(i) returns the name of the iterating
+ ++ variable of the `in' iterator 'i'
+ sequence: % -> Syntax
+ ++ sequence(i) returns the sequence expression being
+ ++ iterated over by `i'.
+ Private == add
+ Rep == List Syntax
+ iterationVar x == (second rep x)::Symbol
+ sequence x == last rep x
+\subsection{The CollectAst domain}
+<<domain CLLCTAST CollectAst>>=
+)abbrev domain CLLCTAST CollectAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents list comprehension syntax.
+CollectAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ iterators: % -> List Syntax
+ ++ iterators(e) returns the list of the iterators of
+ ++ the list comprehension `e'.
+ body: % -> Syntax
+ ++ body(e) return the expression being
+ ++ collected by the list comprehension `e'.
+ Private == add
+ Rep == List Syntax
+ body x == last rep x
+ iterators x ==
+ s := rep x
+ s.(2..(#s -1))
+\subsection{The ConstructAst domain}
+<<domain LSTAST ConstructAst>>=
+)abbrev domain LSTAST ConstructAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents `literal sequence' syntax.
+ConstructAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ elements: % -> List Syntax
+ ++ elements(e) returns the list of expressions in the
+ ++ `literal' list `e'.
+ Private == add
+ import Pair
+ Rep == Pair(Symbol, List Syntax)
+ elements x == second rep x
+\subsection{The ExitAst domain}
+<<domain EXITAST ExitAst>>=
+)abbrev domain EXITAST ExitAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents exit expressions.
+ExitAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ expression: % -> Syntax
+ ++ expression(e) returns the exit expression of `e'.
+ Private == add
+ import Pair
+ Rep == Pair(Symbol,Syntax)
+ expression x == second rep x
+\subsection{The ReturnAst domain}
+<<domain RETAST ReturnAst>>=
+)abbrev domain RETAST ReturnAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents `return' expressions.
+ReturnAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ expression: % -> Syntax
+ ++ expression(e) returns the expression returned by `e'.
+ Private == add
+ import Pair
+ Rep == Pair(Symbol,Syntax)
+ expression x == second rep x
+\subsection{The SequenceAst domain}
+<<domain SEQAST SequenceAst>>=
+)abbrev domain SEQAST SequenceAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents a block of expressions.
+SequenceAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ body: % -> List Syntax
+ ++ body(e) returns the list of expressions in the sequence
+ ++ of instruction `e'.
+ last: % -> Syntax
+ ++ last(e) returns the last instruction in `e'.
+ Private == add
+ import Pair
+ Rep == Pair(Symbol,List Syntax)
+ body x == second rep x
+ last x == last(second rep x)$List(Syntax)
+\subsection{The LetAst domain}
+<<domain LETAST LetAst>>=
+import Syntax
+import List
+)abbrev domain LETAST LetAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents assignment expressions.
+LetAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ lhs: % -> Syntax
+ ++ lhs(e) returns the left hand side of the assignment expression `e'.
+ rhs: % -> Syntax
+ ++ rhs(e) returns the right hand side of the assignment expression `e'.
+ Private == add
+ Rep == List Syntax
+ lhs x == second rep x
+ rhs x == third rep x
+\subsection{The PretendAst domain}
+<<domain PRTDAST PretendAst>>=
+)abbrev domain PRTDAST PretendAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents `pretend' expressions.
+PretendAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ expression: % -> Syntax
+ ++ expression(e) returns the expression being converted.
+ target: % -> TypeAst
+ ++ target(e) returns the target type of the conversion..
+ Private == add
+ Rep == List Syntax
+ expression x == second rep x
+ target x == (third rep x) : TypeAst
+\subsection{The CoerceAst domain}
+<<domain CRCAST CoercedAst>>=
+)abbrev domain CRCAST CoerceAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents `coerce' expressions.
+CoerceAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ expression: % -> Syntax
+ ++ expression(e) returns the expression being converted.
+ target: % -> TypeAst
+ ++ target(e) returns the target type of the conversion..
+ Private == add
+ Rep == List Syntax
+ expression x == second rep x
+ target x == (third rep x) : TypeAst
+\subsection{The RestrictAst domain}
+<<domain RSTRCAST RestrictAst>>=
+)abbrev domain RSTRCAST RestrictAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents `restrict' expressions.
+RestrictAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ expression: % -> Syntax
+ ++ expression(e) returns the expression being converted.
+ target: % -> TypeAst
+ ++ target(e) returns the target type of the conversion..
+ Private == add
+ Rep == List Syntax
+ expression x == second rep x
+ target x == (third rep x) : TypeAst
+\subsection{The CallAst domain}
+<<domain CALLAST CallAst>>=
+import Syntax
+import List
+)abbrev domain CALLAST CallAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents calls.
+CallAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ operator: % -> Syntax
+ ++ operation(e) returns the operation being called in `e'.
+ operands: % -> List Syntax
+ ++ arguments(e) returns the argument list used in the call `e'.
+ Private == add
+ Rep == List Syntax
+ operator x == first rep x
+ operands x == rest rep x
+\subsection{The SegmentAst domain}
+<<domain SEGAST SegmentAst>>=
+)abbrev domain SEGAST SegmentAst
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: November 10, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: August 30, 2008
+++ Description: This domain represents segement expressions.
+SegmentAst(): Public == Private where
+ Public == SpadSyntaxCategory with
+ bounds: % -> List Syntax
+ Private == add
+ Rep == List Syntax
+ bounds x == rest rep x
@@ -487,6 +1071,7 @@ HeadAst(): Public == Private where
@@ -500,6 +1085,28 @@ HeadAst(): Public == Private where
<<domain LITERAL Literal>>
<<domain HEADAST HeadAst>>
+<<domain TYPEAST TypeAst>>
+<<domain ATTRAST AttributeAst>>
+<<domain IMPTAST ImportAst>>
+<<domain MAPPAST MappingAst>>
+<<domain SIGAST SignatureAst>>
+<<domain JOINAST JoinAst>>
+<<domain IFAST IfAst>>
+<<domain RPTAST RepeatAst>>
+<<domain WHILEAST WhileAst>>
+<<domain INAST InAst>>
+<<domain CLLCTAST CollectAst>>
+<<domain LSTAST ConstructAst>>
+<<domain EXITAST ExitAst>>
+<<domain RETAST ReturnAst>>
+<<domain SEGAST SegmentAst>>
+<<domain SEQAST SequenceAst>>
+<<domain PRTDAST PretendAst>>
+<<domain CRCAST CoercedAst>>
+<<domain RSTRCAST RestrictAst>>
+<<domain LETAST LetAst>>