path: root/src/algebra/outform.spad.pamphlet
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/algebra/outform.spad.pamphlet')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/src/algebra/outform.spad.pamphlet b/src/algebra/outform.spad.pamphlet
index 00ca7d81..1c340f3e 100644
--- a/src/algebra/outform.spad.pamphlet
+++ b/src/algebra/outform.spad.pamphlet
@@ -225,250 +225,250 @@ import List
OutputForm(): SetCategory with
--% Printing
- print : $ -> Void
+ print : % -> Void
++ print(u) prints the form u.
- message: String -> $
+ message: String -> %
++ message(s) creates an form with no string quotes
++ from string s.
messagePrint: String -> Void
++ messagePrint(s) prints s without string quotes. Note:
++ \spad{messagePrint(s)} is equivalent to \spad{print message(s)}.
--% Creation of atomic forms
- outputForm: Integer -> $
+ outputForm: Integer -> %
++ outputForm(n) creates an form for integer n.
- outputForm: Symbol -> $
+ outputForm: Symbol -> %
++ outputForm(s) creates an form for symbol s.
- outputForm: String -> $
+ outputForm: String -> %
++ outputForm(s) creates an form for string s.
- outputForm: DoubleFloat -> $
+ outputForm: DoubleFloat -> %
++ outputForm(sf) creates an form for small float sf.
- empty : () -> $
+ empty : () -> %
++ empty() creates an empty form.
--% Sizings
- width: $ -> Integer
+ width: % -> Integer
++ width(f) returns the width of form f (an integer).
- height: $ -> Integer
+ height: % -> Integer
++ height(f) returns the height of form f (an integer).
width: -> Integer
++ width() returns the width of the display area (an integer).
height: -> Integer
++ height() returns the height of the display area (an integer).
- subHeight: $ -> Integer
+ subHeight: % -> Integer
++ subHeight(f) returns the height of form f below the base line.
- superHeight: $ -> Integer
+ superHeight: % -> Integer
++ superHeight(f) returns the height of form f above the base line.
--% Space manipulations
- hspace: Integer -> $ ++ hspace(n) creates white space of width n.
- vspace: Integer -> $ ++ vspace(n) creates white space of height n.
- rspace: (Integer,Integer) -> $
+ hspace: Integer -> % ++ hspace(n) creates white space of width n.
+ vspace: Integer -> % ++ vspace(n) creates white space of height n.
+ rspace: (Integer,Integer) -> %
++ rspace(n,m) creates rectangular white space, n wide by m high.
--% Area adjustments
- left: ($,Integer) -> $
+ left: (%,Integer) -> %
++ left(f,n) left-justifies form f within space of width n.
- right: ($,Integer) -> $
+ right: (%,Integer) -> %
++ right(f,n) right-justifies form f within space of width n.
- center: ($,Integer) -> $
+ center: (%,Integer) -> %
++ center(f,n) centers form f within space of width n.
- left: $ -> $
+ left: % -> %
++ left(f) left-justifies form f in total space.
- right: $ -> $
+ right: % -> %
++ right(f) right-justifies form f in total space.
- center: $ -> $
+ center: % -> %
++ center(f) centers form f in total space.
--% Area manipulations
- hconcat: ($,$) -> $
+ hconcat: (%,%) -> %
++ hconcat(f,g) horizontally concatenate forms f and g.
- vconcat: ($,$) -> $
+ vconcat: (%,%) -> %
++ vconcat(f,g) vertically concatenates forms f and g.
- hconcat: List $ -> $
+ hconcat: List % -> %
++ hconcat(u) horizontally concatenates all forms in list u.
- vconcat: List $ -> $
+ vconcat: List % -> %
++ vconcat(u) vertically concatenates all forms in list u.
--% Application formers
- prefix: ($, List $) -> $
+ prefix: (%, List %) -> %
++ prefix(f,l) creates a form depicting the n-ary prefix
++ application of f to a tuple of arguments given by list l.
- infix: ($, List $) -> $
+ infix: (%, List %) -> %
++ infix(f,l) creates a form depicting the n-ary application
++ of infix operation f to a tuple of arguments l.
- infix: ($, $, $) -> $
+ infix: (%, %, %) -> %
++ infix(op, a, b) creates a form which prints as: a op b.
- postfix: ($, $) -> $
+ postfix: (%, %) -> %
++ postfix(op, a) creates a form which prints as: a op.
- infix?: $ -> Boolean
+ infix?: % -> Boolean
++ infix?(op) returns true if op is an infix operator,
++ and false otherwise.
- elt: ($, List $) -> $
+ elt: (%, List %) -> %
++ elt(op,l) creates a form for application of op
++ to list of arguments l.
--% Special forms
- string: $ -> $
+ string: % -> %
++ string(f) creates f with string quotes.
- label: ($, $) -> $
+ label: (%, %) -> %
++ label(n,f) gives form f an equation label n.
- box: $ -> $
+ box: % -> %
++ box(f) encloses f in a box.
- matrix: List List $ -> $
+ matrix: List List % -> %
++ matrix(llf) makes llf (a list of lists of forms) into
++ a form which displays as a matrix.
- zag: ($, $) -> $
+ zag: (%, %) -> %
++ zag(f,g) creates a form for the continued fraction form for f over g.
- root: $ -> $
+ root: % -> %
++ root(f) creates a form for the square root of form f.
- root: ($, $) -> $
+ root: (%, %) -> %
++ root(f,n) creates a form for the nth root of form f.
- over: ($, $) -> $
+ over: (%, %) -> %
++ over(f,g) creates a form for the vertical fraction of f over g.
- slash: ($, $) -> $
+ slash: (%, %) -> %
++ slash(f,g) creates a form for the horizontal fraction of f over g.
- assign: ($, $) -> $
+ assign: (%, %) -> %
++ assign(f,g) creates a form for the assignment \spad{f := g}.
- rarrow: ($, $) -> $
+ rarrow: (%, %) -> %
++ rarrow(f,g) creates a form for the mapping \spad{f -> g}.
- differentiate: ($, NonNegativeInteger) -> $
+ differentiate: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> %
++ differentiate(f,n) creates a form for the nth derivative of f,
++ e.g. \spad{f'}, \spad{f''}, \spad{f'''},
++ "f super \spad{iv}".
- binomial: ($, $) -> $
+ binomial: (%, %) -> %
++ binomial(n,m) creates a form for the binomial coefficient of n and m.
--% Scripts
- sub: ($, $) -> $
+ sub: (%, %) -> %
++ sub(f,n) creates a form for f subscripted by n.
- super: ($, $) -> $
+ super: (%, %) -> %
++ super(f,n) creates a form for f superscripted by n.
- presub: ($, $) -> $
+ presub: (%, %) -> %
++ presub(f,n) creates a form for f presubscripted by n.
- presuper:($, $) -> $
+ presuper:(%, %) -> %
++ presuper(f,n) creates a form for f presuperscripted by n.
- scripts: ($, List $) -> $
+ scripts: (%, List %) -> %
++ \spad{scripts(f, [sub, super, presuper, presub])}
++ creates a form for f with scripts on all 4 corners.
- supersub:($, List $) -> $
+ supersub:(%, List %) -> %
++ supersub(a,[sub1,super1,sub2,super2,...])
++ creates a form with each subscript aligned
++ under each superscript.
--% Diacritical marks
- quote: $ -> $
+ quote: % -> %
++ quote(f) creates the form f with a prefix quote.
- dot: $ -> $
+ dot: % -> %
++ dot(f) creates the form with a one dot overhead.
- dot: ($, NonNegativeInteger) -> $
+ dot: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> %
++ dot(f,n) creates the form f with n dots overhead.
- prime: $ -> $
+ prime: % -> %
++ prime(f) creates the form f followed by a suffix prime (single quote).
- prime: ($, NonNegativeInteger) -> $
+ prime: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> %
++ prime(f,n) creates the form f followed by n primes.
- overbar: $ -> $
+ overbar: % -> %
++ overbar(f) creates the form f with an overbar.
- overlabel: ($, $) -> $
+ overlabel: (%, %) -> %
++ overlabel(x,f) creates the form f with "x overbar" over the top.
--% Plexes
- sum: ($) -> $
+ sum: (%) -> %
++ sum(expr) creates the form prefixing expr by a capital sigma.
- sum: ($, $) -> $
+ sum: (%, %) -> %
++ sum(expr,lowerlimit) creates the form prefixing expr by
++ a capital sigma with a lowerlimit.
- sum: ($, $, $) -> $
+ sum: (%, %, %) -> %
++ sum(expr,lowerlimit,upperlimit) creates the form prefixing expr by
++ a capital sigma with both a lowerlimit and upperlimit.
- prod: ($) -> $
+ prod: (%) -> %
++ prod(expr) creates the form prefixing expr by a capital pi.
- prod: ($, $) -> $
+ prod: (%, %) -> %
++ prod(expr,lowerlimit) creates the form prefixing expr by
++ a capital pi with a lowerlimit.
- prod: ($, $, $) -> $
+ prod: (%, %, %) -> %
++ prod(expr,lowerlimit,upperlimit) creates the form prefixing expr by
++ a capital pi with both a lowerlimit and upperlimit.
- int: ($) -> $
+ int: (%) -> %
++ int(expr) creates the form prefixing expr with an integral sign.
- int: ($, $) -> $
+ int: (%, %) -> %
++ int(expr,lowerlimit) creates the form prefixing expr by an
++ integral sign with a lowerlimit.
- int: ($, $, $) -> $
+ int: (%, %, %) -> %
++ int(expr,lowerlimit,upperlimit) creates the form prefixing expr by
++ an integral sign with both a lowerlimit and upperlimit.
--% Matchfix forms
- brace: $ -> $
+ brace: % -> %
++ brace(f) creates the form enclosing f in braces (curly brackets).
- brace: List $ -> $
+ brace: List % -> %
++ brace(lf) creates the form separating the elements of lf
++ by commas and encloses the result in curly brackets.
- bracket: $ -> $
+ bracket: % -> %
++ bracket(f) creates the form enclosing f in square brackets.
- bracket: List $ -> $
+ bracket: List % -> %
++ bracket(lf) creates the form separating the elements of lf
++ by commas and encloses the result in square brackets.
- paren: $ -> $
+ paren: % -> %
++ paren(f) creates the form enclosing f in parentheses.
- paren: List $ -> $
+ paren: List % -> %
++ paren(lf) creates the form separating the elements of lf
++ by commas and encloses the result in parentheses.
--% Separators for aggregates
- pile: List $ -> $
+ pile: List % -> %
++ pile(l) creates the form consisting of the elements of l which
++ displays as a pile, i.e. the elements begin on a new line and
++ are indented right to the same margin.
- commaSeparate: List $ -> $
+ commaSeparate: List % -> %
++ commaSeparate(l) creates the form separating the elements of l
++ by commas.
- semicolonSeparate: List $ -> $
+ semicolonSeparate: List % -> %
++ semicolonSeparate(l) creates the form separating the elements of l
++ by semicolons.
- blankSeparate: List $ -> $
+ blankSeparate: List % -> %
++ blankSeparate(l) creates the form separating the elements of l
++ by blanks.
--% Specific applications
- "=": ($, $) -> $
+ "=": (%, %) -> %
++ f = g creates the equivalent infix form.
- "~=": ($, $) -> $
+ "~=": (%, %) -> %
++ f ~= g creates the equivalent infix form.
- "<": ($, $) -> $
+ "<": (%, %) -> %
++ f < g creates the equivalent infix form.
- ">": ($, $) -> $
+ ">": (%, %) -> %
++ f > g creates the equivalent infix form.
- "<=": ($, $) -> $
+ "<=": (%, %) -> %
++ f <= g creates the equivalent infix form.
- ">=": ($, $) -> $
+ ">=": (%, %) -> %
++ f >= g creates the equivalent infix form.
- "+": ($, $) -> $
+ "+": (%, %) -> %
++ f + g creates the equivalent infix form.
- "-": ($, $) -> $
+ "-": (%, %) -> %
++ f - g creates the equivalent infix form.
- "-": ($) -> $
+ "-": (%) -> %
++ - f creates the equivalent prefix form.
- "*": ($, $) -> $
+ "*": (%, %) -> %
++ f * g creates the equivalent infix form.
- "/": ($, $) -> $
+ "/": (%, %) -> %
++ f / g creates the equivalent infix form.
- "**": ($, $) -> $
+ "**": (%, %) -> %
++ f ** g creates the equivalent infix form.
- "div": ($, $) -> $
+ "div": (%, %) -> %
++ f div g creates the equivalent infix form.
- "rem": ($, $) -> $
+ "rem": (%, %) -> %
++ f rem g creates the equivalent infix form.
- "quo": ($, $) -> $
+ "quo": (%, %) -> %
++ f quo g creates the equivalent infix form.
- "exquo": ($, $) -> $
+ "exquo": (%, %) -> %
++ exquo(f,g) creates the equivalent infix form.
- "and": ($, $) -> $
+ "and": (%, %) -> %
++ f and g creates the equivalent infix form.
- "or": ($, $) -> $
+ "or": (%, %) -> %
++ f or g creates the equivalent infix form.
- "not": ($) -> $
+ "not": (%) -> %
++ not f creates the equivalent prefix form.
- SEGMENT: ($,$) -> $
+ SEGMENT: (%,%) -> %
++ SEGMENT(x,y) creates the infix form: \spad{x..y}.
- SEGMENT: ($) -> $
+ SEGMENT: (%) -> %
++ SEGMENT(x) creates the prefix form: \spad{x..}.
== add
@@ -486,31 +486,28 @@ OutputForm(): SetCategory with
car ==> CAR$Lisp
cdr ==> CDR$Lisp
- Rep := List $
- a, b: $
- l: List $
+ a, b: %
+ l: List %
s: String
e: Symbol
n: Integer
- sform: String -> $
- eform: Symbol -> $
- iform: Integer -> $
+ sform(s: String): % == s pretend %
+ eform(e: Symbol): % == e pretend %
+ iform(i: Integer): % == i pretend %
+ bless(x: List %): % == x pretend %
print x == mathprint(x)$Lisp
- message s == (empty? s => empty(); s pretend $)
+ message s == (empty? s => empty(); s pretend %)
messagePrint s == print message s
- (a:$ = b:$):Boolean == EQUAL(a, b)$Lisp
- (a:$ = b:$):$ == [sform "=", a, b]
+ (a:% = b:%): Boolean == EQUAL(a, b)$Lisp
+ (a:% = b:%):% == bless [sform "=", a, b]
coerce(a):OutputForm == a pretend OutputForm
- outputForm n == n pretend $
- outputForm e == e pretend $
- outputForm(f:DoubleFloat) == f pretend $
- sform s == s pretend $
- eform e == e pretend $
- iform n == n pretend $
+ outputForm n == n pretend %
+ outputForm e == e pretend %
+ outputForm(f:DoubleFloat) == f pretend %
outputForm s ==
sform concat(quote()$Character, concat(s, quote()$Character))
@@ -542,7 +539,7 @@ OutputForm(): SetCategory with
vconcat(hspace n, rspace(n, m - 1))
matrix ll ==
- lv:$ := [LIST2VEC$Lisp l for l in ll]
+ lv := bless [LIST2VEC$Lisp l for l in ll]
CONS(eform MATRIX, LIST2VEC$Lisp lv)$Lisp
pile l == cons(eform SC, l)
@@ -550,24 +547,24 @@ OutputForm(): SetCategory with
semicolonSeparate l == cons(eform AGGSET, l)
blankSeparate l ==
c:=eform CONCATB
- l1:$:=[]
+ l1: List % :=[]
for u in reverse l repeat
if EQCAR(u,c)$Lisp
then l1:=[:cdr u,:l1]
else l1:=[u,:l1]
cons(c, l1)
- brace a == [eform BRACE, a]
+ brace a == bless [eform BRACE, a]
brace l == brace commaSeparate l
- bracket a == [eform BRACKET, a]
+ bracket a == bless [eform BRACKET, a]
bracket l == bracket commaSeparate l
- paren a == [eform PAREN, a]
+ paren a == bless [eform PAREN, a]
paren l == paren commaSeparate l
- sub (a,b) == [eform SUB, a, b]
- super (a, b) == [eform SUPERSUB,a,sform " ",b]
- presub(a,b) == [eform SUPERSUB,a,sform " ",sform " ",sform " ",b]
- presuper(a, b) == [eform SUPERSUB,a,sform " ",sform " ",b]
+ sub (a,b) == bless [eform SUB, a, b]
+ super (a, b) == bless [eform SUPERSUB,a,sform " ",b]
+ presub(a,b) == bless [eform SUPERSUB,a,sform " ",sform " ",sform " ",b]
+ presuper(a, b) == bless [eform SUPERSUB,a,sform " ",sform " ",b]
scripts (a, l) ==
null l => a
null rest l => sub(a, first l)
@@ -576,35 +573,35 @@ OutputForm(): SetCategory with
if odd?(#l) then l := append(l, [empty()])
cons(eform ALTSUPERSUB, cons(a, l))
- hconcat(a,b) == [eform CONCAT, a, b]
+ hconcat(a,b) == bless [eform CONCAT, a, b]
hconcat l == cons(eform CONCAT, l)
- vconcat(a,b) == [eform VCONCAT, a, b]
+ vconcat(a,b) == bless [eform VCONCAT, a, b]
vconcat l == cons(eform VCONCAT, l)
- (a:% ~= b:%): % == [sform "~=", a, b]
- a < b == [sform "<", a, b]
- a > b == [sform ">", a, b]
- a <= b == [sform "<=", a, b]
- a >= b == [sform ">=", a, b]
- a + b == [sform "+", a, b]
- a - b == [sform "-", a, b]
- - a == [sform "-", a]
- a * b == [sform "*", a, b]
- a / b == [sform "/", a, b]
- a ** b == [sform "**", a, b]
- a div b == [sform "div", a, b]
- a rem b == [sform "rem", a, b]
- a quo b == [sform "quo", a, b]
- a exquo b == [sform "exquo", a, b]
- a and b == [sform "and", a, b]
- a or b == [sform "or", a, b]
- not a == [sform "not", a]
- SEGMENT(a,b)== [eform SEGMENT, a, b]
- SEGMENT(a) == [eform SEGMENT, a]
- binomial(a,b)==[eform BINOMIAL, a, b]
- empty() == [eform NOTHING]
+ (a:% ~= b:%): % == bless [sform "~=", a, b]
+ a < b == bless [sform "<", a, b]
+ a > b == bless [sform ">", a, b]
+ a <= b == bless [sform "<=", a, b]
+ a >= b == bless [sform ">=", a, b]
+ a + b == bless [sform "+", a, b]
+ a - b == bless [sform "-", a, b]
+ - a == bless [sform "-", a]
+ a * b == bless [sform "*", a, b]
+ a / b == bless [sform "/", a, b]
+ a ** b == bless [sform "**", a, b]
+ a div b == bless [sform "div", a, b]
+ a rem b == bless [sform "rem", a, b]
+ a quo b == bless [sform "quo", a, b]
+ a exquo b == bless [sform "exquo", a, b]
+ a and b == bless [sform "and", a, b]
+ a or b == bless [sform "or", a, b]
+ not a == bless [sform "not", a]
+ SEGMENT(a,b)== bless [eform SEGMENT, a, b]
+ SEGMENT(a) == bless [eform SEGMENT, a]
+ binomial(a,b)== bless [eform BINOMIAL, a, b]
+ empty() == bless [eform NOTHING]
infix? a ==
e:$ :=
@@ -624,30 +621,30 @@ OutputForm(): SetCategory with
infix? a => cons(a, l)
hconcat [first l, a, infix(a, rest l)]
infix(a,b,c) ==
- infix? a => [a, b, c]
+ infix? a => bless [a, b, c]
hconcat [b, a, c]
postfix(a, b) ==
hconcat(b, a)
- string a == [eform STRING, a]
- quote a == [eform QUOTE, a]
- overbar a == [eform OVERBAR, a]
+ string a == bless [eform STRING, a]
+ quote a == bless [eform QUOTE, a]
+ overbar a == bless [eform OVERBAR, a]
dot a == super(a, sform ".")
prime a == super(a, sform ",")
dot(a,nn) == (s := new(nn, char "."); super(a, sform s))
prime(a,nn) == (s := new(nn, char ","); super(a, sform s))
- overlabel(a,b) == [eform OVERLABEL, a, b]
- box a == [eform BOX, a]
- zag(a,b) == [eform ZAG, a, b]
- root a == [eform ROOT, a]
- root(a,b) == [eform ROOT, a, b]
- over(a,b) == [eform OVER, a, b]
- slash(a,b) == [eform SLASH, a, b]
- assign(a,b)== [eform LET, a, b]
- label(a,b) == [eform EQUATNUM, a, b]
- rarrow(a,b)== [eform TAG, a, b]
+ overlabel(a,b) == bless [eform OVERLABEL, a, b]
+ box a == bless [eform BOX, a]
+ zag(a,b) == bless [eform ZAG, a, b]
+ root a == bless [eform ROOT, a]
+ root(a,b) == bless [eform ROOT, a, b]
+ over(a,b) == bless [eform OVER, a, b]
+ slash(a,b) == bless [eform SLASH, a, b]
+ assign(a,b)== bless [eform LET, a, b]
+ label(a,b) == bless [eform EQUATNUM, a, b]
+ rarrow(a,b)== bless [eform TAG, a, b]
differentiate(a, nn)==
zero? nn => a
nn < 4 => prime(a, nn)
@@ -655,15 +652,15 @@ OutputForm(): SetCategory with
s := lowerCase(r::String)
super(a, paren sform s)
- sum(a) == [eform SIGMA, empty(), a]
- sum(a,b) == [eform SIGMA, b, a]
- sum(a,b,c) == [eform SIGMA2, b, c, a]
- prod(a) == [eform PI, empty(), a]
- prod(a,b) == [eform PI, b, a]
- prod(a,b,c)== [eform PI2, b, c, a]
- int(a) == [eform INTSIGN,empty(), empty(), a]
- int(a,b) == [eform INTSIGN,b, empty(), a]
- int(a,b,c) == [eform INTSIGN,b, c, a]
+ sum(a) == bless [eform SIGMA, empty(), a]
+ sum(a,b) == bless [eform SIGMA, b, a]
+ sum(a,b,c) == bless [eform SIGMA2, b, c, a]
+ prod(a) == bless [eform PI, empty(), a]
+ prod(a,b) == bless [eform PI, b, a]
+ prod(a,b,c)== bless [eform PI2, b, c, a]
+ int(a) == bless [eform INTSIGN,empty(), empty(), a]
+ int(a,b) == bless [eform INTSIGN,b, empty(), a]
+ int(a,b,c) == bless [eform INTSIGN,b, c, a]