path: root/src/algebra/net.spad.pamphlet
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1 files changed, 42 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/src/algebra/net.spad.pamphlet b/src/algebra/net.spad.pamphlet
index 05d15354..4f2ded2a 100644
--- a/src/algebra/net.spad.pamphlet
+++ b/src/algebra/net.spad.pamphlet
@@ -37,25 +37,24 @@ Conduit(): Category == with
++ Description:
++ This category describes input byte stream conduits.
InputByteConduit(): Category == Conduit with
- readByteIfCan!: % -> SingleInteger
- ++ readByteIfCan!(cond) attempts to read a byte from the
+ readByte!: % -> Maybe Byte
+ ++ readByte!(cond) attempts to read a byte from the
++ input conduit `cond'. Returns the read byte if successful,
- ++ otherwise return -1.
- ++ Note: Ideally, the return value should have been of type
- ++ Maybe Byte; but that would have implied allocating
- ++ a cons cell for every read attempt, which is overkill.
- readBytes!: (%,ByteBuffer) -> SingleInteger
+ ++ otherwise \spad{nothing}.
+ readBytes!: (%,ByteBuffer) -> NonNegativeInteger
++ readBytes!(c,b) reads byte sequences from conduit `c' into
++ the byte buffer `b'. The actual number of bytes written
++ is returned, and the length of `b' is set to that amount.
readBytes!(cond,buf) ==
- count: NonNegativeInteger := 0
- b : SingleInteger
- while count < capacity buf and ((b := readByteIfCan! cond) >= 0) repeat
- qsetelt!(buf,count,b : Byte)
- count := count + 1
- setLength!(buf,count)::SingleInteger
+ count := 0@NonNegativeInteger
+ while count < capacity buf repeat
+ case readByte! cond is
+ b@Byte =>
+ qsetelt!(buf,count,b)
+ count := count + 1
+ otherwise => break
+ setLength!(buf,count)
@@ -69,22 +68,19 @@ InputByteConduit(): Category == Conduit with
++ Description:
++ This category describes output byte stream conduits.
OutputByteConduit(): Category == Conduit with
- writeByteIfCan!: (%,Byte) -> SingleInteger
- ++ writeByteIfCan!(c,b) attempts to write the byte `b' on
+ writeByte!: (%,Byte) -> Maybe Byte
+ ++ writeByte!(c,b) attempts to write the byte `b' on
++ the conduit `c'. Returns the written byte if successful,
- ++ otherwise, returns -1.
- ++ Note: Ideally, the return value should have been of type
- ++ Maybe Byte; but that would have implied allocating
- ++ a cons cell for every write attempt, which is overkill.
- writeBytes!: (%,ByteBuffer) -> SingleInteger
+ ++ otherwise, returns \spad{nothing}.
+ writeBytes!: (%,ByteBuffer) -> NonNegativeInteger
++ writeBytes!(c,b) write bytes from buffer `b'
++ onto the conduit `c'. The actual number of written
++ bytes is returned.
writeBytes!(cond,buf) ==
- count: SingleInteger := 0
+ count := 0@NonNegativeInteger
while count < capacity buf and
- writeByteIfCan!(cond,qelt(buf,count)) >= 0 repeat
+ writeByte!(cond,qelt(buf,count)) case Byte repeat
count := count + 1
@@ -143,10 +139,10 @@ InputBinaryFile(): Public == Private where
per [openBinaryFile(f,input$IOMode)$Lisp,f::FileName,false]
isOpen? ifile ==
not null? rep(ifile).stream
- readByteIfCan! ifile ==
+ readByte! ifile ==
isOpen? ifile =>
- b: SingleInteger := readByteFromFile(rep(ifile).stream)$Lisp
- if b < 0@SingleInteger then
+ b: Maybe Byte := readByteFromFile(rep(ifile).stream)$Lisp
+ if b case nothing then
rep(ifile).eof := true
error "file is not open"
@@ -165,7 +161,6 @@ InputBinaryFile(): Public == Private where
position!(ifile,p) ==
isOpen? ifile =>
- p
error "file is not open"
coerce(ifile: %): OutputForm ==
@@ -200,7 +195,7 @@ OutputBinaryFile(): Public == Private where
per [openBinaryFile(f,output$IOMode)$Lisp,f::FileName]
isOpen? ifile ==
not null? rep(ifile).stream
- writeByteIfCan!(ifile,b) ==
+ writeByte!(ifile,b) ==
isOpen? ifile => writeByteToFile(rep(ifile).stream,b)$Lisp
error "file is not open"
close! ifile ==
@@ -338,50 +333,45 @@ InetClientStreamSocket(): Public == Private where
Public == Join(NetworkClientSocket IP4Address, CoercibleTo OutputForm) with
connectTo: (Hostname, PortNumber) -> Maybe %
Private == add
- -- we hope that a small integer is OK on all platform
Host == Union(IP4Address,Hostname)
- Rep == Record(%host: Host, %port: PortNumber, %sock: SingleInteger)
+ -- we hope that a small integer is OK on all platforms
+ Rep == Record(%host: Host, %port: PortNumber, %sock: Maybe SingleInteger)
connectTo(ip: IP4Address, p: PortNumber) ==
- s: SingleInteger := connectToHostAndPort(ip,4,p)$Lisp
- s = -1::SingleInteger => nothing
+ s: Maybe SingleInteger := connectToHostAndPort(ip,4,p)$Lisp
+ s case nothing => nothing
just per [ip::Host,p,s]
connectTo(h: Hostname, p: PortNumber) ==
(ip := resolve(h)$IP4Address) case nothing => nothing
- s: SingleInteger := connectToHostAndPort(ip@IP4Address,4,p)$Lisp
- s = -1::SingleInteger => nothing
+ s: Maybe SingleInteger := connectToHostAndPort(ip@IP4Address,4,p)$Lisp
+ s case nothing => nothing
just per [h::Host,p,s]
isConnected? s ==
- rep(s).%sock ~= -1::SingleInteger
+ rep(s).%sock case SingleInteger
readBytes!(x,b) ==
- n: SingleInteger :=
+ not isConnected? x => error "socket is not connected"
+ n: NonNegativeInteger :=
readFromStreamSocket(rep(x).%sock,b, capacity b)$Lisp
- if n <= 0 then close! x
- else setLength!(b,n : NonNegativeInteger)
- n
- readByteIfCan! x ==
- r: SingleInteger := readByteFromStreamSocket(rep(x).%sock)$Lisp
- if r < 0 then close! x
- r
+ setLength!(b,n)
+ readByte! x ==
+ not isConnected? x => error "socket is not connected"
+ readByteFromStreamSocket(rep(x).%sock)$Lisp
writeBytes!(x,b) ==
- n: SingleInteger :=
- writeToStreamSocket(rep(x).%sock,b, capacity b)$Lisp
- if n <= 0 then close! x
- else setLength!(b,n : NonNegativeInteger)
- n
+ not isConnected? x => error "socket is not connected"
+ writeToStreamSocket(rep(x).%sock,b, #b)$Lisp
- writeByteIfCan!(x,b) ==
- r: SingleInteger := writeByteToStreamSocket(rep(x).%sock,b)$Lisp
- if r < 0 then close! x
- r
+ writeByte!(x,b) ==
+ not isConnected? x => error "socket is not connected"
+ writeByteToStreamSocket(rep(x).%sock,b)$Lisp
close! x ==
- rep(x).%sock := -1::SingleInteger
+ rep(x).%sock := nothing
coerce(x: %): OutputForm ==