path: root/src/algebra/data.spad.pamphlet
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/algebra/data.spad.pamphlet')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/src/algebra/data.spad.pamphlet b/src/algebra/data.spad.pamphlet
index 6810cbb1..5f060343 100644
--- a/src/algebra/data.spad.pamphlet
+++ b/src/algebra/data.spad.pamphlet
@@ -301,25 +301,29 @@ import Byte
++ Note: a value of type ByteBuffer is 0-based indexed, as opposed
++ Vector, but not unlike PrimitiveArray Byte.
ByteBuffer(): Public == Private where
+ macro NNI == NonNegativeInteger
Public == Join(OneDimensionalArrayAggregate Byte,_
CoercibleTo PrimitiveArray Byte,CoercibleTo String) with
- byteBuffer: NonNegativeInteger -> %
+ byteBuffer: NNI -> %
++ byteBuffer(n) creates a buffer of capacity n, and length 0.
- capacity: % -> NonNegativeInteger
+ capacity: % -> NNI
++ capacity(buf) returns the pre-allocated maximum size of `buf'.
- setLength!: (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> NonNegativeInteger
+ setLength!: (%,NNI) -> NNI
++ setLength!(buf,n) sets the number of active bytes in the
++ `buf'. Error if `n' is more than the capacity.
finiteAggregate ++ A ByteBuffer object is a finite aggregate
Private == add
+ import %bytevec2str: (PrimitiveArray Byte,NNI) -> String
+ from Foreign Builtin
-- A buffer object is a pair of a simple array, and the count
-- of active number in the array. Note that we cannot use
-- Lisp-level fill pointers because that would not guarantee that
-- the implementation uses a simple representation, therefore
-- complicating FFI interface.
- Rep == Record(ary: PrimitiveArray Byte, sz: NonNegativeInteger)
+ Rep == Record(ary: PrimitiveArray Byte, sz: NNI)
- makeByteBuffer(n: NonNegativeInteger): % ==
+ makeByteBuffer(n: NNI): % ==
per [makeByteBuffer(n)$Foreign(Builtin),n]$Rep
byteBuffer n == makeByteBuffer n
@@ -359,11 +363,8 @@ ByteBuffer(): Public == Private where
coerce(buf: %): PrimitiveArray Byte ==
- coerce(buf: %): String ==
- s: String := MAKE_-STRING(#buf)$Foreign(Builtin)
- for i in 0..maxIndex buf repeat
- qsetelt!(s,i + 1,qelt(buf,i)::Character)$String
- s
+ coerce(buf: %): String ==
+ %bytevec2str(rep(buf).ary,#buf)
construct l ==
buf := makeByteBuffer(#l)