path: root/src/algebra/data.spad.pamphlet
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1 files changed, 101 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/src/algebra/data.spad.pamphlet b/src/algebra/data.spad.pamphlet
index 9a62ec4a..10fb2431 100644
--- a/src/algebra/data.spad.pamphlet
+++ b/src/algebra/data.spad.pamphlet
@@ -66,54 +66,137 @@ Byte(): Public == Private where
-\section{The ByteArray domain}
+\section{The ByteBuffer domain}
-<<domain BYTEARY ByteArray>>=
-import PrimitiveArray
+<<domain BYTEBUF ByteBuffer>>=
import Byte
-)abbrev domain BYTEARY ByteArray
+)abbrev domain BYTEBUF ByteBuffer
++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
++ Date Created: April 19, 2008
++ Related Constructor:
++ Description:
-++ ByteArray provides datatype for fix-sized buffer of bytes.
-ByteArray() == PrimitiveArray Byte
+++ ByteBuffer provides datatype for buffers of bytes. This domain
+++ differs from PrimitiveArray Byte in that it has it is not as rigid
+++ as PrimitiveArray Byte is. That is, the typical use of
+++ ByteBuffer is to pre-allocate a vector of Byte of some capacity
+++ `c'. The array can then store up to `c' bytes. The actual
+++ interesting bytes count (the length of the buffer) is therefore
+++ different from the capacity. The length is no more than the
+++ capacity, but it can be set dynamically as needed. This
+++ functionality is used for example when reading bytes from
+++ input/output devices where we use buffers to transfer data in and
+++ out of the system.
+++ Note: a value of type ByteBuffer is 0-based indexed, as opposed
+++ Vector, but not unlike PrimitiveArray Byte.
+ByteBuffer(): Public == Private where
+ Public == Join(OneDimensionalArrayAggregate Byte, CoercibleTo String) with
+ byteBuffer: NonNegativeInteger -> %
+ ++ byteBuffer(n) creates a buffer of capacity n, and length 0.
+ _#: % -> NonNegativeInteger
+ ++ #buf returns the number of active elements in the buffer.
+ capacity: % -> NonNegativeInteger
+ ++ capacity(buf) returns the pre-allocated maximum size of `buf'.
+ setLength!: (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> NonNegativeInteger
+ ++ setLength!(buf,n) sets the number of active bytes in the
+ ++ `buf'. Error if `n' is more than the capacity.
+ Private == add
+ byteBuffer n ==
+ buf := makeByteBuffer(n)$Lisp
+ setLength!(buf,0)
+ buf
+ empty() == byteBuffer 0
+ new(n,b) == makeByteBuffer(n,b)$Lisp
+ qelt(buf,i) ==
+ AREF(buf,i)$Lisp
+ elt(buf: %,i: Integer) ==
+ i >= capacity buf => error "index out of range"
+ qelt(buf,i)
+ qsetelt!(buf,i,b) ==
+ SETF(AREF(buf,i)$Lisp,b)$Lisp
+ setelt(buf: %,i: Integer, b: Byte) ==
+ i >= capacity buf => error "index out of range"
+ qsetelt!(buf,i,b)
+ capacity buf == ARRAY_-DIMENSION(buf,0)$Lisp
+ minIndex buf == 0
+ maxIndex buf == capacity(buf)::Integer - 1
+ # buf == LENGTH(buf)$Lisp
+ x = y ==
+ EQUAL(x,y)$Lisp
+ setLength!(buf,n) ==
+ n > capacity buf =>
+ error "attempt to set length higher than capacity"
+ SETF(FILL_-POINTER(buf)$Lisp,n)$Lisp
+ coerce(buf: %): String ==
+ s: String := MAKE_-STRING(#buf)$Lisp
+ for i in 0..(#buf - 1) repeat
+ qsetelt!(s,i + 1,qelt(buf,i)::Character)$String
+ s
+ construct l ==
+ buf := byteBuffer(#l)
+ for b in l for i in 0.. repeat
+ buf.i := b
+ buf
+ concat(x: %, y:%) ==
+ nx := #x
+ ny := #y
+ buf := byteBuffer(nx + ny)
+ for i in 0..(nx - 1) repeat
+ buf.i := x.i
+ for i in 0..(ny - 1) repeat
+ buf.(nx + i) := y.i
+ buf
-\section{The DataBuffer domain}
+\section{The DataArray domain}
-<<domain DATABUF DataBuffer>>=
-)abbrev domain DATABUF DataBuffer
+<<domain DATAARY DataArray>>=
+)abbrev domain DATAARY DataArray
++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
++ Date Created: August 23, 2008
++ Description:
++ This domain provides for a fixed-sized homogeneous data buffer.
-DataBuffer(N: PositiveInteger, T: SetCategory): Public == Private where
+DataArray(N: PositiveInteger, T: SetCategory): Public == Private where
Public == SetCategory with
new: () -> %
++ new() returns a fresly allocated data buffer or length N.
- elt: (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> T
+ qelt: (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> T
++ elt(b,i) returns the ith element in buffer `b'. Indexing
++ is 0-based.
- setelt: (%,NonNegativeInteger,T) -> T
+ qsetelt: (%,NonNegativeInteger,T) -> T
++ setelt(b,i,x) sets the ith entry of data buffer `b' to `x'.
++ Indexing is 0-based.
Private == add
new() ==
- elt(b,i) ==
+ qelt(b,i) ==
- setelt(b,i,x) ==
+ qsetelt(b,i,x) ==
x = y ==
coerce(b: %): OutputForm ==
- bracket([elt(b,i)::OutputForm for i in 0..(N-1)])
+ bracket([qelt(b,i)::OutputForm for i in 0..(N-1)])
@@ -155,7 +238,9 @@ DataBuffer(N: PositiveInteger, T: SetCategory): Public == Private where
<<domain BYTE Byte>>
-<<domain BYTEARY ByteArray>>
+<<domain BYTEBUF ByteBuffer>>
+<<domain DATAARY DataArray>>