path: root/src/algebra/boolean.spad.pamphlet
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/algebra/boolean.spad.pamphlet')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 271 deletions
diff --git a/src/algebra/boolean.spad.pamphlet b/src/algebra/boolean.spad.pamphlet
index 5ebd188d..11a8dd35 100644
--- a/src/algebra/boolean.spad.pamphlet
+++ b/src/algebra/boolean.spad.pamphlet
@@ -323,110 +323,6 @@ Reference(S:Type): Type with
prefix(message("ref"@String), [p.value::OutputForm])
-\section{REF.lsp BOOTSTRAP}
-{\bf REF} depends on a chain of
-files. We need to break this cycle to build the algebra. So we keep a
-cached copy of the translated {\bf REF} category which we can write
-into the {\bf MID} directory. We compile the lisp code and copy the
-{\bf REF.o} file to the {\bf OUT} directory. This is eventually
-forcibly replaced by a recompiled version.
-Note that this code is not included in the generated catdef.spad file.
-(PUT '|REF;=;2$B;1| '|SPADreplace| 'EQ)
-(DEFUN |REF;=;2$B;1| (|p| |q| $) (EQ |p| |q|))
-(PUT '|REF;ref;S$;2| '|SPADreplace| 'LIST)
-(DEFUN |REF;ref;S$;2| (|v| $) (LIST |v|))
-(PUT '|REF;elt;$S;3| '|SPADreplace| 'QCAR)
-(DEFUN |REF;elt;$S;3| (|p| $) (QCAR |p|))
-(DEFUN |REF;setelt;$2S;4| (|p| |v| $)
- (PROGN (RPLACA |p| |v|) (QCAR |p|)))
-(PUT '|REF;deref;$S;5| '|SPADreplace| 'QCAR)
-(DEFUN |REF;deref;$S;5| (|p| $) (QCAR |p|))
-(DEFUN |REF;setref;$2S;6| (|p| |v| $)
- (PROGN (RPLACA |p| |v|) (QCAR |p|)))
-(DEFUN |REF;coerce;$Of;7| (|p| $)
- (SPADCALL (SPADCALL "ref" (|getShellEntry| $ 17))
- (LIST (SPADCALL (QCAR |p|) (|getShellEntry| $ 18)))
- (|getShellEntry| $ 20)))
-(DEFUN |Reference| (#0=#:G1401)
- (PROG ()
- (PROG (#1=#:G1402)
- ((LETT #1#
- (|lassocShiftWithFunction| (LIST (|devaluate| #0#))
- (HGET |$ConstructorCache| '|Reference|)
- '|domainEqualList|)
- |Reference|)
- (|CDRwithIncrement| #1#))
- ('T
- (PROG1 (|Reference;| #0#) (LETT #1# T |Reference|))
- ((NOT #1#) (HREM |$ConstructorCache| '|Reference|)))))))))))
-(DEFUN |Reference;| (|#1|)
- (PROG (|dv$1| |dv$| $ |pv$|)
- (LETT |dv$1| (|devaluate| |#1|) . #0=(|Reference|))
- (LETT |dv$| (LIST '|Reference| |dv$1|) . #0#)
- (LETT $ (|newShell| 23) . #0#)
- (|setShellEntry| $ 0 |dv$|)
- (|setShellEntry| $ 3
- (LETT |pv$|
- (|buildPredVector| 0 0
- (LIST (|HasCategory| |#1| '(|SetCategory|)))) . #0#))
- (|haddProp| |$ConstructorCache| '|Reference| (LIST |dv$1|)
- (CONS 1 $))
- (|stuffDomainSlots| $)
- (|setShellEntry| $ 6 |#1|)
- (|setShellEntry| $ 7 (|Record| (|:| |value| |#1|)))
- ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 1)
- (|setShellEntry| $ 21
- (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |REF;coerce;$Of;7|) $))))
- $))))
-(MAKEPROP '|Reference| '|infovec|
- (LIST '#(NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL (|local| |#1|) '|Rep| (|Boolean|)
- |REF;=;2$B;1| |REF;ref;S$;2| |REF;elt;$S;3|
- |REF;setelt;$2S;4| |REF;deref;$S;5| |REF;setref;$2S;6|
- (|String|) (|OutputForm|) (0 . |message|) (5 . |coerce|)
- (|List| $) (10 . |prefix|) (16 . |coerce|)
- (|SingleInteger|))
- '#(~= 21 |setref| 27 |setelt| 33 |ref| 39 |latex| 44 |hash|
- 49 |elt| 54 |deref| 59 |coerce| 64 = 69)
- 'NIL
- (CONS (|makeByteWordVec2| 1 '(1 0 1 1))
- (CONS '#(|SetCategory&| NIL |BasicType&| NIL)
- (CONS '#((|SetCategory|) (|Type|) (|BasicType|)
- (|CoercibleTo| 16))
- (|makeByteWordVec2| 22
- '(1 16 0 15 17 1 6 16 0 18 2 16 0 0 19
- 20 1 0 16 0 21 2 1 8 0 0 1 2 0 6 0 6
- 14 2 0 6 0 6 12 1 0 0 6 10 1 1 15 0 1
- 1 1 22 0 1 1 0 6 0 11 1 0 6 0 13 1 1
- 16 0 21 2 0 8 0 0 9)))))
- '|lookupComplete|))
\section{category LOGIC Logic}
@@ -526,174 +422,7 @@ Boolean(): Join(OrderedSet, Finite, Logic, PropositionalLogic, ConvertibleTo Inp
message "false"
-{\bf BOOLEAN} depends on
-{\bf ORDSET} which depends on
-{\bf SETCAT} which depends on
-{\bf BASTYPE} which depends on
-{\bf BOOLEAN}. We need to break this cycle to build the algebra.
-So we keep a cached copy of the translated BOOLEAN domain which
-we can write into the {\bf MID} directory. We compile the lisp
-code and copy the {\bf BOOLEAN.o} file to the {\bf OUT} directory.
-This is eventually forcibly replaced by a recompiled version.
-(PUT '|BOOLEAN;test;2$;1| '|SPADreplace| '(XLAM (|a|) |a|))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;test;2$;1| (|a| $) |a|)
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;nt| (|b| $) (COND (|b| 'NIL) ('T 'T)))
-(PUT '|BOOLEAN;true;$;3| '|SPADreplace| '(XLAM NIL 'T))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;true;$;3| ($) 'T)
-(PUT '|BOOLEAN;false;$;4| '|SPADreplace| '(XLAM NIL NIL))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;false;$;4| ($) NIL)
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;not;2$;5| (|b| $) (COND (|b| 'NIL) ('T 'T)))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;^;2$;6| (|b| $) (COND (|b| 'NIL) ('T 'T)))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;~;2$;7| (|b| $) (COND (|b| 'NIL) ('T 'T)))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;and;3$;8| (|a| |b| $) (COND (|a| |b|) ('T 'NIL)))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;/\\;3$;9| (|a| |b| $) (COND (|a| |b|) ('T 'NIL)))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;or;3$;10| (|a| |b| $) (COND (|a| 'T) ('T |b|)))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;\\/;3$;11| (|a| |b| $) (COND (|a| 'T) ('T |b|)))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;xor;3$;12| (|a| |b| $)
- (COND (|a| (|BOOLEAN;nt| |b| $)) ('T |b|)))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;nor;3$;13| (|a| |b| $)
- (COND (|a| 'NIL) ('T (|BOOLEAN;nt| |b| $))))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;nand;3$;14| (|a| |b| $)
- (COND (|a| (|BOOLEAN;nt| |b| $)) ('T 'T)))
-(PUT '|BOOLEAN;=;2$B;15| '|SPADreplace| 'EQ)
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;=;2$B;15| (|a| |b| $) (EQ |a| |b|))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;implies;3$;16| (|a| |b| $) (COND (|a| |b|) ('T 'T)))
-(PUT '|BOOLEAN;equiv;3$;17| '|SPADreplace| 'EQ)
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;equiv;3$;17| (|a| |b| $) (EQ |a| |b|))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;<;2$B;18| (|a| |b| $)
- (COND (|b| (|BOOLEAN;nt| |a| $)) ('T 'NIL)))
-(PUT '|BOOLEAN;size;Nni;19| '|SPADreplace| '(XLAM NIL 2))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;size;Nni;19| ($) 2)
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;index;Pi$;20| (|i| $)
- (COND ((SPADCALL |i| (|getShellEntry| $ 27)) 'NIL) ('T 'T)))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;lookup;$Pi;21| (|a| $) (COND (|a| 1) ('T 2)))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;random;$;22| ($)
- (COND ((SPADCALL (|random|) (|getShellEntry| $ 27)) 'NIL) ('T 'T)))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;convert;$If;23| (|x| $)
- (|x| (SPADCALL (SPADCALL "true" (|getShellEntry| $ 34))
- (|getShellEntry| $ 36)))
- ('T
- (SPADCALL (SPADCALL "false" (|getShellEntry| $ 34))
- (|getShellEntry| $ 36)))))
-(DEFUN |BOOLEAN;coerce;$Of;24| (|x| $)
- (|x| (SPADCALL "true" (|getShellEntry| $ 39)))
- ('T (SPADCALL "false" (|getShellEntry| $ 39)))))
-(DEFUN |Boolean| ()
- (PROG ()
- (PROG (#0=#:G1421)
- ((LETT #0# (HGET |$ConstructorCache| '|Boolean|) |Boolean|)
- (|CDRwithIncrement| (CDAR #0#)))
- ('T
- (PROG1 (CDDAR (HPUT |$ConstructorCache| '|Boolean|
- (CONS NIL (CONS 1 (|Boolean;|))))))
- (LETT #0# T |Boolean|))
- ((NOT #0#) (HREM |$ConstructorCache| '|Boolean|)))))))))))
-(DEFUN |Boolean;| ()
- (PROG (|dv$| $ |pv$|)
- (LETT |dv$| '(|Boolean|) . #0=(|Boolean|))
- (LETT $ (|newShell| 42) . #0#)
- (|setShellEntry| $ 0 |dv$|)
- (|setShellEntry| $ 3
- (LETT |pv$| (|buildPredVector| 0 0 NIL) . #0#))
- (|haddProp| |$ConstructorCache| '|Boolean| NIL (CONS 1 $))
- (|stuffDomainSlots| $)
- $))))
-(MAKEPROP '|Boolean| '|infovec|
- (FUNCALL (|dispatchFunction| |BOOLEAN;true;$;3|) $))
- (FUNCALL (|dispatchFunction| |BOOLEAN;false;$;4|) $))
- |BOOLEAN;not;2$;5| |BOOLEAN;^;2$;6| |BOOLEAN;~;2$;7|
- |BOOLEAN;and;3$;8| |BOOLEAN;/\\;3$;9| |BOOLEAN;or;3$;10|
- |BOOLEAN;\\/;3$;11| |BOOLEAN;xor;3$;12|
- |BOOLEAN;nor;3$;13| |BOOLEAN;nand;3$;14| (|Boolean|)
- |BOOLEAN;=;2$B;15| |BOOLEAN;implies;3$;16|
- |BOOLEAN;equiv;3$;17| |BOOLEAN;<;2$B;18|
- (|NonNegativeInteger|) |BOOLEAN;size;Nni;19| (|Integer|)
- (0 . |even?|) (|PositiveInteger|) |BOOLEAN;index;Pi$;20|
- |BOOLEAN;lookup;$Pi;21| |BOOLEAN;random;$;22| (|String|)
- (|Symbol|) (5 . |coerce|) (|InputForm|) (10 . |convert|)
- |BOOLEAN;convert;$If;23| (|OutputForm|) (15 . |message|)
- |BOOLEAN;coerce;$Of;24| (|SingleInteger|))
- '#(~= 20 ~ 26 |xor| 31 |true| 37 |test| 41 |size| 46 |random|
- 50 |or| 54 |not| 60 |nor| 65 |nand| 71 |min| 77 |max| 83
- |lookup| 89 |latex| 94 |index| 99 |implies| 104 |hash| 110
- |false| 115 |equiv| 119 |convert| 125 |coerce| 130 |and|
- 135 ^ 141 |\\/| 146 >= 152 > 158 = 164 <= 170 < 176 |/\\|
- 182)
- 'NIL
- (CONS (|makeByteWordVec2| 1 '(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
- (CONS '#(|OrderedSet&| NIL |Logic&| |SetCategory&| NIL
- NIL |BasicType&| NIL)
- (CONS '#((|OrderedSet|) (|Finite|) (|Logic|)
- (|SetCategory|) (|ConvertibleTo| 35)
- (|PropositionalLogic|) (|BasicType|)
- (|CoercibleTo| 38))
- (|makeByteWordVec2| 41
- '(1 26 19 0 27 1 33 0 32 34 1 35 0 33
- 36 1 38 0 32 39 2 0 19 0 0 1 1 0 0 0
- 11 2 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 0 6 0 0
- 24 25 0 0 0 31 2 0 0 0 0 14 1 0 0 0 9
- 2 0 0 0 0 17 2 0 0 0 0 18 2 0 0 0 0 1
- 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 28 0 30 1 0 32 0 1 1
- 0 0 28 29 2 0 0 0 0 21 1 0 41 0 1 0 0
- 0 8 2 0 0 0 0 22 1 0 35 0 37 1 0 38 0
- 40 2 0 0 0 0 12 1 0 0 0 10 2 0 0 0 0
- 15 2 0 19 0 0 1 2 0 19 0 0 1 2 0 19 0
- 0 20 2 0 19 0 0 1 2 0 19 0 0 23 2 0 0
- 0 0 13)))))
- '|lookupComplete|))
\section{domain IBITS IndexedBits}
<<domain IBITS IndexedBits>>=
)abbrev domain IBITS IndexedBits