path: root/src/algebra/any.spad.pamphlet
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1 files changed, 220 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/algebra/any.spad.pamphlet b/src/algebra/any.spad.pamphlet
index cabeec66..52d756f0 100644
--- a/src/algebra/any.spad.pamphlet
+++ b/src/algebra/any.spad.pamphlet
@@ -188,9 +188,222 @@ AnyFunctions1(S:Type): with
error "Cannot retract value."
+\section{domain OBJPROP ObjectProperty}
+<<domain OBJPROP ObjectProperty>>=
+)abbrev domain OBJPROP ObjectProperty
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: October 24, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: January 18, 2008.
+++ An `ObjectProperty' is a pair of name and value.
+ObjectProperty(): Public == Private where
+ Public ==> CoercibleTo(OutputForm) with
+ name: % -> Symbol
+ ++ name(p) returns the name of property p
+ value: % -> SExpression
+ ++ value(p) returns value of property p
+ property: (Symbol, SExpression) -> %
+ ++ property(n,val) constructs a property with name `n' and
+ ++ value `val'.
+ Private ==> add
+ rep(x: %): SExpression ==
+ x pretend SExpression
+ per(x: SExpression): % ==
+ x pretend %
+ name x ==
+ -- Note: It is always well defined to take the `car' here
+ -- because there is no way we could have type safely
+ -- constructed a null property.
+ symbol car rep x
+ value x ==
+ cdr rep x
+ property(n,val) ==
+ per CONS(n,val)$Lisp
+ coerce x ==
+ v := value x
+ val: OutputForm
+ if null? v then val := false::OutputForm
+ else if EQ(v, true)$Lisp : Boolean
+ then val := true::OutputForm
+ else val := v::OutputForm
+ bracket(infix(outputForm '_=_>, outputForm name x,
+ val)$OutputForm)$OutputForm
+\section{domain BINDING Binding}
+<<domain BINDING Binding>>=
+)abbrev domain BINDING Binding
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: October 24, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: January 18, 2008.
+++ A `Binding' is a name asosciated with a collection of properties.
+Binding(): Public == Private where
+ Public ==> CoercibleTo(OutputForm) with
+ name: % -> Symbol
+ ++ name(b) returns the name of binding b
+ properties: % -> List ObjectProperty
+ ++ properties(b) returns the properties associated with binding b.
+ binding: (Symbol, List ObjectProperty) -> %
+ ++ binding(n,props) constructs a binding with name `n' and
+ ++ property list `props'.
+ Private ==> add
+ rep(x: %): SExpression ==
+ x pretend SExpression
+ per(x: SExpression): % ==
+ x pretend %
+ name b ==
+ -- this is well defined because there is no way one could
+ -- type safely ask the name of an inexisting binding.
+ symbol car rep b
+ properties b ==
+ (cdr rep b) pretend List(ObjectProperty)
+ binding(n,props) ==
+ per CONS(n,props)$Lisp
+ coerce b ==
+ null? rep b => empty()$OutputForm
+ rarrow(outputForm name b, (properties b)::OutputForm)$OutputForm
+\section{domain CONTOUR Contour}
+<<domain CONTOUR Contour>>=
+)abbrev domain CONTOUR Contour
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: October 24, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: January 18, 2008.
+++ A `Contour' a list of bindings making up a `virtual scope'.
+Contour(): Public == Private where
+ Public ==> CoercibleTo(OutputForm) with
+ bindings: % -> List Binding
+ ++ bindings(c) returns the list of bindings in countour c.
+ push: (Binding,%) -> %
+ ++ push(c,b) augments the contour with binding `b'.
+ findBinding: (Symbol,%) -> Union(Binding, "failed")
+ ++ findBinding(c,n) returns the first binding associated with `n'.
+ ++ Otherwise `failed'.
+ Private ==> add
+ bindings c ==
+ c pretend List(Binding)
+ findBinding(n,c) ==
+ for b in bindings c repeat
+ EQ(n, name b)$Lisp => return b
+ "failed"
+ push(b,c) ==
+ CONS(b,c)$Lisp pretend %
+ coerce c ==
+ (bindings c)::OutputForm
+\section{domain SCOPE Scope}
+<<domain SCOPE Scope>>=
+)abbrev domain SCOPE Scope
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: October 24, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: January 18, 2008.
+++ A `Scope' is a sequence of contours.
+Scope(): Public == Private where
+ Public ==> CoercibleTo(OutputForm) with
+ empty: () -> %
+ ++ empty() returns an empty scope.
+ contours: % -> List Contour
+ ++ contours(s) returns the list of contours in scope s.
+ findBinding: (Symbol,%) -> Union(Binding, "failed")
+ ++ findBinding(n,s) returns the first binding of `n' in `s';
+ ++ otherwise `failed'.
+ pushNewContour: (Binding,%) -> %
+ ++ pushNewContour(b,s) pushs a new contour with sole binding `b'.
+ currentScope: () -> %
+ ++ currentScope() returns the scope currently in effect
+ currentCategoryFrame: () -> %
+ ++ currentCategoryFrame() returns the category frame currently
+ ++ in effect.
+ Private ==> add
+ import Contour
+ empty() ==
+ _$EmptyEnvironment$Lisp @ %
+ contours s ==
+ s pretend List(Contour)
+ findBinding(n,s) ==
+ for c in contours s repeat
+ b := findBinding(n,c)$Contour
+ not b case "failed" => b
+ "failed"
+ pushNewContour(b,s) ==
+ c := LIST(b)$Lisp
+ CONS(c,s)$Lisp @ %
+ currentScope() ==
+ CAR(_$e$Lisp)$Lisp @ %
+ currentCategoryFrame() ==
+ CAR(_$CategoryFrame$Lisp)$Lisp @ %
+ coerce s ==
+ (contours s)::OutputForm
+\section{domain ENV Environment}
+<<domain ENV Environment>>=
+)abbrev domain ENV Environment
+++ Author: Gabriel Dos Reis
+++ Date Created: October 24, 2007
+++ Date Last Modified: January 18, 2008.
+++ An `Environment' is a stack of scope.
+Environment(): Public == Private where
+ Public ==> CoercibleTo(OutputForm) with
+ empty: () -> %
+ ++ empty() constructs an empty environment
+ scopes: % -> List Scope
+ ++ scopes(e) returns the stack of scopes in environment e.
+ currentEnv: () -> %
+ ++ the current normal environment in effect.
+ categoryFrame: () -> %
+ ++ the current category environment in the interpreter.
+ Private ==> add
+ empty() ==
+ LIST(_$EmptyEnvironment$Lisp)$Lisp @ %
+ scopes e ==
+ e pretend List(Scope)
+ currentEnv() ==
+ _$e$Lisp @ %
+ categoryFrame() ==
+ _$CategoryFrame$Lisp @ %
+ coerce e ==
+ (scopes e)::OutputForm
---Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
+--Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.
+--All rights reserved.
+--Copyright (C) 2007-2008, Gabriel Dos Reis.
--All rights reserved.
--Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -233,6 +446,12 @@ AnyFunctions1(S:Type): with
<<package NONE1 NoneFunctions1>>
<<domain ANY Any>>
<<package ANY1 AnyFunctions1>>
+<<domain OBJPROP ObjectProperty>>
+<<domain BINDING Binding>>
+<<domain CONTOUR Contour>>
+<<domain SCOPE Scope>>
+<<domain ENV Environment>>