path: root/src/algebra/aggcat.spad.pamphlet
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1 files changed, 6 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/src/algebra/aggcat.spad.pamphlet b/src/algebra/aggcat.spad.pamphlet
index 8f1df760..ccfe2d44 100644
--- a/src/algebra/aggcat.spad.pamphlet
+++ b/src/algebra/aggcat.spad.pamphlet
@@ -262,19 +262,6 @@ Collection(S:Type): Category == HomogeneousAggregate(S) with
++ find(p,u) returns the first x in u such that \axiom{p(x)} is true, and
++ "failed" otherwise.
if % has finiteAggregate then
- reduce: ((S,S)->S,%) -> S
- ++ reduce(f,u) reduces the binary operation f across u. For example,
- ++ if u is \axiom{[x,y,...,z]} then \axiom{reduce(f,u)} returns \axiom{f(..f(f(x,y),...),z)}.
- ++ Note: if u has one element x, \axiom{reduce(f,u)} returns x.
- ++ Error: if u is empty.
- reduce: ((S,S)->S,%,S) -> S
- ++ reduce(f,u,x) reduces the binary operation f across u, where x is
- ++ the identity operation of f.
- ++ Same as \axiom{reduce(f,u)} if u has 2 or more elements.
- ++ Returns \axiom{f(x,y)} if u has one element y,
- ++ x if u is empty.
- ++ For example, \axiom{reduce(+,u,0)} returns the
- ++ sum of the elements of u.
remove: (S->Boolean,%) -> %
++ remove(p,u) returns a copy of u removing all elements x such that
++ \axiom{p(x)} is true.
@@ -284,12 +271,6 @@ Collection(S:Type): Category == HomogeneousAggregate(S) with
++ \axiom{p(x)} is true.
++ Note: \axiom{select(p,u) == [x for x in u | p(x)]}.
if S has BasicType then
- reduce: ((S,S)->S,%,S,S) -> S
- ++ reduce(f,u,x,z) reduces the binary operation f across u, stopping
- ++ when an "absorbing element" z is encountered.
- ++ As for \axiom{reduce(f,u,x)}, x is the identity operation of f.
- ++ Same as \axiom{reduce(f,u,x)} when u contains no element z.
- ++ Thus the third argument x is returned when u is empty.
remove: (S,%) -> %
++ remove(x,u) returns a copy of u with all
++ elements \axiom{y = x} removed.
@@ -299,13 +280,7 @@ Collection(S:Type): Category == HomogeneousAggregate(S) with
if S has ConvertibleTo InputForm then ConvertibleTo InputForm
if % has finiteAggregate then
- #c == # members c
- count(f:S -> Boolean, c:%) == +/[1 for x in members c | f x]
- any?(f, c) == or/[f x for x in members c]
- every?(f, c) == and/[f x for x in members c]
find(f:S -> Boolean, c:%) == find(f, members c)
- reduce(f:(S,S)->S, x:%) == reduce(f, members x)
- reduce(f:(S,S)->S, x:%, s:S) == reduce(f, members x, s)
remove(f:S->Boolean, x:%) ==
construct remove(f, members x)
select(f:S->Boolean, x:%) ==
@@ -313,7 +288,6 @@ Collection(S:Type): Category == HomogeneousAggregate(S) with
if S has BasicType then
remove(s:S, x:%) == remove(#1 = s, x)
- reduce(f:(S,S)->S, x:%, s1:S, s2:S) == reduce(f, members x, s1, s2)
removeDuplicates(x) == construct removeDuplicates members x
@@ -599,7 +573,7 @@ Dictionary(S:SetCategory): Category ==
for x in l repeat insert!(x, d)
- if % has finiteAggregate then
+ if % has FiniteAggregate S then
-- remove(f:S->Boolean,t:%) == remove!(f, copy t)
-- select(f, t) == select!(f, copy t)
select!(f, t) == remove!(not f #1, t)
@@ -929,7 +903,7 @@ KeyedDictionary(Key:SetCategory, Entry:SetCategory): Category ==
r := search(p.key, t)
r case Entry and r::Entry = p.entry
- if % has finiteAggregate then
+ if % has FiniteAggregate Record(key:Key,entry:Entry) then
keys t == [x.key for x in members t]
elt(t, k) ==
@@ -1090,7 +1064,7 @@ IndexedAggregate(Index: SetCategory, Entry: Type): Category ==
elt(a, i, x) == (index?(i, a) => qelt(a, i); x)
- if % has finiteAggregate then
+ if % has FiniteAggregate Entry then
entries x == members x
if Entry has BasicType then
entry?(x, a) == member?(x, a)
@@ -1400,7 +1374,7 @@ BinaryRecursiveAggregate(S:Type):Category == RecursiveAggregate S with
(right t)::OutputForm
bracket [l, v, r]
- if % has finiteAggregate then
+ if % has FiniteAggregate S then
aggCount: (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> NonNegativeInteger
#x == aggCount(x,0)
aggCount(x,k) ==
@@ -1683,7 +1657,7 @@ UnaryRecursiveAggregate(S:Type): Category == RecursiveAggregate S with
x := rest x
- if % has finiteAggregate then
+ if % has FiniteAggregate S then
last(x, n) ==
n > (m := #x) => error "index out of range"
copy rest(x, (m - n)::NonNegativeInteger)
@@ -1925,7 +1899,7 @@ LinearAggregate(S:Type): Category ==
concat(a:%, x:S) == concat(a, new(1, x))
concat(x:S, y:%) == concat(new(1, x), y)
insert(x:S, a:%, i:Integer) == insert(new(1, x), a, i)
- if % has finiteAggregate then
+ if % has FiniteAggregate S then
maxIndex l == #l - 1 + minIndex l
--if % has shallowlyMutable then new(n, s) == fill!(new n, s)