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2 files changed, 60 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/testsuite/interpreter/testSyntax.input b/src/testsuite/interpreter/testSyntax.input
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdcbabdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testsuite/interpreter/testSyntax.input
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+++ Contributed by Yixin Cao
+)co "syntax.spad"
+test syn
diff --git a/src/testsuite/interpreter/testSyntax.spad b/src/testsuite/interpreter/testSyntax.spad
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cd16c21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testsuite/interpreter/testSyntax.spad
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+++ Contibuted by Yixin Cao
+)abbrev domain TD TestDomain
+import OutputPackage
+TestDomain :Public == Private where
+ Public == with
+ testCase: Syntax -> Boolean
+ testCoerceTo: Symbol -> Syntax
+ testCoerceFrom: Syntax -> Symbol
+ testBuildSyntax: () -> Syntax
+ testGetOperator: Syntax -> Syntax
+ testGetOperator: () -> Syntax
+ test: Syntax -> Boolean
+ test: () -> Boolean
+ Private == add
+ testBuildSyntax ==
+ b:=("b")::Symbol
+ a:=("a")::Symbol
+ m:=("-")::Symbol
+ c:=buildSyntax('_*, [a::Syntax, 3::Syntax])
+ d:=buildSyntax(m::Syntax, [b::Syntax, c])
+ d:=buildSyntax('_-, [3::Syntax, 2::Syntax])
+ d
+ testCase(x) ==
+ x case Symbol
+ testCoerceFrom x ==
+ x case Symbol => coerce(x)@Symbol
+ testCoerceTo s ==
+ error "not implemented yet"
+ testGetOperator ==
+ (getOperator testBuildSyntax())::Syntax
+ test ==
+ test testBuildSyntax()
+ test x ==
+ output "testing case function"
+ testCase x
+ output "case function works"
+ output "testing coerce from Syntax to Symbol"
+ testCoerceFrom x
+ output "coerce (from) function works"
+ output "testing getOperator function"
+ testGetOperator()
+ output "getOperator function works"
+ true