path: root/src/interp/nag-e04.boot
diff options
authordos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-10-11 08:33:03 +0000
committerdos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-10-11 08:33:03 +0000
commitbdea50f2baa8f866a77d355ef23a1ba844f8c2b7 (patch)
treebb6dcb3f7eb651f0b1b507084af56dadabd12f34 /src/interp/nag-e04.boot
parent4e8869ad7f8dfe1de8b53d3696da5dd17824df0e (diff)
Remove more pamphlet files
Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/nag-e04.boot')
1 files changed, 2500 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/nag-e04.boot b/src/interp/nag-e04.boot
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e20eb98e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interp/nag-e04.boot
@@ -0,0 +1,2500 @@
+-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+-- met:
+-- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+-- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+-- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+-- distribution.
+-- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
+-- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+-- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+)package "BOOT"
+e04dgf() ==
+ htInitPage('"E04DGF - Unconstrained minimum, pre-conditioned conjugate gradient algorithm, function of several variables using 1st derivatives",nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain PI (PositiveInteger))
+ (isDomain F (Float)))
+ (text . "\windowlink{Manual Page}{manpageXXe04dgf} for this routine ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\lispwindowlink{Browser operation page}{(|oPageFrom| '|e04dgf| '|NagOptimisationPackage|)} for this routine")
+ (text . "\newline \horizontalline ")
+ (text . "E04DGF minimizes {\it F(x)}, an unconstrained nonlinear function")
+ (text . " of {\it n} variables, using a pre-conditioned quasi-Newton ")
+ (text . "conjugate gradient method. ")
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")
+ (text . "Enter the number of variables, {\it n}: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 2 n PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Change optional parameters:")
+ (radioButtons optional
+ ("" " No" no)
+ ("" " Yes" yes))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Ifail value:")
+ (radioButtons ifail
+ ("" " -1, Print error messages" minusOne)
+ ("" " 1, Suppress error messages" one)))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue", 'e04dgfSolve)
+ htShowPage()
+e04dgfSolve(htPage) ==
+ n :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'n)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'n)
+ error := htpButtonValue(htPage,'ifail)
+ ifail :=
+ error = 'one => '1
+ '-1
+ param := htpButtonValue(htPage,'optional)
+ optional :=
+ param = 'no => '0
+ '1
+ (n = '2 and optional = 0) => e04dgfDefaultSolve(htPage,ifail,n,optional)
+ funcList := [['bcStrings,[55, '"exp(X[1])*(4*X[1]**2+2*X[2]**2+4*X[1]*X[2]+2*X[2]+1)", 'f, 'EM]]]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter initial guess ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"of the solution vector {\it x(n)}: \newline ")
+ middle := cons('text,middle)
+ vecList :=
+ n='2 =>
+ [['bcStrings,[8,-1.0,'x1,'F]],['bcStrings,[8,1.0,'x2,'F]]]
+ [fb(i) for i in 1..n] where fb(i) ==
+ ['bcStrings,[8, -1.0, xnam, 'F]]
+ funcList := [:funcList,middle,:vecList]
+ if optional = 1 then
+ opt1Text := '"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ opt1Text := STRCONC(opt1Text,'"Estimated optimal function values, {\it es}: \newline ")
+ optList := [['text,:opt1Text],['bcStrings,[20, 1.0, 'es, 'F]]]
+ opt2Text := '"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ opt2Text := STRCONC(opt2Text,'"Function precision, {\it fu}: \newline ")
+ optList := [:optList,:[['text,:opt2Text],['bcStrings,[20,"0.4373903597E-14",'fu,'F]]]]
+ opt3Text := '"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ opt3Text := STRCONC(opt3Text,'"Iteration limit, {\it it}: \newline ")
+ optList := [:optList,:[['text,:opt3Text],['bcStrings,[5,50,'it,'PI]]]]
+ opt4Text := '"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ opt4Text := STRCONC(opt4Text,'"Linesearch tolerance, {\it lin}: \newline ")
+ optList := [:optList,:[['text,:opt4Text],['bcStrings,[20,"0.9",'lin,'F]]]]
+ opt5Text := '"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ opt5Text := STRCONC(opt5Text,'"List parameters:")
+ optList := [:optList,:[['text,:opt5Text],['radioButtons,'lis,:[[""," Yes",'true],[""," No",'false]]]]]
+ opt6Text := '"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ opt6Text := STRCONC(opt6Text,'"Maximum step length, {\it ma}: \newline ")
+ optList := [:optList,:[['text,:opt6Text],['bcStrings,[20,"1.0E+20",'ma,'F]]]]
+ opt7Text := '"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ opt7Text := STRCONC(opt7Text,'"Optimality tolerance, {\it op}: \newline ")
+ optList := [:optList,:[['text,:opt7Text],['bcStrings,[20,"3.26E-12",'op,'F]]]]
+ opt9Text := '"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ opt9Text := STRCONC(opt9Text,'"Print level, {\it pr}: \newline ")
+ optList := [:optList,:[['text,:opt9Text],['bcStrings,[5,10,'pr,'PI]]]]
+ opt10Text := '"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ opt10Text := STRCONC(opt10Text,'"Start objective check at variable, {\it sta}: \newline ")
+ optList := [:optList,:[['text,:opt10Text],['bcStrings,[5,1,'sta,'PI]]]]
+ opt11Text := '"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ opt11Text := STRCONC(opt11Text,'"Stop objective check at variable, {\it sto}: \newline ")
+ optList := [:optList,:[['text,:opt11Text],['bcStrings,[5,2,'sto,'PI]]]]
+ opt12Text := '"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ opt12Text := STRCONC(opt12Text,'"Verify level, {\it ver}: \newline ")
+ optList := [:optList,:[['text,:opt12Text],['bcStrings,[5,0,'ver,'PI]]]]
+-- (text . "\blankline ")
+-- (text . "\newline ")
+-- (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+-- (text . "List parameters:")
+-- (radioButtons lis
+-- ("" " Yes" true)
+-- ("" " No" false))
+ else
+ optList := []
+ equationPart := [
+ '(domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain F (Float))
+ (isDomain I (Integer))),
+ :funcList,
+ :optList]
+ page := htInitPage('"E04DGF - Unconstrained minimum, pre-conditioned conjugate gradient algorithm, function of several variables using 1st derivatives",nil)
+ htSay '"\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ htSay '"Enter the objective function, {\it F(x)} in terms of X[1]...X[n]: "
+ htSay '"\newline "
+ htMakePage equationPart
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04dgfGen)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'n,n)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'optional,optional)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage)
+ htShowPage()
+e04dgfDefaultSolve(htPage,ifail,n,optional) ==
+ page := htInitPage('"E04DGF - Unconstrained minimum, pre-conditioned conjugate gradient algorithm, function of several variables using 1st derivatives",nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain F (Float))
+ (isDomain I (Integer)))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter the objective function, {\it F(x)} in terms of X[1]...X[n]: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (55 "exp(X[1])*(4*X[1]**2+2*X[2]**2+4*X[1]*X[2]+2*X[2]+1)" f EM))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter initial guess of the solution vector, {\it x(n)}: \newline")
+ (bcStrings (8 "-1.0" x1 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "1.0" x2 F)))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04dgfGen)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'n,n)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'optional,optional)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage)
+ htShowPage()
+e04dgfGen htPage ==
+ n := htpProperty(htPage,'n)
+ optional := htpProperty(htPage,'optional)
+ ifail := htpProperty(htPage,'ifail)
+ alist := htpInputAreaAlist htPage
+ y := alist
+ if (optional = '0) then
+ es := '"1.0"
+ ma := '"1.0E+20"
+ op := '"3.26E-12"
+ lin := '"0.9"
+ fu := '"0.4373903597E-14"
+ it := 50
+ pr := 10
+ sta := 1
+ sto := 2
+ ver := 0
+ lis := '"true"
+ for i in 1..n repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ xlist := [temp,:xlist]
+ y := rest y
+ xstring := bcwords2liststring xlist
+ f := (first y).1
+ else
+ ver := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ sto := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ sta := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ pr := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ op := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ ma := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ nolist := (first y).1
+ lis :=
+ nolist = '" t" => '"false"
+ '"true"
+ y := rest y
+ dummy := first y
+ y := rest y
+ lin := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ it := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ fu := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ es := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ for i in 1..n repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ xlist := [temp,:xlist]
+ y := rest y
+ xstring := bcwords2liststring xlist
+ f := (first y).1
+ prefix := STRCONC("e04dgf(",STRINGIMAGE n,", ",es,", ",fu,",")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE it,", ",lin,", ",lis,", ",ma,", ",op)
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,",",STRINGIMAGE pr,", ",STRINGIMAGE sta,", ")
+ middle := STRCONC(STRINGIMAGE sto,", ",STRINGIMAGE ver,", [",xstring,"] ,")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,STRINGIMAGE ifail," ,")
+ linkGen STRCONC (prefix,middle,"((",f,")::Expression(Float))::ASP49(OBJFUN))")
+e04fdf() ==
+ htInitPage('"E04FDF - Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss-Newton and modified Newton algorithm using function values only",nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain PI (PositiveInteger)))
+ (text . "\windowlink{Manual Page}{manpageXXe04fdf} for this routine ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\lispwindowlink{Browser operation page}{(|oPageFrom| '|e04fdf| '|NagOptimisationPackage|)} for this routine")
+ (text . "\newline \horizontalline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "E04FDF is an easy to use routine for finding an unconstrained ")
+ (text . "minimum of a sum of squares of {\it m} nonlinear functions in ")
+ (text . "{\it n} variables ({\it m} \htbitmap{great=} {\it n}), i.e., it ")
+ (text . "is applicable to problems of the form ")
+ (text . "\center{\htbitmap{e04fdf}} where \center{\htbitmap{e04fdf1}}")
+ (text . "No derivatives are required. The routine is intended for ")
+ (text . "functions which have continous first and second derivatives, ")
+ (text . "though it will usually work if the derivatives have occasional ")
+ (text . "discontinuities. ")
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Number of functions {\it \htbitmap{fi}(x)}, {\it m}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (5 15 m PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Number of variables \htbitmap{xj}, {\it n}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (5 3 n PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Dimension of {\it iw}, {\it liw}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (5 1 liw F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Dimension of {\it w}, {\it lw}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (5 171 lw F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Ifail value:")
+ (radioButtons ifail
+ ("" " -1, Print error messages" minusOne)
+ ("" " 1, Suppress error messages" one)))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue", 'e04fdfSolve)
+ htShowPage()
+e04fdfSolve htPage ==
+ m :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'm)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'm)
+ n :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'n)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'n)
+ liw :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'liw)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'liw)
+ lw :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'lw)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'lw)
+ error := htpButtonValue(htPage,'ifail)
+ ifail :=
+ error = 'one => '1
+ '-1
+ (m = '15 and n = '3) => e04fdfDefaultSolve(htPage,liw,lw,ifail)
+ funcList :=
+ "append"/[fa(i) for i in 1..m] where fa(i) ==
+ prefix := ('"\newline {\em Function ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE i,'":} \space{1}")
+ funct := ('"XC[1] + 1")
+ [['text,:prefix],['bcStrings,[42, funct, nam, 'EM]]]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter initial guess ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"of the solution vector {\it x(n)}: \newline ")
+ middle := cons('text,middle)
+ vecList :=
+ [fb(i) for i in 1..n] where fb(i) ==
+ ['bcStrings,[4, '"0.0", xnam, 'F]]
+ funcList := [:funcList,middle,:vecList]
+ equationPart := [
+ '(domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain F (Float))
+ (isDomain I (Integer))),
+ :funcList]
+ page:= htInitPage('"E04FDF - Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss-Newton and modified Newton algorithm using function values only",nil)
+ htSay '"\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ htSay '"Enter the functions \htbitmap{fi} below in terms XC[1]...XC[n]: "
+ htSay '"\newline "
+ htMakePage equationPart
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04fdfGen)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'n,n)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'m,m)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'liw,liw)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'lw,lw)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage)
+ htShowPage()
+e04fdfDefaultSolve (htPage,liw,lw,ifail) ==
+ n := '3
+ m := '15
+ page:= htInitPage('"E04FDF - Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss-Newton and modified Newton algorithm using function values only",nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain F (Float))
+ (isDomain I (Integer)))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter the functions \htbitmap{fi} below ")
+ (text . "in terms of XC[1]...XC[n]: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 1:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "(XC[3]+15*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.14" n1 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 2:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "2*(2*XC[3]+14*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.18" n2 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 3:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "3*(3*XC[3]+13*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.22" n3 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 4:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "4*(4*XC[3]+12*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.25" n4 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 5:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "5*(5*XC[3]+11*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.29" n5 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 6:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "6*(6*XC[3]+10*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.32" n6 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 7:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "7*(7*XC[3]+9*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.35" n7 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 8:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "8*(8*XC[3]+8*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.39" n8 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 9:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "9*(7*XC[3]+7*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.37" n9 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 10:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "10*(6*XC[3]+6*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.58" n10 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 11:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "11*(5*XC[3]+5*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.73" n11 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 12:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "12*(4*XC[3]+4*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.96" n12 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 13:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "13*(3*XC[3]+3*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-1.34" n13 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 14:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "14*(2*XC[3]+2*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-2.1" n14 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 15:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "15*(XC[3]+XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-4.39" n15 EM))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter initial guess of the solution vector {\it x(n)}: \newline ")
+ (bcStrings (4 "0.5" x1 F))
+ (bcStrings (4 "1.0" x2 F))
+ (bcStrings (4 "1.5" x3 F)))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04fdfGen)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'n,n)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'m,m)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'liw,liw)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'lw,lw)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage)
+ htShowPage()
+e04fdfGen htPage ==
+ n := htpProperty(htPage, 'n)
+ m := htpProperty(htPage, 'm)
+ liw := htpProperty(htPage,'liw)
+ lw := htpProperty(htPage,'lw)
+ ifail := htpProperty(htPage,'ifail)
+ alist := htpInputAreaAlist htPage
+ y := alist
+ for i in 1..n repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ xlist := [temp,:xlist]
+ y := rest y
+ xstring := bcwords2liststring xlist
+ for i in 1..m repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ ulist := [temp,:ulist]
+ y := rest y
+ ustring := bcwords2liststring ulist
+ prefix := STRCONC("e04fdf(",STRINGIMAGE m,",",STRINGIMAGE n,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE liw,",",STRINGIMAGE lw,", [")
+ middle := STRCONC(xstring,"],",STRINGIMAGE ifail,",")
+ linkGen STRCONC(prefix,middle,"(",ustring,"::Vector Expression(Float))::ASP50(LSFUN1))")
+e04gcf() ==
+ htInitPage('"E04GCF - Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss-Newton and modified Newton algorithm using 1st derivatives",nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain PI (PositiveInteger)))
+ (text . "\windowlink{Manual Page}{manpageXXe04gcf} for this routine ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\lispwindowlink{Browser operation page}{(|oPageFrom| '|e04gcf| '|NagOptimisationPackage|)} for this routine")
+ (text . "\newline \horizontalline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "E04GCF is an easy to use quasi-Newton routine for finding an unconstrained ")
+ (text . "minimum of a sum of squares of {\it m} nonlinear functions in ")
+ (text . "{\it n} variables ({\it m} \htbitmap{great=} {\it n}), i.e., it ")
+ (text . "is applicable to problems of the form ")
+ (text . "\center{\htbitmap{e04fdf}} where \center{\htbitmap{e04fdf1}}")
+ (text . "The routine is intended for ")
+ (text . "functions which have continous first and second derivatives, ")
+ (text . "though it will usually work if the derivatives have occasional ")
+ (text . "discontinuities. ")
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Number of functions {\it \htbitmap{fi}(x)}, {\it m}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (5 15 m PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Number of variables \htbitmap{xj}, {\it n}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (5 3 n PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Dimension of {\it iw}, {\it liw}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (5 1 liw F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Dimension of {\it w}, {\it lw}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (5 177 lw F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Ifail value:")
+ (radioButtons ifail
+ ("" " -1, Print error messages" minusOne)
+ ("" " 1, Suppress error messages" one)))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue", 'e04gcfSolve)
+ htShowPage()
+e04gcfSolve htPage ==
+ m :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'm)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'm)
+ n :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'n)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'n)
+ liw :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'liw)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'liw)
+ lw :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'lw)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'lw)
+ error := htpButtonValue(htPage,'ifail)
+ ifail :=
+ error = 'one => '1
+ '-1
+ (m = '15 and n = '3) => e04gcfDefaultSolve(htPage,liw,lw,ifail)
+ funcList :=
+ "append"/[fa(i) for i in 1..m] where fa(i) ==
+ prefix := ('"\newline {\em Function ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE i,'":} \space{1}")
+ funct := ('"XC[1] + 1")
+ [['text,:prefix],['bcStrings,[42, funct, nam, 'EM]]]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter initial guess ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"of the solution vector {\it x(n)}: \newline ")
+ middle := cons('text,middle)
+ vecList :=
+ [fb(i) for i in 1..n] where fb(i) ==
+ ['bcStrings,[4, '"0.0", xnam, 'F]]
+ funcList := [:funcList,middle,:vecList]
+ equationPart := [
+ '(domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain F (Float))
+ (isDomain I (Integer))),
+ :funcList]
+ page:= htInitPage('"E04GCF - Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss-Newton and modified Newton algorithm using 1st derivatives",nil)
+ htSay '"\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ htSay '"Enter the functions \htbitmap{fi} below in terms of XC[1]...XC[n]: "
+ htSay '"\newline "
+ htMakePage equationPart
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04gcfGen)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'n,n)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'m,m)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'liw,liw)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'lw,lw)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage)
+ htShowPage()
+e04gcfDefaultSolve (htPage,liw,lw,ifail) ==
+ n := '3
+ m := '15
+ page:= htInitPage('"E04GCF - Unconstrained minimum of a sum of squares, combined Gauss-Newton and modified Newton algorithm using 1st derivatives",nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain F (Float))
+ (isDomain I (Integer)))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter the functions \htbitmap{fi} below ")
+ (text . "in terms of XC[1]...XC[n]: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 1:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "(XC[3]+15*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.14" n1 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 2:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "2*(2*XC[3]+14*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.18" n2 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 3:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "3*(3*XC[3]+13*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.22" n3 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 4:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "4*(4*XC[3]+12*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.25" n4 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 5:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "5*(5*XC[3]+11*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.29" n5 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 6:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "6*(6*XC[3]+10*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.32" n6 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 7:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "7*(7*XC[3]+9*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.35" n7 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 8:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "8*(8*XC[3]+8*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.39" n8 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 9:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "9*(7*XC[3]+7*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.37" n9 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 10:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "10*(6*XC[3]+6*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.58" n10 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 11:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "11*(5*XC[3]+5*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.73" n11 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 12:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "12*(4*XC[3]+4*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-0.96" n12 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 13:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "13*(3*XC[3]+3*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-1.34" n13 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 14:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "14*(2*XC[3]+2*XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-2.1" n14 EM))
+ (text . "\newline {\em Function 15:} \space{1}")
+ (bcStrings (42 "15*(XC[3]+XC[2])**(-1)+XC[1]-4.39" n15 EM))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter initial guess of the solution vector {\it x(n)}: \newline ")
+ (bcStrings (4 "0.5" x1 F))
+ (bcStrings (4 "1.0" x2 F))
+ (bcStrings (4 "1.5" x3 F)))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04gcfGen)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'n,n)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'m,m)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'liw,liw)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'lw,lw)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage)
+ htShowPage()
+e04gcfGen htPage ==
+ n := htpProperty(htPage, 'n)
+ m := htpProperty(htPage, 'm)
+ liw := htpProperty(htPage,'liw)
+ lw := htpProperty(htPage,'lw)
+ ifail := htpProperty(htPage,'ifail)
+ alist := htpInputAreaAlist htPage
+ y := alist
+ for i in 1..n repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ xlist := [temp,:xlist]
+ y := rest y
+ xstring := bcwords2liststring xlist
+ for i in 1..m repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ ulist := [temp,:ulist]
+ y := rest y
+ ustring := bcwords2liststring ulist
+ prefix := STRCONC("e04gcf(",STRINGIMAGE m,",",STRINGIMAGE n,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE liw,",",STRINGIMAGE lw,", [")
+ middle := STRCONC(xstring,"],",STRINGIMAGE ifail,",")
+ linkGen STRCONC(prefix,middle,"(",ustring,"::Vector Expression(Float))::ASP19(LSFUN2))")
+e04jaf() ==
+ htInitPage('"E04JAF - Minimum, function of several variables, quasi-Newton algorithm, simple bounds, using function values only",nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain PI (PositiveInteger)))
+ (text . "\windowlink{Manual Page}{manpageXXe04jaf} for this routine ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\lispwindowlink{Browser operation page}{(|oPageFrom| '|e04jaf| '|NagOptimisationPackage|)} for this routine")
+ (text . "\newline \horizontalline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "E04JAF is an easy to use quasi-Newton routine for finding a ")
+ (text . "minimum of a nonlinear function {\it F(x)} of {\it n} variables ")
+ (text . "\center{\htbitmap{e04fdf1}} possibly subject to fixed upper ")
+ (text . "and lower bounds on the variables, i.e., it is applicable to ")
+ (text . "problems of the form \blankline Minimize {\it F(x)}, subject to ")
+ (text . "\htbitmap{lj} \htbitmap{great=} \htbitmap{xj} \htbitmap{great=} ")
+ (text . "\htbitmap{uj} for {\it j} = 1,2,...,n. \blankline ")
+ (text . "Function values only are required. The routine is intended for ")
+ (text . "functions which have continuous first and second derivatives, ")
+ (text . "though it will usually work if the derivatives have occasional ")
+ (text . "discontinuities. ")
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Number of variables \htbitmap{xj}, {\it n}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (5 4 n PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Specify the use of bounds, {\it ibound}:")
+ (radioButtons ibound
+ (" 0" " All \htbitmap{lj} and \htbitmap{uj} are given individually" iZero)
+ (" 1" " No bounds on any of the \htbitmap{xj}" iOne)
+ (" 2" " All bounds are of the form 0 \htbitmap{great=} \htbitmap{xj}" iTwo)
+ (" 3" " All \htbitmap{lj} are equal and all \htbitmap{uj} are equal" iThree))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Dimension of {\it iw}, {\it liw}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (5 6 liw F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Dimension of {\it w}, {\it lw}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (5 54 lw F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Ifail value:")
+ (radioButtons ifail
+ ("" " -1, Print error messages" minusOne)
+ ("" " 1, Suppress error messages" one)))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue", 'e04jafSolve)
+ htShowPage()
+e04jafSolve htPage ==
+ n :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'n)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'n)
+ boun := htpButtonValue(htPage,'ibound)
+ ibound :=
+ boun = 'iZero => '0
+ boun = 'iOne => '1
+ boun = 'iTwo => '2
+ '3
+ liw :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'liw)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'liw)
+ lw :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'lw)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'lw)
+ error := htpButtonValue(htPage,'ifail)
+ ifail :=
+ error = 'one => '1
+ '-1
+ n = '4 => e04jafDefaultSolve(htPage,ibound,liw,lw,ifail)
+ funcList := [['bcStrings,[50, '"XC[1]", 'f, 'EM]]]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter lower boundary conditions ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"{\it bl(n)}: \newline ")
+ blList :=
+ "append"/[fa(i) for i in 1..n] where fa(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, '"0.0", xnam, 'F]]]
+ blList := [['text,:middle],:blList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter upper boundary ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"conditions {\it bu(n)}: \newline ")
+ buList :=
+ "append"/[fb(i) for i in 1..n] where fb(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, '"0.0", xnam, 'F]]]
+ buList := [['text,:middle],:buList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter initial guess ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"of the solution vector {\it x(n)}: \newline ")
+ xList :=
+ "append"/[fc(i) for i in 1..n] where fc(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, '"0.0", xnam, 'F]]]
+ xList := [['text,:middle],:xList]
+ equationPart := [
+ '(domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain F (Float))
+ (isDomain I (Integer))),
+ :funcList,:blList,:buList,:xList]
+ page:= htInitPage('"E04JAF - Minimum, function of several variables, quasi-Newton algorithm, simple bounds, using function values only",nil)
+ htSay '"\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ htSay '"Enter the function {\it F(x)} below in terms of XC[1]...XC[n]: "
+ htSay '"\newline "
+ htMakePage equationPart
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04jafGen)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'n,n)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ibound,ibound)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'liw,liw)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'lw,lw)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage)
+ htShowPage()
+e04jafDefaultSolve (htPage,ibound,liw,lw,ifail) ==
+ n := '4
+ page:= htInitPage('"E04JAF - Minimum, function of several variables, quasi-Newton algorithm, simple bounds, using function values only",nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain F (Float))
+ (isDomain I (Integer)))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter the function {\it F(x)} below in terms of XC[1]...XC[n]: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (60 "(XC[1]+10*XC[2])**2+5*(XC[3]-XC[4])**2+(XC[2]-2*XC[3])**4+10*(XC[1]-XC[4])**4" n1 EM))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter lower boundary conditions {\it bl(n)}: \newline ")
+ (bcStrings (8 "1" bl1 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-2" bl2 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-1.0e-6" bl3 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "1" bl4 F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter upper boundary conditions {\it bu(n)}: \newline ")
+ (bcStrings (8 "3" bu1 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0" bu2 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "1.0e6" bu3 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "3" bu4 F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter initial guess of the solution vector {\it x(n)}: \newline ")
+ (bcStrings (8 "3" x1 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-1" x2 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0" x3 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "1" x4 F)))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04jafGen)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'n,n)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ibound,ibound)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'liw,liw)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'lw,lw)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage)
+ htShowPage()
+e04jafGen htPage ==
+ n := htpProperty(htPage, 'n)
+ ibound := htpProperty(htPage, 'ibound)
+ liw := htpProperty(htPage,'liw)
+ lw := htpProperty(htPage,'lw)
+ ifail := htpProperty(htPage,'ifail)
+ alist := htpInputAreaAlist htPage
+ y := alist
+ for i in 1..n repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ xlist := [temp,:xlist]
+ y := rest y
+ xstring := bcwords2liststring xlist
+ for i in 1..n repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ bulist := [temp,:bulist]
+ y := rest y
+ bustring := bcwords2liststring bulist
+ for i in 1..n repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ bllist := [temp,:bllist]
+ y := rest y
+ blstring := bcwords2liststring bllist
+ f := (first y).1
+ prefix := STRCONC("e04jaf(",STRINGIMAGE n,",",STRINGIMAGE ibound,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE liw,",",STRINGIMAGE lw,", [")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,blstring,"],[",bustring,"],[")
+ middle := STRCONC(xstring,"],",STRINGIMAGE ifail,",(")
+ linkGen STRCONC(prefix,middle,f,"::Expression(Float))::ASP24(FUNCT1))")
+e04mbf() ==
+ htInitPage('"E04MBF - Linear programming problem",nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain PI (PositiveInteger))
+ (isDomain F (Float)))
+ (text . "\windowlink{Manual Page}{manpageXXe04mbf} for this routine ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\lispwindowlink{Browser operation page}{(|oPageFrom| '|e04mbf| '|NagOptimisationPackage|)} for this routine")
+ (text . "\newline \horizontalline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "E04MBF is an easy to use routine to solve linear programming ")
+ (text . "(LP) problems of the form \center{\htbitmap{e04mbf}} \newline ")
+ (text . "where {\it c} is an {\it n} element vector and {\it A} is an ")
+ (text . "{\it m} by {\it n} matrix, i.e., there are {\it n} variables ")
+ (text . "and {\it m} linear constraints. {\it m} may be zero in which ")
+ (text . "case the LP problem is subject only to bounds on the variables. ")
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Upper bound on number of iterations, {\it itmax}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (6 20 itmax PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Type of output messages required, {\it msglvl}: ")
+ (radioButtons msglvl
+ (" = 1 " " Printing occurs at the solution " mOne)
+ (" = 0 " " Printing only if an input parameter is incorrect " mZero)
+ (" < 0 " " No printing " mMinus))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Number of variables, {\it n}: ")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (6 7 n PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Number of general linear constraints, {\it nclin}: ")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (6 7 nclin PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "First dimension of array {\it a}, {\it nrowa}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (6 7 nrowa PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Specifies whether or not a linear objective function is present, {\it linobj}:")
+ (radioButtons linobj
+ ("" " true - full LP problem is solved" true)
+ ("" " false - only a feasible problem is found" false))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")
+ (text . "Dimension of {\it iwork}, {\it liwork}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (5 14 liwork F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Dimension of {\it work}, {\it lwork}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (5 182 lwork F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Ifail value:")
+ (radioButtons ifail
+ ("" " -1, Print error messages" minusOne)
+ ("" " 1, Suppress error messages" one)))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue", 'e04mbfSolve)
+ htShowPage()
+e04mbfSolve htPage ==
+ itmax :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'itmax)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'itmax)
+ msg := htpButtonValue(htPage,'msglvl)
+ msglvl :=
+ msg = 'mMinus => '-1
+ msg = 'mZero => '0
+ '1
+ n :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'n)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'n)
+ nclin :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'nclin)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'nclin)
+ nrowa :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'nrowa)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'nrowa)
+ lin := htpButtonValue(htPage,'linobj)
+ linobj :=
+ lin = 'true => '"true"
+ '"false"
+ liwork :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'liwork)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'liwork)
+ lwork :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'lwork)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'lwork)
+ error := htpButtonValue(htPage,'ifail)
+ ifail :=
+ error = 'one => '1
+ '-1
+ ((nrowa = '7 and n = 7) and nclin = 7) => e04mbfDefaultSolve(htPage,itmax,msglvl,linobj,liwork,lwork,ifail)
+ aList :=
+ "append"/[fa(i,n) for i in 1..nrowa] where fa(i,n) ==
+ labelList :=
+ "append"/[fb(i,j) for j in 1..n] where fb(i,j) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, 0, anam, 'F]]]
+ prefix := ('"\newline ")
+ labelList := [['text,:prefix],:labelList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter lower boundary ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"conditions {\it bl(n + nclin)}: \newline ")
+ blList :=
+ "append"/[fc(i) for i in 1..(n+nclin)] where fc(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, '"0.0", blnam, 'F]]]
+ blList := [['text,:middle],:blList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter upper boundary ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"conditions {\it bu(n+nclin)}: \newline ")
+ buList :=
+ "append"/[fd(i) for i in 1..(n+nclin)] where fd(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, '"0.0", bunam, 'F]]]
+ buList := [['text,:middle],:buList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter coefficients of the ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"objective function {\it cvec(n)}: \newline ")
+ cList :=
+ "append"/[fe(i) for i in 1..n] where fe(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, '"0.0", cnam, 'F]]]
+ cList := [['text,:middle],:cList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter initial guess ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"of the solution vector {\it x(n)}: \newline ")
+ xList :=
+ "append"/[fg(i) for i in 1..n] where fg(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, '"0.0", xnam, 'F]]]
+ xList := [['text,:middle],:xList]
+ equationPart := [
+ '(domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain F (Float))
+ (isDomain I (Integer))),
+ :aList,:blList,:buList,:cList,:xList]
+ page:= htInitPage('"E04MBF - Linear programming problem",nil)
+ htSay '"\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ htSay '"Enter the elements of the array {\it a(nrowa,n)}: \newline "
+ htMakePage equationPart
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04mbfGen)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'n,n)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nclin,nclin)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nrowa,nrowa)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'itmax,itmax)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'msglvl,msglvl)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'linobj,linobj)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'liwork,liwork)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'lwork,lwork)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage)
+ htShowPage()
+e04mbfDefaultSolve(htPage,itmax,msglvl,linobj,liwork,lwork,ifail) ==
+ n := '7
+ nclin := '7
+ nrowa := '7
+ page:= htInitPage('"E04MBF - Linear programming problem",nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain F (Float))
+ (isDomain I (Integer)))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter the elements of array {\it a(nrowa,n)}: \newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "1" a11 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "1" a12 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "1" a13 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "1" a14 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "1" a15 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "1" a16 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "1" a17 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.15" a21 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.04" a22 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a23 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.04" a24 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a25 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.01" a26 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.03" a27 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.03" a31 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.05" a32 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.08" a33 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a34 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.06" a35 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.01" a36 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" a37 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a41 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.04" a42 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.01" a43 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a44 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a45 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" a46 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" a47 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a51 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.03" a52 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" a53 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" a54 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.01" a55 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" a56 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" a57 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.7" a61 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.75" a62 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.8" a63 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.75" a64 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.8" a65 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.97" a66 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" a67 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a71 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.06" a72 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.08" a73 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.12" a74 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a75 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.01" a76 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.97" a77 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter lower boundary conditions {\it bl(n+nclin)}: \newline ")
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.01" bl1 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.1" bl2 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.01" bl3 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.04" bl4 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.1" bl5 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.01" bl6 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.01" bl7 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.13" bl8 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-1.0e+21" bl9 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-1.0e+21" bl10 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-1.0e+21" bl11 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-1.0e+21" bl12 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.0992" bl13 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.003" bl14 F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter upper boundary conditions {\it bu(n+nclin)}: \newline ")
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.01" bu1 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.15" bu2 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.03" bu3 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.02" bu4 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.05" bu5 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "1.0e+21" bu6 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "1.0e+21" bu7 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.13" bu8 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.0049" bu9 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.0064" bu10 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.0037" bu11 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.0012" bu12 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "1.0e+21" bu13 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.002" bu14 F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter coefficients of the objective function, {\it cvec(n)}: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.02" c1 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.2" c2 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.2" c3 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.2" c4 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.2" c5 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.04" c6 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.04" c7 F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter initial guess of the solution vector, {\it x(n)}: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.01" x1 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.03" x2 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.0" x3 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.01" x4 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.1" x5 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.02" x6 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.01" x7 F)))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04mbfGen)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'n,n)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nclin,nclin)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nrowa,nrowa)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'itmax,itmax)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'msglvl,msglvl)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'linobj,linobj)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'liwork,liwork)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'lwork,lwork)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage)
+ htShowPage()
+e04mbfGen htPage ==
+ n := htpProperty(htPage, 'n)
+ nclin := htpProperty(htPage, 'nclin)
+ nrowa := htpProperty(htPage, 'nrowa)
+ itmax := htpProperty(htPage, 'itmax)
+ msglvl := htpProperty(htPage, 'msglvl)
+ linobj := htpProperty(htPage, 'linobj)
+ liwork := htpProperty(htPage,'liwork)
+ lwork := htpProperty(htPage,'lwork)
+ ifail := htpProperty(htPage,'ifail)
+ alist := htpInputAreaAlist htPage
+ y := alist
+ for i in 1..n repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ xlist := [temp,:xlist]
+ y := rest y
+ xstring := bcwords2liststring xlist
+ for i in 1..n repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ clist := [temp,:clist]
+ y := rest y
+ cstring := bcwords2liststring clist
+ for i in 1..(n+nclin) repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ bulist := [temp,:bulist]
+ y := rest y
+ bustring := bcwords2liststring bulist
+ for i in 1..(n+nclin) repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ bllist := [temp,:bllist]
+ y := rest y
+ blstring := bcwords2liststring bllist
+ for i in 1..nrowa repeat -- matrix A
+ for j in 1..n repeat
+ a := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ arrlist := [a,:arrlist]
+ y := rest y
+ amatlist := [:amatlist,arrlist]
+ arrlist := []
+ amatlist := reverse amatlist
+ amatstr := bcwords2liststring [bcwords2liststring x for x in amatlist]
+ nctotl := n + nclin
+ prefix := STRCONC("e04mbf(",STRINGIMAGE itmax,",", STRINGIMAGE msglvl,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE n,",",STRINGIMAGE nclin,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE nctotl,",",STRINGIMAGE nrowa,", ")
+ middle := STRCONC(amatstr,",[")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,blstring,"],[",bustring,"],[",cstring)
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,"],",linobj,", ",STRINGIMAGE liwork)
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,",",STRINGIMAGE lwork,",[")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,xstring,"],",STRINGIMAGE ifail,")")
+ linkGen STRCONC(prefix,middle)
+e04naf() ==
+ htInitPage('"E04NAF - Quadratic programming problem",nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain PI (PositiveInteger))
+ (isDomain F (Float)))
+ (text . "\windowlink{Manual Page}{manpageXXe04naf} for this routine ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\lispwindowlink{Browser operation page}{(|oPageFrom| '|e04naf| '|NagOptimisationPackage|)} for this routine")
+ (text . "\newline \horizontalline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "E04NAF is a comprehensive routine to solve quadratic problems ")
+ (text . "(QP) of the form \center{\htbitmap{e04naf}} \newline ")
+ (text . "where {\it c} is a constant {\it n} element vector, {\it H} is a")
+ (text . " constant {\it n} by {\it n} symmetric matrix, and the matrix ")
+ (text . "{\it A} is {\it m} by {\it n}, i.e. there are {\it n} variables ")
+ (text . "and {\it m} general linear constraints. {\it m} may be zero in ")
+ (text . "which case the LP problem is subject only to bounds on the ")
+ (text . "variables. \blankline If {\it H} = 0 a flag can be set so that ")
+ (text . "the problem is treated as a linear programming (LP) problem. ")
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Upper bound on number of iterations, {\it itmax}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (6 20 itmax PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Type of output messages required, {\it msglvl}: ")
+ (radioButtons msglvl
+ (" < 0 " " No printing " mMinus)
+ (" = 0 " " Printing only if an input parameter is incorrect or overflow is likely" mZero)
+ (" = 1" " Printing occurs at the solution " mOne)
+ (" = 5" " One line of output for each constraint addition or deletion, no printout" mFive)
+ (" \htbitmap{great=} 10" " As above with printout of the solution" mTen)
+ (" \htbitmap{great=} 15" " As above with X, ISTATE and indices of free variables at each iteration" mFifteen)
+ (" \htbitmap{great=} 20" " As above with the Lagrange multiplier estimates and the free variables at each iteration" mTwenty)
+ (" \htbitmap{great=} 30" " As above with the diagonal elements of the matrix {\it T} associated with the {\it TQ} factorization of the working set, and the diagonal elements of the Cholesky factor {\it R} of the projected Hessian" mThirty)
+ (" \htbitmap{great=} 80" " As above with debug printout" mEighty)
+ (" = 99" " As above with arrays {\it cvec} and {\it hess}" mNinetyNine))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Number of variables, {\it n}: ")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (6 7 n PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Number of general linear constraints, {\it nclin}: ")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (6 7 nclin PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "First dimension of array {\it a}, {\it nrowa}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (6 7 nrowa PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "First dimension of array {\it hess}, {\it nrowh}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (6 7 nrowh PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Second dimension of array {\it hess}, {\it ncolh}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (6 7 ncolh PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Size above which a bound is regarded as infinite, {\it bigbnd}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (10 "1.0e10" bigbnd F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Specifies whether or not an initial estimate of the active constraints is present, {\it cold}:")
+ (radioButtons cold
+ ("" " true - E04NAF determines the initial working set" cTrue)
+ ("" " false - user defined contents of array {\it istate}" cFalse))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Specifies whether or not {\it h} is a zero matrix, {\it lp}:")
+ (radioButtons lp
+ ("" " false - QP problem " lFalse)
+ ("" " true - LP problem, {\it hess} and {\it qphess} are not referenced " lTrue))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Specifies whether or not orthogonal transformations are to be used in computing and updating the working set, {\it orthog}:")
+ (radioButtons orthog
+ ("" " true " oTrue)
+ ("" " false " oFalse))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")
+ (text . "Dimension of {\it iwork}, {\it liwork}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (5 14 liwork F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Dimension of {\it work}, {\it lwork}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (5 238 lwork F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Ifail value:")
+ (radioButtons ifail
+ ("" " -1, Print error messages" minusOne)
+ ("" " 1, Suppress error messages" one)))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue", 'e04nafSolve)
+ htShowPage()
+e04nafSolve htPage ==
+ itmax :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'itmax)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'itmax)
+ msg := htpButtonValue(htPage,'msglvl)
+ msglvl :=
+ msg = 'mMinus => '-1
+ msg = 'mZero => '0
+ msg = 'mOne => '1
+ msg = 'mFive => '5
+ msg = 'mTen => '10
+ msg = 'mFifteen => '15
+ msg = 'mTwenty => '20
+ msg = 'mThirty => '30
+ msg = 'mEighty => '80
+ '99
+ n :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'n)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'n)
+ nclin :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'nclin)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'nclin)
+ nrowa :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'nrowa)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'nrowa)
+ nrowh :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'nrowh)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'nrowh)
+ ncolh :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'ncolh)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'ncolh)
+ bigbnd := htpLabelInputString(htPage,'bigbnd)
+ col := htpButtonValue(htPage,'cold)
+ cold :=
+ col = 'cTrue => '"true"
+ '"false"
+ linear := htpButtonValue(htPage,'lp)
+ lp :=
+ linear = 'lTrue => '"true"
+ '"false"
+ ortho := htpButtonValue(htPage,'orthog)
+ orthog :=
+ ortho = 'oTrue => '"true"
+ '"false"
+ liwork :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'liwork)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'liwork)
+ lwork :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'lwork)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'lwork)
+ error := htpButtonValue(htPage,'ifail)
+ ifail :=
+ error = 'one => '1
+ '-1
+ (((nrowa = '7 and n = '7) and (nrowh = '7 and ncolh ='7)) and nclin = '7) =>
+ e04nafDefaultSolve(htPage,itmax,msglvl,bigbnd,cold,lp,orthog,liwork,lwork,ifail)
+ aList :=
+ "append"/[fa(i,n) for i in 1..nrowa] where fa(i,n) ==
+ labelList :=
+ "append"/[fb(i,j) for j in 1..n] where fb(i,j) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, 0, anam, 'F]]]
+ prefix := ('"\newline ")
+ labelList := [['text,:prefix],:labelList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter lower boundary ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"conditions {\it bl(n + nclin)}: \newline ")
+ blList :=
+ "append"/[fc(i) for i in 1..(n+nclin)] where fc(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, '"0.0", blnam, 'F]]]
+ blList := [['text,:middle],:blList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter upper boundary ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"conditions {\it bu(n+nclin)}: \newline ")
+ buList :=
+ "append"/[fd(i) for i in 1..(n+nclin)] where fd(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, '"0.0", bunam, 'F]]]
+ buList := [['text,:middle],:buList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter coefficients of the ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"objective function {\it cvec(n)}: \newline ")
+ cList :=
+ "append"/[fe(i) for i in 1..n] where fe(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, '"0.0", cnam, 'F]]]
+ cList := [['text,:middle],:cList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter set of positive ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"tolerances {\it featol(n+nclin)}: \newline ")
+ fList :=
+ "append"/[ff(i) for i in 1..(n+nclin)] where ff(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[9, '"0.1053e-7", fnam, 'F]]]
+ fList := [['text,:middle],:fList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter the elements of ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"array {\it hess(nrowh,ncolh)}: \newline ")
+ hList :=
+ "append"/[fh(i,n) for i in 1..nrowh] where fh(i,n) ==
+ labelList :=
+ "append"/[fi(i,j) for j in 1..n] where fi(i,j) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, 0, hnam, 'F]]]
+ prefix := ('"\newline ")
+ labelList := [['text,:prefix],:labelList]
+ hList := [['text,:middle],:hList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter initial guess ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"of the solution vector {\it x(n)}: \newline ")
+ xList :=
+ "append"/[fg(i) for i in 1..n] where fg(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, '"0.0", xnam, 'F]]]
+ xList := [['text,:middle],:xList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} If {\it cold} = false ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"enter {\it istate(n+nclin)} values: \newline ")
+ iList :=
+ "append"/[fj(i) for i in 1..(n+nclin)] where fj(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, '"0.0", inam, 'F]]]
+ iList := [['text,:middle],:iList]
+ equationPart := [
+ '(domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain F (Float))
+ (isDomain I (Integer))),
+ :aList,:blList,:buList,:cList,:fList,:hList,:xList,:iList]
+ page:= htInitPage('"E04NAF - Quadratic programming problem",nil)
+ htSay '"\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ htSay '"Enter the elements of the array {\it a(nrowa,n)}: \newline "
+ htMakePage equationPart
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04nafGen)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'itmax,itmax)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'msglvl,msglvl)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'n,n)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nclin,nclin)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nrowa,nrowa)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nrowh,nrowh)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ncolh,ncolh)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'bigbnd,bigbnd)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'cold,cold)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'lp,lp)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'orthog,orthog)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'liwork,liwork)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'lwork,lwork)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage)
+ htShowPage()
+e04nafDefaultSolve(htPage,itmax,msglvl,bigbnd,cold,lp,orthog,liwork,lwork,ifail) ==
+ n := '7
+ nclin := '7
+ nrowa := '7
+ nrowh := '7
+ ncolh := '7
+ page:= htInitPage('"E04NAF - Quadratic programming problem",nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain F (Float))
+ (isDomain I (Integer)))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter the elements of array {\it a(nrowa,n)}: \newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "1" a11 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "1" a12 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "1" a13 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "1" a14 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "1" a15 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "1" a16 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "1" a17 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.15" a21 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.04" a22 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a23 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.04" a24 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a25 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.01" a26 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.03" a27 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.03" a31 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.05" a32 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.08" a33 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a34 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.06" a35 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.01" a36 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" a37 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a41 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.04" a42 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.01" a43 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a44 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a45 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" a46 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" a47 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a51 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.03" a52 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" a53 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" a54 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.01" a55 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" a56 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" a57 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.7" a61 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.75" a62 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.8" a63 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.75" a64 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.8" a65 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.97" a66 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" a67 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a71 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.06" a72 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.08" a73 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.12" a74 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.02" a75 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.01" a76 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0.97" a77 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter lower boundary conditions {\it bl(n+nclin)}: \newline ")
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.01" bl1 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.1" bl2 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.01" bl3 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.04" bl4 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.1" bl5 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.01" bl6 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.01" bl7 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.13" bl8 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-1.0e+21" bl9 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-1.0e+21" bl10 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-1.0e+21" bl11 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-1.0e+21" bl12 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.0992" bl13 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.003" bl14 F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter upper boundary conditions {\it bu(n+nclin)}: \newline ")
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.01" bu1 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.15" bu2 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.03" bu3 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.02" bu4 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.05" bu5 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "1.0e+21" bu6 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "1.0e+21" bu7 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.13" bu8 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.0049" bu9 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.0064" bu10 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.0037" bu11 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.0012" bu12 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "1.0e+21" bu13 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.002" bu14 F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter coefficients of the objective function, {\it cvec(n)}: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.02" c1 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.2" c2 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.2" c3 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.2" c4 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.2" c5 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.04" c6 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.04" c7 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter set of positive tolerances {\it featol(n+nclin)}:\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (9 "0.1053e-7" f1 F))
+ (bcStrings (9 "0.1053e-7" f2 F))
+ (bcStrings (9 "0.1053e-7" f3 F))
+ (bcStrings (9 "0.1053e-7" f4 F))
+ (bcStrings (9 "0.1053e-7" f5 F))
+ (bcStrings (9 "0.1053e-7" f6 F))
+ (bcStrings (9 "0.1053e-7" f7 F))
+ (bcStrings (9 "0.1053e-7" f8 F))
+ (bcStrings (9 "0.1053e-7" f9 F))
+ (bcStrings (9 "0.1053e-7" f10 F))
+ (bcStrings (9 "0.1053e-7" f11 F))
+ (bcStrings (9 "0.1053e-7" f12 F))
+ (bcStrings (9 "0.1053e-7" f13 F))
+ (bcStrings (9 "0.1053e-7" f14 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter the elements of array {\it hess(nrowh,ncolh)}: \newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "2" h11 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h12 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h13 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h14 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h15 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h16 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h17 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h21 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "2" h22 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h23 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h24 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h25 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h26 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h27 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h31 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h32 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "2" h33 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "2" h34 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h35 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h36 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h37 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h41 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h42 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "2" h43 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "2" h44 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h45 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h46 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h47 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h51 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h52 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h53 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h54 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "2" h55 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h56 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h57 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h61 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h62 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h63 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h64 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h65 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "-2" h66 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "-2" h67 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h71 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h72 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h73 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h74 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "0" h75 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "-2" h76 F))
+ (bcStrings (5 "-2" h77 F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter initial guess of the solution vector, {\it x(n)}: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.01" x1 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.03" x2 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.0" x3 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.01" x4 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.1" x5 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.02" x6 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.01" x7 F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "If {\it cold} = false enter {\it istate(n+nclin)} values: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (8 "0" i1 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0" i2 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0" i3 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0" i4 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0" i5 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0" i6 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0" i7 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0" i8 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0" i9 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0" i10 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0" i11 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0" i12 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0" i13 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0" i14 F)))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04nafGen)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'itmax,itmax)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'msglvl,msglvl)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'n,n)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nclin,nclin)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nrowa,nrowa)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nrowh,nrowh)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ncolh,ncolh)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'bigbnd,bigbnd)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'cold,cold)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'lp,lp)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'orthog,orthog)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'liwork,liwork)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'lwork,lwork)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage)
+ htShowPage()
+e04nafGen htPage ==
+ itmax := htpProperty(htPage, 'itmax)
+ msglvl := htpProperty(htPage, 'msglvl)
+ n := htpProperty(htPage, 'n)
+ nclin := htpProperty(htPage, 'nclin)
+ nrowa := htpProperty(htPage, 'nrowa)
+ nrowh := htpProperty(htPage, 'nrowh)
+ ncolh := htpProperty(htPage, 'ncolh)
+ bigbnd := htpProperty(htPage, 'bigbnd)
+ cold := htpProperty(htPage, 'cold)
+ lp := htpProperty(htPage, 'lp)
+ orthog := htpProperty(htPage, 'orthog)
+ liwork := htpProperty(htPage,'liwork)
+ lwork := htpProperty(htPage,'lwork)
+ ifail := htpProperty(htPage,'ifail)
+ alist := htpInputAreaAlist htPage
+ y := alist
+ for i in 1..(n+nclin) repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ ilist := [temp,:ilist]
+ y := rest y
+ istring := bcwords2liststring ilist
+ for i in 1..n repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ xlist := [temp,:xlist]
+ y := rest y
+ xstring := bcwords2liststring xlist
+ for i in 1..nrowh repeat -- matrix H
+ for j in 1..ncolh repeat
+ h := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ hlist := [h,:hlist]
+ y := rest y
+ hmatlist := [:hmatlist,hlist]
+ hlist := []
+ hmatlist := reverse hmatlist
+ hmatstr := bcwords2liststring [bcwords2liststring x for x in hmatlist]
+ for i in 1..(n+nclin) repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ flist := [temp,:flist]
+ y := rest y
+ fstring := bcwords2liststring flist
+ for i in 1..n repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ clist := [temp,:clist]
+ y := rest y
+ cstring := bcwords2liststring clist
+ for i in 1..(n+nclin) repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ bulist := [temp,:bulist]
+ y := rest y
+ bustring := bcwords2liststring bulist
+ for i in 1..(n+nclin) repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ bllist := [temp,:bllist]
+ y := rest y
+ blstring := bcwords2liststring bllist
+ for i in 1..nrowa repeat -- matrix A
+ for j in 1..n repeat
+ a := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ arrlist := [a,:arrlist]
+ y := rest y
+ amatlist := [:amatlist,arrlist]
+ arrlist := []
+ amatlist := reverse amatlist
+ amatstr := bcwords2liststring [bcwords2liststring x for x in amatlist]
+ nctotl := n + nclin
+ prefix := STRCONC("e04naf(",STRINGIMAGE itmax,",", STRINGIMAGE msglvl,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE n,",",STRINGIMAGE nclin,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE nctotl,",",STRINGIMAGE nrowa,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE nrowh,",",STRINGIMAGE ncolh,", ",bigbnd)
+ middle := STRCONC(", ",amatstr,",[")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,blstring,"],[",bustring,"],[",cstring)
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,"],[",fstring,"],",hmatstr,",",STRINGIMAGE cold,",")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,STRINGIMAGE lp,", ",STRINGIMAGE orthog,", ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,STRINGIMAGE liwork,",",STRINGIMAGE lwork,",[")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,xstring,"],[",istring,"]::Matrix Integer,")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,STRINGIMAGE ifail)
+ end := STRCONC(",((",hmatstr,")::Matrix Expression Float)::ASP20('QPHESS))")
+ linkGen STRCONC(prefix,middle,end)
+e04ucf() ==
+ htInitPage('"E04UCF - Minimum, function of several variables, sequential QP method, nonlinear constraints, using function values and optionally 1st derivatives", nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain PI (PositiveInteger))
+ (isDomain F (Float)))
+ (text . "\windowlink{Manual Page}{manpageXXe04ucf} for this routine ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\lispwindowlink{Browser operation page}{(|oPageFrom| '|e04ucf| '|NagOptimisationPackage|)} for this routine")
+ (text . "\newline \horizontalline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "E04UCF minimizes an arbitrary smooth function subject to ")
+ (text . "constraints which may include simple bounds on the variables, ")
+ (text . "linear constraints and smooth nonlinear constraints. As many ")
+ (text . "first partial derivatives as possible should be supplied by the ")
+ (text . "user, unspecified derivatives being estimated by finite ")
+ (text . "differences. \newline The routine solves problems of the form")
+ (text . "\center{\htbitmap{e04ucf}}\newline where the objective function ")
+ (text . "{\it F(x)} is nonlinear, \htbitmap{Al} is an \htbitmap{nl} by n ")
+ (text . "constant matrix and {\it c(x)} is an \htbitmap{nn} element ")
+ (text . "vector of nonlinear constraint functions. The objective function")
+ (text . " and constraint functions are assumed to be smooth (i.e. at ")
+ (text . "least twice continuously differentiable), although the method ")
+ (text . "will usually work if there are discontinuities away from the ")
+ (text . "solution. \blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")
+ (text . "Enter the number of variables, {\it n}: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 4 n PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")
+ (text . "Enter the number of general linear constraints, {\it nclin}: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 1 nclin PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")
+ (text . "Enter the number of nonlinear constraints, {\it ncnln}: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (5 2 ncnln PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "Change optional parameters:")
+ (radioButtons optional
+ ("" " No" no)
+ ("" " Yes" yes))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Start value:")
+ (radioButtons start
+ ("" " Cold start" false)
+ ("" " Warm start" true))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Ifail value:")
+ (radioButtons ifail
+ ("" " -1, Print error messages" minusOne)
+ ("" " 1, Suppress error messages" one)))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue", 'e04ucfSolve)
+ htShowPage()
+e04ucfSolve(htPage) ==
+ n :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'n)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'n)
+ nclin :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'nclin)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'nclin)
+ ncnln :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'ncnln)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'ncnln)
+ nrowa :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'nclin)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'nrowa)
+ nrowj :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'ncnln)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'nrowj)
+ nrowr :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'n)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'nrowr)
+ liwork := 3*n+nclin+2*ncnln
+ lwork :=
+ (ncnln = '0 and nclin = '0) => 20*n
+ (ncnln = '0 and nclin > '0) => 2*n*n + 20*n + 11*nclin
+ (ncnln > '0 and nclin >= '0) => 2*n*n + n*nclin +2*n*ncnln + 20*n + 11*nclin + 21*ncnln
+ '1
+ initial := htpButtonValue(htPage,'start)
+ start :=
+ initial = 'true => '1
+ '0
+ error := htpButtonValue(htPage,'ifail)
+ ifail :=
+ error = 'one => '1
+ '-1
+ param := htpButtonValue(htPage,'optional)
+ optional :=
+ param = 'no => '0
+ '1
+ ((n = '4 and optional = '0 and nclin=1 and ncnln=2) and (start = '0)) =>
+ e04ucfDefaultSolve(htPage,nclin,ncnln,nrowa,nrowj,nrowr,liwork,lwork,ifail)
+ start = '1 => e04ucfCopOut()
+ optional := '1
+ aList :=
+ "append"/[fa(i,n) for i in 1..nrowa] where fa(i,n) ==
+ labelList :=
+ "append"/[fb(i,j) for j in 1..n] where fb(i,j) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, 0, anam, 'F]]]
+ prefix := ('"\newline ")
+ labelList := [['text,:prefix],:labelList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter lower boundary ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"conditions {\it bl(n+nclin+ncnln)}: \newline ")
+ blList :=
+ "append"/[fc(i) for i in 1..(n+nclin+ncnln)] where fc(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, '"-1.E25", blnam, 'F]]]
+ blList := [['text,:middle],:blList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter upper boundary ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"conditions {\it bu(n+nclin+ncnln)}: \newline ")
+ buList :=
+ "append"/[fd(i) for i in 1..(n+nclin+ncnln)] where fd(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, '"1.E25", bunam, 'F]]]
+ buList := [['text,:middle],:buList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter the nonlinear ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"constraint functions {\it c(ncnln)} ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"in terms of X[1]...X[n]: \newline ")
+ cList :=
+ "append"/[fe(i) for i in 1..ncnln] where fe(i) ==
+ lineEnd := ('"\newline \tab{2} ")
+ [['text,:lineEnd],['bcStrings,[55, '"X[1]", cnam, 'F]]]
+ cList := [['text,:middle],:cList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter the objective ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"function, {\it F(x)} ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"in terms of X[1]...X[n]: \newline ")
+ funcList := [['bcStrings,[55, '"X[1]", 'f, 'EM]]]
+ funcList := [['text,:middle],:funcList]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter initial guess ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"of the solution vector {\it x(n)}: \newline ")
+ xList :=
+ "append"/[fg(i) for i in 1..n] where fg(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[8, '"0.0", xnam, 'F]]]
+ xList := [['text,:middle],:xList]
+ equationPart := [
+ '(domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain F (Float))
+ (isDomain I (Integer))),
+ :aList,:blList,:buList,:cList,:funcList,:xList,
+ :'(
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Crash tolerance, {\it cra}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (20 "0.01" cra F))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Derivative level, {\it der}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (5 3 der PI))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Feasibility tolerance, {\it fea}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (20 "0.1053671201E-7" fea F))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Function Precision, {\it fun}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (20 "0.4373903510E-14" fun F))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")_
+ (text . "{\it r} is a Hessian matrix :")_
+ (radioButtons hess _
+ ("" " No" hFalse)_
+ ("" " Yes" hTrue))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Infinite bound size, {\it infb}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (20 "1.00E+15" infb F))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Infinite step size, {\it infs}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (20 "1.00E+15" infs F))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Linear feasibility tolerance, {\it linf}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (20 "0.1053671201E-7" linf F))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Linesearch tolerance, {\it lint}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (20 "0.9" lint F))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")_
+ (text . "List parameters:")_
+ (radioButtons list _
+ ("" " No" false)_
+ ("" " Yes" true))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Major iteration limit, {\it maji}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (5 30 maji PI))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Major print level, {\it majp}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (5 1 majp PI))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Minor iteration limit, {\it mini}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (5 81 mini PI))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Minor print level, {\it minp}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (5 0 minp PI))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Monitoring channel, {\it mon}. ")_
+ (text . "(Ignored in Foundation Library version.) ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (5 "-1" mon F))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Nonlinear feasibiltity tolerance, {\it nonf}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (20 "1.05E-08" nonf F))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Optimality tolerance, {\it opt}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (20 "3.26E-08" opt F))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Step limit, {\it ste}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (5 "2.0" ste F))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Start objective check at variable, {\it stao}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (5 1 stao PI))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Start constraint check at variable, {\it stac}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (5 1 stac PI))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Stop objective check at variable, {\it stoo}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (5 9 stoo PI))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Stop objective check at variable, {\it stoc}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (5 9 stoc PI))_
+ (text . "\blankline ")_
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ")_
+ (text . "Verify level, {\it ver}: ")_
+ (text . "\newline ")_
+ (bcStrings (5 3 ver PI)))]
+ page := htInitPage('"E04UCF - Unconstrained minimum, pre-conditioned conjugate gradient algorithm, function of several variables using 1st derivatives",nil)
+ htSay '"\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ htSay '"Enter the elements of the array, {\it A(nrowa,n)}: "
+ htSay '"\newline "
+ htMakePage equationPart
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04ucfGen)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'n,n)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nclin,nclin)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ncnln,ncnln)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nrowa,nrowa)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nrowj,nrowj)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nrowr,nrowr)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'liwork,liwork)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'lwork,lwork)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'optional,optional)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'start,start)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage)
+ htShowPage()
+e04ucfDefaultSolve(htPage,nclin,ncnln,nrowa,nrowj,nrowr,liwork,lwork,ifail) ==
+ n := '4
+ optional := '0
+ start := '0
+ page := htInitPage('"E04UCF - Unconstrained minimum, pre-conditioned conjugate gradient algorithm, function of several variables using 1st derivatives",nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain F (Float))
+ (isDomain I (Integer)))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter the elements of the array {\it A(nrowa,n)}: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (4 "1.0" a11 F))
+ (bcStrings (4 "1.0" a12 F))
+ (bcStrings (4 "1.0" a13 F))
+ (bcStrings (4 "1.0" a14 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter the lower boundary conditions {\it bl(n+nclin+ncnln)}: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (8 "1.0" bl1 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "1.0" bl2 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "1.0" bl3 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "1.0" bl4 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-1.E25" bl5 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-1.E25" bl6 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "25.0" bl7 F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter the upper boundary conditions {\it bu(n+nclin+ncnln)}: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (8 "5.0" bu1 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "5.0" bu2 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "5.0" bu3 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "5.0" bu4 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "20.0" bu5 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "40.0" bu6 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "1.E25" bu7 F))
+ -- no istate or clamda or r as default condition is cold
+ -- what about cjac when der = 3 ?
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter the nonlinear constraint functions, {\it c(ncnln)} ")
+ (text . "in terms of X[1]...X[n]: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (55 "X[1]**2 + X[2]**2 + X[3]**2 + X[4]**2" cx1 EM))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (55 "X[1]*X[2]*X[3]*X[4]" cx2 EM))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter the objective function, {\it F(x)} ")
+ (text . "in terms of X[1]...X[n]: ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (55 "X[1]*X[4]*(X[1] + X[2] + X[3]) + X[3]" of EM))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter initial guess of the solution vector, {\it x(n)}: \newline")
+ (bcStrings (8 "1.0" x1 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "5.0" x2 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "5.0" x3 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "1.0" x4 F)))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04ucfGen)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'n,n)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nclin,nclin)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ncnln,ncnln)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nrowa,nrowa)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nrowj,nrowj)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'nrowr,nrowr)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'liwork,liwork)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'lwork,lwork)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'start,start)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'optional,optional)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage)
+ htShowPage()
+e04ucfGen htPage ==
+ n := htpProperty(htPage,'n)
+ nclin := htpProperty(htPage,'nclin)
+ ncnln := htpProperty(htPage,'ncnln)
+ nrowa := htpProperty(htPage,'nrowa)
+ nrowj := htpProperty(htPage,'nrowj)
+ nrowr := htpProperty(htPage,'nrowr)
+ liwork := htpProperty(htPage,'liwork)
+ lwork := htpProperty(htPage,'lwork)
+ optional := htpProperty(htPage,'optional)
+ start := htpProperty(htPage,'start)
+ ifail := htpProperty(htPage,'ifail)
+ sta := 'false -- no warm start in HD
+ alist := htpInputAreaAlist htPage
+ y := alist
+ if (optional = '0) then
+ cra := '"0.01"
+ der := 3
+ fea := '"0.1053671201E-7"
+ fun := '"0.4373903510E-14"
+ hes := 'true
+ infb := '"1.00E+15"
+ infs := '"1.00E+15"
+ linf := '"0.1053671201E-7"
+ lint := '"0.9"
+ lis := 'true
+ maji := 30
+ majp := 1
+ mini := 81
+ minp := 0
+ mon := '"-1"
+ nonf := '"1.05E-08"
+ opt := '"3.26E-08"
+ ste := '"2.0"
+ stao := 1
+ stac := 1
+ stoo := n
+ stoc := n
+ ver := 3
+ for i in 1..n repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ xlist := [temp,:xlist]
+ y := rest y
+ xstring := bcwords2liststring xlist
+ f := (first y).1
+ y := rest y
+ for i in 1..ncnln repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ cxlist := [temp,:cxlist]
+ y := rest y
+ cxstring := bcwords2liststring cxlist
+ for i in 1..(n+nclin+ncnln) repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ bulist := [temp,:bulist]
+ y := rest y
+ buu := bcwords2liststring bulist
+ for i in 1..(n+nclin+ncnln) repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ bllist := [temp,:bllist]
+ y := rest y
+ bll := bcwords2liststring bllist
+ for i in 1..nrowa repeat -- matrix A
+ for j in 1..n repeat
+ a := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ arrlist := [a,:arrlist]
+ y := rest y
+ amatlist := [:amatlist,arrlist]
+ arrlist := []
+ amatlist := reverse amatlist
+ amatstr := bcwords2liststring [bcwords2liststring x for x in amatlist]
+ else
+ ver := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ stoc := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ stoo := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ stac := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ stao := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ ste := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ opt := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ nonf := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ mon := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ minp := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ mini := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ majp := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ maji := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ nolist := (first y).1
+ lis :=
+ nolist = '" nil" => '"false"
+ '"true"
+ y := rest y
+ dummy1 := first y
+ y := rest y
+ lint := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ linf := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ infs := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ infb := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ noHess := (first y).1
+ hes :=
+ noHess = '" nil" => '"false"
+ '"true"
+ y := rest y
+ dummy2 := first y
+ y := rest y
+ fun := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ fea := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ der := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ cra := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ y := rest y
+ for i in 1..n repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ xlist := [temp,:xlist]
+ y := rest y
+ xstring := bcwords2liststring xlist
+ f := (first y).1
+ y := rest y
+ for i in 1..ncnln repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ cxlist := [temp,:cxlist]
+ y := rest y
+ cxstring := bcwords2liststring cxlist
+ for i in 1..(n+nclin+ncnln) repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ bulist := [temp,:bulist]
+ y := rest y
+ buu := bcwords2liststring bulist
+ for i in 1..(n+nclin+ncnln) repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ bllist := [temp,:bllist]
+ y := rest y
+ bll := bcwords2liststring bllist
+ for i in 1..nrowa repeat -- matrix A
+ for j in 1..n repeat
+ a := STRCONC((first y).1," ")
+ arrlist := [a,:arrlist]
+ y := rest y
+ amatlist := [:amatlist,arrlist]
+ arrlist := []
+ amatlist := reverse amatlist
+ amatstr := bcwords2liststring [bcwords2liststring x for x in amatlist]
+ ntotl := n + nclin + ncnln
+ prefix := STRCONC("e04ucf(",STRINGIMAGE n,", ",STRINGIMAGE nclin,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE ncnln,", ",STRINGIMAGE nrowa,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE nrowj,", ",STRINGIMAGE nrowr,", ")
+ prefix:= STRCONC(prefix,amatstr,",[",bll,"],[",buu,"],",STRINGIMAGE liwork)
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,", ",STRINGIMAGE lwork,", ",STRINGIMAGE sta,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,cra,", ",STRINGIMAGE der,", ",fea,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,fun,", ",hes,", ",infb,", ",infs,", ",linf,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,lint,", ",lis,", ",STRINGIMAGE maji,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE majp,", ",STRINGIMAGE mini,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE minp,", ",mon,", ",nonf,", ",opt,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,ste,", ",STRINGIMAGE stao,", ",STRINGIMAGE stac)
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,", ",STRINGIMAGE stoo,", ",STRINGIMAGE stoc,", ")
+ middle:= STRCONC(STRINGIMAGE ver,",[[0 for i in 1..",STRINGIMAGE ntotl,"]]")
+ middle:=STRCONC(middle,"::Matrix Integer,[[0.0 for i in 1..",STRINGIMAGE n)
+ middle:=STRCONC(middle,"] for j in 1..",STRINGIMAGE nrowj,"],[[0.0 for i in 1..")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,STRINGIMAGE ntotl,"]],[[0.0 for i in 1..")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,STRINGIMAGE n,"] for j in 1..",STRINGIMAGE nrowr)
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,"],[",xstring,"],",STRINGIMAGE ifail)
+ end:=STRCONC(",((",cxstring,")::Vector Expression(Float))::ASP55(CONFUN),")
+ end := STRCONC(end,"((",f,")::Expression(Float))::ASP49(OBJFUN))")
+ linkGen STRCONC(prefix,middle,end)
+e04ucfCopOut() ==
+ htInitPage('"E04UCF - Unconstrained minimum, pre-conditioned conjugate gradient algorithm, function of several variables using 1st derivatives",nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain PI (PositiveInteger)))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "{\center{\em Hyperdoc interface not available for warm start}}")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "{\center{\em Please use the command line.}}"))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04ucf)
+ htShowPage()
+e04ycf() ==
+ htInitPage('"E04YCF - Covariance matrix for non-linear least-squares problem", nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain PI (PositiveInteger))
+ (isDomain F (Float)))
+ (text . "\windowlink{Manual Page}{manpageXXe04ycf} for this routine ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\lispwindowlink{Browser operation page}{(|oPageFrom| '|e04ycf| '|NagOptimisationPackage|)} for this routine")
+ (text . "\newline \horizontalline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "E04YCF returns estimates of elements of the variance-covariance ")
+ (text . "matrix of the estimated regression coefficients for a nonlinear ")
+ (text . "least-squares problem. ")
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "This routine may be used following any of the nonlinear ")
+ (text . "least-squares routines E04FDF, E04GCF. It ")
+ (text . "requires the parameters {\it fumsq, s} and {\it v} supplied ")
+ (text . "by those routines. ")
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Elements of {\it c} returned, {\it job}: ")
+ (radioButtons job
+ (" 0" " The diagonal elements of {\it c} " jZero)
+ (" 1" " Elements of column {\it job} of {\it c} " jOne)
+ (" -1" " The whole {\it n} by {\it n} symmetric matrix " jMinus))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Number of observations, {\it m}: ")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (6 15 m PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Number of variables, {\it n}: ")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (6 3 n PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Sum of the squares of the residuals, {\it fsumsq}: ")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (30 "0.0082148773065789729" fsumsq F))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "First dimension of array {\it v}, {\it lv}:")
+ (text . "\newline\tab{2} ")
+ (bcStrings (6 3 lv PI))
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Ifail value:")
+ (radioButtons ifail
+ ("" " -1, Print error messages" minusOne)
+ ("" " 1, Suppress error messages" one)))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue", 'e04ycfSolve)
+ htShowPage()
+e04ycfSolve htPage ==
+ temp := htpButtonValue(htPage,'job)
+ job :=
+ temp = 'jMinus => '-1
+ temp = 'jOne => '1
+ '0
+ m :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'm)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'm)
+ n :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'n)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'n)
+ fsumsq := htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'fsumsq)
+ lv :=
+ $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'lv)
+ objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'lv)
+ error := htpButtonValue(htPage,'ifail)
+ ifail :=
+ error = 'one => '1
+ '-1
+ (n = 3 and lv = 3) => e04ycfDefaultSolve(htPage,job,m,fsumsq,ifail)
+ sList :=
+ "append"/[fa(i) for i in 1..(n)] where fa(i) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[30, '"0.0", snam, 'F]]]
+ middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} Enter the elements ")
+ middle := STRCONC(middle,'"of array {\it v(lv,n)}: \newline ")
+ vList :=
+ "append"/[fb(i,n) for i in 1..lv] where fb(i,n) ==
+ labelList :=
+ "append"/[fc(i,j) for j in 1..n] where fc(i,j) ==
+ [['bcStrings,[15, 0, vnam, 'F]]]
+ prefix := ('"\newline ")
+ labelList := [['text,:prefix],:labelList]
+ vList := [['text,:middle],:vList]
+ equationPart := [
+ '(domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain F (Float))
+ (isDomain I (Integer))),
+ :sList,:vList]
+ page:= htInitPage('"E04YCF - Covariance matrix for non-linear least-squares problem", nil)
+ htSay '"\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} "
+ htSay '"Enter the elements of the array {\it s(n)}: \newline "
+ htMakePage equationPart
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04ycfGen)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'job,job)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'n,n)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'m,m)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'fsumsq,fsumsq)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'lv,lv)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage)
+ htShowPage()
+e04ycfDefaultSolve(htPage,job,m,fsumsq,ifail) ==
+ n := '3
+ lv := '3
+ page:= htInitPage('"E04YCF - Covariance matrix for non-linear least-squares problem", nil)
+ htMakePage '(
+ (domainConditions
+ (isDomain EM $EmptyMode)
+ (isDomain F (Float))
+ (isDomain I (Integer)))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter the elements of array {\it s(n)}: \newline ")
+ (bcStrings (30 "4.0965034571419325" s1 F))
+ (bcStrings (30 "1.5949579400198182" s2 F))
+ (bcStrings (30 "0.061258491120317927" s3 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (text . "\blankline ")
+ (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2}")
+ (text . "Enter the elements of array {\it v(lv,n)}: \newline ")
+ -- not the correct values yet !
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.9354" v11 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.2592" v12 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.2405" v13 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.3530" v21 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.6432" v22 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.6795" v23 F))
+ (text . "\newline ")
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.0215" v31 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "-0.7205" v32 F))
+ (bcStrings (8 "0.6932" v33 F)))
+ htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'e04ycfGen)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'job,job)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'n,n)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'m,m)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'fsumsq,fsumsq)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'lv,lv)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail)
+ htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage)
+ htShowPage()
+e04ycfGen htPage ==
+ job := htpProperty(htPage,'job)
+ n := htpProperty(htPage, 'n)
+ m := htpProperty(htPage, 'm)
+ fsumsq := htpProperty(htPage, 'fsumsq)
+ lv := htpProperty(htPage, 'lv)
+ ifail := htpProperty(htPage,'ifail)
+ alist := htpInputAreaAlist htPage
+ y := alist
+ for i in 1..(lv*n) repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ vlist := [temp,:vlist]
+ y := rest y
+ vstring := bcwords2liststring vlist
+ for i in 1..n repeat
+ temp := STRCONC ((first y).1," ")
+ slist := [temp,:slist]
+ y := rest y
+ sstring := bcwords2liststring slist
+ prefix := STRCONC("e04ycf(",STRINGIMAGE job,",", STRINGIMAGE m,", ")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE n,",",fsumsq,", [")
+ prefix := STRCONC(prefix,sstring,"],", STRINGIMAGE lv,",[",vstring)
+ linkGen STRCONC(prefix,"],",STRINGIMAGE ifail,")")