path: root/src/interp/br-search.boot.pamphlet
diff options
authordos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-09-20 03:58:10 +0000
committerdos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-09-20 03:58:10 +0000
commit32d516cbb18276e5060749f85368c5a90346a0f4 (patch)
treeef3d9881bbdb62a623abc7af74384fd2aaa103f4 /src/interp/br-search.boot.pamphlet
parent9b71e0a1f285fc207709cf8e90721160af299127 (diff)
remove pamphlets - part 4
Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/br-search.boot.pamphlet')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1040 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/br-search.boot.pamphlet b/src/interp/br-search.boot.pamphlet
deleted file mode 100644
index f886a96a..00000000
--- a/src/interp/br-search.boot.pamphlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1040 +0,0 @@
-\title{\File{src/interp/br-search.boot} Pamphlet}
-\author{The Axiom Team}
--- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
--- All rights reserved.
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
--- met:
--- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
--- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
--- distribution.
--- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
--- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
--- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
---====================> WAS b-search.boot <================================
--- Grepping Database libdb.text
--- Redone 12/95 for Saturn; previous function grep renamed as grepFile
--- This function now either returns a filename or a list of strings
-grepConstruct(s,key,:options) == --key = a o c d p x k (all) . (aok) w (doc)
---Called from genSearch with key = "." and "w"
---key = "." means a o c d p x
---option1 = true means return the result as a file
---All searches of the database call this function to get relevant lines
---from libdb.text. Returns either a list of lines (usual case) or else
---an alist of the form ((kind . <list of lines for that kind>) ...)
- $localLibdb : local := fnameExists? '"libdb.text" and '"libdb.text"
- lines := grepConstruct1(s,key)
- IFCAR options => grepSplit(lines,key = 'w) --leave now if a constructor
- MEMQ(key,'(o a)) => dbScreenForDefaultFunctions lines --kill default lines if a/o
- lines
-grepConstruct1(s,key) ==
---returns the name of file (WITHOUT .text.$SPADNUM on the end)
- $key : local := key
- if key = 'k and --convert 'k to 'y if name contains an "&"
- or/[s . i = char '_& for i in 0..MAXINDEX s] then key := 'y
- filter := pmTransFilter STRINGIMAGE s --parses and-or-not form
- filter is ['error,:.] => filter --exit on parser error
- pattern := mkGrepPattern(filter,key) --create string to pass to "grep"
- grepConstructDo(pattern, key) --do the "grep"---see b-saturn.boot
-grepConstructDo(x, key) ==
- $orCount := 0
---atom x => grepFile(x, key,'i)
- $localLibdb =>
- oldLines := purgeNewConstructorLines(grepf(x,key,false),$newConstructorList)
- newLines := grepf(x,$localLibdb,false)
- union(oldLines, newLines)
- grepf(x,key,false)
-dbExposed?(line,kind) == -- does line come from an unexposed constructor?
- conname := INTERN
- kind = char 'a or kind = char 'o => dbNewConname line --get conname from middle
- dbName line
- isExposedConstructor conname
-dbScreenForDefaultFunctions lines == [x for x in lines | not isDefaultOpAtt x]
-isDefaultOpAtt x == x.(1 + dbTickIndex(x,4,0)) = char 'x
-grepForAbbrev(s,key) ==
---checks that filter s is not * and is all uppercase; if so, look for abbrevs
- u := HGET($lowerCaseConTb,s) => ['Abbreviations,u] --try cheap test first
- someLowerCaseChar := false
- someUpperCaseChar := false
- for i in 0..MAXINDEX s repeat
- c := s . i
- LOWER_-CASE_-P c => return (someLowerCaseChar := true)
- UPPER_-CASE_-P c => someUpperCaseChar := true
- someLowerCaseChar or not someUpperCaseChar => false
- pattern := DOWNCASE s
- for x in allConstructors() | test]] where test ==
- not $includeUnexposed? and not isExposedConstructor x => false
- match?(pattern,PNAME a) and not HGET($defaultPackageNamesHT,x)
-applyGrep(x,filename) == --OBSELETE with $saturn--> see applyGrepSaturn
- atom x => grepFile(x,filename,'i)
- $localLibdb =>
- a := purgeNewConstructorLines(grepf(x,filename,false),$newConstructorList)
- b := grepf(x,$localLibdb,false)
- grepCombine(a,b)
- grepf(x,filename,false)
-grepCombine(a,b) == MSORT union(a,b)
-grepf(pattern,s,not?) == --s=sourceFile or list of strings
- pattern is [op,:argl] =>
- op = "and" =>
- while argl is [arg,:argl] repeat
- s := grepf(arg,s,not?) -- filter by successive greps
- s
- op = "or" =>
- targetStack := nil
- "union"/[grepf(arg,s,not?) for arg in argl]
- op = "not" =>
- not? => grepf(first argl,s,false)
- --could be the first time so have to get all of same $key
- lines := grepf(mkGrepPattern('"*",$key),s,false)
- grepf(first argl,lines,true)
- systemError nil
- option :=
- not? => 'iv
- 'i
- source :=
- LISTP s => dbWriteLines s
- s
- grepFile(pattern,source,option)
-pmTransFilter s ==
---result is either a string or (op ..) where op= and,or,not and arg are results
- if $browseMixedCase = true then s := DOWNCASE s
- or/[isFilterDelimiter? s.i or s.i = $charUnderscore for i in 0..MAXINDEX s]
- => (parse := pmParseFromString s) and checkPmParse parse or
- ['error,'"Illegal search string",'"\vspace{3}\center{{\em Your search string} ",escapeSpecialChars s,'" {\em has incorrect syntax}}"]
- or/[s . i = char '_* and s.(i + 1) = char '_*
- and (i=0 or s . (i - 1) ^= char $charUnderscore) for i in 0..(MAXINDEX s - 1)]
- => ['error,'"Illegal search string",'"\vspace{3}\center{Consecutive {\em *}'s are not allowed in search patterns}"]
- s
-checkPmParse parse ==
- STRINGP parse => parse
- fn parse => parse where fn(u) ==
- u is [op,:args] =>
- MEMQ(op,'(and or not)) and and/[checkPmParse x for x in args]
- STRINGP u => true
- false
- nil
-dnForm x ==
- STRINGP x => x
- x is ['not,argl] =>
- argl is ['or,:orargs]=>
- ['and, :[dnForm negate u for u in orargs]] where negate s ==
- s is ['not,argx] => argx
- ['not,s]
- argl is ['and,:andargs]=>
- ['or,:[dnForm negate u for u in andargs]]
- argl is ['not,notargl]=>
- dnForm notargl
- x
- x is ['or,:argl1] => ['or,:[dnForm u for u in argl1]]
- x is ['and,:argl2] => ['and,:[dnForm u for u in argl2]]
- x
-pmParseFromString s ==
- u := ncParseFromString pmPreparse s
- dnForm flatten u where flatten s ==
- s is [op,:argl] =>
- STRINGP op => STRCONC(op,"STRCONC"/[STRCONC('" ",x) for x in argl])
- [op,:[flatten x for x in argl]]
- s
-pmPreparse s == hn fn(s,0,#s) where--stupid insertion of chars to get correct parse
- hn x == SUBLISLIS('(and or not),'("and" "or" "not"),x)
- fn(s,n,siz) == --main function: s is string, n is origin
- n = siz => '""
- i := firstNonDelim(s,n) or return SUBSTRING(s,n,nil)
- j := firstDelim(s,i + 1) or siz
- t := gn(s,i,j - 1)
- middle :=
- member(t,'("and" "or" "not")) => t
- --the following 2 lines make commutative("*") parse correctly!!!!
- t.0 = char '_" => t
- j < siz - 1 and s.j = char '_( => t
- STRCONC(char '_",t,char '_")
- STRCONC(SUBSTRING(s,n,i - n),middle,fn(s,j,siz))
- gn(s,i,j) == --replace each underscore by 4 underscores!
- n := or/[k for k in i..j | s.k = $charUnderscore] =>
- STRCONC(SUBSTRING(s,i,n - i + 1),$charUnderscore,gn(s,n + 1,j))
- SUBSTRING(s,i,j - i + 1)
-firstNonDelim(s,n) == or/[k for k in n..MAXINDEX s | not isFilterDelimiter? s.k]
-firstDelim(s,n) == or/[k for k in n..MAXINDEX s | isFilterDelimiter? s.k]
-isFilterDelimiter? c == MEMQ(c,$pmFilterDelimiters)
-grepSplit(lines,doc?) ==
- if doc? then
- instream2 := OPEN STRCONC(getEnv '"AXIOM",'"/algebra/libdb.text")
- cons := atts := doms := nil
- while lines is [line, :lines] repeat
- if doc? then
- N:=PARSE_-INTEGER dbPart(line,1,-1)
- if NUMBERP N then
- FILE_-POSITION(instream2,N)
- line := READLINE instream2
- kind := dbKind line
- not $includeUnexposed? and not dbExposed?(line,kind) => 'skip
- (kind = char 'a or kind = char 'o) and isDefaultOpAtt line => 'skip
- kind = char 'c => cats := insert(line,cats)
- kind = char 'd => doms := insert(line,doms)
- kind = char 'x => defs := insert(line,defs)
- kind = char 'p => paks := insert(line,paks)
- kind = char 'a => atts := insert(line,atts)
- kind = char 'o => ops := insert(line,ops)
- kind = char '_- => 'skip --for now
- systemError 'kind
- if doc? then CLOSE instream2
- [['"attribute",:NREVERSE atts],
- ['"operation",:NREVERSE ops],
- ['"category",:NREVERSE cats],
- ['"domain",:NREVERSE doms],
- ['"package",:NREVERSE paks]
--- ['"default_ package",:NREVERSE defs] -- drop defaults
- ]
-mkUpDownPattern s == recurse(s,0,#s) where
- recurse(s,i,n) ==
- i = n => '""
- STRCONC(fixchar(s.i),recurse(s,i + 1,n))
- fixchar(c) ==
- ALPHA_-CHAR_-P c =>
- STRCONC(char '_[,CHAR_-UPCASE c,CHAR_-DOWNCASE c,char '_])
- c
-mkGrepPattern(s,key) ==
- --called by grepConstruct1 and grepf
- atom s => mkGrepPattern1(s,key)
- [first s,:[mkGrepPattern(x,key) for x in rest s]]
-mkGrepPattern1(x,:options) == --called by mkGrepPattern (and grepConstructName?)
- $options : local := options
- addOptions remUnderscores addWilds split(g s,char '_*) where
- addWilds sl == --add wild cards (sl is list of parts between *'s)
- IFCAR sl = '"" => h(IFCDR sl,[$wild1])
- h(sl,nil)
- g s == --remove "*"s around pattern for text match
- not MEMQ('w,$options) => s
- if s.0 = char '_* then s := SUBSTRING(s,1,nil)
- if s.(k := MAXINDEX s) = char '_* then s := SUBSTRING(s,0,k)
- s
- h(sl,res) == --helper for wild cards
- sl is [s,:r] => h(r,[$wild1,s,:res])
- res := rest res
- if not MEMQ('w,$options) then
- if first res ^= '"" then res := ['"`",:res]
- else if res is [.,p,:r] and p = $wild1 then res := r
- remUnderscores s ==
- (k := charPosition(char $charUnderscore,s,0)) < MAXINDEX s =>
- STRCONC(SUBSTRING(s,0,k),'"[",s.(k + 1),'"]",
- remUnderscores(SUBSTRING(s,k + 2,nil)))
- s
- split(s,char) ==
- max := MAXINDEX s + 1
- f := -1
- [SUBSTRING(s,i,f-i)
- while ((i := f + 1) <= max) and (f := charPosition(char,s,i))]
- charPosition(c,t,startpos) == --honors underscores
- n := SIZE t
- if startpos < 0 or startpos > n then error "index out of range"
- k:= startpos
- for i in startpos .. n-1 while c ^= ELT(t,i)
- or i > startpos and ELT(t,i-1) = '__ repeat (k := k+1)
- k
- addOptions s == --add front anchor
- --options a o c d p x denote standard items
- --options w means comments
- --option t means text
- --option s means signature
- --option n means number of arguments
- --option i means predicate
- --option none means NO PREFIX
- one := ($options is [x,:$options] and x => x; '"[^x]")
- tick := '"[^`]*`"
- one = 'w => s
- one = 'none => (s = '"`" => '"^."; STRCONC('"^",s))
- prefix :=
- one = 't => STRCONC(tick,tick,tick,tick,tick,".*")
- one = 'n => tick
- one = 'i => STRCONC(tick,tick,tick,tick)
- one = 's => STRCONC(tick,tick,tick)
--- true => '"" ----> never put on following prefixes
- one = 'k => '"[cdp]"
- one = 'y => '"[cdpx]"
- s = $wild1 => STRCONC('"^",prefix)
- STRCONC('"^",prefix,s)
-conform2OutputForm(form) ==
- [op,:args] := form
- null args => form
- cosig := rest GETDATABASE(op,'COSIG)
- sargl := [fn for x in args for atype in atypes for pred in cosig] where fn ==
- pp [x,atype,pred]
- pred => conform2OutputForm x
- typ := sublisFormal(args,atype)
- if x is ['QUOTE,a] then x := a
- algCoerceInteractive(x,typ,'(OutputForm))
- [op,:sargl]
-oPage(a,:b) == --called by \spadfun{opname}
- oSearch (IFCAR b or a) --always take slow path
-oPageFrom(opname,conname) == --called by \spadfunFrom{opname}{conname}
- htPage := htInitPage(nil,nil) --create empty page and fill in needed properties
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'conform,conform := getConstructorForm conname)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'kind,STRINGIMAGE GETDATABASE(conname,'CONSTRUCTORKIND))
- itemlist := ASSOC(opname,koOps(conform,nil)) --all operations name "opname"
- null itemlist => systemError [conform,'" has no operation named ",opname]
- opAlist := [itemlist]
- dbShowOperationsFromConform(htPage,'"operation",opAlist)
-aPage(a,:b) == --called by \spadatt{a}
- $attributeArgs : local := nil
- arg := IFCAR b or a
- s := pmParseFromString STRINGIMAGE arg
- searchOn :=
- ATOM s => s
- $attributeArgs : local := IFCAR IFCDR s
- aSearch searchOn
---must recognize that not all attributes can be found in database
---e.g. constant(deriv) is not but appears in a conditional in LODO
-spadType(x) == --called by \spadtype{x} from HyperDoc
- s := PNAME x
- form := ncParseFromString s or
- systemError ['"Argument: ",s,'" to spadType won't parse"]
- if atom form then form := [form]
- op := opOf form
- looksLikeDomainForm form => APPLY(function conPage,form)
- conPage(op)
-looksLikeDomainForm x ==
- entry := getCDTEntry(opOf x,true) or return false
- coSig := LASSOC('coSig,CDDR entry)
- k := #coSig
- atom x => k = 1
- k ^= #x => false
- and/[p for key in rest coSig for arg in rest x] where
- p ==
- key => looksLikeDomainForm arg
- not IDENTP arg
-spadSys(x) == --called by \spadsyscom{x}
- s := PNAME x
- if s.0 = char '_) then s := SUBSTRING(s,1,nil)
- form := ncParseFromString s or
- systemError ['"Argument: ",s,'" to spadType won't parse"]
- htSystemCommands PNAME opOf form
--- Name and General Search
-aokSearch filter == genSearch(filter,true) --"General" from HD (see man0.ht)
---General search for constructs but NOT documentation
-genSearch(filter,:options) == --"Complete" from HD (see man0.ht) and aokSearch
---General + documentation search
- null (filter := checkFilter filter) => nil --in case of filter error
- filter = '"*" => htErrorStar()
- includeDoc? := not IFCAR options
---give summaries for how many a o c d p x match filter
- regSearchAlist := grepConstruct(STRINGIMAGE filter,".",true)
- regSearchAlist is ['error,:.] => bcErrorPage regSearchAlist
- key := removeSurroundingStars filter
- if includeDoc? then
- docSearchAlist := grepConstruct(key,'w,true)
- docSearchAlist is ['error,:.] => bcErrorPage docSearchAlist
- docSearchAlist := [x for x in docSearchAlist | x.0 ^= char 'x]--drop defaults
- genSearch1(filter,genSearchTran regSearchAlist,genSearchTran docSearchAlist)
-genSearchTran alist == [[x,y,:y] for [x,:y] in alist]
-genSearch1(filter,reg,doc) ==
- regSearchAlist := searchDropUnexposedLines reg
- docSearchAlist := searchDropUnexposedLines doc
- key := removeSurroundingStars filter
- regCount := searchCount regSearchAlist
- docCount := searchCount docSearchAlist
- count := regCount + docCount
- count = 0 => emptySearchPage('"entry",filter,true)
- count = 1 =>
- alist := (regCount = 1 => regSearchAlist; docSearchAlist)
- showNamedConstruct(or/[x for x in alist | CADR x])
- summarize? :=
- docSearchAlist => true
- nonEmpties := [pair for pair in regSearchAlist | #(CADR pair) > 0]
- not(nonEmpties is [pair])
- not summarize? => showNamedConstruct pair
- -----------generate a summary page---------------------------
- plural :=
- $exposedOnlyIfTrue => '"exposed entries match"
- '"entries match"
- prefix := pluralSay(count,'"", plural)
- emfilter := ['"{\em ",escapeSpecialChars STRINGIMAGE filter,'"}"]
- header := [:prefix,'" ",:emfilter]
- page := htInitPage(header,nil)
- htpSetProperty(page,'regSearchAlist,regSearchAlist)
- htpSetProperty(page,'docSearchAlist,docSearchAlist)
- htpSetProperty(page,'filter,filter)
- if docSearchAlist then
- dbSayItems(['"{\bf Construct Summary:} ",regCount],'"name matches",'"names match")
- for [kind,:pair] in regSearchAlist for i in 0.. | #(first pair) > 0 repeat
- bcHt '"\newline{}"
- htSayStandard '"\tab{2}"
- genSearchSay(pair,summarize?,kind,i,'showConstruct)
- if docSearchAlist then
- htSaySaturn '"\bigskip{}"
- dbSayItems(['"\newline{\bf Documentation Summary:} ",docCount],'"mention",'"mentions",'" of {\em ",key,'"}")
- for [kind,:pair] in docSearchAlist for i in 0.. | #(first pair) > 0 repeat
- bcHt "\newline{}"
- htSayStandard '"\tab{2}"
- genSearchSay(pair,true,kind,i,'showDoc)
- htShowPageStar()
-searchDropUnexposedLines alist ==
- [[op,[pred for line in lines | pred],:lines] for [op,.,:lines] in alist] where
- pred ==
- not $exposedOnlyIfTrue or dbExposed?(line,dbKind line) => line
- nil
-htShowPageStar() ==
-------------> OBSELETE
- htSayStandard '"\endscroll "
- if $exposedOnlyIfTrue then
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"Exposed",'" {\em only}",'repeatSearch,NIL]]]
- else
- htSay('"*{\em =}")
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"unexposed",'"",'repeatSearch,'T]]]
- htShowPageNoScroll()
-repeatSearch(htPage,newValue) ==
- $exposedOnlyIfTrue := newValue
- filter := htpProperty(htPage,'filter)
- reg := htpProperty(htPage,'regSearchAlist)
- doc := htpProperty(htPage,'docSearchAlist)
- reg => genSearch1(filter,reg,doc)
- docSearch1(filter,doc)
-searchCount u == +/[# y for [x,y,:.] in u]
-showDoc(htPage,count) ==
- showIt(htPage,count,htpProperty(htPage,'docSearchAlist))
-showConstruct(htPage,count) ==
- showIt(htPage,count,htpProperty(htPage,'regSearchAlist))
-showIt(htPage,index,searchAlist) ==
- filter := htpProperty(htPage,'filter)
- [relativeIndex,n] := DIVIDE(index,8)
- relativeIndex = 0 => showNamedConstruct(searchAlist.n)
- [kind,items,:.] := searchAlist . n
- for j in 1.. while j < relativeIndex repeat items := rest items
- firstName := dbName first items --select name then gather all of same name
- lines := [line for line in items while dbName line = firstName]
- showNamedConstruct [kind,nil,:lines]
-showNamedConstruct([kind,.,:lines]) == dbSearch(lines,kind,'"")
-genSearchSay(pair,summarize,kind,who,fn) ==
- [u,:fullLineList] := pair
- count := #u
- uniqueCount := genSearchUniqueCount u
- short := summarize and uniqueCount >= $browseCountThreshold
- htMakePage
- [['bcLinks,[menuButton(),'"",'genSearchSayJump,[fullLineList,kind]]]]
- if count = 0 then htSay('"{\em No ",kind,'"} ")
- else if count = 1 then
- htSay('"{\em 1 ",kind,'"} ")
- else
- htSay('"{\em ",count,'" ",pluralize kind,'"} ")
- short => 'done
- if uniqueCount ^= 1 then
- htSayStandard '"\indent{4}"
- htSay '"\newline "
- htBeginTable()
- lastid := nil
- groups := organizeByName u
- i := 1
- for group in groups repeat
- id := dbGetName first group
- if $includeUnexposed? then
- exposed? := or/[dbExposed?(item,dbKind item) for item in group]
- bcHt '"{"
- if $includeUnexposed? then
- exposed? => htBlank()
- htSayUnexposed()
- htMakePage [['bcLinks, [id,'"",fn,who + 8*i]]]
- i := i + #group
- bcHt '"}"
- if uniqueCount ^= 1 then
- htEndTable()
- htSayStandard '"\indent{0}"
-organizeByName u ==
- [[(u := rest u; x) while u and head = dbName (x := first u)]
- while u and (head := dbName first u)]
-genSearchSayJump(htPage,[lines,kind]) ==
- filter := htpProperty(htPage,'filter)
- dbSearch(lines,kind,filter)
-genSearchUniqueCount(u) ==
---count the unique number of items (if less than $browseCountThreshold)
- count := 0
- lastid := nil
- for item in u while count < $browseCountThreshold repeat
- id := dbGetName item
- if id ^= lastid then
- count := count + 1
- lastid := id
- count
-dbGetName line == SUBSTRING(line,1,charPosition($tick,line,1) - 1)
-pluralSay(count,singular,plural,:options) ==
- item := (options is [x,:options] => x; '"")
- colon := (IFCAR options => '":"; '"")
- count = 0 => concat('"No ",singular,item)
- count = 1 => concat('"1 ",singular,item,colon)
- concat(count,'" ",plural,item,colon)
--- Documentation Search
-docSearch filter == --"Documentation" from HD (see man0.ht)
- null (filter := checkFilter filter) => nil --in case of filter error
- filter = '"*" => htErrorStar()
- key := removeSurroundingStars filter
- docSearchAlist := grepConstruct(filter,'w,true)
- docSearchAlist is ['error,:.] => bcErrorPage docSearchAlist
- docSearchAlist := [x for x in docSearchAlist | x.0 ^= char 'x] --drop defaults
- docSearch1(filter,genSearchTran docSearchAlist)
-docSearch1(filter,doc) ==
- docSearchAlist := searchDropUnexposedLines doc
- count := searchCount docSearchAlist
- count = 0 => emptySearchPage('"entry",filter,true)
- count = 1 => showNamedConstruct(or/[x for x in docSearchAlist | CADR x],1)
- prefix := pluralSay(count,'"entry matches",'"entries match")
- emfilter := ['"{\em ",escapeSpecialChars STRINGIMAGE filter,'"}"]
- header := [:prefix,'" ",:emfilter]
- page := htInitPage(header,nil)
- htpSetProperty(page,'docSearchAlist,docSearchAlist)
- htpSetProperty(page,'regSearchAlist,nil)
- htpSetProperty(page,'filter,filter)
- dbSayItems(['"\newline Documentation Summary: ",count],'"mention",'"mentions",'" of {\em ",filter,'"}")
- for [kind,:pair] in docSearchAlist for i in 0.. | #(first pair) > 0 repeat
- bcHt '"\newline{}"
- htSayStandard '"\tab{2}"
- genSearchSay(pair,true,kind,i,'showDoc)
- htShowPageStar()
-removeSurroundingStars filter ==
- key := STRINGIMAGE filter
- if key.0 = char '_* then key := SUBSTRING(key,1,nil)
- if key.(max := MAXINDEX key) = char '_* then key := SUBSTRING(key,0,max)
- key
-showNamedDoc([kind,:lines],index) ==
- dbGather(kind,lines,index - 1,true)
-sayDocMessage message ==
- htSay('"{\em ")
- if message is [leftEnd,left,middle,right,rightEnd] then
- htSay(leftEnd,left,'"}")
- if left ^= '"" and left.(MAXINDEX left) = $blank then htBlank()
- htSay middle
- if right ^= '"" and right.0 = $blank then htBlank()
- htSay('"{\em ",right,rightEnd)
- else
- htSay message
- htSay ('"}")
-stripOffSegments(s,n) ==
- progress := true
- while n > 0 and progress = true repeat
- n := n - 1
- k := charPosition(char '_`,s,0)
- new := SUBSTRING(s,k + 1,nil)
- #new < #s => s := new
- progress := false
- n = 0 => s
- nil
-replaceTicksBySpaces s ==
- n := -1
- max := MAXINDEX s
- while (n := charPosition(char '_`,s,n + 1)) <= max repeat SETELT(s,n,char '_ )
- s
-checkFilter filter ==
- filter := STRINGIMAGE filter
- filter = '"" => '"*"
- trimString filter
-aSearch filter == --called from HD (man0.ht): general attribute search
- null (filter := checkFilter filter) => nil --in case of filter error
- dbSearch(grepConstruct(filter,'a),'"attribute",filter)
-oSearch filter == -- called from HD (man0.ht): operation search
- opAlist := opPageFastPath filter => opPageFast opAlist
- key := 'o
- null (filter := checkFilter filter) => nil --in case of filter error
- filter = '"*" => grepSearchQuery('"operation",[filter,key,'"operation",'oSearchGrep])
- oSearchGrep(filter,key,'"operation")
-oSearchGrep(filter,key,kind) == --called from grepSearchQuery/oSearch
- dbSearch(grepConstruct(filter,'o),kind,filter)
-grepSearchQuery(kind,items) ==
- page := htInitPage('"Query Page",nil)
- htpSetProperty(page,'items,items)
- htQuery(['"{\em Do you want a list of {\em all} ",pluralize kind,'"?\vspace{1}}"],'grepSearchJump,true)
- htShowPage()
-cSearch filter == --called from HD (man0.ht): category search
- constructorSearch(checkFilter filter,'c,'"category")
-dSearch filter == --called from HD (man0.ht): domain search
- constructorSearch(checkFilter filter,'d,'"domain")
-pSearch filter == --called from HD (man0.ht): package search
- constructorSearch(checkFilter filter,'p,'"package")
-xSearch filter == --called from HD (man0.ht): default package search
- constructorSearch(checkFilter filter,'x,'"default package")
-kSearch filter == --called from HD (man0.ht): constructor search (no defaults)
- constructorSearch(checkFilter filter,'k,'"constructor")
-ySearch filter == --called from conPage: like kSearch but defaults included
- constructorSearch(checkFilter filter,'y,'"constructor")
-constructorSearch(filter,key,kind) ==
- null filter => nil --in case of filter error
- (parse := conSpecialString? filter) => conPage parse
- pageName := LASSOC(DOWNCASE filter,'(("union" . DomainUnion)("record" . DomainRecord)("mapping" . DomainMapping) ("enumeration" . DomainEnumeration))) =>
- downlink pageName
- name := (STRINGP filter => INTERN filter; filter)
- if u := HGET($lowerCaseConTb,name) then filter := STRINGIMAGE first u
- line := conPageFastPath DOWNCASE filter =>
- code := dbKind line
- newkind :=
- code = char 'p => '"package"
- code = char 'd => '"domain"
- code = char 'c => '"category"
- nil
- kind = '"constructor" or kind = newkind => kPage line
- page := htInitPage('"Query Page",nil)
- htpSetProperty(page,'line,line)
- message :=
- ['"{\em ",dbName line,'"} is not a {\em ",kind,'"} but a {\em ",
- newkind,'"}. Would you like to view it?\vspace{1}"]
- htQuery(message, 'grepConstructorSearch,true)
- htShowPage()
- filter = '"*" => grepSearchQuery(kind,[filter,key,kind,'constructorSearchGrep])
- constructorSearchGrep(filter,key,kind)
-grepConstructorSearch(htPage,yes) == kPage htpProperty(htPage,'line)
-conSpecialString?(filter,:options) ==
- secondTime := IFCAR options
- parse :=
- words := string2Words filter is [s] => ncParseFromString s
- and/[not member(x,'("and" "or" "not")) for x in words] => ncParseFromString filter
- false
- null parse => nil
- form := conLowerCaseConTran parse
- MEMQ(KAR form,'(and or not)) or CONTAINED("*",form) => nil
- filter = '"Mapping" =>nil
- u := kisValidType form => u
- secondTime => false
- u := "STRCONC"/[string2Constructor x for x in dbString2Words filter]
- conSpecialString?(u, true)
-dbString2Words l ==
- i := 0
- [w while dbWordFrom(l,i) is [w,i]]
-$dbDelimiters := [char " " , char "(", char ")"]
-dbWordFrom(l,i) ==
- maxIndex := MAXINDEX l
- while maxIndex >= i and l.i = char " " repeat i := i + 1
- if maxIndex >= i and member(l.i, $dbDelimiters) then return [l.i, i + 1]
- k := or/[j for j in i..maxIndex | not member(l.j, $dbDelimiters)] or return nil
- buf := '""
- while k <= maxIndex and not member(c := l.k, $dbDelimiters) repeat
- ch :=
- c = char '__ => l.(k := 1+k) --this may exceed bounds
- c
- buf := STRCONC(buf,ch)
- k := k + 1
- [buf,k]
-conLowerCaseConTran x ==
- IDENTP x => IFCAR HGET($lowerCaseConTb, x) or x
- atom x => x
- [conLowerCaseConTran y for y in x]
-string2Constructor x ==
- not STRINGP x => x
- IFCAR HGET($lowerCaseConTb, INTERN DOWNCASE x) or x
-conLowerCaseConTranTryHarder x ==
- IDENTP x => IFCAR HGET($lowerCaseConTb,DOWNCASE x) or x
- atom x => x
- [conLowerCaseConTranTryHarder y for y in x]
-constructorSearchGrep(filter,key,kind) ==
- dbSearch(grepConstruct(filter,key),kind,filter)
-grepSearchJump(htPage,yes) ==
- [filter,key,kind,fn] := htpProperty(htPage,'items)
- FUNCALL(fn,filter,key,kind)
--- Branch Functions After Database Search
-dbSearch(lines,kind,filter) == --called by attribute, operation, constructor search
- lines is ['error,:.] => bcErrorPage lines
- null filter => nil --means filter error
- lines is ['Abbreviations,:r] => dbSearchAbbrev(lines,kind,filter)
- if member(kind,'("attribute" "operation")) then --should not be necessary!!
- lines := dbScreenForDefaultFunctions lines
- count := #lines
- count = 0 => emptySearchPage(kind,filter)
- member(kind,'("attribute" "operation")) => dbShowOperationLines(kind,lines)
- dbShowConstructorLines lines
-dbSearchAbbrev([.,:conlist],kind,filter) ==
- null conlist => emptySearchPage('"abbreviation",filter)
- kind := intern kind
- if kind ^= 'constructor then
- conlist := [x for x in conlist | LASSOC('kind,IFCDR IFCDR x) = kind]
- conlist is [[nam,:.]] => conPage DOWNCASE nam
- cAlist := [[con,:true] for con in conlist]
- htPage := htInitPage('"",nil)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'cAlist,cAlist)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'thing,nil)
- return dbShowCons(htPage,'names)
- page := htInitPage([#conlist,
- '" Abbreviations Match {\em ",STRINGIMAGE filter,'"}"],nil)
- for [nam,abbr,:r] in conlist repeat
- kind := LASSOC('kind,r)
- htSay('"\newline{\em ",s := STRINGIMAGE abbr)
- htSayStandard '"\tab{10}"
- htSay '"}"
- htSay kind
- htSayStandard '"\tab{19}"
- bcCon nam
- htShowPage()
--- Selectable Search
-detailedSearch(filter) ==
- page := htInitPage('"Detailed Search with Options",nil)
- filter := escapeSpecialChars PNAME filter
- bcHt '"Select what you want to search for, then click on {\em Search} below"
- bcHt '"\newline{\it Note:} Logical searches using {\em and}, {\em or}, and {\em not} are not permitted here."
- htSayHrule()
- htMakePage '(
- (text . "\newline")
- (bcRadioButtons which
- ( "\tab{3}{\em Operations}"
- ((text . "\newline\space{3}")
- (text . "name") (bcStrings (14 "*" opname EM))
- (text . " \#args") (bcStrings (1 "*" opnargs EM))
- (text . " signature") (bcStrings (14 "*" opsig EM))
- (text . "\vspace{1}\newline "))
- ops)
- ( "\tab{3}{\em Attributes}"
- ((text . "\newline\space{3}")
- (text . "name") (bcStrings (14 "*" attrname EM))
- (text . " \#args ") (bcStrings (1 "*" attrnargs EM))
- (text . " arguments ")(bcStrings (14 "*" attrargs EM))
- (text . "\vspace{1}\newline "))
- attrs)
- ( "\tab{3}{\em Constructors}"
- ((text . "\tab{17}")
- (bcButtons (1 cats)) (text . " {\em categories} ")
- (bcButtons (1 doms)) (text . " {\em domains} ")
- (bcButtons (1 paks)) (text . " {\em packages} ")
- (bcButtons (1 defs)) (text . " {\em defaults} ")
- (text . "\newline\tab{3}")
- (text . "name") (bcStrings (14 "*" conname EM))
- (text . " \#args") (bcStrings (1 "*" connargs EM))
- (text . "signature") (bcStrings (14 "*" consig EM))
- (text . "\vspace{1}\newline "))
- cons)
--- ( "\tab{3}{\em Documentation}"
--- ((text . "\tab{26}key")
--- (bcStrings (28 "*" docfilter EM)))
--- doc)
- )
- (text . "\vspace{1}\newline\center{ ")
- (bcLinks ("\box{Search}" "" generalSearchDo NIL))
- (text . "}"))
- htShowPage()
-generalSearchDo(htPage,flag) ==
---$exposedOnlyIfTrue := (flag => 'T; nil)
- $htPage := htPage
- alist := htpInputAreaAlist htPage
- which := htpButtonValue(htPage,'which)
- selectors :=
- which = 'cons => '(conname connargs consig)
- which = 'ops => '(opname opnargs opsig)
- '(attrname attrnargs attrargs)
- name := generalSearchString(htPage,selectors.0)
- nargs:= generalSearchString(htPage,selectors.1)
- npat := standardizeSignature generalSearchString(htPage,selectors.2)
- kindCode :=
- which = 'ops => char 'o
- which = 'attrs => char 'a
- acc := '""
- if htButtonOn?(htPage,'cats) then acc := STRCONC(char 'c,acc)
- if htButtonOn?(htPage,'doms) then acc := STRCONC(char 'd,acc)
- if htButtonOn?(htPage,'paks) then acc := STRCONC(char 'p,acc)
- if htButtonOn?(htPage,'defs) then acc := STRCONC(char 'x,acc)
- n := #acc
- n = 0 or n = 4 => '"[cdpx]"
- n = 1 => acc
- STRCONC(char '_[,acc,char '_])
- form := mkDetailedGrepPattern(kindCode,name,nargs,npat)
- lines := applyGrep(form,'libdb)
---lines := dbReadLines resultFile
- if MEMQ(which,'(ops attrs)) then lines := dbScreenForDefaultFunctions lines
- kind :=
- which = 'cons =>
- n = 1 =>
- htButtonOn?(htPage,'cats) => '"category"
- htButtonOn?(htPage,'doms) => '"domain"
- htButtonOn?(htPage,'paks) => '"package"
- '"default package"
- '"constructor"
- which = 'ops => '"operation"
- '"attribute"
- null lines => emptySearchPage(kind,nil)
- dbSearch(lines,kind,'"filter")
-generalSearchString(htPage,sel) ==
- string := htpLabelInputString(htPage,sel)
- string = '"" => '"*"
- string
-htButtonOn?(htPage,key) ==
- LASSOC(key,htpInputAreaAlist htPage) is [a,:.] and a = '" t"
-mkDetailedGrepPattern(kind,name,nargs,argOrSig) == main where
- main ==
- nottick := '"[^`]"
- name := replaceGrepStar name
- firstPart :=
- $saturn => STRCONC(char '_^,name)
- STRCONC(char '_^,kind,name)
- nargsPart := replaceGrepStar nargs
- exposedPart := char '_. --always get exposed/unexposed
- patPart := replaceGrepStar argOrSig
- simp STRCONC(conc(firstPart,conc(nargsPart,conc(exposedPart, patPart))),$tick)
- conc(a,b) ==
- b = '"[^`]*" or b = char '_. => a
- STRCONC(a,$tick,b)
- simp a ==
- m := MAXINDEX a
- m > 6 and a.(m-5) = char '_[ and a.(m-4) = char '_^
- and a.(m-3) = $tick and a.(m-2) = char '_]
- and a.(m-1) = char '_* and a.m = $tick
- => simp SUBSTRING(a,0,m-5)
- a
-replaceGrepStar s ==
- s = "" => s
- final := MAXINDEX s
- i := charPosition(char '_*,s,0)
- i > final => s
- STRCONC(SUBSTRING(s,0,i),'"[^`]*",replaceGrepStar SUBSTRING(s,i + 1,nil))
-standardizeSignature(s) == underscoreDollars
- s.0 = char '_( => s
- k := STRPOS('"->",s,0,nil) or return s --will fail except perhaps on constants
- s.(k - 1) = char '_) => STRCONC(char '_(,s)
- STRCONC(char '_(,SUBSTRING(s,0,k),char '_),SUBSTRING(s,k,nil))
-underscoreDollars(s) == fn(s,0,MAXINDEX s) where
- fn(s,i,n) ==
- i > n => '""
- (m := charPosition(char '_$,s,i)) > n => SUBSTRING(s,i,nil)
- STRCONC(SUBSTRING(s,i,m - i),'"___$",fn(s,m + 1,n))
--- Code dependent on $saturn
-obey x ==
- $saturn and not $aixTestSaturn => nil
- OBEY x
--- I/O Code
-getTempPath kind ==
- pathname := mkGrepFile kind
- obey STRCONC('"rm -f ", pathname)
- pathname
-dbWriteLines(s, :options) ==
- pathname := IFCAR options or getTempPath 'source
- $outStream: local := MAKE_-OUTSTREAM pathname
- for x in s repeat writedb x
- SHUT $outStream
- pathname
-dbReadLines target == --AIX only--called by grepFile
- instream := OPEN target
- lines := [READLINE instream while not EOFP instream]
- CLOSE instream
- lines
-dbGetCommentOrigin line ==
---Given a comment line in comdb, returns line in libdb pointing to it
---Comment lines have format [dcpxoa]xxxxxx`ccccc... where
---x's give pointer into libdb, c's are comments
- firstPart := dbPart(line,1,-1)
- key := INTERN SUBSTRING(firstPart,0,1) --extract this and throw away
- address := SUBSTRING(firstPart, 1, nil) --address in libdb
- instream := OPEN grepSource key --this always returns libdb now
- FILE_-POSITION(instream,PARSE_-INTEGER address)
- line := READLINE instream
- CLOSE instream
- line
-grepSource key ==
- key = 'libdb => STRCONC($SPADROOT,'"/algebra/libdb.text")
- key = 'gloss => STRCONC($SPADROOT,'"/algebra/glosskey.text")
- key = $localLibdb => $localLibdb
- mkGrepTextfile
- MEMQ(key, '(_. a c d k o p x)) => 'libdb
- 'comdb
-mkGrepTextfile s == STRCONC($SPADROOT,"/algebra/", STRINGIMAGE s, '".text")
-mkGrepFile s == --called to generate a path name for a temporary grep file
- prefix :=
- $standard or $aixTestSaturn => '"/tmp/"
- STRCONC($SPADROOT,'"/algebra/")
- suffix := getEnv '"SPADNUM"
- STRCONC(prefix, PNAME s,'".txt.", suffix)
--- Grepping Code
-grepFile(pattern,:options) ==
- key := (x := IFCAR options => (options := rest options; x); nil)
- source := grepSource key
- lines :=
- not PROBE_-FILE source => NIL
- $standard or $aixTestSaturn =>
- -----AIX Version----------
- target := getTempPath 'target
- casepart :=
- MEMQ('iv,options)=> '"-vi"
- '"-i"
- command := STRCONC('"grep ",casepart,'" _'",pattern,'"_' ",source)
- obey
- member(key,'(a o c d p x)) =>
- STRCONC(command, '" | sed 's/~/", STRINGIMAGE key, '"/' > ", target)
- STRCONC(command, '" > ",target)
- dbReadLines target
- ----Windows Version------
- invert? := MEMQ('iv, options)
- GREP(source, pattern, false, not invert?)
- dbUnpatchLines lines
-dbUnpatchLines lines == --concatenate long lines together, skip blank lines
- dash := char '_-
- acc := nil
- while lines is [line, :lines] repeat
- #line = 0 => 'skip --skip blank lines
- acc :=
- line.0 = dash and line.1 = dash =>
- [STRCONC(first acc,SUBSTRING(line,2,nil)),:rest acc]
- [line,:acc]
- -- following call to NREVERSE needed to keep lines properly sorted
- NREVERSE acc ------> added by BMT 12/95
-\bibitem{1} nothing