path: root/src/interp/br-con.boot.pamphlet
diff options
authordos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-09-20 03:58:10 +0000
committerdos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-09-20 03:58:10 +0000
commit32d516cbb18276e5060749f85368c5a90346a0f4 (patch)
treeef3d9881bbdb62a623abc7af74384fd2aaa103f4 /src/interp/br-con.boot.pamphlet
parent9b71e0a1f285fc207709cf8e90721160af299127 (diff)
remove pamphlets - part 4
Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/br-con.boot.pamphlet')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1407 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/br-con.boot.pamphlet b/src/interp/br-con.boot.pamphlet
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c7dec66..00000000
--- a/src/interp/br-con.boot.pamphlet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1407 +0,0 @@
-\title{\File{src/interp/br-con.boot} Pamphlet}
-\author{The Axiom Team}
--- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
--- All rights reserved.
--- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
--- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
--- met:
--- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
--- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
--- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
--- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
--- distribution.
--- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
--- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
--- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
---====================> WAS b-con.boot <================================
--- Pages Initiated from HyperDoc Pages
---NOTE: This duplicate version was discovered 3/20/94 in br-search.boot
---called from buttons via bcCon, bcAbb, bcConform, dbShowCons1, dbSelectCon
---conPage(a,:b) ==
--- --The next 4 lines allow e.g. MATRIX INT ==> Matrix Integer (see kPage)
--- $conArgstrings: local :=
--- atom a => b
--- a := conform2OutputForm a
--- [mathform2HtString x for x in rest a]
--- if not atom a then a := first a
--- da := DOWNCASE a
--- pageName := LASSQ(da,'((type . CategoryType)(union . DomainUnion)(record . DomainRecord)(mapping . DomainMapping))) =>
--- downlink pageName --special jump out for primitive domains
--- line := conPageFastPath a => kPage line --lower case name of cons?
--- line := conPageFastPath UPCASE a => kPage line --upper case an abbr?
--- ySearch a --slow search (include default packages)
---called from buttons via bcCon, bcAbb, bcConform, dbShowCons1, dbSelectCon
-conPage(a,:b) ==
- --The next 4 lines allow e.g. MATRIX INT ==> Matrix Integer (see kPage)
- form :=
- atom a => [a,:b]
- a
- $conArgstrings: local := [form2HtString x for x in KDR a]
- if not atom a then a := first a
- da := DOWNCASE a
- pageName := LASSQ(da,'((type . CategoryType)(union . DomainUnion)(record . DomainRecord)(mapping . DomainMapping)(enumeration . DomainEnumeration))) =>
- downlink pageName --special jump out for primitive domains
- line := conPageFastPath da => kPage(line,form) --lower case name of cons?
- line := conPageFastPath UPCASE a => kPage(line,form) --upper case an abbr?
- ySearch a --slow search (include default packages)
-conPageFastPath x == --called by conPage and constructorSearch
---gets line quickly for constructor name or abbreviation
- charPosition(char '_*,s,0) < #s => nil --quit if name has * in it
- name := (STRINGP x => INTERN x; x)
- entry := HGET($lowerCaseConTb,name) or return nil
- lineNumber := LASSQ('dbLineNumber,CDDR entry) =>
- --'dbLineNumbers property is set by function dbAugmentConstructorDataTable
- dbRead lineNumber --read record for constructor from libdb.text
- conPageConEntry first entry
-conPageConEntry entry ==
- $conname: local := nil
- $conform: local := nil
- $exposed?:local := nil
- $doc: local := nil
- $kind: local := nil
- buildLibdbConEntry entry
--- Constructor Page
--- in br-saturn.boot now
---% kPage(line,:options) == --any cat, dom, package, default package
---% --constructors Cname\#\E\sig \args \abb \comments (C is C, D, P, X)
---% ------------------> BRANCH OUT FOR SATURN
---% true => kPageSaturn(line,options)
---% parts := dbXParts(line,7,1)
---% [kind,name,nargs,xflag,sig,args,abbrev,comments] := parts
---% form := IFCAR options
---% isFile := null kind
---% kind := kind or '"package"
---% RPLACA(parts,kind)
---% conform := mkConform(kind,name,args)
---% conname := opOf conform
---% capitalKind := capitalize kind
---% signature := ncParseFromString sig
---% sourceFileName := dbSourceFile INTERN name
---% constrings :=
---% KDR form => dbConformGenUnder form
---% [STRCONC(name,args)]
---% emString := ['"{\sf ",:constrings,'"}"]
---% heading := [capitalKind,'" ",:emString]
---% if not isExposedConstructor conname then heading := ['"Unexposed ",:heading]
---% if name=abbrev then abbrev := asyAbbreviation(conname,nargs)
---% page := htInitPage(heading,nil)
---% htpSetProperty(page,'isFile,true)
---% htpSetProperty(page,'parts,parts)
---% htpSetProperty(page,'heading,heading)
---% htpSetProperty(page,'kind,kind)
---% if asharpConstructorName? conname then
---% htpSetProperty(page,'isAsharpConstructor,true)
---% htpSetProperty(page,'conform,conform)
---% htpSetProperty(page,'signature,signature)
---% kdPageInfo(name,abbrev,nargs,conform,signature,isFile)
---% htSayStandard '"\newline"
---% htBeginMenu(3)
---% htSayStandard '"\item "
---% htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Description}",
---% [['text,'"\tab{19}",'"General description"]],'kiPage,nil]]]
---% satBreak()
---% htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Operations}",
---% [['text,'"\tab{19}All exported operations"]],'koPage,'"operation"]]]
---% if not asharpConstructorName? conname then
---% satBreak()
---% htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Attributes}",
---% [['text,'"\tab{19}All exported attributes"]],'koPage,'"attribute"]]]
---% if kind ^= 'category and (pathname := dbHasExamplePage conname) then
---% satBreak()
---% htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Examples}",
---% [['text,'"\tab{19}Examples illustrating use"]],'kxPage,pathname]]]
---% satBreak()
---% htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Exports}",
---% [['text,'"\tab{19}Explicit categories and operations"]],'kePage,nil]]]
---% satBreak()
---% htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Cross Reference}",
---% [['text,'"\tab{19}Hierarchy and usage information"]],'kcPage,nil]]]
---% htEndMenu(3)
---% if kind ^= 'category and nargs > 0 then addParameterTemplates conform
---% htShowPage()
-conform2String u ==
- x := form2String u
- atom x => STRINGIMAGE x
- "STRCONC"/[STRINGIMAGE y for y in x]
-kxPage(htPage,name) == downlink name
-kdPageInfo(name,abbrev,nargs,conform,signature,file?) ==
- htSay("{\sf ",name,'"}")
- if abbrev ^= name then bcHt [" has abbreviation ",abbrev]
- if file? then bcHt ['" is a source file."]
- if nargs = 0 then (if abbrev ^= name then bcHt '".")
- else
- if abbrev ^= name then bcHt '" and"
- bcHt
- nargs = 1 => '" takes one argument:"
- [" takes ",STRINGIMAGE nargs," arguments:"]
- htSaturnBreak()
- htSayStandard '"\indentrel{2}"
- if nargs > 0 then kPageArgs(conform,signature)
- htSayStandard '"\indentrel{-2}"
- if name.(#name-1) = char "&" then name := SUBSEQ(name, 0, #name-1)
---sourceFileName := dbSourceFile INTERN name
- filename := extractFileNameFromPath sourceFileName
- if filename ^= '"" then
- htSayStandard '"\newline{}"
- htSay('"The source code for the constructor is found in ")
- htMakePage [['text,'"\unixcommand{",filename,'"}{_\$AXIOM/lib/SPADEDIT ",
- sourceFileName, '" ", name, '"}"]]
- if nargs ^= 0 then htSay '"."
- htSaturnBreak()
-kPageArgs([op,:args],[.,.,:source]) ==
-------------------> OBSELETE
- firstTime := true
- coSig := rest GETDATABASE(op,'COSIG)
- for x in args for t in source for pred in coSig repeat
- if not firstTime then htSay '", and"
- htSay('"\newline ")
- typeForm := (t is [":",.,t1] => t1; t)
- if pred = true
- then htMakePage [['bcLinks,[x,'"",'kArgPage,x]]]
- else htSay('"{\em ",x,'"}")
- htSay( '"\tab{",STRINGIMAGE( # PNAME x),'"}, ")
- htSay
- pred => '"a domain of category "
- '"an element of the domain "
- bcConform(typeForm,true)
-kArgPage(htPage,arg) ==
- [op,:args] := conform := htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- domname := htpProperty(htPage,'domname)
- heading := htpProperty(htPage,'heading)
- source := CDDAR getConstructorModemap op
- n := position(arg,args)
- typeForm := sublisFormal(args,source . n)
- domTypeForm := mkDomTypeForm(typeForm,conform,domname)
- descendants := domainDescendantsOf(typeForm,domTypeForm)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'cAlist,descendants)
- rank :=
- n > 4 => nil
- ('(First Second Third Fourth Fifth)).n
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'rank,rank)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'thing,'"argument")
- dbShowCons(htPage,'names)
-reportCategory(conform,typeForm,arg) ==
- htSay('"Argument {\em ",arg,'"}")
- [conlist,attrlist,:oplist] := categoryParts(conform,typeForm,true)
- htSay '" must "
- if conlist then
- htSay '"belong to "
- if conlist is [u] then
- htSay('"category ")
- bcConform first u
- bcPred rest u
- else
- htSay('"categories:")
- bcConPredTable(conlist,opOf conform)
- htSay '"\newline "
- if attrlist then
- if conlist then htSay '" and "
- reportAO('"attribute",attrlist)
- htSay '"\newline "
- if oplist then
- if conlist or attrlist then htSay '" and "
- reportAO('"operation",oplist)
-reportAO(kind,oplist) ==
- htSay('"have ",kind,'":")
- for [op,sig,:pred] in oplist repeat
- htSay '"\newline "
- if #oplist = 1 then htSay '"\centerline{"
- if kind = '"attribute" then
- attr := form2String [op,:sig]
- satDownLink(attr,['"(|attrPage| '|",attr,'"|)"])
- else
- ops := escapeSpecialChars STRINGIMAGE op
- sigs := form2HtString ['Mapping,:sig]
- satDownLink(ops,['"(|opPage| '|",ops,'"| |",sigs,'"|)"])
- htSay '": "
- bcConform ['Mapping,:sig]
- if #oplist = 1 then htSay '"}"
- htSay '"\newline "
-mkDomTypeForm(typeForm,conform,domname) == --called by kargPage
- domname => SUBLISLIS(rest domname,rest conform,typeForm)
- typeForm is ['Join,:r] => ['Join,:[mkDomTypeForm(t,conform,domname) for t in r]]
- null hasIdent typeForm => typeForm
- nil
-domainDescendantsOf(conform,domform) == main where --called by kargPage
- main ==
- conform is [op,:r] =>
- op = 'Join => jfn(delete('(Type Object),r),delete('(Type Object),IFCDR domform))
- op = 'CATEGORY => nil
- domainsOf(conform,domform)
- domainsOf(conform,domform)
- jfn([y,:r],domlist) == --keep only those domains that appear in ALL parts of Join
- alist := domainsOf(y,IFCAR domlist)
- for x in r repeat
- domlist := IFCDR domlist
- x is ['CATEGORY,.,:r] => alist := catScreen(r,alist)
- keepList := nil
- for [item,:pred] in domainsOf(x,IFCAR domlist) repeat
- u := ASSOC(item,alist) =>
- keepList := [[item,:quickAnd(CDR u,pred)],:keepList]
- alist := keepList
- for pair in alist repeat RPLACD(pair,simpHasPred CDR pair)
- listSort(function GLESSEQP, alist)
- catScreen(r,alist) ==
- for x in r repeat
- x isnt [op1,:.] and MEMQ(op1,'(ATTRIBUTE SIGNATURE)) => systemError x
- alist := [[item,:npred] for [item,:pred] in alist |
- (pred1 := simpHasPred ['has,item,x]) and (npred := quickAnd(pred1,pred))]
- alist
--- Branches of Constructor Page
-kiPage(htPage,junk) ==
- [kind,name,nargs,xflag,sig,args,abbrev,comments] := htpProperty(htPage,'parts)
- conform := mkConform(kind,name,args)
- domname := kDomainName(htPage,kind,name,nargs)
- domname is ['error,:.] => errorPage(htPage,domname)
- heading := ['"Description of ", capitalize kind,'" {\sf ",name,args,'"}"]
- page := htInitPage(heading,htCopyProplist htPage)
- $conformsAreDomains := domname
- dbShowConsDoc1(htPage,conform,nil)
- htShowPage()
-kePage(htPage,junk) ==
- [kind,name,nargs,xflag,sig,args,abbrev,comments] := htpProperty(htPage,'parts)
- constring := STRCONC(name,args)
- domname := kDomainName(htPage,kind,name,nargs)
- domname is ['error,:.] => errorPage(htPage,domname)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'domname,domname)
- $conformsAreDomains: local := domname
- conform := mkConform(kind,name,args)
- conname := opOf conform
- heading := [capitalize kind,'" {\sf ",
- (domname => form2HtString(domname,nil,true); constring),'"}"]
- data := sublisFormal(IFCDR domname or rest conform,
- getConstructorExports((domname or conform),true))
- [conlist,attrlist,:oplist] := data
- if domname then
- for x in conlist repeat RPLAC(CDR x,simpHasPred CDR x)
- for x in attrlist repeat RPLAC(CDDR x,simpHasPred CDDR x)
- for x in oplist repeat RPLAC(CDDR x,simpHasPred CDDR x)
- prefix := pluralSay(#conlist + #attrlist + #oplist,'"Export",'"Exports")
- page := htInitPage([:prefix,'" of ",:heading],htCopyProplist htPage)
- htSayStandard '"\beginmenu "
- htpSetProperty(page,'data,data)
- if conlist then
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,[menuButton(),'"",'dbShowCons1,conlist,'names]]]
- htSayStandard '"\tab{2}"
- htSay '"All attributes and operations from:"
- bcConPredTable(conlist,opOf conform,rest conform)
- if attrlist then
- if conlist then htBigSkip()
- kePageDisplay(page,'"attribute",kePageOpAlist attrlist)
- if oplist then
- if conlist or attrlist then htBigSkip()
- kePageDisplay(page,'"operation",kePageOpAlist oplist)
- htSayStandard '" \endmenu "
- htShowPage()
-kePageOpAlist oplist ==
- opAlist := nil
- for [op,sig,:pred] in oplist repeat
- u := LASSOC(op,opAlist)
--- opAlist := insertAlist(op,[[sig,pred],:u],opAlist)
- opAlist := insertAlist(zeroOneConvert op,[[sig,pred],:u],opAlist)
- opAlist
-kePageDisplay(htPage,which,opAlist) ==
- count := #opAlist
- total := +/[#(rest entry) for entry in opAlist]
- count = 0 => nil
- if which = '"operation"
- then htpSetProperty(htPage,'opAlist,opAlist)
- else htpSetProperty(htPage,'attrAlist,opAlist)
- expandProperty :=
- which = '"operation" => 'expandOperations
- 'expandAttributes
- htpSetProperty(htPage,expandProperty,'lists) --mark as unexpanded
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,[menuButton(),'"",'dbShowOps,which,'names]]]
- htSayStandard '"\tab{2}"
- if count ^= total then
- if count = 1
- then htSay('"1 name for ")
- else htSay(STRINGIMAGE count,'" names for ")
- if total > 1
- then htSay(STRINGIMAGE total,'" ",pluralize which,'" are explicitly exported:")
- else htSay('"1 ",which,'" is explicitly exported:")
- htSaySaturn '"\\"
- data := dbGatherData(htPage,opAlist,which,'names)
- dbShowOpItems(which,data,false)
-ksPage(htPage,junk) ==
- [kind,name,nargs,xpart,sig,args,abbrev,comments] := htpProperty(htPage,'parts)
- domname := kDomainName(htPage,kind,name,nargs)
- domname is ['error,:.] => errorPage(htPage,domname)
- heading :=
- null domname => htpProperty(htPage,'heading)
- ['"{\sf ",form2HtString(domname,nil,true),'"}"]
- if domname then
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'domname,domname)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'heading,heading)
- domain := (kind = '"category" => nil; EVAL domname)
- conform:= htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- page := htInitPageNoScroll(htCopyProplist htPage,
- ['"Search order for ",:heading])
- htSay '"When an operation is not defined by the domain, the following domains are searched in order for a _"default definition"
- htSayStandard '"\beginscroll "
- u := dbSearchOrder(conform,domname,domain)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'cAlist,u)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'thing,'"constructor")
- dbShowCons(htPage,'names)
-dbSearchOrder(conform,domname,$domain) == --domain = nil or set to live domain
- conform := domname or conform
- name:= opOf conform
- $infovec: local := dbInfovec name or return nil --exit for categories
- u := $infovec.3
- $predvec:=
- $domain => $domain . 3
- catpredvec := CAR u
- catinfo := CADR u
- catvec := CADDR u
- catforms := [[pakform,:pred] for i in 0..MAXINDEX catvec | test ] where
- test ==
- pred := simpCatPredicate
- p:=SUBLISLIS(rest conform,$FormalMapVariableList,kTestPred catpredvec.i)
- $domain => EVAL p
- p
- if domname and CONTAINED('$,pred) then pred := SUBST(domname,'$,pred)
--- which = '"attribute" => pred --all categories
- (pak := catinfo . i) and pred --only those with default packages
- pakform ==
- pak and not IDENTP pak => devaluate pak --in case it has been instantiated
- catform := kFormatSlotDomain catvec . i
--- which = '"attribute" => dbSubConform(rest conform,catform)
- res := dbSubConform(rest conform,[pak,"$",:rest catform])
- if domname then res := SUBST(domname,'$,res)
- res
- [:dbAddChain conform,:catforms]
-kcPage(htPage,junk) ==
- [kind,name,nargs,xpart,sig,args,abbrev,comments] := htpProperty(htPage,'parts)
- domname := kDomainName(htPage,kind,name,nargs)
- domname is ['error,:.] => errorPage(htPage,domname)
--- domain := (kind = '"category" => nil; EVAL domname)
- conform := htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- conname := opOf conform
- heading :=
- null domname => htpProperty(htPage,'heading)
- ['"{\sf ",form2HtString(domname,nil,true),'"}"]
- page := htInitPage(['"Cross Reference for ",:heading],htCopyProplist htPage)
- if domname then
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'domname,domname)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'heading,heading)
- if kind = '"category" and dbpHasDefaultCategory? xpart then
- htSay '"This category has default package "
- bcCon(STRCONC(name,char '_&),'"")
- htSayStandard '"\newline"
- htBeginMenu(3)
- htSayStandard '"\item "
- message :=
- kind = '"category" => ['"Categories it directly extends"]
- ['"Categories the ",(kind = '"default package" => '"package"; kind),'" belongs to by assertion"]
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Parents}",
- [['text,'"\tab{12}",:message]],'kcpPage,nil]]]
- satBreak()
- message :=
- kind = '"category" => ['"All categories it is an extension of"]
- ['"All categories the ",kind,'" belongs to"]
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Ancestors}",
- [['text,'"\tab{12}",:message]],'kcaPage,nil]]]
- if kind = '"category" then
- satBreak()
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Children}",[['text,'"\tab{12}",
- '"Categories which directly extend this category"]],'kccPage,nil]]]
- satBreak()
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Descendants}",[['text,'"\tab{12}",
- '"All categories which extend this category"]],'kcdPage,nil]]]
- if not asharpConstructorName? conname then
- satBreak()
- message := '"Constructors mentioning this as an argument type"
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Dependents}",
- [['text,'"\tab{12}",message]],'kcdePage,nil]]]
- if not asharpConstructorName? conname and kind ^= '"category" then
- satBreak()
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Lineage}",
- '"\tab{12}Constructor hierarchy used for operation lookup",'ksPage,nil]]]
- if not asharpConstructorName? conname then
- if kind = '"category" then
- satBreak()
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Domains}",[['text,'"\tab{12}",
- '"All domains which are of this category"]],'kcdoPage,nil]]]
- if kind ^= '"category" then
- satBreak()
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Clients}",'"\tab{12}Constructors",'kcuPage,nil]]]
- if HGET($defaultPackageNamesHT,conname)
- then htSay('" which {\em may use} this default package")
--- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"files",'"",'kcuPage,true]]]
- else htSay('" which {\em use} this ",kind)
- if kind ^= '"category" or dbpHasDefaultCategory? xpart then
- satBreak()
- message :=
- kind = '"category" => ['"Constructors {\em used by} its default package"]
- ['"Constructors {\em used by} the ",kind]
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{Benefactors}",
- [['text,'"\tab{12}",:message]],'kcnPage,nil]]]
- --to remove "Capsule Information", comment out the next 5 lines
- if not asharpConstructorName? conname and hasNewInfoAlist conname then
- satBreak()
- message := ['"Cross reference for capsule implementation"]
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{CapsuleInfo}",
- [['text,'"\tab{12}",:message]],'kciPage,nil]]]
- htEndMenu(3)
- htShowPage()
-kcpPage(htPage,junk) ==
- [kind,name,nargs,xpart,sig,args,abbrev,comments] := htpProperty(htPage,'parts)
- domname := kDomainName(htPage,kind,name,nargs)
- domname is ['error,:.] => errorPage(htPage,domname)
- heading :=
- null domname => htpProperty(htPage,'heading)
- ['"{\sf ",form2HtString(domname,nil,true),'"}"]
- if domname then
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'domname,domname)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'heading,heading)
- conform := htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- conname := opOf conform
- page := htInitPage(['"Parents of ",:heading],htCopyProplist htPage)
- parents := parentsOf conname --was listSort(function GLESSEQP, =this)
- if domname then parents := SUBLISLIS(rest domname,rest conform,parents)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'cAlist,parents)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'thing,'"parent")
- choice :=
- domname => 'parameters
- 'names
- dbShowCons(htPage,choice)
-reduceAlistForDomain(alist,domform,conform) == --called from kccPage
- alist := SUBLISLIS(rest domform,rest conform,alist)
- for pair in alist repeat RPLACD(pair,simpHasPred(CDR pair,domform))
- [pair for (pair := [.,:pred]) in alist | pred]
-kcaPage(htPage,junk) ==
- kcaPage1(htPage,'"category",'" an ",'"ancestor",function ancestorsOf, false)
-kcdPage(htPage,junk) ==
- kcaPage1(htPage,'"category",'" a ",'"descendant",function descendantsOf,true)
- kcaPage1(htPage,'"domain",'" a ",'"descendant",function domainsOf, false)
-kcaPage1(htPage,kind,article,whichever,fn, isCatDescendants?) ==
- [kind,name,nargs,xpart,sig,args,abbrev,comments] := htpProperty(htPage,'parts)
- domname := kDomainName(htPage,kind,name,nargs)
- domname is ['error,:.] => errorPage(htPage,domname)
- heading :=
- null domname => htpProperty(htPage,'heading)
- ['"{\sf ",form2HtString(domname,nil,true),'"}"]
- if domname and not isCatDescendants? then
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'domname,domname)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'heading,heading)
- conform := htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- conname := opOf conform
- ancestors := FUNCALL(fn, conform, domname)
- if whichever ^= '"ancestor" then
- ancestors := augmentHasArgs(ancestors,conform)
- ancestors := listSort(function GLESSEQP,ancestors)
---if domname then ancestors := SUBST(domname,'$,ancestors)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'cAlist,ancestors)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'thing,whichever)
- choice :=
--- domname => 'parameters
- 'names
- dbShowCons(htPage,choice)
-kccPage(htPage,junk) ==
- [kind,name,nargs,xpart,sig,args,abbrev,comments] := htpProperty(htPage,'parts)
- domname := kDomainName(htPage,kind,name,nargs)
- domname is ['error,:.] => errorPage(htPage,domname)
- heading :=
- null domname => htpProperty(htPage,'heading)
- ['"{\sf ",form2HtString(domname,nil,true),'"}"]
- if domname then
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'domname,domname)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'heading,heading)
- conform := htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- conname := opOf conform
- page := htInitPage(['"Children of ",:heading],htCopyProplist htPage)
- children:= augmentHasArgs(childrenOf conform,conform)
- if domname then children := reduceAlistForDomain(children,domname,conform)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'cAlist,children)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'thing,'"child")
- dbShowCons(htPage,'names)
-augmentHasArgs(alist,conform) ==
- conname := opOf conform
- args := KDR conform or return alist
- n := #args
- [[name,:pred] for [name,:p] in alist] where pred ==
- extractHasArgs p is [a,:b] => p
- quickAnd(p,['hasArgs,:TAKE(n,KDR getConstructorForm opOf name)])
-kcdePage(htPage,junk) ==
- [kind,name,nargs,xflag,sig,args,abbrev,comments] := htpProperty(htPage,'parts)
- conname := INTERN name
- constring := STRCONC(name,args)
- conform :=
- kind ^= '"default package" => ncParseFromString constring
- [INTERN name,:rest ncParseFromString STRCONC(char 'd,args)] --because of &
- pakname :=
--- kind = '"category" => INTERN STRCONC(name,char '_&)
- opOf conform
- domList := getDependentsOfConstructor pakname
- cAlist := [[getConstructorForm x,:true] for x in domList]
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'cAlist,cAlist)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'thing,'"dependent")
- dbShowCons(htPage,'names)
-kcuPage(htPage,junk) ==
- [kind,name,nargs,xflag,sig,args,abbrev,comments] := htpProperty(htPage,'parts)
- conname := INTERN name
- constring := STRCONC(name,args)
- conform :=
- kind ^= '"default package" => ncParseFromString constring
- [INTERN name,:rest ncParseFromString STRCONC(char 'd,args)] --because of &
- pakname :=
- kind = '"category" => INTERN STRCONC(name,char '_&)
- opOf conform
- domList := getUsersOfConstructor pakname
- cAlist := [[getConstructorForm x,:true] for x in domList]
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'cAlist,cAlist)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'thing,'"user")
- dbShowCons(htPage,'names)
-kcnPage(htPage,junk) ==
---if reached by a category, that category has a default package
- [kind,name,nargs,xpart,sig,args,abbrev,comments] := htpProperty(htPage,'parts)
- domname := kDomainName(htPage,kind,name,nargs)
- domname is ['error,:.] => errorPage(htPage,domname)
- heading :=
- null domname => htpProperty(htPage,'heading)
- ['"{\sf ",form2HtString(domname,nil,true),'"}"]
- if domname then
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'domname,domname)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'heading,heading)
- conform:= htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- pakname :=
- kind = '"category" => INTERN STRCONC(PNAME conname,char '_&)
- opOf conform
- domList := getImports pakname
- if domname then
- domList := SUBLISLIS([domname,:rest domname],['$,:rest conform],domList)
- cAlist := [[x,:true] for x in domList]
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'cAlist,cAlist)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'thing,'"benefactor")
- dbShowCons(htPage,'names)
-koPageInputAreaUnchanged?(htPage, nargs) ==
- [htpLabelInputString(htPage,INTERN STRCONC('"*",STRINGIMAGE i)) for i in 1..nargs]
- = htpProperty(htPage,'inputAreaList)
-kDomainName(htPage,kind,name,nargs) ==
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'domname,nil)
- inputAreaList :=
- [htpLabelInputString(htPage,var) for i in 1..nargs for var in $PatternVariableList]
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'inputAreaList,inputAreaList)
- conname := INTERN name
- args := [kArgumentCheck(domain?,x) or nil for x in inputAreaList
- for domain? in rest GETDATABASE(conname,'COSIG)]
- or/[null x for x in args] =>
- (n := +/[1 for x in args | x]) > 0 =>
- ['error,nil,'"\centerline{You gave values for only {\em ",n,'" } of the {\em ",#args,'"}}",'"\centerline{parameters of {\sf ",name,'"}}\vspace{1}\centerline{Please enter either {\em all} or {\em none} of the type parameters}"]
- nil
- argString :=
- null args => '"()"
- argTailPart :=
- "STRCONC"/["STRCONC"/ ['",",:x] for x in KDR args]
- "STRCONC"/['"(",:first args,argTailPart,'")"]
- typeForm := CATCH('SPAD__READER, unabbrev mkConform(kind,name,argString)) or
- ['error,'invalidType,STRCONC(name,argString)]
- null (evaluatedTypeForm := kisValidType typeForm) =>
- ['error,'invalidType,STRCONC(name,argString)]
- dbMkEvalable evaluatedTypeForm
-kArgumentCheck(domain?,s) ==
- s = '"" => nil
- domain? and (form := conSpecialString? s) =>
- null KDR form => [STRINGIMAGE opOf form]
- form2String form
- [s]
-dbMkEvalable form ==
---like mkEvalable except that it does NOT quote domains
---does not do "loadIfNecessary"
- [op,:.] := form
- kind = 'category => form
- mkEvalable form
-topLevelInterpEval x ==
- $ProcessInteractiveValue: fluid := true
- $noEvalTypeMsg: fluid := true
- processInteractive(x,nil)
-kisValidType typeForm ==
- $ProcessInteractiveValue: fluid := true
- $noEvalTypeMsg: fluid := true
- CATCH('SPAD__READER, processInteractive(typeForm,nil))
- is [[h,:.],:t] and member(h,'(Domain SubDomain)) =>
- kCheckArgumentNumbers t and t
- false
-kCheckArgumentNumbers t ==
- [conname,:args] := t
- cosig := KDR GETDATABASE(conname,'COSIG)
- #cosig ^= #args => false
- and/[foo for domain? in cosig for x in args] where foo ==
- domain? => kCheckArgumentNumbers x
- true
-parseNoMacroFromString(s) ==
- s := next(function ncloopParse,
- next(function lineoftoks,incString s))
- StreamNull s => nil
- pf2Sex first rest first s
-mkConform(kind,name,argString) ==
- kind ^= '"default package" =>
- form := STRCONC(name,argString)
- parse := parseNoMacroFromString form
- null parse =>
- sayBrightlyNT '"Won't parse: "
- pp form
- systemError '"Keywords in argument list?"
- ATOM parse => [parse]
- parse
- [INTERN name,:rest ncParseFromString STRCONC(char 'd,argString)] --& case
--- Operation Page for a Domain Form from Scratch
-conOpPage(htPage,conform) ==
- updown := dbCompositeWithMap htPage
- updown = '"DOWN" =>
- domname := htpProperty(htPage,'domname)
- conOpPage1(dbExtractUnderlyingDomain domname,[['updomain,:domname]])
- domname := htpProperty(htPage,'updomain)
- conOpPage1(domname,nil)
-dbCompositeWithMap htPage ==
- htpProperty(htPage,'updomain) => '"UP"
- domain := htpProperty(htPage,'domname)
- null domain => false
- opAlist := htpProperty(htPage,'opAlist)
---not LASSOC('map,opAlist) => false
- dbExtractUnderlyingDomain htpProperty(htPage,'domname) => '"DOWN"
- false
-dbExtractUnderlyingDomain domain == or/[x for x in KDR domain | isValidType x]
---conform is atomic if no parameters, otherwise must be valid domain form
-conOpPage1(conform,:options) ==
---constructors Cname\#\E\sig \args \abb \comments (C is C, D, P, X)
- bindingsAlist := IFCAR options
- conname := opOf conform
- MEMQ(conname,$Primitives) =>
- dbSpecialOperations conname
- domname := --> !!note!! <--
- null atom conform => conform
- nil
- line := conPageFastPath conname
- [kind,name,nargs,xflag,sig,args,abbrev,comments]:=parts:= dbXParts(line,7,1)
- isFile := null kind
- kind := kind or '"package"
- RPLACA(parts,kind)
- constring := STRCONC(name,args)
- conform := mkConform(kind,name,args)
- capitalKind := capitalize kind
- signature := ncParseFromString sig
- sourceFileName := dbSourceFile INTERN name
- emString := ['"{\sf ",constring,'"}"]
- heading := [capitalKind,'" ",:emString]
- if not isExposedConstructor conname then heading := ['"Unexposed ",:heading]
- page := htInitPage(heading,nil)
- htpSetProperty(page,'isFile,true)
- htpSetProperty(page,'fromConOpPage1,true)
- htpSetProperty(page,'parts,parts)
- htpSetProperty(page,'heading,heading)
- htpSetProperty(page,'kind,kind)
- htpSetProperty(page,'domname,domname) --> !!note!! <--
- htpSetProperty(page,'conform,conform)
- htpSetProperty(page,'signature,signature)
- if selectedOperation := LASSOC('selectedOperation,IFCDR options) then
- htpSetProperty(page,'selectedOperation,selectedOperation)
- for [a,:b] in bindingsAlist repeat htpSetProperty(page,a,b)
- koPage(page,'"operation")
--- Operation Page from Main Page
-koPage(htPage,which) ==
- [kind,name,nargs,xflag,sig,args,abbrev,comments] := htpProperty(htPage,'parts)
- constring := STRCONC(name,args)
- conname := INTERN name
- domname :=
- (u := htpProperty(htPage,'domname)) is [=conname,:.]
- and (htpProperty(htPage,'fromConOpPage1) = true or
- koPageInputAreaUnchanged?(htPage,nargs)) => u
- kDomainName(htPage,kind,name,nargs)
- domname is ['error,:.] => errorPage(htPage,domname)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'domname,domname)
- headingString :=
- domname => form2HtString(domname,nil,true)
- constring
- heading := [capitalize kind,'" {\sf ",headingString,'"}"]
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'which,which)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'heading,heading)
- koPageAux(htPage,which,domname,heading)
-koPageFromKKPage(htPage,ao) ==
- koPageAux(htPage,ao,htpProperty(htPage,'domname),htpProperty(htPage,'heading))
-koPageAux(htPage,which,domname,heading) == --from koPage, koPageFromKKPage
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'which,which)
- domname := htpProperty(htPage,'domname)
- conform := htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- heading := htpProperty(htPage,'heading)
- opAlist :=
- which = '"attribute" => koAttrs(conform,domname)
- which = '"general operation" => koOps(conform,domname,true)
- koOps(conform,domname)
- if selectedOperation := htpProperty(htPage,'selectedOperation) then
- opAlist := [ASSOC(selectedOperation,opAlist) or systemError()]
- dbShowOperationsFromConform(htPage,which,opAlist)
-koPageAux1(htPage,opAlist) ==
- which := htpProperty(htPage,'which)
- dbShowOperationsFromConform(htPage,which,opAlist)
-koaPageFilterByName(htPage,functionToCall) ==
- htpLabelInputString(htPage,'filter) = '"" =>
- koaPageFilterByCategory(htPage,functionToCall)
- filter := pmTransFilter(dbGetInputString htPage)
---WARNING: this call should check for ['error,:.] returned
- which := htpProperty(htPage,'which)
- opAlist :=
- [x for x in htpProperty(htPage,'opAlist) | superMatch?(filter,DOWNCASE STRINGIMAGE first x)]
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'opAlist,opAlist)
- FUNCALL(functionToCall,htPage,nil)
--- Get Constructor Documentation
-dbConstructorDoc(conform,$op,$sig) == fn conform where
- fn (conform := [conname,:$args]) ==
- or/[gn y for y in GETDATABASE(conname,'DOCUMENTATION)]
- gn([op,:alist]) ==
- op = $op and or/[doc or '("") for [sig,:doc] in alist | hn sig]
- hn sig ==
- #$sig = #sig and $sig = SUBLISLIS($args,$FormalMapVariableList,sig)
-dbDocTable conform ==
---assumes $docTableHash bound --see dbExpandOpAlistIfNecessary
- table := HGET($docTableHash,conform) => table
- $docTable : local := MAKE_-HASHTABLE 'ID
- --process in reverse order so that closest cover up farthest
- for x in originsInOrder conform repeat dbAddDocTable x
- dbAddDocTable conform
- HPUT($docTableHash,conform,$docTable)
- $docTable
-originsInOrder conform == --domain = nil or set to live domain
---from dcCats
- [con,:argl] := conform
- ASSOCLEFT ancestorsOf(conform,nil)
- acc := ASSOCLEFT parentsOf con
- for x in acc repeat
- for y in originsInOrder x repeat acc := insert(y,acc)
- acc
-dbAddDocTable conform ==
- conname := opOf conform
- storedArgs := rest getConstructorForm conname
- for [op,:alist] in SUBLISLIS(["$",:rest conform],
- ["%",:storedArgs],GETDATABASE(opOf conform,'DOCUMENTATION))
- repeat
- op1 :=
- op = '(Zero) => 0
- op = '(One) => 1
- op
- for [sig,doc] in alist repeat
- HPUT($docTable,op1,[[conform,:alist],:HGET($docTable,op1)])
- --note opOf is needed!!! for some reason, One and Zero appear within prens
-dbGetDocTable(op,$sig,docTable,$which,aux) == main where
---docTable is [[origin,entry1,...,:code] ...] where
--- each entry is [sig,doc] and code is NIL or else a topic code for op
- main ==
- if null FIXP op and
- DIGITP (s := STRINGIMAGE op).0 then op := string2Integer s
- -- the above hack should be removed after 3/94 when 0 is not |0|
- aux is [[packageName,:.],:pred] =>
- doc := dbConstructorDoc(first aux,$op,$sig)
- origin :=
- pred => ['ifp,:aux]
- first aux
- [origin,:doc]
- or/[gn x for x in HGET(docTable,op)]
- gn u == --u is [origin,entry1,...,:code]
- $conform := CAR u --origin
- if ATOM $conform then $conform := [$conform]
- code := LASTATOM u --optional topic code
- comments := or/[p for entry in CDR u | p := hn entry] or return nil
- [$conform,first comments,:code]
- hn [sig,:doc] ==
- $which = '"attribute" => sig is ['attribute,: =$sig] and doc
- pred := #$sig = #sig and
- alteredSig := SUBLISLIS(KDR $conform,$FormalMapVariableList,sig)
- alteredSig = $sig
- pred =>
- doc =>
- doc is ['constant,:r] => r
- doc
- '("")
- false
-kTestPred n ==
- n = 0 => true
- $domain => testBitVector($predvec,n)
- simpHasPred $predvec.(n - 1)
-dbAddChainDomain conform ==
- [name,:args] := conform
- $infovec := dbInfovec name or return nil --exit for categories
- template := $infovec . 0
- null (form := template . 5) => nil
- dbSubConform(args,kFormatSlotDomain devaluate form)
-dbSubConform(args,u) ==
- atom u =>
- (n := position(u,$FormalMapVariableList)) >= 0 => args . n
- u
- u is ['local,y] => dbSubConform(args,y)
- [dbSubConform(args,x) for x in u]
-dbAddChain conform ==
- u := dbAddChainDomain conform =>
- atom u => nil
- [[u,:true],:dbAddChain u]
- nil
--- Constructor Page Menu
----------> !OBSELETE! <-------------
-dbPresentCons(htPage,kind,:exclusions) == -- calist is ((catform . pred)...)
- $saturn => dbPresentConsSaturn(htPage,kind,exclusions)
- htSay('"{\em Views:}")
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'exclusion,first exclusions)
- cAlist := htpProperty(htPage,'cAlist)
- empty? := null cAlist
- exposedUnexposedFlag := $includeUnexposed? --used to be star? 4/92
- star? := true --always include information on exposed/unexposed 4/92
- htSayStandard(if star? then '"\tab{13}" else '"\tab{9}")
- if empty? or member('names,exclusions)
- then htSay '"{\em names}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"names",'"",'dbShowCons,'names]]]
- htSayStandard(if star? then '"\tab{21}" else '"\tab{17}")
- if empty? or member('kinds,exclusions) or kind ^= 'constructor
- then htSay '"{\em kinds}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"kinds",'"",'dbShowCons,'kinds]]]
- htSayStandard(if star? then '"\tab{29}" else '"\tab{25}")
- if empty? or member('parameters,exclusions) or not or/[CDAR x for x in cAlist]
- then htSay '"{\em parameters}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"parameters",'"",'dbShowCons,'parameters]]]
- if star? then htSayStandard('"\tab{42}") else htSayStandard('"\tab{38}")
- if empty? or null CDR cAlist
- then htSay '"{\em filter}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"filter",'"",'dbShowCons,'filter]]]
- htMakePage [['bcStrings, [11,'"",'filter,'EM]]]
- htSay('"\newline")
- if exposedUnexposedFlag then
- if $exposedOnlyIfTrue then
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"exposed",'" {\em only}",'dbShowCons,'exposureOff]]]
- else
- htSay('"*{\em =}")
- htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"unexposed",'"",'dbShowCons,'exposureOn]]]
- htSayStandard(if star? then '"\tab{13}" else '"\tab{9}")
- if empty? or member('abbrs,exclusions)
- then htSay '"{\em abbrs}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"abbrs",'"",'dbShowCons,'abbrs]]]
- htSayStandard(if star? then '"\tab{21}" else '"\tab{17}")
- if empty? or member('files,exclusions)
- then htSay '"{\em files}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"files",'"",'dbShowCons,'files]]]
- htSayStandard(if star? then '"\tab{29}" else '"\tab{25}")
- if empty? or member('conditions,exclusions) or and/[CDR x = true for x in cAlist]
- then htSay '"{\em conditions}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"conditions",'"",'dbShowCons,'conditions]]]
- if star? then htSayStandard('"\tab{42}") else htSayStandard('"\tab{38}")
- if empty? or member('documentation,exclusions)
- then htSay '"{\em descriptions}"
- else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"descriptions",'"",'dbShowCons,'documentation]]]
-dbShowCons(htPage,key,:options) ==
- cAlist := htpProperty(htPage,'cAlist)
- key = 'filter =>
- --if $saturn, IFCAR options is the filter string
- filter := pmTransFilter(IFCAR options or dbGetInputString htPage)
- filter is ['error,:.] => bcErrorPage filter
- abbrev? := htpProperty(htPage,'exclusion) = 'abbrs
- u := [x for x in cAlist | test] where test ==
- conname := CAAR x
- subject := (abbrev? => constructor? conname; conname)
- superMatch?(filter,DOWNCASE STRINGIMAGE subject)
- null u => emptySearchPage('"constructor",filter)
- htPage := htInitPageNoScroll(htCopyProplist htPage)
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'cAlist,u)
- dbShowCons(htPage,htpProperty(htPage,'exclusion))
- if MEMQ(key,'(exposureOn exposureOff)) then
- $exposedOnlyIfTrue :=
- key = 'exposureOn => 'T
- key := htpProperty(htPage,'exclusion)
- dbShowCons1(htPage,cAlist,key)
-conPageChoose conname ==
- cAlist := [[getConstructorForm conname,:true]]
- dbShowCons1(nil,cAlist,'names)
-dbShowCons1(htPage,cAlist,key) ==
- conlist := REMDUP [item for x in cAlist | pred] where
- pred ==
- item := CAR x
- $exposedOnlyIfTrue => isExposedConstructor opOf item
- item
---$searchFirstTime and (conlist is [.]) => conPage first conlist
---$searchFirstTime := false
- conlist is [.] => conPage
- htPage and htpProperty(htPage,'domname) => first conlist
- opOf first conlist
- conlist := [opOf x for x in conlist]
- kinds := "union"/[dbConstructorKind x for x in conlist]
- kind :=
- kinds is [a] => a
- 'constructor
- proplist :=
- htPage => htCopyProplist htPage
- nil
- page := htInitPageNoScroll(proplist,dbConsHeading(htPage,conlist,key,kind))
- if u := htpProperty(page,'specialMessage) then APPLY(first u,rest u)
- htSayStandard('"\beginscroll ")
- htpSetProperty(page,'cAlist,cAlist)
- $conformsAreDomains: local := htpProperty(page,'domname)
- do
- --key = 'catfilter => dbShowCatFilter(page,key)
- key = 'names => bcNameConTable conlist
- key = 'abbrs =>
- bcAbbTable [getCDTEntry(con,true) for con in conlist]
- key = 'files =>
- flist :=
- [y for con in conlist |
- y := (fn := GETDATABASE(con,'SOURCEFILE))]
- bcUnixTable(listSort(function GLESSEQP,REMDUP flist))
- key = 'documentation => dbShowConsDoc(page,conlist)
- if $exposedOnlyIfTrue then
- cAlist := [x for x in cAlist | isExposedConstructor opOf CAR x]
- key = 'conditions => dbShowConditions(page,cAlist,kind)
- key = 'parameters => bcConTable REMDUP ASSOCLEFT cAlist
- key = 'kinds => dbShowConsKinds cAlist
- dbConsExposureMessage()
- htSayStandard("\endscroll ")
- dbPresentCons(page,kind,key)
- htShowPageNoScroll()
-dbConsExposureMessage() ==
- $atLeastOneUnexposed =>
- htSay '"\newline{}-------------\newline{}{\em *} = unexposed"
--- DUPLICATE DEF - ALSO in br-saturn.boot
--- dbShowConsKinds cAlist ==
--- ---------> !OBSELETE! <-------------
--- cats := doms := paks := defs := nil
--- for x in cAlist repeat
--- op := CAAR x
--- kind := dbConstructorKind op
--- kind = 'category => cats := [x,:cats]
--- kind = 'domain => doms := [x,:doms]
--- kind = 'package => paks:= [x,:paks]
--- defs := [x,:defs]
--- lists := [NREVERSE cats,NREVERSE doms,NREVERSE paks,NREVERSE defs]
--- htBeginMenu(2)
--- htSayStandard '"\indent{1}"
--- kinds := +/[1 for x in lists | #x > 0]
--- for kind in '("category" "domain" "package" "default package") for x in lists | #x > 0 repeat
--- htSay('"\item")
--- if kinds = 1 then htSay menuButton() else
--- htMakePage [['bcLinks,[menuButton(),'"",'dbShowConsKindsFilter,[kind,x]]]]
--- htSayStandard '"\tab{1}"
--- htSay '"{\em "
--- htSay (c := #x)
--- htSay '" "
--- htSay (c > 1 => pluralize kind; kind)
--- htSay '":}"
--- bcConTable REMDUP [CAAR y for y in x]
--- htEndMenu(2)
--- htSay '"\indent{0}"
-dbShowConsKindsFilter(htPage,[kind,cAlist]) ==
- htpSetProperty(htPage,'cAlist,cAlist)
- dbShowCons(htPage,htpProperty(htPage,'exclusion))
-dbShowConsDoc(htPage,conlist) ==
- null rest conlist => dbShowConsDoc1(htPage,getConstructorForm opOf first conlist,nil)
- cAlist := htpProperty(htPage,'cAlist)
- --the following code is necessary to skip over duplicates on cAlist
- index := 0
- for x in REMDUP conlist repeat
- -- for x in conlist repeat
- dbShowConsDoc1(htPage,getConstructorForm x,i) where i ==
- while CAAAR cAlist ^= x repeat
- index := index + 1
- cAlist := rest cAlist
- null cAlist => systemError ()
- index
-dbShowConsDoc1(htPage,conform,indexOrNil) ==
- [conname,:conargs] := conform
- MEMQ(conname,$Primitives) =>
- conname := htpProperty(htPage,'conname)
- [["constructor",["NIL",doc]],:.] := GETL(conname,'documentation)
- sig := '((CATEGORY domain) (SetCategory) (SetCategory))
- displayDomainOp(htPage,'"constructor",conform,conname,sig,true,doc,indexOrNil,'dbSelectCon,nil,nil)
- exposeFlag := isExposedConstructor conname
- doc := [getConstructorDocumentation conname]
- signature := getConstructorSignature conname
- sig :=
- GETDATABASE(conname,'CONSTRUCTORKIND) = 'category =>
- SUBLISLIS(conargs,$TriangleVariableList,signature)
- sublisFormal(conargs,signature)
- htSaySaturn '"\begin{description}"
- displayDomainOp(htPage,'"constructor",conform,conname,sig,true,doc,indexOrNil,'dbSelectCon,null exposeFlag,nil)
- htSaySaturn '"\end{description}"
- --NOTE that we pass conform is as "origin"
-getConstructorDocumentation conname ==
- is [[nil,line,:.],:.] and line or '""
-dbSelectCon(htPage,which,index) ==
- conPage opOf first htpProperty(htPage,'cAlist) . index
-dbShowConditions(htPage,cAlist,kind) ==
- conform := htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- conname := opOf conform
- article := htpProperty(htPage,'article)
- whichever := htpProperty(htPage,'whichever)
- [consNoPred,:consPred] := splitConTable cAlist
- singular := [kind,'" is"]
- plural := [pluralize STRINGIMAGE kind,'" are"]
- dbSayItems(#consNoPred,singular,plural,'" unconditional")
- htSaySaturn '"\\"
- bcConPredTable(consNoPred,conname)
- htSayHrule()
- dbSayItems(#consPred,singular,plural,'" conditional")
- htSaySaturn '"\\"
- bcConPredTable(consPred,conname)
-dbConsHeading(htPage,conlist,view,kind) ==
- thing := htPage and htpProperty(htPage,'thing) or '"constructor"
- place :=
- htPage => htpProperty(htPage,'domname) or htpProperty(htPage,'conform)
- nil
- count := #(REMDUP conlist)
- -- count := #conlist
- thing = '"benefactor" =>
- [STRINGIMAGE count,'" Constructors Used by ",form2HtString(place,nil,true)]
- modifier :=
- thing = '"argument" =>
- rank := htPage and htpProperty(htPage,'rank)
- ['" Possible ",rank,'" "]
- kind = 'constructor => ['" "]
- ['" ",capitalize STRINGIMAGE kind,'" "]
--- count = 1 =>
--- ['"Select name or a {\em view} at the bottom"]
- exposureWord :=
- $exposedOnlyIfTrue => '(" Exposed ")
- nil
- prefix :=
- count = 1 => [STRINGIMAGE count,:modifier,capitalize thing]
- firstWord := (count = 0 => '"No "; STRINGIMAGE count)
- [firstWord,:exposureWord, :modifier,capitalize pluralize thing]
- placepart :=
- place => ['" of {\em ",form2HtString(place,nil,true),"}"]
- nil
- heading := [:prefix,:placepart]
- connective :=
- member(view,'(abbrs files kinds)) => '" as "
- '" with "
- if count ^= 0 and member(view,'(abbrs files parameters conditions)) then heading:= [:heading,'" viewed",connective,'"{\em ",STRINGIMAGE view,'"}"]
- heading
-dbShowConstructorLines lines ==
- cAlist := [[getConstructorForm intern dbName line,:true] for line in lines]
- dbShowCons1(nil,listSort(function GLESSEQP,cAlist),'names)
-bcUnixTable(u) ==
- htSay '"\newline"
- htBeginTable()
- firstTime := true
- for x in u repeat
- if firstTime then firstTime := false
- else htSaySaturn '"&"
- htSay '"{"
- ft :=
- isAsharpFileName? x => '("AS")
- '("SPAD")
- htMakePage [['text, '"\unixcommand{",PATHNAME_-NAME x, '"}{$AXIOM/lib/SPADEDIT ", filename, '"} "]]
- htSay '"}"
- htEndTable()
-isAsharpFileName? con == false
--- Special Code for Union, Mapping, and Record
-dbSpecialDescription(conname) ==
- conform := getConstructorForm conname
- heading := ['"Description of Domain {\sf ",form2HtString conform,'"}"]
- page := htInitPage(heading,nil)
- htpSetProperty(page,'conname,conname)
- $conformsAreDomains := nil
- dbShowConsDoc1(page,conform,nil)
- htShowPage()
-dbSpecialOperations(conname) ==
- page := htInitPage(nil,nil)
- conform := getConstructorForm conname
- opAlist := dbSpecialExpandIfNecessary(conform,rest GETL(conname,'documentation))
- fromHeading := ['" from domain {\sf ",form2HtString conform,'"}"]
- htpSetProperty(page,'fromHeading,fromHeading)
- htpSetProperty(page,'conform,conform)
- htpSetProperty(page,'opAlist,opAlist)
- htpSetProperty(page,'noUsage,true)
- htpSetProperty(page,'condition?,'no)
- dbShowOp1(page,opAlist,'"operation",'names)
-dbSpecialExports(conname) ==
- conform := getConstructorForm conname
- page := htInitPage(['"Exports of {\sf ",form2HtString conform,'"}"],nil)
- opAlist := dbSpecialExpandIfNecessary(conform,rest GETL(conname,'documentation))
- kePageDisplay(page,'"operation",opAlist)
- htShowPage()
-dbSpecialExpandIfNecessary(conform,opAlist) ==
- opAlist is [[op,[sig,:r],:.],:.] and rest r => opAlist
- for [op,:u] in opAlist repeat
- for pair in u repeat
- [sig,comments] := pair
- RPLACD(pair,['T,conform,'T,comments]) --[sig,pred,origin,exposeFg,doc]
- opAlist
-X := '"{\sf Record(a:A,b:B)} is used to create the class of pairs of objects made up of a value of type {\em A} selected by the symbol {\em a} and a value of type {\em B} selected by the symbol {\em b}. "
-Y := '"In general, the {\sf Record} constructor can take any number of arguments and thus can be used to create aggregates of heterogeneous components of arbitrary size selectable by name. "
-Z := '"{\sf Record} is a primitive domain of \Language{} which cannot be defined in the \Language{} language."
- (constructor (NIL MESSAGE))
- (_= (((Boolean) _$ _$)
- "\spad{r = s} tests for equality of two records \spad{r} and \spad{s}"))
- (coerce (((OutputForm) _$)
- "\spad{coerce(r)} returns an representation of \spad{r} as an output form")
- ((_$ (List (Any)))
- "\spad{coerce(u)}, where \spad{u} is the list \spad{[x,y]} for \spad{x} of type \spad{A} and \spad{y} of type \spad{B}, returns the record \spad{[a:x,b:y]}"))
- (elt ((A $ "a")
- "\spad{r . a} returns the value stored in record \spad{r} under selector \spad{a}.")
- ((B $ "b")
- "\spad{r . b} returns the value stored in record \spad{r} under selector \spad{b}."))
- (setelt ((A $ "a" A)
- "\spad{r . a := x} destructively replaces the value stored in record \spad{r} under selector \spad{a} by the value of \spad{x}. Error: if \spad{r} has not been previously assigned a value.")
- ((B $ "b" B)
- "\spad{r . b := y} destructively replaces the value stored in record \spad{r} under selector \spad{b} by the value of \spad{y}. Error: if \spad{r} has not been previously assigned a value."))
- )))
-X := '"{\sf Union(A,B)} denotes the class of objects which are which are either members of domain {\em A} or of domain {\em B}. The {\sf Union} constructor can take any number of arguments. "
-Y := '"For an alternate form of {\sf Union} with _"tags_", see \downlink{Union(a:A,b:B)}{DomainUnion}. {\sf Union} is a primitive domain of \Language{} which cannot be defined in the \Language{} language."
- (constructor (NIL MESSAGE))
- (_= (((Boolean) $ $)
- "\spad{u = v} tests if two objects of the union are equal, that is, u and v are hold objects of same branch which are equal."))
- (case (((Boolean) $ "A")
- "\spad{u case A} tests if \spad{u} is of the type \spad{A} branch of the union.")
- (((Boolean) $ "B")
- "\spad{u case B} tests if \spad{u} is of the \spad{B} branch of the union."))
- (coerce ((A $)
- "\spad{coerce(u)} returns \spad{x} of type \spad{A} if \spad{x} is of the \spad{A} branch of the union. Error: if \spad{u} is of the \spad{B} branch of the union.")
- ((B $)
- "\spad{coerce(u)} returns \spad{x} of type \spad{B} if \spad{x} is of the \spad{B} branch of the union. Error: if \spad{u} is of the \spad{A} branch of the union.")
- (($ A)
- "\spad{coerce(x)}, where \spad{x} has type \spad{A}, returns \spad{x} as a union type.")
- (($ B)
- "\spad{coerce(y)}, where \spad{y} has type \spad{B}, returns \spad{y} as a union type."))
- )))
-X := '"{\sf Union(a:A,b:B)} denotes the class of objects which are either members of domain {\em A} or of domain {\em B}. "
-Y := '"The symbols {\em a} and {\em b} are called _"tags_" and are used to identify the two _"branches_" of the union. "
-Z := '"The {\sf Union} constructor can take any number of arguments and has an alternate form without {\em tags} (see \downlink{Union(A,B)}{UntaggedUnion}). "
-W := '"This tagged {\sf Union} type is necessary, for example, to disambiguate two branches of a union where {\em A} and {\em B} denote the same type. "
-A := '"{\sf Union} is a primitive domain of \Language{} which cannot be defined in the \Language{} language."
- (constructor (NIL MESSAGE))
- (_= (((Boolean) $ $)
- "\spad{u = v} tests if two objects of the union are equal, that is, \spad{u} and \spad{v} are objects of same branch which are equal."))
- (case (((Boolean) $ "A")
- "\spad{u case a} tests if \spad{u} is of branch \spad{a} of the union.")
- (((Boolean) $ "B")
- "\spad{u case b} tests if \spad{u} is of branch \spad{b} of the union."))
- (coerce ((A $)
- "\spad{coerce(u)} returns \spad{x} of type \spad{A} if \spad{x} is of branch \spad{a} of the union. Error: if \spad{u} is of branch \spad{b} of the union.")
- ((B $)
- "\spad{coerce(u)} returns \spad{x} of type \spad{B} if \spad{x} is of branch \spad{b} branch of the union. Error: if \spad{u} is of the \spad{a} branch of the union.")
- (($ A)
- "\spad{coerce(x)}, where \spad{x} has type \spad{A}, returns \spad{x} as a union type.")
- (($ B)
- "\spad{coerce(y)}, where \spad{y} has type \spad{B}, returns \spad{y} as a union type."))
- )))
-X := '"{\sf Mapping(T,S,...)} denotes the class of objects which are mappings from a source domain ({\em S,...}) into a target domain {\em T}. The {\sf Mapping} constructor can take any number of arguments."
-Y := '" All but the first argument is regarded as part of a source tuple for the mapping. For example, {\sf Mapping(T,A,B)} denotes the class of mappings from {\em (A,B)} into {\em T}. "
-Z := '"{\sf Mapping} is a primitive domain of \Language{} which cannot be defined in the \Language{} language."
-PUT('Mapping,'documentation, SUBST(MESSAGE,'MESSAGE,'(
- (constructor (NIL MESSAGE))
- (_= (((Boolean) $ $)
- "\spad{u = v} tests if mapping objects are equal."))
- )))
-X := '"{\em Enumeration(a1, a2 ,..., aN)} creates an object which is exactly one of the N symbols {\em a1}, {\em a2}, ..., or {\em aN}, N > 0. "
-Y := '" The {\em Enumeration} can constructor can take any number of symbols as arguments."
-PUT('Enumeration, 'documentation, SUBST(MESSAGE, 'MESSAGE, '(
- (constructor (NIL MESSAGE))
- (_= (((Boolean) _$ _$)
- "\spad{e = f} tests for equality of two enumerations \spad{e} and \spad{f}"))
- (_^_= (((Boolean) _$ _$)
- "\spad{e ^= f} tests that two enumerations \spad{e} and \spad{f} are nont equal"))
- (coerce (((OutputForm) _$)
- "\spad{coerce(e)} returns a representation of enumeration \spad{r} as an output form")
- ((_$ (Symbol))
- "\spad{coerce(s)} converts a symbol \spad{s} into an enumeration which has \spad{s} as a member symbol"))
- )))
-mkConArgSublis args ==
- [[arg,:INTERN digits2Names PNAME arg] for arg in args
- | (s := PNAME arg) and or/[DIGITP ELT(s,i) for i in 0..MAXINDEX s]]
-digits2Names s ==
---This is necessary since arguments of conforms CANNOT have digits in TechExplorer
- str := '""
- for i in 0..MAXINDEX s repeat
- c := s.i
- segment :=
- n := DIGIT_-CHAR_-P c =>
- ('("Zero" "One" "Two" "Three" "Four" "Five" "Six" "Seven" "Eight" "Nine")).n
- c
- CONCAT(str, segment)
- str
-\bibitem{1} nothing