path: root/src/algebra/polycat.spad.pamphlet
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authordos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-08-14 05:14:52 +0000
committerdos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-08-14 05:14:52 +0000
commitab8cc85adde879fb963c94d15675783f2cf4b183 (patch)
treec202482327f474583b750b2c45dedfc4e4312b1d /src/algebra/polycat.spad.pamphlet
Initial population.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/algebra/polycat.spad.pamphlet')
1 files changed, 4785 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/algebra/polycat.spad.pamphlet b/src/algebra/polycat.spad.pamphlet
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..01cbbccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/algebra/polycat.spad.pamphlet
@@ -0,0 +1,4785 @@
+\title{\$SPAD/src/algebra polycat.spad}
+\author{Manuel Bronstein}
+\section{category AMR AbelianMonoidRing}
+<<category AMR AbelianMonoidRing>>=
+)abbrev category AMR AbelianMonoidRing
+++ Author:
+++ Date Created:
+++ Date Last Updated:
+++ Basic Functions:
+++ Related Constructors:
+++ Also See:
+++ AMS Classifications:
+++ Keywords:
+++ References:
+++ Description:
+++ Abelian monoid ring elements (not necessarily of finite support)
+++ of this ring are of the form formal SUM (r_i * e_i)
+++ where the r_i are coefficents and the e_i, elements of the
+++ ordered abelian monoid, are thought of as exponents or monomials.
+++ The monomials commute with each other, and with
+++ the coefficients (which themselves may or may not be commutative).
+++ See \spadtype{FiniteAbelianMonoidRing} for the case of finite support
+++ a useful common model for polynomials and power series.
+++ Conceptually at least, only the non-zero terms are ever operated on.
+AbelianMonoidRing(R:Ring, E:OrderedAbelianMonoid): Category ==
+ Join(Ring,BiModule(R,R)) with
+ leadingCoefficient: % -> R
+ ++ leadingCoefficient(p) returns the coefficient highest degree term of p.
+ leadingMonomial: % -> %
+ ++ leadingMonomial(p) returns the monomial of p with the highest degree.
+ degree: % -> E
+ ++ degree(p) returns the maximum of the exponents of the terms of p.
+ map: (R -> R, %) -> %
+ ++ map(fn,u) maps function fn onto the coefficients
+ ++ of the non-zero monomials of u.
+ monomial?: % -> Boolean
+ ++ monomial?(p) tests if p is a single monomial.
+ monomial: (R,E) -> %
+ ++ monomial(r,e) makes a term from a coefficient r and an exponent e.
+ reductum: % -> %
+ ++ reductum(u) returns u minus its leading monomial
+ ++ returns zero if handed the zero element.
+ coefficient: (%,E) -> R
+ ++ coefficient(p,e) extracts the coefficient of the monomial with
+ ++ exponent e from polynomial p, or returns zero if exponent is not present.
+ if R has Field then "/": (%,R) -> %
+ ++ p/c divides p by the coefficient c.
+ if R has CommutativeRing then
+ CommutativeRing
+ Algebra R
+ if R has CharacteristicZero then CharacteristicZero
+ if R has CharacteristicNonZero then CharacteristicNonZero
+ if R has IntegralDomain then IntegralDomain
+ if R has Algebra Fraction Integer then Algebra Fraction Integer
+ add
+ monomial? x == zero? reductum x
+ map(fn:R -> R, x: %) ==
+ -- this default definition assumes that reductum is cheap
+ zero? x => 0
+ r:=fn leadingCoefficient x
+ zero? r => map(fn,reductum x)
+ monomial(r, degree x) + map(fn,reductum x)
+ if R has Algebra Fraction Integer then
+ q:Fraction(Integer) * p:% == map(q * #1, p)
+\section{category FAMR FiniteAbelianMonoidRing}
+<<category FAMR FiniteAbelianMonoidRing>>=
+)abbrev category FAMR FiniteAbelianMonoidRing
+++ Author:
+++ Date Created:
+++ Date Last Updated: 14.08.2000 Exported pomopo! and binomThmExpt [MMM]
+++ Basic Functions:
+++ Related Constructors:
+++ Also See:
+++ AMS Classifications:
+++ Keywords:
+++ References:
+++ Description: This category is
+++ similar to AbelianMonoidRing, except that the sum is assumed to be finite.
+++ It is a useful model for polynomials,
+++ but is somewhat more general.
+FiniteAbelianMonoidRing(R:Ring, E:OrderedAbelianMonoid): Category ==
+ Join(AbelianMonoidRing(R,E),FullyRetractableTo R) with
+ ground?: % -> Boolean
+ ++ ground?(p) tests if polynomial p is a member of the coefficient ring.
+ -- can't be defined earlier, since a power series
+ -- might not know if there were other terms or not
+ ground: % -> R
+ ++ ground(p) retracts polynomial p to the coefficient ring.
+ coefficients: % -> List R
+ ++ coefficients(p) gives the list of non-zero coefficients of polynomial p.
+ numberOfMonomials: % -> NonNegativeInteger
+ ++ numberOfMonomials(p) gives the number of non-zero monomials in polynomial p.
+ minimumDegree: % -> E
+ ++ minimumDegree(p) gives the least exponent of a non-zero term of polynomial p.
+ ++ Error: if applied to 0.
+ mapExponents: (E -> E, %) -> %
+ ++ mapExponents(fn,u) maps function fn onto the exponents
+ ++ of the non-zero monomials of polynomial u.
+ pomopo!: (%,R,E,%) -> %
+ ++ \spad{pomopo!(p1,r,e,p2)} returns \spad{p1 + monomial(e,r) * p2}
+ ++ and may use \spad{p1} as workspace. The constaant \spad{r} is
+ ++ assumed to be nonzero.
+ if R has CommutativeRing then
+ binomThmExpt: (%,%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ ++ \spad{binomThmExpt(p,q,n)} returns \spad{(x+y)^n}
+ ++ by means of the binomial theorem trick.
+ if R has IntegralDomain then
+ "exquo": (%,R) -> Union(%,"failed")
+ ++ exquo(p,r) returns the exact quotient of polynomial p by r, or "failed"
+ ++ if none exists.
+ if R has GcdDomain then
+ content: % -> R
+ ++ content(p) gives the gcd of the coefficients of polynomial p.
+ primitivePart: % -> %
+ ++ primitivePart(p) returns the unit normalized form of polynomial p
+ ++ divided by the content of p.
+ add
+ pomopo!(p1,r,e,p2) == p1 + r * mapExponents(#1+e,p2)
+ if R has CommutativeRing then
+ binomThmExpt(x,y,nn) ==
+ nn = 0 => 1$%
+ ans,xn,yn: %
+ bincoef: Integer
+ powl: List(%):= [x]
+ for i in 2..nn repeat powl:=[x * powl.first, :powl]
+ yn:=y; ans:=powl.first; i:=1; bincoef:=nn
+ for xn in powl.rest repeat
+ ans:= bincoef * xn * yn + ans
+ bincoef:= (nn-i) * bincoef quo (i+1); i:= i+1
+ -- last I and BINCOEF unused
+ yn:= y * yn
+ ans + yn
+ ground? x ==
+ retractIfCan(x)@Union(R,"failed") case "failed" => false
+ true
+ ground x == retract(x)@R
+ mapExponents (fn:E -> E, x: %) ==
+ -- this default definition assumes that reductum is cheap
+ zero? x => 0
+ monomial(leadingCoefficient x,fn degree x)+mapExponents(fn,reductum x)
+ coefficients x ==
+ zero? x => empty()
+ concat(leadingCoefficient x, coefficients reductum x)
+ if R has Field then
+ x/r == map(#1/r,x)
+ if R has IntegralDomain then
+ x exquo r ==
+ -- probably not a very good definition in most special cases
+ zero? x => 0
+ ans:% :=0
+ t:=leadingCoefficient x exquo r
+ while not (t case "failed") and not zero? x repeat
+ ans:=ans+monomial(t::R,degree x)
+ x:=reductum x
+ if not zero? x then t:=leadingCoefficient x exquo r
+ t case "failed" => "failed"
+ ans
+ if R has GcdDomain then
+ content x == -- this assumes reductum is cheap
+ zero? x => 0
+ r:=leadingCoefficient x
+ x:=reductum x
+-- while not zero? x and not one? r repeat
+ while not zero? x and not (r = 1) repeat
+ r:=gcd(r,leadingCoefficient x)
+ x:=reductum x
+ r
+ primitivePart x ==
+ zero? x => x
+ c := content x
+ unitCanonical((x exquo c)::%)
+\section{category POLYCAT PolynomialCategory}
+<<category POLYCAT PolynomialCategory>>=
+)abbrev category POLYCAT PolynomialCategory
+++ Author:
+++ Date Created:
+++ Date Last Updated:
+++ Basic Functions: Ring, monomial, coefficient, differentiate, eval
+++ Related Constructors: Polynomial, DistributedMultivariatePolynomial
+++ Also See: UnivariatePolynomialCategory
+++ AMS Classifications:
+++ Keywords:
+++ References:
+++ Description:
+++ The category for general multi-variate polynomials over a ring
+++ R, in variables from VarSet, with exponents from the
+++ \spadtype{OrderedAbelianMonoidSup}.
+PolynomialCategory(R:Ring, E:OrderedAbelianMonoidSup, VarSet:OrderedSet):
+ Category ==
+ Join(PartialDifferentialRing VarSet, FiniteAbelianMonoidRing(R, E),
+ Evalable %, InnerEvalable(VarSet, R),
+ InnerEvalable(VarSet, %), RetractableTo VarSet,
+ FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver R) with
+ -- operations
+ degree : (%,VarSet) -> NonNegativeInteger
+ ++ degree(p,v) gives the degree of polynomial p with respect to the variable v.
+ degree : (%,List(VarSet)) -> List(NonNegativeInteger)
+ ++ degree(p,lv) gives the list of degrees of polynomial p
+ ++ with respect to each of the variables in the list lv.
+ coefficient: (%,VarSet,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ ++ coefficient(p,v,n) views the polynomial p as a univariate
+ ++ polynomial in v and returns the coefficient of the \spad{v**n} term.
+ coefficient: (%,List VarSet,List NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ ++ coefficient(p, lv, ln) views the polynomial p as a polynomial
+ ++ in the variables of lv and returns the coefficient of the term
+ ++ \spad{lv**ln}, i.e. \spad{prod(lv_i ** ln_i)}.
+ monomials: % -> List %
+ ++ monomials(p) returns the list of non-zero monomials of polynomial p, i.e.
+ ++ \spad{monomials(sum(a_(i) X^(i))) = [a_(1) X^(1),...,a_(n) X^(n)]}.
+ univariate : (%,VarSet) -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial(%)
+ ++ univariate(p,v) converts the multivariate polynomial p
+ ++ into a univariate polynomial in v, whose coefficients are still
+ ++ multivariate polynomials (in all the other variables).
+ univariate : % -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial(R)
+ ++ univariate(p) converts the multivariate polynomial p,
+ ++ which should actually involve only one variable,
+ ++ into a univariate polynomial
+ ++ in that variable, whose coefficients are in the ground ring.
+ ++ Error: if polynomial is genuinely multivariate
+ mainVariable : % -> Union(VarSet,"failed")
+ ++ mainVariable(p) returns the biggest variable which actually
+ ++ occurs in the polynomial p, or "failed" if no variables are
+ ++ present.
+ ++ fails precisely if polynomial satisfies ground?
+ minimumDegree : (%,VarSet) -> NonNegativeInteger
+ ++ minimumDegree(p,v) gives the minimum degree of polynomial p
+ ++ with respect to v, i.e. viewed a univariate polynomial in v
+ minimumDegree : (%,List(VarSet)) -> List(NonNegativeInteger)
+ ++ minimumDegree(p, lv) gives the list of minimum degrees of the
+ ++ polynomial p with respect to each of the variables in the list lv
+ monicDivide : (%,%,VarSet) -> Record(quotient:%,remainder:%)
+ ++ monicDivide(a,b,v) divides the polynomial a by the polynomial b,
+ ++ with each viewed as a univariate polynomial in v returning
+ ++ both the quotient and remainder.
+ ++ Error: if b is not monic with respect to v.
+ monomial : (%,VarSet,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ ++ monomial(a,x,n) creates the monomial \spad{a*x**n} where \spad{a} is
+ ++ a polynomial, x is a variable and n is a nonnegative integer.
+ monomial : (%,List VarSet,List NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ ++ monomial(a,[v1..vn],[e1..en]) returns \spad{a*prod(vi**ei)}.
+ multivariate : (SparseUnivariatePolynomial(R),VarSet) -> %
+ ++ multivariate(sup,v) converts an anonymous univariable
+ ++ polynomial sup to a polynomial in the variable v.
+ multivariate : (SparseUnivariatePolynomial(%),VarSet) -> %
+ ++ multivariate(sup,v) converts an anonymous univariable
+ ++ polynomial sup to a polynomial in the variable v.
+ isPlus: % -> Union(List %, "failed")
+ ++ isPlus(p) returns \spad{[m1,...,mn]} if polynomial \spad{p = m1 + ... + mn} and
+ ++ \spad{n >= 2} and each mi is a nonzero monomial.
+ isTimes: % -> Union(List %, "failed")
+ ++ isTimes(p) returns \spad{[a1,...,an]} if polynomial \spad{p = a1 ... an}
+ ++ and \spad{n >= 2}, and, for each i, ai is either a nontrivial constant in R or else of the
+ ++ form \spad{x**e}, where \spad{e > 0} is an integer and x in a member of VarSet.
+ isExpt: % -> Union(Record(var:VarSet, exponent:NonNegativeInteger),_
+ "failed")
+ ++ isExpt(p) returns \spad{[x, n]} if polynomial p has the form \spad{x**n} and \spad{n > 0}.
+ totalDegree : % -> NonNegativeInteger
+ ++ totalDegree(p) returns the largest sum over all monomials
+ ++ of all exponents of a monomial.
+ totalDegree : (%,List VarSet) -> NonNegativeInteger
+ ++ totalDegree(p, lv) returns the maximum sum (over all monomials of polynomial p)
+ ++ of the variables in the list lv.
+ variables : % -> List(VarSet)
+ ++ variables(p) returns the list of those variables actually
+ ++ appearing in the polynomial p.
+ primitiveMonomials: % -> List %
+ ++ primitiveMonomials(p) gives the list of monomials of the
+ ++ polynomial p with their coefficients removed.
+ ++ Note: \spad{primitiveMonomials(sum(a_(i) X^(i))) = [X^(1),...,X^(n)]}.
+ if R has OrderedSet then OrderedSet
+ -- OrderedRing view removed to allow EXPR to define abs
+ --if R has OrderedRing then OrderedRing
+ if (R has ConvertibleTo InputForm) and
+ (VarSet has ConvertibleTo InputForm) then
+ ConvertibleTo InputForm
+ if (R has ConvertibleTo Pattern Integer) and
+ (VarSet has ConvertibleTo Pattern Integer) then
+ ConvertibleTo Pattern Integer
+ if (R has ConvertibleTo Pattern Float) and
+ (VarSet has ConvertibleTo Pattern Float) then
+ ConvertibleTo Pattern Float
+ if (R has PatternMatchable Integer) and
+ (VarSet has PatternMatchable Integer) then
+ PatternMatchable Integer
+ if (R has PatternMatchable Float) and
+ (VarSet has PatternMatchable Float) then
+ PatternMatchable Float
+ if R has CommutativeRing then
+ resultant : (%,%,VarSet) -> %
+ ++ resultant(p,q,v) returns the resultant of the polynomials
+ ++ p and q with respect to the variable v.
+ discriminant : (%,VarSet) -> %
+ ++ discriminant(p,v) returns the disriminant of the polynomial p
+ ++ with respect to the variable v.
+ if R has GcdDomain then
+ GcdDomain
+ content: (%,VarSet) -> %
+ ++ content(p,v) is the gcd of the coefficients of the polynomial p
+ ++ when p is viewed as a univariate polynomial with respect to the
+ ++ variable v.
+ ++ Thus, for polynomial 7*x**2*y + 14*x*y**2, the gcd of the
+ ++ coefficients with respect to x is 7*y.
+ primitivePart: % -> %
+ ++ primitivePart(p) returns the unitCanonical associate of the
+ ++ polynomial p with its content divided out.
+ primitivePart: (%,VarSet) -> %
+ ++ primitivePart(p,v) returns the unitCanonical associate of the
+ ++ polynomial p with its content with respect to the variable v
+ ++ divided out.
+ squareFree: % -> Factored %
+ ++ squareFree(p) returns the square free factorization of the
+ ++ polynomial p.
+ squareFreePart: % -> %
+ ++ squareFreePart(p) returns product of all the irreducible factors
+ ++ of polynomial p each taken with multiplicity one.
+ -- assertions
+ if R has canonicalUnitNormal then canonicalUnitNormal
+ ++ we can choose a unique representative for each
+ ++ associate class.
+ ++ This normalization is chosen to be normalization of
+ ++ leading coefficient (by default).
+ if R has PolynomialFactorizationExplicit then
+ PolynomialFactorizationExplicit
+ add
+ p:%
+ v:VarSet
+ ln:List NonNegativeInteger
+ lv:List VarSet
+ n:NonNegativeInteger
+ pp,qq:SparseUnivariatePolynomial %
+ eval(p:%, l:List Equation %) ==
+ empty? l => p
+ for e in l repeat
+ retractIfCan(lhs e)@Union(VarSet,"failed") case "failed" =>
+ error "cannot find a variable to evaluate"
+ lvar:=[retract(lhs e)@VarSet for e in l]
+ eval(p, lvar,[rhs e for e in l]$List(%))
+ monomials p ==
+-- zero? p => empty()
+-- concat(leadingMonomial p, monomials reductum p)
+-- replaced by sequential version for efficiency, by WMSIT, 7/30/90
+ ml:= empty$List(%)
+ while p ^= 0 repeat
+ ml:=concat(leadingMonomial p, ml)
+ p:= reductum p
+ reverse ml
+ isPlus p ==
+ empty? rest(l := monomials p) => "failed"
+ l
+ isTimes p ==
+ empty?(lv := variables p) or not monomial? p => "failed"
+ l := [monomial(1, v, degree(p, v)) for v in lv]
+-- one?(r := leadingCoefficient p) =>
+ ((r := leadingCoefficient p) = 1) =>
+ empty? rest lv => "failed"
+ l
+ concat(r::%, l)
+ isExpt p ==
+ (u := mainVariable p) case "failed" => "failed"
+ p = monomial(1, u::VarSet, d := degree(p, u::VarSet)) =>
+ [u::VarSet, d]
+ "failed"
+ coefficient(p,v,n) == coefficient(univariate(p,v),n)
+ coefficient(p,lv,ln) ==
+ empty? lv =>
+ empty? ln => p
+ error "mismatched lists in coefficient"
+ empty? ln => error "mismatched lists in coefficient"
+ coefficient(coefficient(univariate(p,first lv),first ln),
+ rest lv,rest ln)
+ monomial(p,lv,ln) ==
+ empty? lv =>
+ empty? ln => p
+ error "mismatched lists in monomial"
+ empty? ln => error "mismatched lists in monomial"
+ monomial(monomial(p,first lv, first ln),rest lv, rest ln)
+ retract(p:%):VarSet ==
+ q := mainVariable(p)::VarSet
+ q::% = p => q
+ error "Polynomial is not a single variable"
+ retractIfCan(p:%):Union(VarSet, "failed") ==
+ ((q := mainVariable p) case VarSet) and (q::VarSet::% = p) => q
+ "failed"
+ mkPrim(p:%):% == monomial(1,degree p)
+ primitiveMonomials p == [mkPrim q for q in monomials p]
+ totalDegree p ==
+ ground? p => 0
+ u := univariate(p, mainVariable(p)::VarSet)
+ d: NonNegativeInteger := 0
+ while u ^= 0 repeat
+ d := max(d, degree u + totalDegree leadingCoefficient u)
+ u := reductum u
+ d
+ totalDegree(p,lv) ==
+ ground? p => 0
+ u := univariate(p, v:=(mainVariable(p)::VarSet))
+ d: NonNegativeInteger := 0
+ w: NonNegativeInteger := 0
+ if member?(v, lv) then w:=1
+ while u ^= 0 repeat
+ d := max(d, w*(degree u) + totalDegree(leadingCoefficient u,lv))
+ u := reductum u
+ d
+ if R has CommutativeRing then
+ resultant(p1,p2,mvar) ==
+ resultant(univariate(p1,mvar),univariate(p2,mvar))
+ discriminant(p,var) ==
+ discriminant(univariate(p,var))
+ if R has IntegralDomain then
+ allMonoms(l:List %):List(%) ==
+ removeDuplicates_! concat [primitiveMonomials p for p in l]
+ P2R(p:%, b:List E, n:NonNegativeInteger):Vector(R) ==
+ w := new(n, 0)$Vector(R)
+ for i in minIndex w .. maxIndex w for bj in b repeat
+ qsetelt_!(w, i, coefficient(p, bj))
+ w
+ eq2R(l:List %, b:List E):Matrix(R) ==
+ matrix [[coefficient(p, bj) for p in l] for bj in b]
+ reducedSystem(m:Matrix %):Matrix(R) ==
+ l := listOfLists m
+ b := removeDuplicates_!
+ concat [allMonoms r for r in l]$List(List(%))
+ d := [degree bj for bj in b]
+ mm := eq2R(first l, d)
+ l := rest l
+ while not empty? l repeat
+ mm := vertConcat(mm, eq2R(first l, d))
+ l := rest l
+ mm
+ reducedSystem(m:Matrix %, v:Vector %):
+ Record(mat:Matrix R, vec:Vector R) ==
+ l := listOfLists m
+ r := entries v
+ b : List % := removeDuplicates_! concat(allMonoms r,
+ concat [allMonoms s for s in l]$List(List(%)))
+ d := [degree bj for bj in b]
+ n := #d
+ mm := eq2R(first l, d)
+ w := P2R(first r, d, n)
+ l := rest l
+ r := rest r
+ while not empty? l repeat
+ mm := vertConcat(mm, eq2R(first l, d))
+ w := concat(w, P2R(first r, d, n))
+ l := rest l
+ r := rest r
+ [mm, w]
+ if R has PolynomialFactorizationExplicit then
+ -- we might be in trouble if its actually only
+ -- a univariate polynomial category - have to remember to
+ -- over-ride these in UnivariatePolynomialCategory
+ PFBR ==>PolynomialFactorizationByRecursion(R,E,VarSet,%)
+ gcdPolynomial(pp,qq) ==
+ gcdPolynomial(pp,qq)$GeneralPolynomialGcdPackage(E,VarSet,R,%)
+ solveLinearPolynomialEquation(lpp,pp) ==
+ solveLinearPolynomialEquationByRecursion(lpp,pp)$PFBR
+ factorPolynomial(pp) ==
+ factorByRecursion(pp)$PFBR
+ factorSquareFreePolynomial(pp) ==
+ factorSquareFreeByRecursion(pp)$PFBR
+ factor p ==
+ v:Union(VarSet,"failed"):=mainVariable p
+ v case "failed" =>
+ ansR:=factor leadingCoefficient p
+ makeFR(unit(ansR)::%,
+ [[w.flg,w.fctr::%,w.xpnt] for w in factorList ansR])
+ up:SparseUnivariatePolynomial %:=univariate(p,v)
+ ansSUP:=factorByRecursion(up)$PFBR
+ makeFR(multivariate(unit(ansSUP),v),
+ [[ww.flg,multivariate(ww.fctr,v),ww.xpnt]
+ for ww in factorList ansSUP])
+ if R has CharacteristicNonZero then
+ mat: Matrix %
+ conditionP mat ==
+ ll:=listOfLists transpose mat -- hence each list corresponds to a
+ -- column, i.e. to one variable
+ llR:List List R := [ empty() for z in first ll]
+ monslist:List List % := empty()
+ ch:=characteristic()$%
+ for l in ll repeat
+ mons:= "setUnion"/[primitiveMonomials u for u in l]
+ redmons:List % :=[]
+ for m in mons repeat
+ vars:=variables m
+ degs:=degree(m,vars)
+ deg1:List NonNegativeInteger
+ deg1:=[ ((nd:=d:Integer exquo ch:Integer)
+ case "failed" => return "failed" ;
+ nd::Integer::NonNegativeInteger)
+ for d in degs ]
+ redmons:=[monomial(1,vars,deg1),:redmons]
+ llR:=[[ground coefficient(u,vars,degs),:v] for u in l for v in llR]
+ monslist:=[redmons,:monslist]
+ ans:=conditionP transpose matrix llR
+ ans case "failed" => "failed"
+ i:NonNegativeInteger:=0
+ [ +/[m*(ans.(i:=i+1))::% for m in mons ]
+ for mons in monslist]
+ if R has CharacteristicNonZero then
+ charthRootlv: (%,List VarSet,NonNegativeInteger) -> Union(%,"failed")
+ charthRoot p ==
+ vars:= variables p
+ empty? vars =>
+ ans := charthRoot ground p
+ ans case "failed" => "failed"
+ ans::R::%
+ ch:=characteristic()$%
+ charthRootlv(p,vars,ch)
+ charthRootlv(p,vars,ch) ==
+ empty? vars =>
+ ans := charthRoot ground p
+ ans case "failed" => "failed"
+ ans::R::%
+ v:=first vars
+ vars:=rest vars
+ d:=degree(p,v)
+ ans:% := 0
+ while (d>0) repeat
+ (dd:=(d::Integer exquo ch::Integer)) case "failed" =>
+ return "failed"
+ cp:=coefficient(p,v,d)
+ p:=p-monomial(cp,v,d)
+ ansx:=charthRootlv(cp,vars,ch)
+ ansx case "failed" => return "failed"
+ d:=degree(p,v)
+ ans:=ans+monomial(ansx,v,dd::Integer::NonNegativeInteger)
+ ansx:=charthRootlv(p,vars,ch)
+ ansx case "failed" => return "failed"
+ return ans+ansx
+ monicDivide(p1,p2,mvar) ==
+ result:=monicDivide(univariate(p1,mvar),univariate(p2,mvar))
+ [multivariate(result.quotient,mvar),
+ multivariate(result.remainder,mvar)]
+ if R has GcdDomain then
+ if R has EuclideanDomain and R has CharacteristicZero then
+ squareFree p == squareFree(p)$MultivariateSquareFree(E,VarSet,R,%)
+ else
+ squareFree p == squareFree(p)$PolynomialSquareFree(VarSet,E,R,%)
+ squareFreePart p ==
+ unit(s := squareFree p) * */[f.factor for f in factors s]
+ content(p,v) == content univariate(p,v)
+ primitivePart p ==
+ unitNormal((p exquo content p) ::%).canonical
+ primitivePart(p,v) ==
+ unitNormal((p exquo content(p,v)) ::%).canonical
+ if R has OrderedSet then
+ p:% < q:% ==
+ (dp:= degree p) < (dq := degree q) => (leadingCoefficient q) > 0
+ dq < dp => (leadingCoefficient p) < 0
+ leadingCoefficient(p - q) < 0
+ if (R has PatternMatchable Integer) and
+ (VarSet has PatternMatchable Integer) then
+ patternMatch(p:%, pat:Pattern Integer,
+ l:PatternMatchResult(Integer, %)) ==
+ patternMatch(p, pat,
+ l)$PatternMatchPolynomialCategory(Integer,E,VarSet,R,%)
+ if (R has PatternMatchable Float) and
+ (VarSet has PatternMatchable Float) then
+ patternMatch(p:%, pat:Pattern Float,
+ l:PatternMatchResult(Float, %)) ==
+ patternMatch(p, pat,
+ l)$PatternMatchPolynomialCategory(Float,E,VarSet,R,%)
+ if (R has ConvertibleTo Pattern Integer) and
+ (VarSet has ConvertibleTo Pattern Integer) then
+ convert(x:%):Pattern(Integer) ==
+ map(convert, convert,
+ x)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(E,VarSet,R,%,Pattern Integer)
+ if (R has ConvertibleTo Pattern Float) and
+ (VarSet has ConvertibleTo Pattern Float) then
+ convert(x:%):Pattern(Float) ==
+ map(convert, convert,
+ x)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(E, VarSet, R, %, Pattern Float)
+ if (R has ConvertibleTo InputForm) and
+ (VarSet has ConvertibleTo InputForm) then
+ convert(p:%):InputForm ==
+ map(convert, convert,
+ p)$PolynomialCategoryLifting(E,VarSet,R,%,InputForm)
+\section{POLYCAT.lsp BOOTSTRAP}
+{\bf POLYCAT} depends on itself. We need to break this cycle to build
+the algebra. So we keep a cached copy of the translated {\bf POLYCAT}
+category which we can write into the {\bf MID} directory. We compile
+the lisp code and copy the {\bf POLYCAT.o} file to the {\bf OUT} directory.
+This is eventually forcibly replaced by a recompiled version.
+Note that this code is not included in the generated catdef.spad file.
+(SETQ |PolynomialCategory;CAT| (QUOTE NIL))
+(SETQ |PolynomialCategory;AL| (QUOTE NIL))
+(DEFUN |PolynomialCategory| (|&REST| #1=#:G101841 |&AUX| #2=#:G101839)
+ (DSETQ #2# #1#)
+ (LET (#3=#:G101840)
+ ((SETQ #3# (|assoc| (|devaluateList| #2#) |PolynomialCategory;AL|))
+ (CDR #3#))
+ (T
+ (SETQ |PolynomialCategory;AL|
+ (|cons5|
+ (|devaluateList| #2#)
+ (SETQ #3# (APPLY (FUNCTION |PolynomialCategory;|) #2#)))
+ |PolynomialCategory;AL|))
+ #3#))))
+(DEFUN |PolynomialCategory;| (|t#1| |t#2| |t#3|)
+ (PROG (#1=#:G101838)
+ (PROG1
+ (LETT #1#
+ (|sublisV|
+ (QUOTE (|t#1| |t#2| |t#3|))
+ (|devaluate| |t#1|)
+ (|devaluate| |t#2|)
+ (|devaluate| |t#3|)))
+ (|PolynomialCategory;CAT|)
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (LETT |PolynomialCategory;CAT|
+ (|Join|
+ (|PartialDifferentialRing| (QUOTE |t#3|))
+ (|FiniteAbelianMonoidRing| (QUOTE |t#1|) (QUOTE |t#2|))
+ (|Evalable| (QUOTE |$|))
+ (|InnerEvalable| (QUOTE |t#3|) (QUOTE |t#1|))
+ (|InnerEvalable| (QUOTE |t#3|) (QUOTE |$|))
+ (|RetractableTo| (QUOTE |t#3|))
+ (|FullyLinearlyExplicitRingOver| (QUOTE |t#1|))
+ (|mkCategory|
+ (QUOTE |domain|)
+ (QUOTE (
+ ((|degree| ((|NonNegativeInteger|) |$| |t#3|)) T)
+ ((|degree|
+ ((|List| (|NonNegativeInteger|))
+ |$|
+ (|List| |t#3|))) T)
+ ((|coefficient|
+ (|$| |$| |t#3| (|NonNegativeInteger|))) T)
+ ((|coefficient|
+ (|$|
+ |$|
+ (|List| |t#3|)
+ (|List| (|NonNegativeInteger|)))) T)
+ ((|monomials| ((|List| |$|) |$|)) T)
+ ((|univariate|
+ ((|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| |$|) |$| |t#3|)) T)
+ ((|univariate|
+ ((|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| |t#1|) |$|)) T)
+ ((|mainVariable| ((|Union| |t#3| "failed") |$|)) T)
+ ((|minimumDegree|
+ ((|NonNegativeInteger|) |$| |t#3|)) T)
+ ((|minimumDegree|
+ ((|List| (|NonNegativeInteger|))
+ |$|
+ (|List| |t#3|))) T)
+ ((|monicDivide|
+ ((|Record|
+ (|:| |quotient| |$|)
+ (|:| |remainder| |$|))
+ |$|
+ |$|
+ |t#3|)) T)
+ ((|monomial| (|$| |$| |t#3| (|NonNegativeInteger|))) T)
+ ((|monomial|
+ (|$|
+ |$|
+ (|List| |t#3|)
+ (|List| (|NonNegativeInteger|)))) T)
+ ((|multivariate|
+ (|$| (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| |t#1|) |t#3|)) T)
+ ((|multivariate|
+ (|$| (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| |$|) |t#3|)) T)
+ ((|isPlus| ((|Union| (|List| |$|) "failed") |$|)) T)
+ ((|isTimes| ((|Union| (|List| |$|) "failed") |$|)) T)
+ ((|isExpt|
+ ((|Union|
+ (|Record|
+ (|:| |var| |t#3|)
+ (|:| |exponent| (|NonNegativeInteger|)))
+ "failed")
+ |$|)) T)
+ ((|totalDegree| ((|NonNegativeInteger|) |$|)) T)
+ ((|totalDegree|
+ ((|NonNegativeInteger|) |$| (|List| |t#3|))) T)
+ ((|variables| ((|List| |t#3|) |$|)) T)
+ ((|primitiveMonomials| ((|List| |$|) |$|)) T)
+ ((|resultant| (|$| |$| |$| |t#3|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|CommutativeRing|)))
+ ((|discriminant| (|$| |$| |t#3|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|CommutativeRing|)))
+ ((|content| (|$| |$| |t#3|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|GcdDomain|)))
+ ((|primitivePart| (|$| |$|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|GcdDomain|)))
+ ((|primitivePart| (|$| |$| |t#3|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|GcdDomain|)))
+ ((|squareFree| ((|Factored| |$|) |$|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|GcdDomain|)))
+ ((|squareFreePart| (|$| |$|)) (
+ |has| |t#1| (|GcdDomain|)))))
+ (QUOTE (
+ ((|OrderedSet|) (|has| |t#1| (|OrderedSet|)))
+ ((|ConvertibleTo| (|InputForm|))
+ (AND
+ (|has| |t#3| (|ConvertibleTo| (|InputForm|)))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|ConvertibleTo| (|InputForm|)))))
+ ((|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Integer|)))
+ (AND
+ (|has| |t#3|
+ (|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Integer|))))
+ (|has| |t#1|
+ (|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Integer|))))))
+ ((|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Float|)))
+ (AND
+ (|has| |t#3|
+ (|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Float|))))
+ (|has| |t#1|
+ (|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Float|))))))
+ ((|PatternMatchable| (|Integer|))
+ (AND
+ (|has| |t#3| (|PatternMatchable| (|Integer|)))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|PatternMatchable| (|Integer|)))))
+ ((|PatternMatchable| (|Float|))
+ (AND
+ (|has| |t#3| (|PatternMatchable| (|Float|)))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|PatternMatchable| (|Float|)))))
+ ((|GcdDomain|) (|has| |t#1| (|GcdDomain|)))
+ (|canonicalUnitNormal|
+ (|has| |t#1| (ATTRIBUTE |canonicalUnitNormal|)))
+ ((|PolynomialFactorizationExplicit|)
+ (|has| |t#1| (|PolynomialFactorizationExplicit|)))))
+ (QUOTE (
+ (|Factored| |$|)
+ (|List| |$|)
+ (|List| |t#3|)
+ (|NonNegativeInteger|)
+ (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| |$|)
+ (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| |t#1|)
+ (|List| (|NonNegativeInteger|))))
+ NIL))
+ . #2=(|PolynomialCategory|)))))
+ . #2#)
+ (SETELT #1# 0
+ (QUOTE |PolynomialCategory|)
+ (|devaluate| |t#1|)
+ (|devaluate| |t#2|)
+ (|devaluate| |t#3|)))))))
+\section{POLYCAT-.lsp BOOTSTRAP}
+{\bf POLYCAT-} depends on {\bf POLYCAT}. We need to break this cycle to build
+the algebra. So we keep a cached copy of the translated {\bf POLYCAT-}
+category which we can write into the {\bf MID} directory. We compile
+the lisp code and copy the {\bf POLYCAT-.o} file to the {\bf OUT} directory.
+This is eventually forcibly replaced by a recompiled version.
+Note that this code is not included in the generated catdef.spad file.
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1| (|p| |l| |$|)
+ (PROG (#1=#:G101870 #2=#:G101860 #3=#:G101868 #4=#:G101869
+ |lvar| #5=#:G101866 |e| #6=#:G101867)
+ (SEQ
+ ((NULL |l|) |p|)
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (SEQ
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |e| NIL |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+ (LETT #1# |l| |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #1#)
+ (PROGN (LETT |e| (CAR #1#) |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|) NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (SPADCALL |e| (QREFELT |$| 11))
+ (QREFELT |$| 13))
+ 1)
+ (LETT #2#
+ (|error| "cannot find a variable to evaluate")
+ |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+ (GO #2#))))))
+ (LETT #1# (CDR #1#) |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT NIL)))
+ #2#
+ (EXIT #2#))
+ (LETT |lvar|
+ (LETT #3# NIL |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |e| NIL |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+ (LETT #4# |l| |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #4#)
+ (LETT |e| (CAR #4#) |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|) NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #3#
+ (SPADCALL |e| (QREFELT |$| 11))
+ (QREFELT |$| 14))
+ #3#)
+ |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)))
+ (LETT #4# (CDR #4#) |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #3#))))
+ |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+ |p|
+ |lvar|
+ (LETT #5# NIL |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |e| NIL |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+ (LETT #6# |l| |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #6#)
+ (LETT |e| (CAR #6#) |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #5#
+ (CONS (SPADCALL |e| (QREFELT |$| 15)) #5#)
+ |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)))
+ (LETT #6# (CDR #6#) |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #5#))))
+ (QREFELT |$| 18))))))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;monomials;SL;2| (|p| |$|)
+ (PROG (|ml|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |ml| NIL |POLYCAT-;monomials;SL;2|)
+ (SEQ G190
+ ((NULL
+ ((SPADCALL |p| (|spadConstant| |$| 21) (QREFELT |$| 24))
+ ((QUOTE T) (QUOTE T))))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |ml|
+ (CONS (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 25)) |ml|)
+ |POLYCAT-;monomials;SL;2|)
+ (LETT |p|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 26))
+ |POLYCAT-;monomials;SL;2|)))
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (REVERSE |ml|))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;isPlus;SU;3| (|p| |$|)
+ (PROG (|l|)
+ ((NULL
+ (CDR
+ (LETT |l|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 28))
+ |POLYCAT-;isPlus;SU;3|)))
+ (CONS 1 "failed"))
+ ((QUOTE T) (CONS 0 |l|))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4| (|p| |$|)
+ (PROG (|lv| #1=#:G101892 |v| #2=#:G101893 |l| |r|)
+ (SEQ
+ ((OR
+ (LETT |lv|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 31))
+ |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|))
+ (NULL (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 32))))
+ (CONS 1 "failed"))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |l|
+ (LETT #1# NIL |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |v| NIL |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|)
+ (LETT #2# |lv| |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #2#)
+ (LETT |v| (CAR #2#) |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #1#
+ (|spadConstant| |$| 33)
+ |v|
+ (SPADCALL |p| |v| (QREFELT |$| 36))
+ (QREFELT |$| 37))
+ #1#)
+ |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|)))
+ (LETT #2# (CDR #2#) |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #1#))))
+ |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|)
+ (LETT |r|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 38))
+ |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 39))
+ ((NULL (CDR |lv|)) (CONS 1 "failed"))
+ ((QUOTE T) (CONS 0 |l|))))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (CONS 0
+ (CONS (SPADCALL |r| (QREFELT |$| 40)) |l|))))))))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;isExpt;SU;5| (|p| |$|)
+ (PROG (|u| |d|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |u| (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 42)) |POLYCAT-;isExpt;SU;5|)
+ ((OR
+ (QEQCAR |u| 1)
+ (|spadConstant| |$| 33)
+ (QCDR |u|)
+ (LETT |d|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QCDR |u|) (QREFELT |$| 36))
+ |POLYCAT-;isExpt;SU;5|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 37))
+ (QREFELT |$| 24))))
+ (CONS 1 "failed"))
+ ((QUOTE T) (CONS 0 (CONS (QCDR |u|) |d|)))))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;coefficient;SVarSetNniS;6| (|p| |v| |n| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| |v| (QREFELT |$| 47)) |n| (QREFELT |$| 49)))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;coefficient;SLLS;7| (|p| |lv| |ln| |$|)
+ ((NULL |lv|)
+ ((NULL |ln|) |p|)
+ ((QUOTE T) (|error| "mismatched lists in coefficient"))))
+ ((NULL |ln|)
+ (|error| "mismatched lists in coefficient"))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SPADCALL |p| (|SPADfirst| |lv|) (QREFELT |$| 47))
+ (|SPADfirst| |ln|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 49))
+ (CDR |lv|)
+ (CDR |ln|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 52)))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;monomial;SLLS;8| (|p| |lv| |ln| |$|)
+ ((NULL |lv|)
+ ((NULL |ln|) |p|)
+ ((QUOTE T) (|error| "mismatched lists in monomial"))))
+ ((NULL |ln|)
+ (|error| "mismatched lists in monomial"))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SPADCALL |p| (|SPADfirst| |lv|) (|SPADfirst| |ln|) (QREFELT |$| 37))
+ (CDR |lv|)
+ (CDR |ln|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 54)))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;retract;SVarSet;9| (|p| |$|)
+ (PROG (#1=#:G101918 |q|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |q|
+ (PROG2
+ (LETT #1#
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 42))
+ |POLYCAT-;retract;SVarSet;9|)
+ (QCDR #1#)
+ (|check-union| (QEQCAR #1# 0) (QREFELT |$| 9) #1#))
+ |POLYCAT-;retract;SVarSet;9|)
+ (SPADCALL |q| (QREFELT |$| 56))
+ |p|
+ (QREFELT |$| 24))
+ |q|)
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (|error| "Polynomial is not a single variable"))))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;retractIfCan;SU;10| (|p| |$|)
+ (PROG (|q| #1=#:G101926)
+ (SEQ
+ (SEQ
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |q|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 42))
+ |POLYCAT-;retractIfCan;SU;10|)
+ ((QEQCAR |q| 0)
+ (SPADCALL (QCDR |q|) (QREFELT |$| 56))
+ |p|
+ (QREFELT |$| 24))
+ (LETT #1# |q| |POLYCAT-;retractIfCan;SU;10|)
+ (GO #1#))))))))
+ (EXIT (CONS 1 "failed"))))
+ #1#
+ (EXIT #1#)))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;mkPrim| (|p| |$|)
+ (|spadConstant| |$| 34)
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 59))
+ (QREFELT |$| 60)))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;primitiveMonomials;SL;12| (|p| |$|)
+ (PROG (#1=#:G101931 |q| #2=#:G101932)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #1# NIL |POLYCAT-;primitiveMonomials;SL;12|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |q| NIL |POLYCAT-;primitiveMonomials;SL;12|)
+ (LETT #2#
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 28))
+ |POLYCAT-;primitiveMonomials;SL;12|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #2#)
+ (LETT |q| (CAR #2#) |POLYCAT-;primitiveMonomials;SL;12|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #1#
+ (|POLYCAT-;mkPrim| |q| |$|)
+ #1#)
+ |POLYCAT-;primitiveMonomials;SL;12|)))
+ (LETT #2# (CDR #2#) |POLYCAT-;primitiveMonomials;SL;12|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #1#))))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SNni;13| (|p| |$|)
+ (PROG (#1=#:G101934 |d| |u|)
+ (SEQ
+ ((SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 62)) 0)
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |u|
+ (PROG2
+ (LETT #1#
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 42))
+ |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SNni;13|)
+ (QCDR #1#)
+ (|check-union| (QEQCAR #1# 0) (QREFELT |$| 9) #1#))
+ (QREFELT |$| 47))
+ |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SNni;13|)
+ (LETT |d| 0 |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SNni;13|)
+ (SEQ G190
+ ((NULL
+ ((SPADCALL |u| (|spadConstant| |$| 63) (QREFELT |$| 64))
+ ((QUOTE T) (QUOTE T)))) (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |d|
+ (MAX |d|
+ (|+|
+ (SPADCALL |u| (QREFELT |$| 65))
+ (SPADCALL |u| (QREFELT |$| 66))
+ (QREFELT |$| 67))))
+ |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SNni;13|)
+ (LETT |u|
+ (SPADCALL |u| (QREFELT |$| 68))
+ |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SNni;13|)))
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT |d|))))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14| (|p| |lv| |$|)
+ (PROG (#1=#:G101942 |v| |w| |d| |u|)
+ (SEQ
+ ((SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 62)) 0)
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |u|
+ (LETT |v|
+ (PROG2
+ (LETT #1#
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 42))
+ |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|)
+ (QCDR #1#)
+ (|check-union| (QEQCAR #1# 0) (QREFELT |$| 9) #1#))
+ |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 47))
+ |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|)
+ (LETT |d| 0 |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|)
+ (LETT |w| 0 |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|)
+ ((SPADCALL |v| |lv| (QREFELT |$| 70))
+ (LETT |w| 1 |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|)))
+ (SEQ G190
+ ((NULL
+ ((SPADCALL |u| (|spadConstant| |$| 63) (QREFELT |$| 64))
+ ((QUOTE T) (QUOTE T))))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |d|
+ (MAX |d|
+ (|+|
+ (|*| |w| (SPADCALL |u| (QREFELT |$| 65)))
+ (SPADCALL |u| (QREFELT |$| 66))
+ |lv|
+ (QREFELT |$| 71))))
+ |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|)
+ (LETT |u|
+ (SPADCALL |u| (QREFELT |$| 68))
+ |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|)))
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT |d|))))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;resultant;2SVarSetS;15| (|p1| |p2| |mvar| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |p1| |mvar| (QREFELT |$| 47))
+ (SPADCALL |p2| |mvar| (QREFELT |$| 47))
+ (QREFELT |$| 73)))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;discriminant;SVarSetS;16| (|p| |var| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| |var| (QREFELT |$| 47)) (QREFELT |$| 75)))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;allMonoms| (|l| |$|)
+ (PROG (#1=#:G101954 |p| #2=#:G101955)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #1# NIL |POLYCAT-;allMonoms|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |p| NIL |POLYCAT-;allMonoms|)
+ (LETT #2# |l| |POLYCAT-;allMonoms|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #2#)
+ (PROGN (LETT |p| (CAR #2#) |POLYCAT-;allMonoms|) NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #1#
+ (CONS (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 77)) #1#)
+ |POLYCAT-;allMonoms|)))
+ (LETT #2# (CDR #2#) |POLYCAT-;allMonoms|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #1#))))
+ (QREFELT |$| 79))
+ (QREFELT |$| 80))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;P2R| (|p| |b| |n| |$|)
+ (PROG (|w| |bj| #1=#:G101960 |i| #2=#:G101959)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |w|
+ (SPADCALL |n| (|spadConstant| |$| 22) (QREFELT |$| 82))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |bj| NIL |POLYCAT-;P2R|)
+ (LETT #1# |b| |POLYCAT-;P2R|)
+ (LETT |i| (SPADCALL |w| (QREFELT |$| 84)) |POLYCAT-;P2R|)
+ (LETT #2# (QVSIZE |w|) |POLYCAT-;P2R|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (|>| |i| #2#)
+ (ATOM #1#)
+ (PROGN (LETT |bj| (CAR #1#) |POLYCAT-;P2R|) NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (SPADCALL |w| |i|
+ (SPADCALL |p| |bj| (QREFELT |$| 85))
+ (QREFELT |$| 86))))
+ (LETT |i|
+ (PROG1
+ (|+| |i| 1)
+ (LETT #1# (CDR #1#) |POLYCAT-;P2R|))
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT |w|)))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;eq2R| (|l| |b| |$|)
+ (PROG (#1=#:G101964 |bj| #2=#:G101965 #3=#:G101966 |p| #4=#:G101967)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #1# NIL |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |bj| NIL |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+ (LETT #2# |b| |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #2#)
+ (PROGN (LETT |bj| (CAR #2#) |POLYCAT-;eq2R|) NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #1#
+ (LETT #3# NIL |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |p| NIL |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+ (LETT #4# |l| |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #4#)
+ (LETT |p| (CAR #4#) |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #3#
+ (CONS (SPADCALL |p| |bj| (QREFELT |$| 85)) #3#)
+ |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)))
+ (LETT #4# (CDR #4#) |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #3#))))
+ #1#)
+ |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)))
+ (LETT #2# (CDR #2#) |POLYCAT-;eq2R|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #1#))))
+ (QREFELT |$| 89))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20| (|m| |$|)
+ (PROG (#1=#:G101979 |r| #2=#:G101980 |b| #3=#:G101977
+ |bj| #4=#:G101978 |d| |mm| |l|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |l|
+ (SPADCALL |m| (QREFELT |$| 92))
+ |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+ (LETT |b|
+ (LETT #1# NIL |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |r| NIL |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+ (LETT #2# |l| |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #2#)
+ (LETT |r| (CAR #2#) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #1#
+ (CONS (|POLYCAT-;allMonoms| |r| |$|) #1#)
+ |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)))
+ (LETT #2# (CDR #2#) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #1#))))
+ (QREFELT |$| 79))
+ (QREFELT |$| 80))
+ |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+ (LETT |d|
+ (LETT #3# NIL |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |bj| NIL |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+ (LETT #4# |b| |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #4#)
+ (LETT |bj| (CAR #4#) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #3#
+ (CONS (SPADCALL |bj| (QREFELT |$| 59)) #3#)
+ |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)))
+ (LETT #4# (CDR #4#) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #3#))))
+ |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+ (LETT |mm|
+ (|POLYCAT-;eq2R| (|SPADfirst| |l|) |d| |$|)
+ |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+ (LETT |l| (CDR |l|) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+ (SEQ G190
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |mm|
+ (SPADCALL |mm|
+ (|POLYCAT-;eq2R| (|SPADfirst| |l|) |d| |$|) (QREFELT |$| 93))
+ |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)
+ (EXIT (LETT |l| (CDR |l|) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|)))
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT |mm|)))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21| (|m| |v| |$|)
+ (PROG (#1=#:G101994 |s| #2=#:G101995 |b| #3=#:G101992 |bj| #4=#:G101993
+ |d| |n| |mm| |w| |l| |r|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |l| (SPADCALL |m| (QREFELT |$| 92)) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (LETT |r| (SPADCALL |v| (QREFELT |$| 97)) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (LETT |b|
+ (|POLYCAT-;allMonoms| |r| |$|)
+ (LETT #1# NIL |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |s| NIL |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (LETT #2# |l| |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #2#)
+ (LETT |s| (CAR #2#) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #1#
+ (CONS (|POLYCAT-;allMonoms| |s| |$|) #1#)
+ |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)))
+ (LETT #2# (CDR #2#) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #1#))))
+ (QREFELT |$| 79))
+ (QREFELT |$| 98))
+ (QREFELT |$| 80))
+ |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (LETT |d|
+ (LETT #3# NIL |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |bj| NIL |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (LETT #4# |b| |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #4#)
+ (LETT |bj| (CAR #4#) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #3#
+ (CONS (SPADCALL |bj| (QREFELT |$| 59)) #3#)
+ |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)))
+ (LETT #4# (CDR #4#) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #3#))))
+ |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (LETT |n| (LENGTH |d|) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (LETT |mm|
+ (|POLYCAT-;eq2R| (|SPADfirst| |l|) |d| |$|)
+ |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (LETT |w|
+ (|POLYCAT-;P2R| (|SPADfirst| |r|) |d| |n| |$|)
+ |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (LETT |l| (CDR |l|) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (LETT |r| (CDR |r|) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (SEQ G190
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |mm|
+ (SPADCALL |mm|
+ (|POLYCAT-;eq2R| (|SPADfirst| |l|) |d| |$|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 93))
+ |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (LETT |w|
+ (|POLYCAT-;P2R| (|SPADfirst| |r|) |d| |n| |$|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 99))
+ |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (LETT |l| (CDR |l|) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ (EXIT (LETT |r| (CDR |r|) |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)))
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (CONS |mm| |w|))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;gcdPolynomial;3Sup;22| (|pp| |qq| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |pp| |qq| (QREFELT |$| 104)))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;solveLinearPolynomialEquation;LSupU;23| (|lpp| |pp| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |lpp| |pp| (QREFELT |$| 109)))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;factorPolynomial;SupF;24| (|pp| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |pp| (QREFELT |$| 114)))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;factorSquareFreePolynomial;SupF;25| (|pp| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |pp| (QREFELT |$| 117)))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26| (|p| |$|)
+ (PROG (|v| |ansR| #1=#:G102039 |w| #2=#:G102040 |up| |ansSUP|
+ #3=#:G102037 |ww| #4=#:G102038)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |v| (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 42)) |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+ ((QEQCAR |v| 1)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |ansR|
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 38)) (QREFELT |$| 120))
+ |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+ (SPADCALL |ansR| (QREFELT |$| 122))
+ (QREFELT |$| 40))
+ (LETT #1# NIL |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |w| NIL |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+ (LETT #2#
+ (SPADCALL |ansR| (QREFELT |$| 126))
+ |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #2#)
+ (LETT |w| (CAR #2#) |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #1#
+ (QVELT |w| 0)
+ (SPADCALL (QVELT |w| 1) (QREFELT |$| 40))
+ (QVELT |w| 2))
+ #1#)
+ |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)))
+ (LETT #2# (CDR #2#) |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #1#))))
+ (QREFELT |$| 130)))))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |up|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QCDR |v|) (QREFELT |$| 47))
+ |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+ (LETT |ansSUP|
+ (SPADCALL |up| (QREFELT |$| 114))
+ |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+ (SPADCALL |ansSUP| (QREFELT |$| 131))
+ (QCDR |v|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 132))
+ (LETT #3# NIL |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |ww| NIL |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+ (LETT #4#
+ (SPADCALL |ansSUP| (QREFELT |$| 135))
+ |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #4#)
+ (LETT |ww| (CAR #4#) |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #3#
+ (QVELT |ww| 0)
+ (QVELT |ww| 1)
+ (QCDR |v|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 132))
+ (QVELT |ww| 2))
+ #3#)
+ |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)))
+ (LETT #4# (CDR #4#) |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #3#))))
+ (QREFELT |$| 130)))))))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27| (|mat| |$|)
+ (PROG (|ll| #1=#:G102087 |z| #2=#:G102088 |ch| |l| #3=#:G102079
+ #4=#:G102086 #5=#:G102047 #6=#:G102045 #7=#:G102046 #8=#:G102080
+ |vars| |degs| #9=#:G102084 |d| #10=#:G102085 |nd| #11=#:G102074
+ #12=#:G102054 |deg1| |redmons| #13=#:G102081 |v| #14=#:G102083 |u|
+ #15=#:G102082 |llR| |monslist| |ans| #16=#:G102075 #17=#:G102076
+ |mons| #18=#:G102077 |m| #19=#:G102078 |i| #20=#:G102070
+ #21=#:G102068 #22=#:G102069)
+ (SEQ
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |ll|
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |mat| (QREFELT |$| 137)) (QREFELT |$| 92))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT |llR|
+ (PROGN (LETT #1# NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |z| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT #2# (|SPADfirst| |ll|) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #2#)
+ (LETT |z| (CAR #2#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #1# (CONS NIL #1#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)))
+ (LETT #2# (CDR #2#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #1#))))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT |monslist| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT |ch|
+ (SPADCALL (QREFELT |$| 138))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |l| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT #3# |ll| |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #3#)
+ (LETT |l| (CAR #3#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |mons|
+ (LETT #7# NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |u| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT #4# |l| |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #4#)
+ (LETT |u| (CAR #4#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #5#
+ (SPADCALL |u| (QREFELT |$| 77))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (#7#
+ (LETT #6#
+ (SPADCALL #6# #5# (QREFELT |$| 139))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (LETT #6# #5# |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT #7#
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)))))))
+ (LETT #4# (CDR #4#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (#7# #6#)
+ ((QUOTE T) (|IdentityError| (QUOTE |setUnion|)))))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT |redmons| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |m| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT #8# |mons| |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #8#)
+ (LETT |m| (CAR #8#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |vars|
+ (SPADCALL |m| (QREFELT |$| 31))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT |degs|
+ (SPADCALL |m| |vars| (QREFELT |$| 140))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT |deg1|
+ (LETT #9# NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |d| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT #10# |degs| |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #10#)
+ (LETT |d|
+ (CAR #10#)
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #9#
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |nd|
+ (SPADCALL |d| |ch| (QREFELT |$| 142))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ ((QEQCAR |nd| 1)
+ (LETT #11#
+ (CONS 1 "failed")
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (GO #11#)))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (PROG1
+ (LETT #12#
+ (QCDR |nd|)
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (|check-subtype|
+ (|>=| #12# 0)
+ (QUOTE (|NonNegativeInteger|))
+ #12#))))))
+ #9#)
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)))
+ (LETT #10# (CDR #10#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #9#))))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT |redmons|
+ (|spadConstant| |$| 33)
+ |vars|
+ |deg1|
+ (QREFELT |$| 54))
+ |redmons|)
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT |llR|
+ (LETT #13# NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |v| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT #14# |llR| |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT |u| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT #15# |l| |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #15#)
+ (LETT |u|
+ (CAR #15#)
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ NIL)
+ (ATOM #14#)
+ (LETT |v|
+ (CAR #14#)
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #13#
+ |u|
+ |vars|
+ |degs|
+ (QREFELT |$| 52))
+ (QREFELT |$| 143))
+ |v|)
+ #13#)
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)))
+ (LETT #15#
+ (PROG1
+ (CDR #15#)
+ (LETT #14#
+ (CDR #14#)
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #13#))))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)))
+ (LETT #8# (CDR #8#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (LETT |monslist|
+ (CONS |redmons| |monslist|)
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)))
+ (LETT #3# (CDR #3#) |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (LETT |ans|
+ (SPADCALL |llR| (QREFELT |$| 89))
+ (QREFELT |$| 144))
+ (QREFELT |$| 146))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ ((QEQCAR |ans| 1) (CONS 1 "failed"))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |i| 0 |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ 0
+ (LETT #16#
+ (GETREFV (SIZE |monslist|))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #17# 0 |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT |mons| NIL |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT #18#
+ |monslist|
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #18#)
+ (LETT |mons|
+ (CAR #18#)
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ #16#
+ #17#
+ (LETT #22#
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |m|
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT #19#
+ |mons|
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #19#)
+ (LETT |m|
+ (CAR #19#)
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #20#
+ (QCDR |ans|)
+ (LETT |i|
+ (|+| |i| 1)
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 147))
+ (QREFELT |$| 40))
+ (QREFELT |$| 148))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (#22#
+ (LETT #21#
+ (SPADCALL #21# #20#
+ (QREFELT |$| 149))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (LETT #21# #20#
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (LETT #22# (QUOTE T)
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)))))))
+ (LETT #19# (CDR #19#)
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (#22# #21#)
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (|spadConstant| |$| 21)))))))
+ (LETT #18#
+ (PROG1
+ (CDR #18#)
+ (LETT #17#
+ (QSADD1 #17#)
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|))
+ |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ #16#))))))))))
+ #11#
+ (EXIT #11#)))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;charthRoot;SU;28| (|p| |$|)
+ (PROG (|vars| |ans| |ch|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |vars|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 31)) |POLYCAT-;charthRoot;SU;28|)
+ ((NULL |vars|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |ans|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 143))
+ (QREFELT |$| 151))
+ |POLYCAT-;charthRoot;SU;28|)
+ ((QEQCAR |ans| 1)
+ (CONS 1 "failed"))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (CONS 0 (SPADCALL (QCDR |ans|) (QREFELT |$| 40))))))))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |ch|
+ (SPADCALL (QREFELT |$| 138))
+ |POLYCAT-;charthRoot;SU;28|)
+ (EXIT (|POLYCAT-;charthRootlv| |p| |vars| |ch| |$|))))))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv| (|p| |vars| |ch| |$|)
+ (PROG (|v| |dd| |cp| |d| #1=#:G102109 |ans| |ansx| #2=#:G102116)
+ (SEQ
+ ((NULL |vars|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |ans|
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 143)) (QREFELT |$| 151))
+ |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+ ((QEQCAR |ans| 1) (CONS 1 "failed"))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (CONS 0 (SPADCALL (QCDR |ans|) (QREFELT |$| 40))))))))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |v| (|SPADfirst| |vars|) |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+ (LETT |vars| (CDR |vars|) |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+ (LETT |d|
+ (SPADCALL |p| |v| (QREFELT |$| 36))
+ |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+ (LETT |ans| (|spadConstant| |$| 21) |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+ (SEQ G190
+ (COND ((NULL (|<| 0 |d|)) (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |dd|
+ (SPADCALL |d| |ch| (QREFELT |$| 142))
+ |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+ ((QEQCAR |dd| 1)
+ (LETT #2#
+ (CONS 1 "failed")
+ |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+ (GO #2#)))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |cp|
+ (SPADCALL |p| |v| |d| (QREFELT |$| 154))
+ |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+ (LETT |p|
+ (SPADCALL |cp| |v| |d| (QREFELT |$| 37))
+ (QREFELT |$| 155))
+ |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+ (LETT |ansx|
+ (|POLYCAT-;charthRootlv| |cp| |vars| |ch| |$|)
+ |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+ ((QEQCAR |ansx| 1)
+ (LETT #2#
+ (CONS 1 "failed")
+ |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+ (GO #2#)))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |d|
+ (SPADCALL |p| |v| (QREFELT |$| 36))
+ |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+ (LETT |ans|
+ (SPADCALL |ans|
+ (QCDR |ansx|)
+ |v|
+ (PROG1
+ (LETT #1#
+ (QCDR |dd|)
+ |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+ (|check-subtype|
+ (|>=| #1# 0)
+ (QUOTE (|NonNegativeInteger|))
+ #1#))
+ (QREFELT |$| 37))
+ (QREFELT |$| 149))
+ |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)))))))))))
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (LETT |ansx|
+ (|POLYCAT-;charthRootlv| |p| |vars| |ch| |$|)
+ |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+ ((QEQCAR |ansx| 1)
+ (LETT #2# (CONS 1 "failed") |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+ (GO #2#)))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (LETT #2#
+ 0
+ (SPADCALL |ans| (QCDR |ansx|) (QREFELT |$| 149)))
+ |POLYCAT-;charthRootlv|)
+ (GO #2#)))))))))
+ #2#
+ (EXIT #2#)))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;monicDivide;2SVarSetR;30| (|p1| |p2| |mvar| |$|)
+ (PROG (|result|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |result|
+ (SPADCALL |p1| |mvar| (QREFELT |$| 47))
+ (SPADCALL |p2| |mvar| (QREFELT |$| 47))
+ (QREFELT |$| 157))
+ |POLYCAT-;monicDivide;2SVarSetR;30|)
+ (SPADCALL (QCAR |result|) |mvar| (QREFELT |$| 132))
+ (SPADCALL (QCDR |result|) |mvar| (QREFELT |$| 132))))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;squareFree;SF;31| (|p| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 160)))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;squareFree;SF;32| (|p| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 163)))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;squareFree;SF;33| (|p| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 163)))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34| (|p| |$|)
+ (PROG (|s| |f| #1=#:G102132 #2=#:G102130 #3=#:G102128 #4=#:G102129)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |s|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 164))
+ |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 165))
+ (LETT #4# NIL |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |f| NIL |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|)
+ (LETT #1#
+ (SPADCALL |s| (QREFELT |$| 168))
+ |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #1#)
+ (LETT |f| (CAR #1#) |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #2# (QCAR |f|) |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|)
+ (#4#
+ (LETT #3#
+ (SPADCALL #3# #2# (QREFELT |$| 148))
+ |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (LETT #3# #2# |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|)
+ (LETT #4#
+ |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|)))))))
+ (LETT #1# (CDR #1#) |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (#4# #3#)
+ ((QUOTE T) (|spadConstant| |$| 33))))
+ (QREFELT |$| 148))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;content;SVarSetS;35| (|p| |v| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| |v| (QREFELT |$| 47)) (QREFELT |$| 170)))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;primitivePart;2S;36| (|p| |$|)
+ (PROG (#1=#:G102135)
+ (PROG2
+ (LETT #1#
+ (SPADCALL |p| (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 172)) (QREFELT |$| 173))
+ |POLYCAT-;primitivePart;2S;36|)
+ (QCDR #1#)
+ (|check-union| (QEQCAR #1# 0) (QREFELT |$| 6) #1#))
+ (QREFELT |$| 175))
+ 1))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;primitivePart;SVarSetS;37| (|p| |v| |$|)
+ (PROG (#1=#:G102141)
+ (PROG2
+ (LETT #1#
+ (SPADCALL |p| |v| (QREFELT |$| 177))
+ (QREFELT |$| 178))
+ |POLYCAT-;primitivePart;SVarSetS;37|)
+ (QCDR #1#)
+ (|check-union| (QEQCAR #1# 0) (QREFELT |$| 6) #1#))
+ (QREFELT |$| 175)) 1))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;<;2SB;38| (|p| |q| |$|)
+ (PROG (|dp| |dq|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |dp| (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 59)) |POLYCAT-;<;2SB;38|)
+ (LETT |dq| (SPADCALL |q| (QREFELT |$| 59)) |POLYCAT-;<;2SB;38|)
+ ((SPADCALL |dp| |dq| (QREFELT |$| 180))
+ (|spadConstant| |$| 22)
+ (SPADCALL |q| (QREFELT |$| 38))
+ (QREFELT |$| 181)))
+ ((SPADCALL |dq| |dp| (QREFELT |$| 180))
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 38))
+ (|spadConstant| |$| 22)
+ (QREFELT |$| 181)))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SPADCALL |p| |q| (QREFELT |$| 155))
+ (QREFELT |$| 38))
+ (|spadConstant| |$| 22)
+ (QREFELT |$| 181)))))))))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;patternMatch;SP2Pmr;39| (|p| |pat| |l| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |p| |pat| |l| (QREFELT |$| 186)))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;patternMatch;SP2Pmr;40| (|p| |pat| |l| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |p| |pat| |l| (QREFELT |$| 192)))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;convert;SP;41| (|x| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL (ELT |$| 195) (ELT |$| 196) |x| (QREFELT |$| 200)))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;convert;SP;42| (|x| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL (ELT |$| 202) (ELT |$| 203) |x| (QREFELT |$| 207)))
+(DEFUN |POLYCAT-;convert;SIf;43| (|p| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL (ELT |$| 210) (ELT |$| 211) |p| (QREFELT |$| 215)))
+(DEFUN |PolynomialCategory&| (|#1| |#2| |#3| |#4|)
+ (PROG (|DV$1| |DV$2| |DV$3| |DV$4| |dv$| |$| |pv$|)
+ (LETT |DV$1| (|devaluate| |#1|) . #1=(|PolynomialCategory&|))
+ (LETT |DV$2| (|devaluate| |#2|) . #1#)
+ (LETT |DV$3| (|devaluate| |#3|) . #1#)
+ (LETT |DV$4| (|devaluate| |#4|) . #1#)
+ (LETT |dv$|
+ (QUOTE |PolynomialCategory&|) |DV$1| |DV$2| |DV$3| |DV$4|) . #1#)
+ (LETT |$| (GETREFV 225) . #1#)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 0 |dv$|)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 3
+ (LETT |pv$|
+ (|buildPredVector| 0 0
+ (|HasCategory| |#2|
+ (QUOTE (|PolynomialFactorizationExplicit|)))
+ (|HasAttribute| |#2| (QUOTE |canonicalUnitNormal|))
+ (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|GcdDomain|)))
+ (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|CommutativeRing|)))
+ (|HasCategory| |#4| (QUOTE (|PatternMatchable| (|Float|))))
+ (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|PatternMatchable| (|Float|))))
+ (|HasCategory| |#4| (QUOTE (|PatternMatchable| (|Integer|))))
+ (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|PatternMatchable| (|Integer|))))
+ (|HasCategory| |#4|
+ (QUOTE (|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Float|)))))
+ (|HasCategory| |#2|
+ (QUOTE (|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Float|)))))
+ (|HasCategory| |#4|
+ (QUOTE (|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Integer|)))))
+ (|HasCategory| |#2|
+ (QUOTE (|ConvertibleTo| (|Pattern| (|Integer|)))))
+ (|HasCategory| |#4| (QUOTE (|ConvertibleTo| (|InputForm|))))
+ (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|ConvertibleTo| (|InputForm|))))
+ (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|OrderedSet|))))) . #1#))
+ (|stuffDomainSlots| |$|)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 6 |#1|)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 7 |#2|)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 8 |#3|)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 9 |#4|)
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 4)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 74
+ (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;resultant;2SVarSetS;15|)
+ |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 76
+ (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;discriminant;SVarSetS;16|)
+ |$|)))))
+ ((|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|IntegralDomain|)))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 95
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MM;20|) |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 102
+ (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;reducedSystem;MVR;21|)
+ |$|)))))
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 1)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 105
+ (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;gcdPolynomial;3Sup;22|)
+ |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 112
+ (|dispatchFunction|
+ |POLYCAT-;solveLinearPolynomialEquation;LSupU;23|)
+ |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 116
+ (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;factorPolynomial;SupF;24|)
+ |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 118
+ (|dispatchFunction|
+ |POLYCAT-;factorSquareFreePolynomial;SupF;25|)
+ |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 136
+ (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;factor;SF;26|) |$|))
+ ((|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|CharacteristicNonZero|)))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 150
+ (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;conditionP;MU;27|)
+ |$|))))))))
+ ((|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|CharacteristicNonZero|)))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 152
+ (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;charthRoot;SU;28|)
+ |$|)))))
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 3)
+ ((|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|EuclideanDomain|)))
+ ((|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|CharacteristicZero|)))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 161
+ (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;squareFree;SF;31|)
+ |$|)))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 161
+ (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;squareFree;SF;32|)
+ |$|)))))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 161
+ (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;squareFree;SF;33|) |$|))))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 169
+ (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;squareFreePart;2S;34|) |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 171
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;content;SVarSetS;35|) |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 176
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;primitivePart;2S;36|) |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 179
+ (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;primitivePart;SVarSetS;37|) |$|)))))
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 15)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 182
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;<;2SB;38|) |$|))
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 8)
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 7)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 188
+ (|dispatchFunction|
+ |POLYCAT-;patternMatch;SP2Pmr;39|)
+ |$|))))))
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 6)
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 5)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 194
+ (|dispatchFunction|
+ |POLYCAT-;patternMatch;SP2Pmr;40|)
+ |$|)))))))))
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 12)
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 11)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 201
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;convert;SP;41|) |$|))))))
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 10)
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 9)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 208
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;convert;SP;42|) |$|))))))
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 14)
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 13)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 216
+ (|dispatchFunction| |POLYCAT-;convert;SIf;43|)
+ |$|))))))
+ |$|))))
+ (QUOTE |PolynomialCategory&|)
+ (QUOTE |infovec|)
+ (|local| |#1|)
+ (|local| |#2|)
+ (|local| |#3|)
+ (|local| |#4|)
+ (|Equation| 6)
+ (0 . |lhs|)
+ (|Union| 9 (QUOTE "failed"))
+ (5 . |retractIfCan|)
+ (10 . |retract|)
+ (15 . |rhs|)
+ (|List| 9)
+ (|List| |$|)
+ (20 . |eval|)
+ (|List| 220)
+ |POLYCAT-;eval;SLS;1|
+ (27 . |Zero|)
+ (31 . |Zero|)
+ (|Boolean|)
+ (35 . |=|)
+ (41 . |leadingMonomial|)
+ (46 . |reductum|)
+ |POLYCAT-;monomials;SL;2|
+ (51 . |monomials|)
+ (|Union| 17 (QUOTE "failed"))
+ |POLYCAT-;isPlus;SU;3|
+ (56 . |variables|)
+ (61 . |monomial?|)
+ (66 . |One|)
+ (70 . |One|)
+ (|NonNegativeInteger|)
+ (74 . |degree|)
+ (80 . |monomial|)
+ (87 . |leadingCoefficient|)
+ (92 . |one?|)
+ (97 . |coerce|)
+ |POLYCAT-;isTimes;SU;4|
+ (102 . |mainVariable|)
+ (|Record| (|:| |var| 9) (|:| |exponent| 35))
+ (|Union| 43 (QUOTE "failed"))
+ |POLYCAT-;isExpt;SU;5|
+ (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| |$|)
+ (107 . |univariate|)
+ (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| 6)
+ (113 . |coefficient|)
+ |POLYCAT-;coefficient;SVarSetNniS;6|
+ (|List| 35)
+ (119 . |coefficient|)
+ |POLYCAT-;coefficient;SLLS;7|
+ (126 . |monomial|)
+ |POLYCAT-;monomial;SLLS;8|
+ (133 . |coerce|)
+ |POLYCAT-;retract;SVarSet;9|
+ |POLYCAT-;retractIfCan;SU;10|
+ (138 . |degree|)
+ (143 . |monomial|)
+ |POLYCAT-;primitiveMonomials;SL;12|
+ (149 . |ground?|)
+ (154 . |Zero|)
+ (158 . |=|)
+ (164 . |degree|)
+ (169 . |leadingCoefficient|)
+ (174 . |totalDegree|)
+ (179 . |reductum|)
+ |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SNni;13|
+ (184 . |member?|)
+ (190 . |totalDegree|)
+ |POLYCAT-;totalDegree;SLNni;14|
+ (196 . |resultant|)
+ (202 . |resultant|)
+ (209 . |discriminant|)
+ (214 . |discriminant|)
+ (220 . |primitiveMonomials|)
+ (|List| 6)
+ (225 . |concat|)
+ (230 . |removeDuplicates!|)
+ (|Vector| 7)
+ (235 . |new|)
+ (|Integer|)
+ (241 . |minIndex|)
+ (246 . |coefficient|)
+ (252 . |qsetelt!|)
+ (|List| 219)
+ (|Matrix| 7)
+ (259 . |matrix|)
+ (|List| 78)
+ (|Matrix| 6)
+ (264 . |listOfLists|)
+ (269 . |vertConcat|)
+ (|Matrix| |$|)
+ (275 . |reducedSystem|)
+ (|Vector| 6)
+ (280 . |entries|)
+ (285 . |concat|)
+ (291 . |concat|)
+ (|Record| (|:| |mat| 88) (|:| |vec| 81))
+ (|Vector| |$|)
+ (297 . |reducedSystem|)
+ (|GeneralPolynomialGcdPackage| 8 9 7 6)
+ (303 . |gcdPolynomial|)
+ (309 . |gcdPolynomial|)
+ (|Union| 107 (QUOTE "failed"))
+ (|List| 48)
+ (|PolynomialFactorizationByRecursion| 7 8 9 6)
+ (315 . |solveLinearPolynomialEquationByRecursion|)
+ (|Union| 111 (QUOTE "failed"))
+ (|List| 46)
+ (321 . |solveLinearPolynomialEquation|)
+ (|Factored| 48)
+ (327 . |factorByRecursion|)
+ (|Factored| 46)
+ (332 . |factorPolynomial|)
+ (337 . |factorSquareFreeByRecursion|)
+ (342 . |factorSquareFreePolynomial|)
+ (|Factored| |$|)
+ (347 . |factor|)
+ (|Factored| 7)
+ (352 . |unit|)
+ (|Union| (QUOTE "nil") (QUOTE "sqfr") (QUOTE "irred") (QUOTE "prime"))
+ (|Record| (|:| |flg| 123) (|:| |fctr| 7) (|:| |xpnt| 83))
+ (|List| 124)
+ (357 . |factorList|)
+ (|Record| (|:| |flg| 123) (|:| |fctr| 6) (|:| |xpnt| 83))
+ (|List| 127)
+ (|Factored| 6)
+ (362 . |makeFR|)
+ (368 . |unit|)
+ (373 . |multivariate|)
+ (|Record| (|:| |flg| 123) (|:| |fctr| 48) (|:| |xpnt| 83))
+ (|List| 133)
+ (379 . |factorList|)
+ (384 . |factor|)
+ (389 . |transpose|)
+ (394 . |characteristic|)
+ (398 . |setUnion|)
+ (404 . |degree|)
+ (|Union| |$| (QUOTE "failed"))
+ (410 . |exquo|)
+ (416 . |ground|)
+ (421 . |transpose|)
+ (|Union| 101 (QUOTE "failed"))
+ (426 . |conditionP|)
+ (431 . |elt|)
+ (437 . |*|)
+ (443 . |+|)
+ (449 . |conditionP|)
+ (454 . |charthRoot|)
+ (459 . |charthRoot|)
+ (464 . |Zero|)
+ (468 . |coefficient|)
+ (475 . |-|)
+ (|Record| (|:| |quotient| |$|) (|:| |remainder| |$|))
+ (481 . |monicDivide|)
+ |POLYCAT-;monicDivide;2SVarSetR;30|
+ (|MultivariateSquareFree| 8 9 7 6)
+ (487 . |squareFree|)
+ (492 . |squareFree|)
+ (|PolynomialSquareFree| 9 8 7 6)
+ (497 . |squareFree|)
+ (502 . |squareFree|)
+ (507 . |unit|)
+ (|Record| (|:| |factor| 6) (|:| |exponent| 83))
+ (|List| 166)
+ (512 . |factors|)
+ (517 . |squareFreePart|)
+ (522 . |content|)
+ (527 . |content|)
+ (533 . |content|)
+ (538 . |exquo|)
+ (|Record| (|:| |unit| |$|) (|:| |canonical| |$|) (|:| |associate| |$|))
+ (544 . |unitNormal|)
+ (549 . |primitivePart|)
+ (554 . |content|)
+ (560 . |exquo|)
+ (566 . |primitivePart|)
+ (572 . |<|)
+ (578 . |<|)
+ (584 . |<|)
+ (|PatternMatchResult| 83 6)
+ (|Pattern| 83)
+ (|PatternMatchPolynomialCategory| 83 8 9 7 6)
+ (590 . |patternMatch|)
+ (|PatternMatchResult| 83 |$|)
+ (597 . |patternMatch|)
+ (|PatternMatchResult| (|Float|) 6)
+ (|Pattern| (|Float|))
+ (|PatternMatchPolynomialCategory| (|Float|) 8 9 7 6)
+ (604 . |patternMatch|)
+ (|PatternMatchResult| (|Float|) |$|)
+ (611 . |patternMatch|)
+ (618 . |convert|)
+ (623 . |convert|)
+ (|Mapping| 184 9)
+ (|Mapping| 184 7)
+ (|PolynomialCategoryLifting| 8 9 7 6 184)
+ (628 . |map|)
+ (635 . |convert|)
+ (640 . |convert|)
+ (645 . |convert|)
+ (|Mapping| 190 9)
+ (|Mapping| 190 7)
+ (|PolynomialCategoryLifting| 8 9 7 6 190)
+ (650 . |map|)
+ (657 . |convert|)
+ (|InputForm|)
+ (662 . |convert|)
+ (667 . |convert|)
+ (|Mapping| 209 9)
+ (|Mapping| 209 7)
+ (|PolynomialCategoryLifting| 8 9 7 6 209)
+ (672 . |map|)
+ (679 . |convert|)
+ (|Record| (|:| |mat| 218) (|:| |vec| (|Vector| 83)))
+ (|Matrix| 83)
+ (|List| 7)
+ (|Equation| |$|)
+ (|Union| 83 (QUOTE "failed"))
+ (|Union| 223 (QUOTE "failed"))
+ (|Fraction| 83)
+ (|Union| 7 (QUOTE "failed"))))
+ #(|totalDegree| 684 |squareFreePart| 695 |squareFree| 700
+ |solveLinearPolynomialEquation| 705 |retractIfCan| 711 |retract| 716
+ |resultant| 721 |reducedSystem| 728 |primitivePart| 739
+ |primitiveMonomials| 750 |patternMatch| 755 |monomials| 769
+ |monomial| 774 |monicDivide| 781 |isTimes| 788 |isPlus| 793
+ |isExpt| 798 |gcdPolynomial| 803 |factorSquareFreePolynomial| 809
+ |factorPolynomial| 814 |factor| 819 |eval| 824 |discriminant| 830
+ |convert| 836 |content| 851 |conditionP| 857 |coefficient| 862
+ |charthRoot| 876 |<| 881))
+ (|makeByteWordVec2| 1 (QUOTE NIL))
+ (QUOTE #())
+ (QUOTE #())
+ (|makeByteWordVec2| 216
+ (1 10 6 0 11 1 6 12 0 13 1 6 9 0 14 1 10 6 0 15 3 6 0 0 16
+ 17 18 0 6 0 21 0 7 0 22 2 6 23 0 0 24 1 6 0 0 25 1 6 0 0
+ 26 1 6 17 0 28 1 6 16 0 31 1 6 23 0 32 0 6 0 33 0 7 0 34 2
+ 6 35 0 9 36 3 6 0 0 9 35 37 1 6 7 0 38 1 7 23 0 39 1 6 0 7
+ 40 1 6 12 0 42 2 6 46 0 9 47 2 48 6 0 35 49 3 6 0 0 16 51
+ 52 3 6 0 0 16 51 54 1 6 0 9 56 1 6 8 0 59 2 6 0 7 8 60 1 6
+ 23 0 62 0 48 0 63 2 48 23 0 0 64 1 48 35 0 65 1 48 6 0 66
+ 1 6 35 0 67 1 48 0 0 68 2 16 23 9 0 70 2 6 35 0 16 71 2 48
+ 6 0 0 73 3 0 0 0 0 9 74 1 48 6 0 75 2 0 0 0 9 76 1 6 17 0
+ 77 1 78 0 17 79 1 78 0 0 80 2 81 0 35 7 82 1 81 83 0 84 2
+ 6 7 0 8 85 3 81 7 0 83 7 86 1 88 0 87 89 1 91 90 0 92 2 88
+ 0 0 0 93 1 0 88 94 95 1 96 78 0 97 2 78 0 0 0 98 2 81 0 0
+ 0 99 2 0 100 94 101 102 2 103 48 48 48 104 2 0 46 46 46
+ 105 2 108 106 107 48 109 2 0 110 111 46 112 1 108 113 48
+ 114 1 0 115 46 116 1 108 113 48 117 1 0 115 46 118 1 7 119
+ 0 120 1 121 7 0 122 1 121 125 0 126 2 129 0 6 128 130 1 113
+ 48 0 131 2 6 0 46 9 132 1 113 134 0 135 1 0 119 0 136 1 91
+ 0 0 137 0 6 35 138 2 78 0 0 0 139 2 6 51 0 16 140 2 83 141
+ 0 0 142 1 6 7 0 143 1 88 0 0 144 1 7 145 94 146 2 81 7 0
+ 83 147 2 6 0 0 0 148 2 6 0 0 0 149 1 0 145 94 150 1 7 141
+ 0 151 1 0 141 0 152 0 8 0 153 3 6 0 0 9 35 154 2 6 0 0 0
+ 155 2 48 156 0 0 157 1 159 129 6 160 1 0 119 0 161 1 162
+ 129 6 163 1 6 119 0 164 1 129 6 0 165 1 129 167 0 168 1 0
+ 0 0 169 1 48 6 0 170 2 0 0 0 9 171 1 6 7 0 172 2 6 141 0 7
+ 173 1 6 174 0 175 1 0 0 0 176 2 6 0 0 9 177 2 6 141 0 0
+ 178 2 0 0 0 9 179 2 8 23 0 0 180 2 7 23 0 0 181 2 0 23 0 0
+ 182 3 185 183 6 184 183 186 3 0 187 0 184 187 188 3 191 189
+ 6 190 189 192 3 0 193 0 190 193 194 1 9 184 0 195 1 7 184
+ 0 196 3 199 184 197 198 6 200 1 0 184 0 201 1 9 190 0 202
+ 1 7 190 0 203 3 206 190 204 205 6 207 1 0 190 0 208 1 9
+ 209 0 210 1 7 209 0 211 3 214 209 212 213 6 215 1 0 209 0
+ 216 2 0 35 0 16 72 1 0 35 0 69 1 0 0 0 169 1 0 119 0 161 2
+ 0 110 111 46 112 1 0 12 0 58 1 0 9 0 57 3 0 0 0 0 9 74 1 0
+ 88 94 95 2 0 100 94 101 102 2 0 0 0 9 179 1 0 0 0 176 1 0
+ 17 0 61 3 0 187 0 184 187 188 3 0 193 0 190 193 194 1 0 17
+ 0 27 3 0 0 0 16 51 55 3 0 156 0 0 9 158 1 0 29 0 41 1 0 29
+ 0 30 1 0 44 0 45 2 0 46 46 46 105 1 0 115 46 118 1 0 115
+ 46 116 1 0 119 0 136 2 0 0 0 19 20 2 0 0 0 9 76 1 0 209 0
+ 216 1 0 184 0 201 1 0 190 0 208 2 0 0 0 9 171 1 0 145 94
+ 150 3 0 0 0 16 51 53 3 0 0 0 9 35 50 1 0 141 0 152 2 0
+ 23 0 0 182))))))
+ (QUOTE |lookupComplete|)))
+\section{package POLYLIFT PolynomialCategoryLifting}
+<<package POLYLIFT PolynomialCategoryLifting>>=
+)abbrev package POLYLIFT PolynomialCategoryLifting
+++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
+++ Date Created:
+++ Date Last Updated:
+++ Basic Functions:
+++ Related Constructors:
+++ Also See:
+++ AMS Classifications:
+++ Keywords:
+++ References:
+++ Description:
+++ This package provides a very general map function, which
+++ given a set S and polynomials over R with maps from the
+++ variables into S and the coefficients into S, maps polynomials
+++ into S. S is assumed to support \spad{+}, \spad{*} and \spad{**}.
+PolynomialCategoryLifting(E,Vars,R,P,S): Exports == Implementation where
+ E : OrderedAbelianMonoidSup
+ Vars: OrderedSet
+ R : Ring
+ P : PolynomialCategory(R, E, Vars)
+ S : SetCategory with
+ "+" : (%, %) -> %
+ "*" : (%, %) -> %
+ "**": (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ Exports ==> with
+ map: (Vars -> S, R -> S, P) -> S
+ ++ map(varmap, coefmap, p) takes a
+ ++ varmap, a mapping from the variables of polynomial p into S,
+ ++ coefmap, a mapping from coefficients of p into S, and p, and
+ ++ produces a member of S using the corresponding arithmetic.
+ ++ in S
+ Implementation ==> add
+ map(fv, fc, p) ==
+ (x1 := mainVariable p) case "failed" => fc leadingCoefficient p
+ up := univariate(p, x1::Vars)
+ t := fv(x1::Vars)
+ ans:= fc 0
+ while not ground? up repeat
+ ans := ans + map(fv,fc, leadingCoefficient up) * t ** (degree up)
+ up := reductum up
+ ans + map(fv, fc, leadingCoefficient up)
+\section{category UPOLYC UnivariatePolynomialCategory}
+<<category UPOLYC UnivariatePolynomialCategory>>=
+)abbrev category UPOLYC UnivariatePolynomialCategory
+++ Author:
+++ Date Created:
+++ Date Last Updated:
+++ Basic Functions: Ring, monomial, coefficient, reductum, differentiate,
+++ elt, map, resultant, discriminant
+++ Related Constructors:
+++ Also See:
+++ AMS Classifications:
+++ Keywords:
+++ References:
+++ Description:
+++ The category of univariate polynomials over a ring R.
+++ No particular model is assumed - implementations can be either
+++ sparse or dense.
+UnivariatePolynomialCategory(R:Ring): Category ==
+ Join(PolynomialCategory(R, NonNegativeInteger, SingletonAsOrderedSet),
+ Eltable(R, R), Eltable(%, %), DifferentialRing,
+ DifferentialExtension R) with
+ vectorise : (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> Vector R
+ ++ vectorise(p, n) returns \spad{[a0,...,a(n-1)]} where
+ ++ \spad{p = a0 + a1*x + ... + a(n-1)*x**(n-1)} + higher order terms.
+ ++ The degree of polynomial p can be different from \spad{n-1}.
+ makeSUP: % -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial R
+ ++ makeSUP(p) converts the polynomial p to be of type
+ ++ SparseUnivariatePolynomial over the same coefficients.
+ unmakeSUP: SparseUnivariatePolynomial R -> %
+ ++ unmakeSUP(sup) converts sup of type \spadtype{SparseUnivariatePolynomial(R)}
+ ++ to be a member of the given type.
+ ++ Note: converse of makeSUP.
+ multiplyExponents: (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ ++ multiplyExponents(p,n) returns a new polynomial resulting from
+ ++ multiplying all exponents of the polynomial p by the non negative
+ ++ integer n.
+ divideExponents: (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> Union(%,"failed")
+ ++ divideExponents(p,n) returns a new polynomial resulting from
+ ++ dividing all exponents of the polynomial p by the non negative
+ ++ integer n, or "failed" if some exponent is not exactly divisible
+ ++ by n.
+ monicDivide: (%,%) -> Record(quotient:%,remainder:%)
+ ++ monicDivide(p,q) divide the polynomial p by the monic polynomial q,
+ ++ returning the pair \spad{[quotient, remainder]}.
+ ++ Error: if q isn't monic.
+-- These three are for Karatsuba
+ karatsubaDivide: (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> Record(quotient:%,remainder:%)
+ ++ \spad{karatsubaDivide(p,n)} returns the same as \spad{monicDivide(p,monomial(1,n))}
+ shiftRight: (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ ++ \spad{shiftRight(p,n)} returns \spad{monicDivide(p,monomial(1,n)).quotient}
+ shiftLeft: (%,NonNegativeInteger) -> %
+ ++ \spad{shiftLeft(p,n)} returns \spad{p * monomial(1,n)}
+ pseudoRemainder: (%,%) -> %
+ ++ pseudoRemainder(p,q) = r, for polynomials p and q, returns the remainder when
+ ++ \spad{p' := p*lc(q)**(deg p - deg q + 1)}
+ ++ is pseudo right-divided by q, i.e. \spad{p' = s q + r}.
+ differentiate: (%, R -> R, %) -> %
+ ++ differentiate(p, d, x') extends the R-derivation d to an
+ ++ extension D in \spad{R[x]} where Dx is given by x', and returns \spad{Dp}.
+ if R has StepThrough then StepThrough
+ if R has CommutativeRing then
+ discriminant: % -> R
+ ++ discriminant(p) returns the discriminant of the polynomial p.
+ resultant: (%,%) -> R
+ ++ resultant(p,q) returns the resultant of the polynomials p and q.
+ if R has IntegralDomain then
+ Eltable(Fraction %, Fraction %)
+ elt : (Fraction %, Fraction %) -> Fraction %
+ ++ elt(a,b) evaluates the fraction of univariate polynomials \spad{a}
+ ++ with the distinguished variable replaced by b.
+ order: (%, %) -> NonNegativeInteger
+ ++ order(p, q) returns the largest n such that \spad{q**n} divides polynomial p
+ ++ i.e. the order of \spad{p(x)} at \spad{q(x)=0}.
+ subResultantGcd: (%,%) -> %
+ ++ subResultantGcd(p,q) computes the gcd of the polynomials p and q
+ ++ using the SubResultant GCD algorithm.
+ composite: (%, %) -> Union(%, "failed")
+ ++ composite(p, q) returns h if \spad{p = h(q)}, and "failed" no such h exists.
+ composite: (Fraction %, %) -> Union(Fraction %, "failed")
+ ++ composite(f, q) returns h if f = h(q), and "failed" is no such h exists.
+ pseudoQuotient: (%,%) -> %
+ ++ pseudoQuotient(p,q) returns r, the quotient when
+ ++ \spad{p' := p*lc(q)**(deg p - deg q + 1)}
+ ++ is pseudo right-divided by q, i.e. \spad{p' = s q + r}.
+ pseudoDivide: (%, %) -> Record(coef:R, quotient: %, remainder:%)
+ ++ pseudoDivide(p,q) returns \spad{[c, q, r]}, when
+ ++ \spad{p' := p*lc(q)**(deg p - deg q + 1) = c * p}
+ ++ is pseudo right-divided by q, i.e. \spad{p' = s q + r}.
+ if R has GcdDomain then
+ separate: (%, %) -> Record(primePart:%, commonPart: %)
+ ++ separate(p, q) returns \spad{[a, b]} such that polynomial \spad{p = a b} and
+ ++ \spad{a} is relatively prime to q.
+ if R has Field then
+ EuclideanDomain
+ additiveValuation
+ ++ euclideanSize(a*b) = euclideanSize(a) + euclideanSize(b)
+ elt : (Fraction %, R) -> R
+ ++ elt(a,r) evaluates the fraction of univariate polynomials \spad{a}
+ ++ with the distinguished variable replaced by the constant r.
+ if R has Algebra Fraction Integer then
+ integrate: % -> %
+ ++ integrate(p) integrates the univariate polynomial p with respect
+ ++ to its distinguished variable.
+ add
+ pp,qq: SparseUnivariatePolynomial %
+ variables(p) ==
+ zero? p or zero?(degree p) => []
+ [create()]
+ degree(p:%,v:SingletonAsOrderedSet) == degree p
+ totalDegree(p:%,lv:List SingletonAsOrderedSet) ==
+ empty? lv => 0
+ totalDegree p
+ degree(p:%,lv:List SingletonAsOrderedSet) ==
+ empty? lv => []
+ [degree p]
+ eval(p:%,lv: List SingletonAsOrderedSet,lq: List %):% ==
+ empty? lv => p
+ not empty? rest lv => error "can only eval a univariate polynomial once"
+ eval(p,first lv,first lq)$%
+ eval(p:%,v:SingletonAsOrderedSet,q:%):% == p(q)
+ eval(p:%,lv: List SingletonAsOrderedSet,lr: List R):% ==
+ empty? lv => p
+ not empty? rest lv => error "can only eval a univariate polynomial once"
+ eval(p,first lv,first lr)$%
+ eval(p:%,v:SingletonAsOrderedSet,r:R):% == p(r)::%
+ eval(p:%,le:List Equation %):% ==
+ empty? le => p
+ not empty? rest le => error "can only eval a univariate polynomial once"
+ mainVariable(lhs first le) case "failed" => p
+ p(rhs first le)
+ mainVariable(p:%) ==
+ zero? degree p => "failed"
+ create()$SingletonAsOrderedSet
+ minimumDegree(p:%,v:SingletonAsOrderedSet) == minimumDegree p
+ minimumDegree(p:%,lv:List SingletonAsOrderedSet) ==
+ empty? lv => []
+ [minimumDegree p]
+ monomial(p:%,v:SingletonAsOrderedSet,n:NonNegativeInteger) ==
+ mapExponents(#1+n,p)
+ coerce(v:SingletonAsOrderedSet):% == monomial(1,1)
+ makeSUP p ==
+ zero? p => 0
+ monomial(leadingCoefficient p,degree p) + makeSUP reductum p
+ unmakeSUP sp ==
+ zero? sp => 0
+ monomial(leadingCoefficient sp,degree sp) + unmakeSUP reductum sp
+ karatsubaDivide(p:%,n:NonNegativeInteger) == monicDivide(p,monomial(1,n))
+ shiftRight(p:%,n:NonNegativeInteger) == monicDivide(p,monomial(1,n)).quotient
+ shiftLeft(p:%,n:NonNegativeInteger) == p * monomial(1,n)
+ if R has PolynomialFactorizationExplicit then
+ PFBRU ==>PolynomialFactorizationByRecursionUnivariate(R,%)
+ pp,qq:SparseUnivariatePolynomial %
+ lpp:List SparseUnivariatePolynomial %
+ SupR ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial R
+ sp:SupR
+ solveLinearPolynomialEquation(lpp,pp) ==
+ solveLinearPolynomialEquationByRecursion(lpp,pp)$PFBRU
+ factorPolynomial(pp) ==
+ factorByRecursion(pp)$PFBRU
+ factorSquareFreePolynomial(pp) ==
+ factorSquareFreeByRecursion(pp)$PFBRU
+ import FactoredFunctions2(SupR,S)
+ factor p ==
+ zero? degree p =>
+ ansR:=factor leadingCoefficient p
+ makeFR(unit(ansR)::%,
+ [[w.flg,w.fctr::%,w.xpnt] for w in factorList ansR])
+ map(unmakeSUP,factorPolynomial(makeSUP p)$R)
+ vectorise(p, n) ==
+ m := minIndex(v := new(n, 0)$Vector(R))
+ for i in minIndex v .. maxIndex v repeat
+ qsetelt_!(v, i, coefficient(p, (i - m)::NonNegativeInteger))
+ v
+ retract(p:%):R ==
+ zero? p => 0
+ zero? degree p => leadingCoefficient p
+ error "Polynomial is not of degree 0"
+ retractIfCan(p:%):Union(R, "failed") ==
+ zero? p => 0
+ zero? degree p => leadingCoefficient p
+ "failed"
+ if R has StepThrough then
+ init() == init()$R::%
+ nextItemInner: % -> Union(%,"failed")
+ nextItemInner(n) ==
+ zero? n => nextItem(0$R)::R::% -- assumed not to fail
+ zero? degree n =>
+ nn:=nextItem leadingCoefficient n
+ nn case "failed" => "failed"
+ nn::R::%
+ n1:=reductum n
+ n2:=nextItemInner n1 -- try stepping the reductum
+ n2 case % => monomial(leadingCoefficient n,degree n) + n2
+ 1+degree n1 < degree n => -- there was a hole between lt n and n1
+ monomial(leadingCoefficient n,degree n)+
+ monomial(nextItem(init()$R)::R,1+degree n1)
+ n3:=nextItem leadingCoefficient n
+ n3 case "failed" => "failed"
+ monomial(n3,degree n)
+ nextItem(n) ==
+ n1:=nextItemInner n
+ n1 case "failed" => monomial(nextItem(init()$R)::R,1+degree(n))
+ n1
+ if R has GcdDomain then
+ content(p:%,v:SingletonAsOrderedSet) == content(p)::%
+ primeFactor: (%, %) -> %
+ primeFactor(p, q) ==
+ (p1 := (p exquo gcd(p, q))::%) = p => p
+ primeFactor(p1, q)
+ separate(p, q) ==
+ a := primeFactor(p, q)
+ [a, (p exquo a)::%]
+ if R has CommutativeRing then
+ differentiate(x:%, deriv:R -> R, x':%) ==
+ d:% := 0
+ while (dg := degree x) > 0 repeat
+ lc := leadingCoefficient x
+ d := d + x' * monomial(dg * lc, (dg - 1)::NonNegativeInteger)
+ + monomial(deriv lc, dg)
+ x := reductum x
+ d + deriv(leadingCoefficient x)::%
+ else
+ ncdiff: (NonNegativeInteger, %) -> %
+ -- computes d(x**n) given dx = x', non-commutative case
+ ncdiff(n, x') ==
+ zero? n => 0
+ zero?(n1 := (n - 1)::NonNegativeInteger) => x'
+ x' * monomial(1, n1) + monomial(1, 1) * ncdiff(n1, x')
+ differentiate(x:%, deriv:R -> R, x':%) ==
+ d:% := 0
+ while (dg := degree x) > 0 repeat
+ lc := leadingCoefficient x
+ d := d + monomial(deriv lc, dg) + lc * ncdiff(dg, x')
+ x := reductum x
+ d + deriv(leadingCoefficient x)::%
+ differentiate(x:%, deriv:R -> R) == differentiate(x, deriv, 1$%)$%
+ differentiate(x:%) ==
+ d:% := 0
+ while (dg := degree x) > 0 repeat
+ d := d + monomial(dg * leadingCoefficient x, (dg - 1)::NonNegativeInteger)
+ x := reductum x
+ d
+ differentiate(x:%,v:SingletonAsOrderedSet) == differentiate x
+ if R has IntegralDomain then
+ elt(g:Fraction %, f:Fraction %) == ((numer g) f) / ((denom g) f)
+ pseudoQuotient(p, q) ==
+ (n := degree(p)::Integer - degree q + 1) < 1 => 0
+ ((leadingCoefficient(q)**(n::NonNegativeInteger) * p
+ - pseudoRemainder(p, q)) exquo q)::%
+ pseudoDivide(p, q) ==
+ (n := degree(p)::Integer - degree q + 1) < 1 => [1, 0, p]
+ prem := pseudoRemainder(p, q)
+ lc := leadingCoefficient(q)**(n::NonNegativeInteger)
+ [lc,((lc*p - prem) exquo q)::%, prem]
+ composite(f:Fraction %, q:%) ==
+ (n := composite(numer f, q)) case "failed" => "failed"
+ (d := composite(denom f, q)) case "failed" => "failed"
+ n::% / d::%
+ composite(p:%, q:%) ==
+ ground? p => p
+ cqr := pseudoDivide(p, q)
+ ground?(cqr.remainder) and
+ ((v := cqr.remainder exquo cqr.coef) case %) and
+ ((u := composite(cqr.quotient, q)) case %) and
+ ((w := (u::%) exquo cqr.coef) case %) =>
+ v::% + monomial(1, 1) * w::%
+ "failed"
+ elt(p:%, f:Fraction %) ==
+ zero? p => 0
+ ans:Fraction(%) := (leadingCoefficient p)::%::Fraction(%)
+ n := degree p
+ while not zero?(p:=reductum p) repeat
+ ans := ans * f ** (n - (n := degree p))::NonNegativeInteger +
+ (leadingCoefficient p)::%::Fraction(%)
+ zero? n => ans
+ ans * f ** n
+ order(p, q) ==
+ zero? p => error "order: arguments must be nonzero"
+ degree(q) < 1 => error "order: place must be non-trivial"
+ ans:NonNegativeInteger := 0
+ repeat
+ (u := p exquo q) case "failed" => return ans
+ p := u::%
+ ans := ans + 1
+ if R has GcdDomain then
+ squareFree(p:%) ==
+ squareFree(p)$UnivariatePolynomialSquareFree(R, %)
+ squareFreePart(p:%) ==
+ squareFreePart(p)$UnivariatePolynomialSquareFree(R, %)
+ if R has PolynomialFactorizationExplicit then
+ gcdPolynomial(pp,qq) ==
+ zero? pp => unitCanonical qq -- subResultantGcd can't handle 0
+ zero? qq => unitCanonical pp
+ unitCanonical(gcd(content (pp),content(qq))*
+ primitivePart
+ subResultantGcd(primitivePart pp,primitivePart qq))
+ squareFreePolynomial pp ==
+ squareFree(pp)$UnivariatePolynomialSquareFree(%,
+ SparseUnivariatePolynomial %)
+ if R has Field then
+ elt(f:Fraction %, r:R) == ((numer f) r) / ((denom f) r)
+ euclideanSize x ==
+ zero? x =>
+ error "euclideanSize called on 0 in Univariate Polynomial"
+ degree x
+ divide(x,y) ==
+ zero? y => error "division by 0 in Univariate Polynomials"
+ quot:=0
+ lc := inv leadingCoefficient y
+ while not zero?(x) and (degree x >= degree y) repeat
+ f:=lc*leadingCoefficient x
+ n:=(degree x - degree y)::NonNegativeInteger
+ quot:=quot+monomial(f,n)
+ x:=x-monomial(f,n)*y
+ [quot,x]
+ if R has Algebra Fraction Integer then
+ integrate p ==
+ ans:% := 0
+ while p ^= 0 repeat
+ l := leadingCoefficient p
+ d := 1 + degree p
+ ans := ans + inv(d::Fraction(Integer)) * monomial(l, d)
+ p := reductum p
+ ans
+\section{UPOLYC.lsp BOOTSTRAP}
+{\bf UPOLYC} depends on itself. We need to break this cycle to build
+the algebra. So we keep a cached copy of the translated {\bf UPOLYC}
+category which we can write into the {\bf MID} directory. We compile
+the lisp code and copy the {\bf UPOLYC.o} file to the {\bf OUT} directory.
+This is eventually forcibly replaced by a recompiled version.
+Note that this code is not included in the generated catdef.spad file.
+(SETQ |UnivariatePolynomialCategory;CAT| (QUOTE NIL))
+(SETQ |UnivariatePolynomialCategory;AL| (QUOTE NIL))
+(DEFUN |UnivariatePolynomialCategory| (#1=#:G103214)
+ (LET (#2=#:G103215)
+ ((SETQ #2# (|assoc| (|devaluate| #1#) |UnivariatePolynomialCategory;AL|))
+ (CDR #2#))
+ (T
+ (SETQ |UnivariatePolynomialCategory;AL|
+ (|cons5|
+ (|devaluate| #1#)
+ (SETQ #2# (|UnivariatePolynomialCategory;| #1#)))
+ |UnivariatePolynomialCategory;AL|))
+ #2#))))
+(DEFUN |UnivariatePolynomialCategory;| (|t#1|)
+ (PROG (#1=#:G103213)
+ (PROG1
+ (LETT #1#
+ (|sublisV|
+ (PAIR (QUOTE (|t#1|)) (LIST (|devaluate| |t#1|)))
+ (|sublisV|
+ (QUOTE (#2=#:G103211 #3=#:G103212))
+ (QUOTE (|NonNegativeInteger|))
+ (QUOTE (|SingletonAsOrderedSet|))))
+ (|UnivariatePolynomialCategory;CAT|)
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (LETT |UnivariatePolynomialCategory;CAT|
+ (|Join|
+ (|PolynomialCategory|
+ (QUOTE |t#1|) (QUOTE #2#) (QUOTE #3#))
+ (|Eltable| (QUOTE |t#1|) (QUOTE |t#1|))
+ (|Eltable| (QUOTE |$|) (QUOTE |$|))
+ (|DifferentialRing|)
+ (|DifferentialExtension| (QUOTE |t#1|))
+ (|mkCategory|
+ (QUOTE |domain|)
+ (QUOTE (
+ ((|vectorise|
+ ((|Vector| |t#1|) |$| (|NonNegativeInteger|))) T)
+ ((|makeSUP|
+ ((|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| |t#1|) |$|)) T)
+ ((|unmakeSUP|
+ (|$| (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| |t#1|))) T)
+ ((|multiplyExponents|
+ (|$| |$| (|NonNegativeInteger|))) T)
+ ((|divideExponents|
+ ((|Union| |$| "failed")
+ |$|
+ (|NonNegativeInteger|))) T)
+ ((|monicDivide|
+ ((|Record|
+ (|:| |quotient| |$|)
+ (|:| |remainder| |$|))
+ |$|
+ |$|)) T)
+ ((|karatsubaDivide|
+ ((|Record|
+ (|:| |quotient| |$|)
+ (|:| |remainder| |$|))
+ |$|
+ (|NonNegativeInteger|))) T)
+ ((|shiftRight| (|$| |$| (|NonNegativeInteger|))) T)
+ ((|shiftLeft| (|$| |$| (|NonNegativeInteger|))) T)
+ ((|pseudoRemainder| (|$| |$| |$|)) T)
+ ((|differentiate|
+ (|$| |$| (|Mapping| |t#1| |t#1|) |$|)) T)
+ ((|discriminant| (|t#1| |$|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|CommutativeRing|)))
+ ((|resultant| (|t#1| |$| |$|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|CommutativeRing|)))
+ ((|elt|
+ ((|Fraction| |$|)
+ (|Fraction| |$|)
+ (|Fraction| |$|)))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|IntegralDomain|)))
+ ((|order| ((|NonNegativeInteger|) |$| |$|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|IntegralDomain|)))
+ ((|subResultantGcd| (|$| |$| |$|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|IntegralDomain|)))
+ ((|composite| ((|Union| |$| "failed") |$| |$|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|IntegralDomain|)))
+ ((|composite|
+ ((|Union| (|Fraction| |$|) "failed")
+ (|Fraction| |$|)
+ |$|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|IntegralDomain|)))
+ ((|pseudoQuotient| (|$| |$| |$|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|IntegralDomain|)))
+ ((|pseudoDivide|
+ ((|Record|
+ (|:| |coef| |t#1|)
+ (|:| |quotient| |$|)
+ (|:| |remainder| |$|))
+ |$|
+ |$|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|IntegralDomain|)))
+ ((|separate|
+ ((|Record|
+ (|:| |primePart| |$|)
+ (|:| |commonPart| |$|))
+ |$|
+ |$|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|GcdDomain|)))
+ ((|elt| (|t#1| (|Fraction| |$|) |t#1|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|Field|)))
+ ((|integrate| (|$| |$|))
+ (|has| |t#1|
+ (|Algebra| (|Fraction| (|Integer|)))))))
+ (QUOTE (
+ ((|StepThrough|) (|has| |t#1| (|StepThrough|)))
+ ((|Eltable|
+ (|Fraction| |$|)
+ (|Fraction| |$|))
+ (|has| |t#1| (|IntegralDomain|)))
+ ((|EuclideanDomain|) (|has| |t#1| (|Field|)))
+ (|additiveValuation| (|has| |t#1| (|Field|)))))
+ (QUOTE (
+ (|Fraction| |$|)
+ (|NonNegativeInteger|)
+ (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| |t#1|)
+ (|Vector| |t#1|)))
+ NIL))
+ . #4=(|UnivariatePolynomialCategory|))))))
+ . #4#)
+ (SETELT #1# 0
+ (QUOTE |UnivariatePolynomialCategory|)
+ (|devaluate| |t#1|)))))))
+\section{UPOLYC-.lsp BOOTSTRAP}
+{\bf UPOLYC-} depends on {\bf UPOLYC}. We need to break this cycle to build
+the algebra. So we keep a cached copy of the translated {\bf UPOLYC-}
+category which we can write into the {\bf MID} directory. We compile
+the lisp code and copy the {\bf UPOLYC-.o} file to the {\bf OUT} directory.
+This is eventually forcibly replaced by a recompiled version.
+Note that this code is not included in the generated catdef.spad file.
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;variables;SL;1| (|p| |$|)
+ ((OR
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 9))
+ (ZEROP (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 11))))
+ NIL)
+ ((QUOTE T) (LIST (SPADCALL (QREFELT |$| 13))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;degree;SSaosNni;2| (|p| |v| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 11)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;totalDegree;SLNni;3| (|p| |lv| |$|)
+ (COND ((NULL |lv|) 0) ((QUOTE T) (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 17)))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;degree;SLL;4| (|p| |lv| |$|)
+ (COND ((NULL |lv|) NIL) ((QUOTE T) (LIST (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 11))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;eval;SLLS;5| (|p| |lv| |lq| |$|)
+ ((NULL |lv|) |p|)
+ ((NULL (NULL (CDR |lv|)))
+ (|error| "can only eval a univariate polynomial once"))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SPADCALL |p| (|SPADfirst| |lv|) (|SPADfirst| |lq|) (QREFELT |$| 21)))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;eval;SSaos2S;6| (|p| |v| |q| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |p| |q| (QREFELT |$| 24)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;eval;SLLS;7| (|p| |lv| |lr| |$|)
+ ((NULL |lv|) |p|)
+ ((NULL (NULL (CDR |lv|)))
+ (|error| "can only eval a univariate polynomial once"))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SPADCALL |p| (|SPADfirst| |lv|) (|SPADfirst| |lr|) (QREFELT |$| 26)))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;eval;SSaosRS;8| (|p| |v| |r| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| |r| (QREFELT |$| 29)) (QREFELT |$| 30)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;eval;SLS;9| (|p| |le| |$|)
+ ((NULL |le|) |p|)
+ ((NULL (NULL (CDR |le|)))
+ (|error| "can only eval a univariate polynomial once"))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SPADCALL (|SPADfirst| |le|) (QREFELT |$| 33))
+ (QREFELT |$| 35))
+ 1)
+ |p|)
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SPADCALL (|SPADfirst| |le|) (QREFELT |$| 36))
+ (QREFELT |$| 24)))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;mainVariable;SU;10| (|p| |$|)
+ ((ZEROP (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 11))) (CONS 1 "failed"))
+ ((QUOTE T) (CONS 0 (SPADCALL (QREFELT |$| 13))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;minimumDegree;SSaosNni;11| (|p| |v| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 40)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;minimumDegree;SLL;12| (|p| |lv| |$|)
+ (COND ((NULL |lv|) NIL) ((QUOTE T) (LIST (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 40))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;monomial;SSaosNniS;13| (|p| |v| |n| |$|)
+ (CONS (FUNCTION |UPOLYC-;monomial;SSaosNniS;13!0|) (VECTOR |$| |n|))
+ |p|
+ (QREFELT |$| 45)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;monomial;SSaosNniS;13!0| (|#1| |$$|)
+ (SPADCALL |#1| (QREFELT |$$| 1) (QREFELT (QREFELT |$$| 0) 43)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;coerce;SaosS;14| (|v| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL (|spadConstant| |$| 48) 1 (QREFELT |$| 49)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;makeSUP;SSup;15| (|p| |$|)
+ ((SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 9)) (|spadConstant| |$| 52))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 53))
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 11))
+ (QREFELT |$| 54))
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 55))
+ (QREFELT |$| 56))
+ (QREFELT |$| 57)))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;unmakeSUP;SupS;16| (|sp| |$|)
+ ((SPADCALL |sp| (QREFELT |$| 59)) (|spadConstant| |$| 60))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SPADCALL |sp| (QREFELT |$| 61))
+ (SPADCALL |sp| (QREFELT |$| 62))
+ (QREFELT |$| 49))
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |sp| (QREFELT |$| 63)) (QREFELT |$| 64))
+ (QREFELT |$| 65)))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;karatsubaDivide;SNniR;17| (|p| |n| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL (|spadConstant| |$| 48) |n| (QREFELT |$| 49))
+ (QREFELT |$| 68)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;shiftRight;SNniS;18| (|p| |n| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL (|spadConstant| |$| 48) |n| (QREFELT |$| 49))
+ (QREFELT |$| 68))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;shiftLeft;SNniS;19| (|p| |n| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL (|spadConstant| |$| 48) |n| (QREFELT |$| 49)) (QREFELT |$| 71)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;solveLinearPolynomialEquation;LSupU;20| (|lpp| |pp| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |lpp| |pp| (QREFELT |$| 77)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;factorPolynomial;SupF;21| (|pp| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |pp| (QREFELT |$| 83)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;factorSquareFreePolynomial;SupF;22| (|pp| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |pp| (QREFELT |$| 86)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;factor;SF;23| (|p| |$|)
+ (PROG (|ansR| #1=#:G103310 |w| #2=#:G103311)
+ (SEQ
+ ((ZEROP (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 11)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |ansR|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 53))
+ (QREFELT |$| 89))
+ |UPOLYC-;factor;SF;23|)
+ (SPADCALL |ansR| (QREFELT |$| 91))
+ (QREFELT |$| 30))
+ (LETT #1# NIL |UPOLYC-;factor;SF;23|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |w| NIL |UPOLYC-;factor;SF;23|)
+ (LETT #2#
+ (SPADCALL |ansR| (QREFELT |$| 95))
+ |UPOLYC-;factor;SF;23|)
+ G190
+ ((OR
+ (ATOM #2#)
+ (LETT |w| (CAR #2#) |UPOLYC-;factor;SF;23|)
+ NIL))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT #1#
+ (QVELT |w| 0)
+ (SPADCALL (QVELT |w| 1) (QREFELT |$| 30))
+ (QVELT |w| 2))
+ #1#)
+ |UPOLYC-;factor;SF;23|)))
+ (LETT #2# (CDR #2#) |UPOLYC-;factor;SF;23|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (NREVERSE0 #1#))))
+ (QREFELT |$| 99)))))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (ELT |$| 64)
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 56)) (QREFELT |$| 100))
+ (QREFELT |$| 104))))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;vectorise;SNniV;24| (|p| |n| |$|)
+ (PROG (|v| |m| |i| #1=#:G103316 #2=#:G103312)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |m|
+ (LETT |v|
+ (SPADCALL |n| (|spadConstant| |$| 106) (QREFELT |$| 108))
+ |UPOLYC-;vectorise;SNniV;24|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 110))
+ |UPOLYC-;vectorise;SNniV;24|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |i|
+ (SPADCALL |v| (QREFELT |$| 110))
+ |UPOLYC-;vectorise;SNniV;24|)
+ (LETT #1# (QVSIZE |v|) |UPOLYC-;vectorise;SNniV;24|)
+ G190
+ (COND ((|>| |i| #1#) (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (SPADCALL |v| |i|
+ (PROG1
+ (LETT #2# (|-| |i| |m|) |UPOLYC-;vectorise;SNniV;24|)
+ (|check-subtype|
+ (|>=| #2# 0)
+ (QUOTE (|NonNegativeInteger|))
+ #2#))
+ (QREFELT |$| 111))
+ (QREFELT |$| 112))))
+ (LETT |i| (|+| |i| 1) |UPOLYC-;vectorise;SNniV;24|)
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT |v|)))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;retract;SR;25| (|p| |$|)
+ ((SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 9)) (|spadConstant| |$| 106))
+ ((ZEROP (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 11))) (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 53)))
+ ((QUOTE T) (|error| "Polynomial is not of degree 0"))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;retractIfCan;SU;26| (|p| |$|)
+ ((SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 9)) (CONS 0 (|spadConstant| |$| 106)))
+ ((ZEROP (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 11)))
+ (CONS 0 (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 53))))
+ ((QUOTE T) (CONS 1 "failed"))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;init;S;27| (|$|)
+ (SPADCALL (|spadConstant| |$| 117) (QREFELT |$| 30)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;nextItemInner| (|n| |$|)
+ (PROG (|nn| |n1| |n2| #1=#:G103337 |n3|)
+ (SEQ
+ ((SPADCALL |n| (QREFELT |$| 9))
+ 0
+ (PROG2
+ (LETT #1#
+ (SPADCALL (|spadConstant| |$| 106) (QREFELT |$| 120))
+ |UPOLYC-;nextItemInner|)
+ (QCDR #1#)
+ (|check-union| (QEQCAR #1# 0) (QREFELT |$| 7) #1#))
+ (QREFELT |$| 30))))
+ ((ZEROP (SPADCALL |n| (QREFELT |$| 11)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |nn|
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |n| (QREFELT |$| 53)) (QREFELT |$| 120))
+ |UPOLYC-;nextItemInner|)
+ ((QEQCAR |nn| 1) (CONS 1 "failed"))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (CONS 0 (SPADCALL (QCDR |nn|) (QREFELT |$| 30))))))))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |n1|
+ (SPADCALL |n| (QREFELT |$| 55))
+ |UPOLYC-;nextItemInner|)
+ (LETT |n2|
+ (|UPOLYC-;nextItemInner| |n1| |$|)
+ |UPOLYC-;nextItemInner|)
+ ((QEQCAR |n2| 0)
+ 0
+ (SPADCALL |n| (QREFELT |$| 53))
+ (SPADCALL |n| (QREFELT |$| 11))
+ (QREFELT |$| 49))
+ (QCDR |n2|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 65))))
+ ((|<|
+ (|+| 1 (SPADCALL |n1| (QREFELT |$| 11)))
+ (SPADCALL |n| (QREFELT |$| 11)))
+ 0
+ (SPADCALL |n| (QREFELT |$| 53))
+ (SPADCALL |n| (QREFELT |$| 11))
+ (QREFELT |$| 49))
+ (PROG2
+ (LETT #1#
+ (|spadConstant| |$| 117)
+ (QREFELT |$| 120))
+ |UPOLYC-;nextItemInner|)
+ (QCDR #1#)
+ (|check-union| (QEQCAR #1# 0) (QREFELT |$| 7) #1#))
+ (|+| 1 (SPADCALL |n1| (QREFELT |$| 11)))
+ (QREFELT |$| 49))
+ (QREFELT |$| 65))))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |n3|
+ (SPADCALL |n| (QREFELT |$| 53))
+ (QREFELT |$| 120))
+ |UPOLYC-;nextItemInner|)
+ ((QEQCAR |n3| 1) (CONS 1 "failed"))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ 0
+ (QCDR |n3|)
+ (SPADCALL |n| (QREFELT |$| 11))
+ (QREFELT |$| 49)))))))))))))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;nextItem;SU;29| (|n| |$|)
+ (PROG (|n1| #1=#:G103350)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |n1| (|UPOLYC-;nextItemInner| |n| |$|) |UPOLYC-;nextItem;SU;29|)
+ ((QEQCAR |n1| 1)
+ 0
+ (PROG2
+ (LETT #1#
+ (SPADCALL (|spadConstant| |$| 117) (QREFELT |$| 120))
+ |UPOLYC-;nextItem;SU;29|)
+ (QCDR #1#)
+ (|check-union| (QEQCAR #1# 0) (QREFELT |$| 7) #1#))
+ (|+| 1 (SPADCALL |n| (QREFELT |$| 11)))
+ (QREFELT |$| 49))))
+ ((QUOTE T) |n1|)))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;content;SSaosS;30| (|p| |v| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 123)) (QREFELT |$| 30)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;primeFactor| (|p| |q| |$|)
+ (PROG (#1=#:G103356 |p1|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |p1|
+ (PROG2
+ (LETT #1#
+ (SPADCALL |p| |q| (QREFELT |$| 125))
+ (QREFELT |$| 126))
+ |UPOLYC-;primeFactor|)
+ (QCDR #1#)
+ (|check-union| (QEQCAR #1# 0) (QREFELT |$| 6) #1#))
+ |UPOLYC-;primeFactor|)
+ ((SPADCALL |p1| |p| (QREFELT |$| 127)) |p|)
+ ((QUOTE T) (|UPOLYC-;primeFactor| |p1| |q| |$|))))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;separate;2SR;32| (|p| |q| |$|)
+ (PROG (|a| #1=#:G103362)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |a|
+ (|UPOLYC-;primeFactor| |p| |q| |$|)
+ |UPOLYC-;separate;2SR;32|)
+ |a|
+ (PROG2
+ (LETT #1#
+ (SPADCALL |p| |a| (QREFELT |$| 126))
+ |UPOLYC-;separate;2SR;32|)
+ (QCDR #1#)
+ (|check-union| (QEQCAR #1# 0) (QREFELT |$| 6) #1#))))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SM2S;33| (|x| |deriv| |x'| |$|)
+ (PROG (|dg| |lc| #1=#:G103367 |d|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |d| (|spadConstant| |$| 60) |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SM2S;33|)
+ (SEQ G190
+ ((NULL
+ (|<| 0
+ (LETT |dg|
+ (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 11))
+ |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SM2S;33|)))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |lc|
+ (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 53))
+ |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SM2S;33|)
+ (LETT |d|
+ (SPADCALL |x'|
+ (SPADCALL |dg| |lc| (QREFELT |$| 131))
+ (PROG1
+ (LETT #1# (|-| |dg| 1) |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SM2S;33|)
+ (|check-subtype|
+ (|>=| #1# 0)
+ (QUOTE (|NonNegativeInteger|))
+ #1#))
+ (QREFELT |$| 49))
+ (QREFELT |$| 71))
+ (QREFELT |$| 65))
+ (SPADCALL |lc| |deriv|)
+ |dg|
+ (QREFELT |$| 49))
+ (QREFELT |$| 65))
+ |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SM2S;33|)
+ (LETT |x|
+ (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 55))
+ |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SM2S;33|)))
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 53))
+ |deriv|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 30))
+ (QREFELT |$| 65)))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;ncdiff| (|n| |x'| |$|)
+ (PROG (#1=#:G103385 |n1|)
+ ((ZEROP |n|) (|spadConstant| |$| 60))
+ (LETT |n1|
+ (PROG1
+ (LETT #1# (|-| |n| 1) |UPOLYC-;ncdiff|)
+ (|check-subtype|
+ (|>=| #1# 0)
+ (QUOTE (|NonNegativeInteger|))
+ #1#))
+ |UPOLYC-;ncdiff|))
+ |x'|)
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SPADCALL |x'|
+ (SPADCALL (|spadConstant| |$| 48) |n1| (QREFELT |$| 49))
+ (QREFELT |$| 71))
+ (SPADCALL (|spadConstant| |$| 48) 1 (QREFELT |$| 49))
+ (|UPOLYC-;ncdiff| |n1| |x'| |$|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 71))
+ (QREFELT |$| 65)))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SM2S;35| (|x| |deriv| |x'| |$|)
+ (PROG (|dg| |lc| |d|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |d| (|spadConstant| |$| 60) |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SM2S;35|)
+ (SEQ G190
+ ((NULL
+ (|<| 0
+ (LETT |dg|
+ (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 11))
+ |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SM2S;35|)))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |lc|
+ (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 53))
+ |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SM2S;35|)
+ (LETT |d|
+ (SPADCALL |lc| |deriv|)
+ |dg|
+ (QREFELT |$| 49))
+ (QREFELT |$| 65))
+ (SPADCALL |lc|
+ (|UPOLYC-;ncdiff| |dg| |x'| |$|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 134))
+ (QREFELT |$| 65))
+ |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SM2S;35|)
+ (LETT |x|
+ (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 55))
+ |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SM2S;35|)))
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 53)) |deriv|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 30))
+ (QREFELT |$| 65)))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SMS;36| (|x| |deriv| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |x| |deriv| (|spadConstant| |$| 47) (QREFELT |$| 135)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;differentiate;2S;37| (|x| |$|)
+ (PROG (|dg| #1=#:G103394 |d|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |d| (|spadConstant| |$| 60) |UPOLYC-;differentiate;2S;37|)
+ (SEQ G190
+ ((NULL
+ (|<| 0
+ (LETT |dg|
+ (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 11))
+ |UPOLYC-;differentiate;2S;37|)))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |d|
+ (SPADCALL |dg|
+ (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 53)) (QREFELT |$| 131))
+ (PROG1
+ (LETT #1# (|-| |dg| 1) |UPOLYC-;differentiate;2S;37|)
+ (|check-subtype|
+ (|>=| #1# 0)
+ (QUOTE (|NonNegativeInteger|))
+ #1#))
+ (QREFELT |$| 49))
+ (QREFELT |$| 65))
+ |UPOLYC-;differentiate;2S;37|)
+ (LETT |x|
+ (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 55))
+ |UPOLYC-;differentiate;2S;37|)))
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT |d|)))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SSaosS;38| (|x| |v| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 138)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;elt;3F;39| (|g| |f| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |g| (QREFELT |$| 141))
+ |f|
+ (QREFELT |$| 143))
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |g| (QREFELT |$| 144)) |f| (QREFELT |$| 143))
+ (QREFELT |$| 145)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;pseudoQuotient;3S;40| (|p| |q| |$|)
+ (PROG (|n| #1=#:G103440 #2=#:G103442)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |n|
+ (|+|
+ (|-|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 11))
+ (SPADCALL |q| (QREFELT |$| 11))) 1)
+ |UPOLYC-;pseudoQuotient;3S;40|)
+ ((|<| |n| 1) (|spadConstant| |$| 60))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (PROG2
+ (LETT #2#
+ (SPADCALL |q| (QREFELT |$| 53))
+ (PROG1
+ (LETT #1# |n| |UPOLYC-;pseudoQuotient;3S;40|)
+ (|check-subtype|
+ (|>=| #1# 0)
+ (QUOTE (|NonNegativeInteger|))
+ #1#))
+ (QREFELT |$| 147))
+ |p|
+ (QREFELT |$| 134))
+ (SPADCALL |p| |q| (QREFELT |$| 148))
+ (QREFELT |$| 149))
+ |q|
+ (QREFELT |$| 126))
+ |UPOLYC-;pseudoQuotient;3S;40|)
+ (QCDR #2#)
+ (|check-union| (QEQCAR #2# 0) (QREFELT |$| 6) #2#)))))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;pseudoDivide;2SR;41| (|p| |q| |$|)
+ (PROG (|n| |prem| #1=#:G103448 |lc| #2=#:G103450)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |n|
+ (|+|
+ (|-|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 11))
+ (SPADCALL |q| (QREFELT |$| 11))) 1)
+ |UPOLYC-;pseudoDivide;2SR;41|)
+ ((|<| |n| 1)
+ (VECTOR (|spadConstant| |$| 48) (|spadConstant| |$| 60) |p|))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |prem|
+ (SPADCALL |p| |q| (QREFELT |$| 148))
+ |UPOLYC-;pseudoDivide;2SR;41|)
+ (LETT |lc|
+ (SPADCALL |q| (QREFELT |$| 53))
+ (PROG1
+ (LETT #1# |n| |UPOLYC-;pseudoDivide;2SR;41|)
+ (|check-subtype|
+ (|>=| #1# 0)
+ (QUOTE (|NonNegativeInteger|)) #1#))
+ (QREFELT |$| 147))
+ |UPOLYC-;pseudoDivide;2SR;41|)
+ (VECTOR |lc|
+ (PROG2
+ (LETT #2#
+ (SPADCALL |lc| |p| (QREFELT |$| 134))
+ |prem|
+ (QREFELT |$| 149))
+ |q|
+ (QREFELT |$| 126))
+ |UPOLYC-;pseudoDivide;2SR;41|)
+ (QCDR #2#)
+ (|check-union| (QEQCAR #2# 0) (QREFELT |$| 6) #2#))
+ |prem|))))))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;composite;FSU;42| (|f| |q| |$|)
+ (PROG (|n| |d|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |n|
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |f| (QREFELT |$| 141)) |q| (QREFELT |$| 153))
+ |UPOLYC-;composite;FSU;42|)
+ ((QEQCAR |n| 1) (CONS 1 "failed"))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |d|
+ (SPADCALL |f| (QREFELT |$| 144)) |q| (QREFELT |$| 153))
+ |UPOLYC-;composite;FSU;42|)
+ ((QEQCAR |d| 1) (CONS 1 "failed"))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ 0
+ (QCDR |n|)
+ (QCDR |d|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 154))))))))))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;composite;2SU;43| (|p| |q| |$|)
+ (PROG (|cqr| |v| |u| |w| #1=#:G103476)
+ (SEQ
+ ((SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 157)) (CONS 0 |p|))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |cqr|
+ (SPADCALL |p| |q| (QREFELT |$| 158))
+ |UPOLYC-;composite;2SU;43|)
+ ((SPADCALL (QVELT |cqr| 2) (QREFELT |$| 157))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |v|
+ (QVELT |cqr| 2)
+ (QVELT |cqr| 0)
+ (QREFELT |$| 159))
+ |UPOLYC-;composite;2SU;43|)
+ ((QEQCAR |v| 0)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |u|
+ (QVELT |cqr| 1)
+ |q|
+ (QREFELT |$| 153))
+ |UPOLYC-;composite;2SU;43|)
+ ((QEQCAR |u| 0)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |w|
+ (QCDR |u|)
+ (QVELT |cqr| 0)
+ (QREFELT |$| 159))
+ |UPOLYC-;composite;2SU;43|)
+ ((QEQCAR |w| 0)
+ (LETT #1#
+ 0
+ (QCDR |v|)
+ (|spadConstant| |$| 48)
+ 1
+ (QREFELT |$| 49))
+ (QCDR |w|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 71))
+ (QREFELT |$| 65)))
+ |UPOLYC-;composite;2SU;43|)
+ (GO #1#))))))))))))))))
+ (EXIT (CONS 1 "failed"))))
+ #1#
+ (EXIT #1#))))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;elt;S2F;44| (|p| |f| |$|)
+ (PROG (|n| #1=#:G103483 |ans|)
+ (SEQ
+ ((SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 9)) (|spadConstant| |$| 161))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |ans|
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 53)) (QREFELT |$| 30))
+ (QREFELT |$| 162))
+ |UPOLYC-;elt;S2F;44|)
+ (LETT |n| (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 11)) |UPOLYC-;elt;S2F;44|)
+ (SEQ G190
+ ((NULL
+ (LETT |p|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 55))
+ |UPOLYC-;elt;S2F;44|)
+ (QREFELT |$| 9))
+ ((QUOTE T) (QUOTE T))))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |ans|
+ (SPADCALL |ans|
+ (PROG1
+ (LETT #1#
+ (|-| |n|
+ (LETT |n|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 11))
+ |UPOLYC-;elt;S2F;44|))
+ |UPOLYC-;elt;S2F;44|)
+ (|check-subtype|
+ (|>=| #1# 0)
+ (QUOTE (|NonNegativeInteger|))
+ #1#))
+ (QREFELT |$| 163))
+ (QREFELT |$| 164))
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 53))
+ (QREFELT |$| 30))
+ (QREFELT |$| 162))
+ (QREFELT |$| 165))
+ |UPOLYC-;elt;S2F;44|)))
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ ((ZEROP |n|) |ans|)
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SPADCALL |ans|
+ (SPADCALL |f| |n| (QREFELT |$| 166))
+ (QREFELT |$| 164))))))))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;order;2SNni;45| (|p| |q| |$|)
+ (PROG (|u| #1=#:G103497 |ans|)
+ (SEQ
+ ((SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 9))
+ (|error| "order: arguments must be nonzero"))
+ ((|<| (SPADCALL |q| (QREFELT |$| 11)) 1)
+ (|error| "order: place must be non-trivial"))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |ans| 0 |UPOLYC-;order;2SNni;45|)
+ (SEQ G190
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |u|
+ (SPADCALL |p| |q| (QREFELT |$| 126))
+ |UPOLYC-;order;2SNni;45|)
+ ((QEQCAR |u| 1)
+ (LETT #1# |ans| |UPOLYC-;order;2SNni;45|)
+ (GO #1#)))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |p| (QCDR |u|) |UPOLYC-;order;2SNni;45|)
+ |ans|
+ (|+| |ans| 1)
+ |UPOLYC-;order;2SNni;45|)))))))
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT NIL)))))))
+ #1#
+ (EXIT #1#)))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;squareFree;SF;46| (|p| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 170)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;squareFreePart;2S;47| (|p| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 172)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;gcdPolynomial;3Sup;48| (|pp| |qq| |$|)
+ ((SPADCALL |pp| (QREFELT |$| 174)) (SPADCALL |qq| (QREFELT |$| 175)))
+ ((SPADCALL |qq| (QREFELT |$| 174)) (SPADCALL |pp| (QREFELT |$| 175)))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SPADCALL |pp| (QREFELT |$| 176))
+ (SPADCALL |qq| (QREFELT |$| 176)) (QREFELT |$| 125))
+ (SPADCALL |pp| (QREFELT |$| 177))
+ (SPADCALL |qq| (QREFELT |$| 177)) (QREFELT |$| 178))
+ (QREFELT |$| 177))
+ (QREFELT |$| 179))
+ (QREFELT |$| 175)))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;squareFreePolynomial;SupF;49| (|pp| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |pp| (QREFELT |$| 182)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;elt;F2R;50| (|f| |r| |$|)
+ (SPADCALL |f| (QREFELT |$| 141))
+ |r|
+ (QREFELT |$| 29))
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |f| (QREFELT |$| 144)) |r| (QREFELT |$| 29))
+ (QREFELT |$| 184)))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;euclideanSize;SNni;51| (|x| |$|)
+ ((SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 9))
+ (|error| "euclideanSize called on 0 in Univariate Polynomial"))
+ ((QUOTE T) (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 11)))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;divide;2SR;52| (|x| |y| |$|)
+ (PROG (|lc| |f| #1=#:G103510 |n| |quot|)
+ (SEQ
+ ((SPADCALL |y| (QREFELT |$| 9))
+ (|error| "division by 0 in Univariate Polynomials"))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |quot| (|spadConstant| |$| 60) |UPOLYC-;divide;2SR;52|)
+ (LETT |lc|
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |y| (QREFELT |$| 53)) (QREFELT |$| 187))
+ |UPOLYC-;divide;2SR;52|)
+ (SEQ G190
+ ((NULL
+ ((OR
+ (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 9))
+ (|<|
+ (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 11))
+ (SPADCALL |y| (QREFELT |$| 11))))
+ (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |f|
+ (SPADCALL |lc|
+ (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 53))
+ (QREFELT |$| 188))
+ |UPOLYC-;divide;2SR;52|)
+ (LETT |n|
+ (PROG1
+ (LETT #1#
+ (|-|
+ (SPADCALL |x| (QREFELT |$| 11))
+ (SPADCALL |y| (QREFELT |$| 11)))
+ |UPOLYC-;divide;2SR;52|)
+ (|check-subtype|
+ (|>=| #1# 0)
+ (QUOTE (|NonNegativeInteger|))
+ #1#))
+ |UPOLYC-;divide;2SR;52|)
+ (LETT |quot|
+ (SPADCALL |quot|
+ (SPADCALL |f| |n| (QREFELT |$| 49))
+ (QREFELT |$| 65))
+ |UPOLYC-;divide;2SR;52|)
+ (LETT |x|
+ (SPADCALL |f| |n| (QREFELT |$| 49))
+ |y|
+ (QREFELT |$| 71))
+ (QREFELT |$| 149))
+ |UPOLYC-;divide;2SR;52|)))
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT (CONS |quot| |x|)))))))))
+(DEFUN |UPOLYC-;integrate;2S;53| (|p| |$|)
+ (PROG (|l| |d| |ans|)
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |ans| (|spadConstant| |$| 60) |UPOLYC-;integrate;2S;53|)
+ (SEQ G190
+ ((NULL
+ ((SPADCALL |p| (|spadConstant| |$| 60) (QREFELT |$| 127))
+ ((QUOTE T) (QUOTE T)))) (GO G191)))
+ (SEQ
+ (LETT |l|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 53))
+ |UPOLYC-;integrate;2S;53|)
+ (LETT |d|
+ (|+| 1 (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 11)))
+ |UPOLYC-;integrate;2S;53|)
+ (LETT |ans|
+ (SPADCALL |ans|
+ (SPADCALL (SPADCALL |d| (QREFELT |$| 191)) (QREFELT |$| 192))
+ (SPADCALL |l| |d| (QREFELT |$| 49)) (QREFELT |$| 193))
+ (QREFELT |$| 65))
+ |UPOLYC-;integrate;2S;53|)
+ (LETT |p|
+ (SPADCALL |p| (QREFELT |$| 55))
+ |UPOLYC-;integrate;2S;53|)))
+ (GO G190)
+ G191
+ (EXIT |ans|)))))
+(DEFUN |UnivariatePolynomialCategory&| (|#1| |#2|)
+ (PROG (|DV$1| |DV$2| |dv$| |$| |pv$|)
+ (LETT |DV$1| (|devaluate| |#1|) . #1=(|UnivariatePolynomialCategory&|))
+ (LETT |DV$2| (|devaluate| |#2|) . #1#)
+ (LETT |dv$|
+ (LIST (QUOTE |UnivariatePolynomialCategory&|) |DV$1| |DV$2|) . #1#)
+ (LETT |$| (GETREFV 201) . #1#)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 0 |dv$|)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 3
+ (LETT |pv$|
+ (|buildPredVector| 0 0
+ (|HasCategory| |#2|
+ (QUOTE (|Algebra| (|Fraction| (|Integer|)))))
+ (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|Field|)))
+ (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|GcdDomain|)))
+ (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|IntegralDomain|)))
+ (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|CommutativeRing|)))
+ (|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|StepThrough|))))) . #1#))
+ (|stuffDomainSlots| |$|)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 6 |#1|)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 7 |#2|)
+ ((|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|PolynomialFactorizationExplicit|)))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 81
+ (|dispatchFunction|
+ |UPOLYC-;solveLinearPolynomialEquation;LSupU;20|)
+ |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 85
+ (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;factorPolynomial;SupF;21|)
+ |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 87
+ (|dispatchFunction|
+ |UPOLYC-;factorSquareFreePolynomial;SupF;22|)
+ |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 105
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;factor;SF;23|) |$|)))))
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 6)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 118
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;init;S;27|) |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 122
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;nextItem;SU;29|) |$|)))))
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 3)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 124
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;content;SSaosS;30|) |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 129
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;separate;2SR;32|) |$|)))))
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 5)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 133
+ (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SM2S;33|)
+ |$|)))
+ ((QUOTE T)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 133
+ (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SM2S;35|)
+ |$|)))))
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 4)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 146
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;elt;3F;39|) |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 150
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;pseudoQuotient;3S;40|) |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 152
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;pseudoDivide;2SR;41|) |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 156
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;composite;FSU;42|) |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 160
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;composite;2SU;43|) |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 167
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;elt;S2F;44|) |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 168
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;order;2SNni;45|) |$|)))))
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 3)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 171
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;squareFree;SF;46|) |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 173
+ (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;squareFreePart;2S;47|)
+ |$|)))))
+ ((|HasCategory| |#2| (QUOTE (|PolynomialFactorizationExplicit|)))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 180
+ (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;gcdPolynomial;3Sup;48|)
+ |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 183
+ (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;squareFreePolynomial;SupF;49|)
+ |$|)))))
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 2)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 185
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;elt;F2R;50|) |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 186
+ (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;euclideanSize;SNni;51|)
+ |$|))
+ (QSETREFV |$| 189
+ (CONS (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;divide;2SR;52|) |$|)))))
+ ((|testBitVector| |pv$| 1)
+ (QSETREFV |$| 194
+ (|dispatchFunction| |UPOLYC-;integrate;2S;53|)
+ |$|)))) |$|))))
+ (QUOTE |UnivariatePolynomialCategory&|)
+ (QUOTE |infovec|)
+ (|local| |#1|)
+ (|local| |#2|)
+ (|Boolean|)
+ (0 . |zero?|)
+ (|NonNegativeInteger|)
+ (5 . |degree|)
+ (|SingletonAsOrderedSet|)
+ (10 . |create|)
+ (|List| 12)
+ |UPOLYC-;variables;SL;1|
+ |UPOLYC-;degree;SSaosNni;2|
+ (14 . |totalDegree|)
+ |UPOLYC-;totalDegree;SLNni;3|
+ (|List| 10)
+ |UPOLYC-;degree;SLL;4|
+ (19 . |eval|)
+ (|List| |$|)
+ |UPOLYC-;eval;SLLS;5|
+ (26 . |elt|)
+ |UPOLYC-;eval;SSaos2S;6|
+ (32 . |eval|)
+ (|List| 7)
+ |UPOLYC-;eval;SLLS;7|
+ (39 . |elt|)
+ (45 . |coerce|)
+ |UPOLYC-;eval;SSaosRS;8|
+ (|Equation| 6)
+ (50 . |lhs|)
+ (|Union| 12 (QUOTE "failed"))
+ (55 . |mainVariable|)
+ (60 . |rhs|)
+ (|List| 197)
+ |UPOLYC-;eval;SLS;9|
+ |UPOLYC-;mainVariable;SU;10|
+ (65 . |minimumDegree|)
+ |UPOLYC-;minimumDegree;SSaosNni;11|
+ |UPOLYC-;minimumDegree;SLL;12|
+ (70 . |+|)
+ (|Mapping| 10 10)
+ (76 . |mapExponents|)
+ |UPOLYC-;monomial;SSaosNniS;13|
+ (82 . |One|)
+ (86 . |One|)
+ (90 . |monomial|)
+ |UPOLYC-;coerce;SaosS;14|
+ (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| 7)
+ (96 . |Zero|)
+ (100 . |leadingCoefficient|)
+ (105 . |monomial|)
+ (111 . |reductum|)
+ (116 . |makeSUP|)
+ (121 . |+|)
+ |UPOLYC-;makeSUP;SSup;15|
+ (127 . |zero?|)
+ (132 . |Zero|)
+ (136 . |leadingCoefficient|)
+ (141 . |degree|)
+ (146 . |reductum|)
+ (151 . |unmakeSUP|)
+ (156 . |+|)
+ |UPOLYC-;unmakeSUP;SupS;16|
+ (|Record| (|:| |quotient| |$|) (|:| |remainder| |$|))
+ (162 . |monicDivide|)
+ |UPOLYC-;karatsubaDivide;SNniR;17|
+ |UPOLYC-;shiftRight;SNniS;18|
+ (168 . |*|)
+ |UPOLYC-;shiftLeft;SNniS;19|
+ (|Union| 74 (QUOTE "failed"))
+ (|List| 75)
+ (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| 6)
+ (|PolynomialFactorizationByRecursionUnivariate| 7 6)
+ (174 . |solveLinearPolynomialEquationByRecursion|)
+ (|Union| 79 (QUOTE "failed"))
+ (|List| 80)
+ (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| |$|)
+ (180 . |solveLinearPolynomialEquation|)
+ (|Factored| 75)
+ (186 . |factorByRecursion|)
+ (|Factored| 80)
+ (191 . |factorPolynomial|)
+ (196 . |factorSquareFreeByRecursion|)
+ (201 . |factorSquareFreePolynomial|)
+ (|Factored| |$|)
+ (206 . |factor|)
+ (|Factored| 7)
+ (211 . |unit|)
+ (|Union| (QUOTE "nil") (QUOTE "sqfr") (QUOTE "irred") (QUOTE "prime"))
+ (|Record| (|:| |flg| 92) (|:| |fctr| 7) (|:| |xpnt| 109))
+ (|List| 93)
+ (216 . |factorList|)
+ (|Record| (|:| |flg| 92) (|:| |fctr| 6) (|:| |xpnt| 109))
+ (|List| 96)
+ (|Factored| 6)
+ (221 . |makeFR|)
+ (227 . |factorPolynomial|)
+ (|Mapping| 6 51)
+ (|Factored| 51)
+ (|FactoredFunctions2| 51 6)
+ (232 . |map|)
+ (238 . |factor|)
+ (243 . |Zero|)
+ (|Vector| 7)
+ (247 . |new|)
+ (|Integer|)
+ (253 . |minIndex|)
+ (258 . |coefficient|)
+ (264 . |qsetelt!|)
+ |UPOLYC-;vectorise;SNniV;24|
+ |UPOLYC-;retract;SR;25|
+ (|Union| 7 (QUOTE "failed"))
+ |UPOLYC-;retractIfCan;SU;26|
+ (271 . |init|)
+ (275 . |init|)
+ (|Union| |$| (QUOTE "failed"))
+ (279 . |nextItem|)
+ (284 . |One|)
+ (288 . |nextItem|)
+ (293 . |content|)
+ (298 . |content|)
+ (304 . |gcd|)
+ (310 . |exquo|)
+ (316 . |=|)
+ (|Record| (|:| |primePart| |$|) (|:| |commonPart| |$|))
+ (322 . |separate|)
+ (328 . |Zero|)
+ (332 . |*|)
+ (|Mapping| 7 7)
+ (338 . |differentiate|)
+ (345 . |*|)
+ (351 . |differentiate|)
+ |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SMS;36|
+ |UPOLYC-;differentiate;2S;37|
+ (358 . |differentiate|)
+ |UPOLYC-;differentiate;SSaosS;38|
+ (|Fraction| 6)
+ (363 . |numer|)
+ (|Fraction| |$|)
+ (368 . |elt|)
+ (374 . |denom|)
+ (379 . |/|)
+ (385 . |elt|)
+ (391 . |**|)
+ (397 . |pseudoRemainder|)
+ (403 . |-|)
+ (409 . |pseudoQuotient|)
+ (|Record| (|:| |coef| 7) (|:| |quotient| |$|) (|:| |remainder| |$|))
+ (415 . |pseudoDivide|)
+ (421 . |composite|)
+ (427 . |/|)
+ (|Union| 142 (QUOTE "failed"))
+ (433 . |composite|)
+ (439 . |ground?|)
+ (444 . |pseudoDivide|)
+ (450 . |exquo|)
+ (456 . |composite|)
+ (462 . |Zero|)
+ (466 . |coerce|)
+ (471 . |**|)
+ (477 . |*|)
+ (483 . |+|)
+ (489 . |**|)
+ (495 . |elt|)
+ (501 . |order|)
+ (|UnivariatePolynomialSquareFree| 7 6)
+ (507 . |squareFree|)
+ (512 . |squareFree|)
+ (517 . |squareFreePart|)
+ (522 . |squareFreePart|)
+ (527 . |zero?|)
+ (532 . |unitCanonical|)
+ (537 . |content|)
+ (542 . |primitivePart|)
+ (547 . |subResultantGcd|)
+ (553 . |*|)
+ (559 . |gcdPolynomial|)
+ (|UnivariatePolynomialSquareFree| 6 75)
+ (565 . |squareFree|)
+ (570 . |squareFreePolynomial|)
+ (575 . |/|)
+ (581 . |elt|)
+ (587 . |euclideanSize|)
+ (592 . |inv|)
+ (597 . |*|)
+ (603 . |divide|)
+ (|Fraction| 109)
+ (609 . |coerce|)
+ (614 . |inv|)
+ (619 . |*|)
+ (625 . |integrate|)
+ (|Symbol|)
+ (|List| 195)
+ (|Equation| |$|)
+ (|Union| 109 (QUOTE "failed"))
+ (|Union| 190 (QUOTE "failed"))
+ (|OutputForm|)))
+ #(|vectorise| 630 |variables| 636 |unmakeSUP| 641 |totalDegree| 646
+ |squareFreePolynomial| 652 |squareFreePart| 657 |squareFree| 662
+ |solveLinearPolynomialEquation| 667 |shiftRight| 673 |shiftLeft| 679
+ |separate| 685 |retractIfCan| 691 |retract| 696 |pseudoQuotient| 701
+ |pseudoDivide| 707 |order| 713 |nextItem| 719 |monomial| 724
+ |minimumDegree| 731 |makeSUP| 743 |mainVariable| 748
+ |karatsubaDivide| 753 |integrate| 759 |init| 764 |gcdPolynomial| 768
+ |factorSquareFreePolynomial| 774 |factorPolynomial| 779 |factor| 784
+ |eval| 789 |euclideanSize| 823 |elt| 828 |divide| 846
+ |differentiate| 852 |degree| 876 |content| 888 |composite| 894
+ |coerce| 906))
+ (|makeByteWordVec2| 1 (QUOTE NIL))
+ (QUOTE #())
+ (QUOTE #())
+ (|makeByteWordVec2| 194
+ (1 6 8 0 9 1 6 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 1 6 10 0 17 3 6 0 0 12 0 21 2
+ 6 0 0 0 24 3 6 0 0 12 7 26 2 6 7 0 7 29 1 6 0 7 30 1 32 6 0 33
+ 1 6 34 0 35 1 32 6 0 36 1 6 10 0 40 2 10 0 0 0 43 2 6 0 44 0
+ 45 0 6 0 47 0 7 0 48 2 6 0 7 10 49 0 51 0 52 1 6 7 0 53 2 51
+ 0 7 10 54 1 6 0 0 55 1 6 51 0 56 2 51 0 0 0 57 1 51 8 0 59 0
+ 6 0 60 1 51 7 0 61 1 51 10 0 62 1 51 0 0 63 1 6 0 51 64 2 6 0
+ 0 0 65 2 6 67 0 0 68 2 6 0 0 0 71 2 76 73 74 75 77 2 0 78 79
+ 80 81 1 76 82 75 83 1 0 84 80 85 1 76 82 75 86 1 0 84 80 87 1
+ 7 88 0 89 1 90 7 0 91 1 90 94 0 95 2 98 0 6 97 99 1 7 84 80
+ 100 2 103 98 101 102 104 1 0 88 0 105 0 7 0 106 2 107 0 10 7
+ 108 1 107 109 0 110 2 6 7 0 10 111 3 107 7 0 109 7 112 0 7 0
+ 117 0 0 0 118 1 7 119 0 120 0 75 0 121 1 0 119 0 122 1 6 7 0
+ 123 2 0 0 0 12 124 2 6 0 0 0 125 2 6 119 0 0 126 2 6 8 0 0 127
+ 2 0 128 0 0 129 0 75 0 130 2 7 0 10 0 131 3 0 0 0 132 0 133 2
+ 6 0 7 0 134 3 6 0 0 132 0 135 1 6 0 0 138 1 140 6 0 141 2 6
+ 142 0 142 143 1 140 6 0 144 2 140 0 0 0 145 2 0 142 142 142
+ 146 2 7 0 0 10 147 2 6 0 0 0 148 2 6 0 0 0 149 2 0 0 0 0 150
+ 2 0 151 0 0 152 2 6 119 0 0 153 2 140 0 6 6 154 2 0 155 142 0
+ 156 1 6 8 0 157 2 6 151 0 0 158 2 6 119 0 7 159 2 0 119 0 0
+ 160 0 140 0 161 1 140 0 6 162 2 140 0 0 109 163 2 140 0 0 0
+ 164 2 140 0 0 0 165 2 140 0 0 10 166 2 0 142 0 142 167 2 0 10
+ 0 0 168 1 169 98 6 170 1 0 88 0 171 1 169 6 6 172 1 0 0 0 173
+ 1 75 8 0 174 1 75 0 0 175 1 75 6 0 176 1 75 0 0 177 2 75 0 0
+ 0 178 2 75 0 6 0 179 2 0 80 80 80 180 1 181 82 75 182 1 0 84
+ 80 183 2 7 0 0 0 184 2 0 7 142 7 185 1 0 10 0 186 1 7 0 0 187
+ 2 7 0 0 0 188 2 0 67 0 0 189 1 190 0 109 191 1 190 0 0 192 2
+ 6 0 190 0 193 1 0 0 0 194 2 0 107 0 10 113 1 0 14 0 15 1 0 0
+ 51 66 2 0 10 0 14 18 1 0 84 80 183 1 0 0 0 173 1 0 88 0 171 2
+ 0 78 79 80 81 2 0 0 0 10 70 2 0 0 0 10 72 2 0 128 0 0 129 1 0
+ 115 0 116 1 0 7 0 114 2 0 0 0 0 150 2 0 151 0 0 152 2 0 10 0
+ 0 168 1 0 119 0 122 3 0 0 0 12 10 46 2 0 19 0 14 42 2 0 10 0
+ 12 41 1 0 51 0 58 1 0 34 0 39 2 0 67 0 10 69 1 0 0 0 194 0 0
+ 0 118 2 0 80 80 80 180 1 0 84 80 87 1 0 84 80 85 1 0 88 0 105
+ 3 0 0 0 12 0 25 3 0 0 0 14 22 23 3 0 0 0 14 27 28 3 0 0 0 12
+ 7 31 2 0 0 0 37 38 1 0 10 0 186 2 0 142 0 142 167 2 0 7 142 7
+ 185 2 0 142 142 142 146 2 0 67 0 0 189 3 0 0 0 132 0 133 2 0
+ 0 0 132 136 1 0 0 0 137 2 0 0 0 12 139 2 0 10 0 12 16 2 0 19
+ 0 14 20 2 0 0 0 12 124 2 0 119 0 0 160 2 0 155 142 0 156 1 0
+ 0 12 50))))))
+ (QUOTE |lookupComplete|)))
+\section{package UPOLYC2 UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2}
+<<package UPOLYC2 UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2>>=
+)abbrev package UPOLYC2 UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2
+++ Author:
+++ Date Created:
+++ Date Last Updated:
+++ Basic Functions:
+++ Related Constructors:
+++ Also See:
+++ AMS Classifications:
+++ Keywords:
+++ References:
+++ Description:
+++ Mapping from polynomials over R to polynomials over S
+++ given a map from R to S assumed to send zero to zero.
+UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(R,PR,S,PS): Exports == Impl where
+ R, S: Ring
+ PR : UnivariatePolynomialCategory R
+ PS : UnivariatePolynomialCategory S
+ Exports ==> with
+ map: (R -> S, PR) -> PS
+ ++ map(f, p) takes a function f from R to S,
+ ++ and applies it to each (non-zero) coefficient of a polynomial p
+ ++ over R, getting a new polynomial over S.
+ ++ Note: since the map is not applied to zero elements, it may map zero
+ ++ to zero.
+ Impl ==> add
+ map(f, p) ==
+ ans:PS := 0
+ while p ^= 0 repeat
+ ans := ans + monomial(f leadingCoefficient p, degree p)
+ p := reductum p
+ ans
+\section{package COMMUPC CommuteUnivariatePolynomialCategory}
+<<package COMMUPC CommuteUnivariatePolynomialCategory>>=
+)abbrev package COMMUPC CommuteUnivariatePolynomialCategory
+++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
+++ Date Created:
+++ Date Last Updated:
+++ Basic Functions:
+++ Related Constructors:
+++ Also See:
+++ AMS Classifications:
+++ Keywords:
+++ References:
+++ Description:
+++ A package for swapping the order of two variables in a tower of two
+++ UnivariatePolynomialCategory extensions.
+CommuteUnivariatePolynomialCategory(R, UP, UPUP): Exports == Impl where
+ R : Ring
+ UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory R
+ UPUP: UnivariatePolynomialCategory UP
+ N ==> NonNegativeInteger
+ Exports ==> with
+ swap: UPUP -> UPUP
+ ++ swap(p(x,y)) returns p(y,x).
+ Impl ==> add
+ makePoly: (UP, N) -> UPUP
+-- converts P(x,y) to P(y,x)
+ swap poly ==
+ ans:UPUP := 0
+ while poly ^= 0 repeat
+ ans := ans + makePoly(leadingCoefficient poly, degree poly)
+ poly := reductum poly
+ ans
+ makePoly(poly, d) ==
+ ans:UPUP := 0
+ while poly ^= 0 repeat
+ ans := ans +
+ monomial(monomial(leadingCoefficient poly, d), degree poly)
+ poly := reductum poly
+ ans
+--Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
+--All rights reserved.
+--Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+--modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+-- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+-- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+-- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+-- distribution.
+-- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
+-- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+-- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+<<category AMR AbelianMonoidRing>>
+<<category FAMR FiniteAbelianMonoidRing>>
+<<category POLYCAT PolynomialCategory>>
+<<package POLYLIFT PolynomialCategoryLifting>>
+<<category UPOLYC UnivariatePolynomialCategory>>
+<<package UPOLYC2 UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2>>
+<<package COMMUPC CommuteUnivariatePolynomialCategory>>
+\bibitem{1} nothing